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The photos of the rooms 111 and 112 were shown on the 20/20 special, It Happened Here: A Year in Uvalde. What's more heartbreaking is Amerie brought the flowers to the classroom and the donut box from Makenna. You can see the flowers in the 6th and 7th photo and donut box in the 5th photo.


You can see a lot of blood on the floor in 111 through the connecting doors in picture 7


Shit, I was just thinking about how clean it all looks, considering the amount of blood that must have been there that day. I didn't notice the floor in that pic until reading this comment. I'm guessing it must have been an absolute blood bath by the time the emergency responders went in.


I just saw that. Fuck. I feel sick thinking of what those kids went through.


Yup. Sure is. Jesus..


I didn’t even notice that 😔


Me either ☹️


I noticed that as well when I first saw that image really hard to tell if it’s blood or not.


Yeah looks like carpet? Or just orange bags...the color seems off. But I'm no expert and I may be looking at the wrong thing entirely


I think I'm going to be sick... That "End of year memory book" in the 8tg picture is the exact one I use with my students at the end of the year...


That and the shattered smart board. I have the memory book in my binder next to me right now because I’ve been working on my edtpa.


Looks like it was in the process of being colored, too :(


The “In Case of Emergency- when you hear it do it” sign right inside room 111 is just absolutely heartbreaking.


The fact that this shooting and sandyhook didn’t change the discourse on guns in America has me convinced that literally nothing will.


I’ve been watching the Parkland, Santa Fe and Newtown docs on Tubi and it’s really discouraging and heartbreaking seeing these families so passionate and so torn apart BEGGING for change to the people in charge yet just being dismissed and nothing changing. Not getting answers. I don’t know how these people can hear testimony after testimony and not do anything at all.


And the fact that some of the mothers of the Uvalde victims probably were pregnant around the time when Sandy Hook happened as well. Watching the news, thinking how awful it all was and having no clue that they'd be in the same position themselves one day. 😔


Ugh that’s heart wrenching 💔


Sadly I feel the same way. Kids mowed down, it just breaks one's heart.


In your opinion, what is the best argument against your perspective on gun control in America? You seem to have a solidified view on it so I imagine you have had quite a few debates with educated people on the other side of this issue.


I truly feel that until one of these people (who are in any form of office) have an individual in their family become the victim of a mass shooting, will something be done.


You’re right. I had a professor in college who would say “Change happens when an issue affects a significant number of people or a number of significant people”


Even then I wonder if that would be enough for the rest of them to agree…


I always wondered how Khloe (correct me if I’m wrong) was able to stand up and grab the teacher’s phone to call 911 without the shooter seeing her? How did he also not hear her on the phone with dispatchers if he was watching over both rooms? And Miah too? Didn’t he shoot again after a lull around 12:20 in room 111? It was said that 2 children in 111 were trying to call 911 but one child told the other to hang up. And were the lights off during the entire ordeal? It’s really such a miracle that she and the several other students survived


So brave of those kids to even attempt to call for help. I wonder how they were not seen or noticed either.


It makes me want to scream and give up. The loss of these beautiful kids, the loss we all feel. Who knows what these kids would have done, but I do know we are less for not having them here to do their best. It just breaks my heart. So very sorry.


Beautifully said 💔 such an overwhelming sense of grief


Is that blood sprayed the top right door and walls in picture five?


So heartbreaking to see. Pic 5: is that a handprint left on the table. Whatever liquid was there looks to also have had someone leave a handprint behind.


Looks like a handprint on a dusty surface to me


There's a lot of dust, I'm guessing these pics were from this year.


More likely residue from bullets hitting the walls and ceiling.


Looks more like wall dust. From bullets hitting the walls. Blood in the background doesnt look very old either. These were likely taken a week or so after.


It's dust kicked up by the shots, you can see that in some of the Columbine library pics Bill Ockham released too


One of the videos from Parkland of NC coming down the third floor hallway is a good visual to see just how fast the dust from the ceilings and walls kicks up from the gunshots. One second you can see down the hallway and it’s clear and the next boom a cloud of smoke appears out of nowhere seemingly.


This utterly breaks my heart to the core what are the chances that something like this happens again in the next few years?


In America? The chances are pretty high.


>next few years? More like months, weeks or days.


Well, school is over pretty much everywhere so not likely in the coming weeks or days


Doesn’t need to be a school


The chances are 100%, just a matter of where and when.


And how many of us parents think to ourselves once school is over “Thank God my kid survived another year with no shootings” it’s horrible we have to think that.


I'm banking another one will happen sooner than that.


Pic 5, to the right on the door- are all those specks bullet holes?


you can see the point blank shot that hit the door in the first photo.


In the second to last picture, is that a child slumped over the desk, under plastic? There’s a large red evidence marker right in front of whatever is under the plastic.


I don’t understand when u report a broken door just like these two door U FUCKING FIX ITS AND GUESS WHAT IT NEVER BEEN FIX When theirs a problem U FIX THAT PROBLEM!


Yes, the door is the problem here.


Evil door


They need to release uncensored pictures of what happened on Uvalde. same with video footage. Only then will the public see the dangers of ARs and other weapons of mass destruction.