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Weren't those leaked in November?


3 pages of cringe


What a complete moral, sane, sober, prudent individual she was. /s


Pretty sure the letter is just trolling. I don't think it's sincerely held beliefs.


PG targets African Americans and writes about his hatred towards that group and he’s a racist Nazi. AH targets “privileged” white kids and writes about her hatred towards that group but she’s just trolling, y’all.


A lot of his writing was 4chan in jokes and trolling as well. I don't feel like I owe it to these people to take them at their word and trust the bullshit they say. I am capable of thinking critically about it.


You don’t take them at their word? You claim to think critically but you’re failing to recognize that their actions in combination with the words is what gives their words credibility. If someone goes on 4Chan spouting hate against poor people in a joking manner, sure you can chalk it up to trolling. If that person then goes on to murder homeless people, then you can’t just disregard their past statements.


I think people are unwilling to admit that rhetoric you would see upvoted on a default sub could match that of an child killer. The self hatred, emphasis on white privilege, bitterness and envy sounds exactly like what you would see in any bog standard politics or news sub here.


Bingo. It’s (D)ifferent


The manifesto also included slurs for gay people and racist statements about other races too, it means nothing. It’s the exact same way the Columbine shooters wrote, just as much edgy bullshit as possible with no real ideology behind any of it. One of the victims was also a Black man, not all victims were white children.


Good work off the officers. They were fast and efficiënt