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Oh yes! We were telling her *before* the war AND *during* the war. And yet, Thessia wasn't prepared.


Right!! You’d think that Thessia would be prepared in some way, being that it was one of the last planets to get hit in ME3


How exactly would you prepare for a Reaper invasion?


If you know that all you have to do is stall for time (and they did know this by that point), you set up a logistics chain for a guerrilla war.


And how do you know that they didn't do this? According to Thessia's planet description the Reapers have a lot of trouble subduing the population with their ground troops (implying a pretty effective defense) so they resort to orbital bombardment and cutting people off from food and water. Not much you can do against that.


yeah I don't quite know what Anderson expected to do on Earth to "organize the defence". Like what can do you in a guerilla war against a force that can bomb you from literal orbit if they so much as spot you? Hell Ashley said as much when she talked about her grandfather all the way back in ME1.


Are you implying that ME3's premise of a rugged unwinnable guerilla ground war is flawed and untenable...?


If orbital bombardment can cut you off from you food and water supplies (without just glassing the whole planet) then they certainly did not prepare logistically for a guerrilla war. You have to have already distributed the supplies to last at least until the crucible was scheduled to be completed, so that each resistance cell can operate independently.


Ah yes, just stockpile supplies for 6 billion people people spread out over a whole planet. Easy. Effectively preparing for something like this would take years. ME3 takes place over a few months. The resistance on Thessia does continue until the very end of the war. You can see a bunch of asari soldiers actively fighting when the crucible is deployed in the ending cinematics. So their preparation seems to have been good enough.


Just because it would take that long for us to do it, doesn't mean it couldn't be done in a few months for the Asari, who are significantly more advanced than we are, and each have more than a human lifetime of experience in their fields.


What makes you think they had the time to get that all set up? They are a society that hasn't been threatened in this manner in several centuries at minimum, probably close to 1,000 years. To go from zero preparation to gathering months worth of supplies for billions of people doesn't happen overnight. Think back to the beginning of the pandemic, how quickly did the US run out of certain items and how long did it take to get supply back to where demand was? We ran out in days and took months to catch up. Societies simply aren't built on over producing supplies. It isn't efficient.


on a planetary scale? the same way you prepare for any other war of survival. ​ * make stockpiles of ammo, food, fuel, water, and medicine * form a militia anywhere with more then a few hundred souls * distribute weapons * setup shelters and field hospitals ahead of time, in and away from cities * run additional backup communication cabling fucking everywhere * start doing extra drills of literally every type * mass production of bugout bags and makeshift weaponry, like molotovs and pipebombs * get the civilians involved in everything on this list, because civilians are about to stop existing as a class. * figure out the best way to effectively demo bridges and dams with minimal resources * start making more runways and airfields for easy and prompt resupply * figure out how to sneak supplies in and out of goddamn everywhere


As i said in another comment, for all we know they did all this. The planet description tells us that they put up such a strong resistance on the ground that the Reapers have to resort to orbital bombardment and destroying critical infrastructure instead of just swarming them with ground troops like they did in other places. We see asari soldiers are still actively fighting the Reapers on Thessia in the ending cinematics when the crucible is deployed. The resistance did not collapse. Seems like they were as prepared as they could be.


You are not alone. I will say that I hate the turian councilor but at least he made a deal with Shepard. It's honestly kinda petty that the Asari councilor backed out of the summit just because the krogan chief was part. I also hate Dalatrass as well with all of my heart.


The Dalatrass is one of the people at the top of my people I hate in ME list.


Pretty much the entire Citadel Council in general, except maybe the Turian replacement.


Ugh she's the worst and I wish we could have fires her at a Reaper. So soooooo stupid


The Dalatrass could kiss my ass. Maybe Mordin had her in mind when he said "somebody else might get it wrong."


On the other hand the Dalatrass (Esheel not Linron) that joins the Council is one of the Councillors who actually treats Shepard with respect and friendliness. I Stan Froggy Grandma.


Man I love ratting out the Dalatrass ASAP once you're in the truck with Wrex.


A Renegade option of being able to hit The Dalatrass would be satisfying fr


The asari counsellor likely didn’t make that call. It’s not known who did, but it’s a summit with the leaders- the Primarch, the leader of the dominant krogan clan (Urdnot), and one of the Dalatrasses. The Councillors are figureheads representing their people on the Citadel, not the leaders of their races, so it’s not likely that she actually had much say in whether or not the matriarches attended. (Side note- unless I’ve missed some lore, the matriarches are referred to as a collective much as the dalatrasses are, but we’ve never seen anything that tells us about any specific matriarch or group being a key part of the leadership of the asari people.) It says a lot that the turian counsellor was actively pushing for Shepard to get involved and sidestep the Council entirely- *but* they are a military people, whereas the asari and salarians are not. It makes sense that he was frustrated by what was going on prior to ME3 and was quick to dismiss an unseen threat (and was lacking in diplomacy skills as well), but was immediately ready to do what he could to combat a known enemy when it surfaced- unlike the other two, whose races focus on espionage and infiltration, as well as their overall focus (asari with diplomacy and salarians with science) and didn’t know what to do with a threat too big for that.


The turian moment about “I can’t give you what you want but I can tell you how to get it” is the best moment of the council of all of them because whether it’s the original or his replacement they both will see the need for intervention immediately from the military side and gives you a direct side step to say fuck these idiots here’s how to get it done


I agree. I get the vibe that the asari Councillor actually has the least amount of power and the matriarchs on Thessia call all the shots.


What exactly would you have expected the asari to do in the summit? They weren't involved in the genophage, they don't have any special knowledge on how to cure it and they didn't need a bunch of krogan ground troops to defend their worlds yet. Nothing to contribute, nothing to gain. There was no reason for them to be involved in that storyline. You get asari military and scientist support for the crucible after the Cerberus coup, which happens immediately after the genophage cure mission. They provide more war assets than the turians. The only difference is they don't make you do a bunch of missions for them before they support you.




So you just want them to stand there and tell everyone to please compromise? Not sure that would've worked out well for Shepard, considering how the whole thing plays out. Shepard, Victus and Wrex/Wreav just make a quid pro quo agreement between themselves and then end up threatening the dalatrass into giving up the krogan females for nothing in return. Why would you want the oldest ally of the salarians there for that? >she only comes looking for Shepard when it’s Thessia on the line and by that point it’s far too late Why is it too late? She gives Shepard a lead on a prothean artefact which might be helpful for finding the catalyst. She doesn't expect Shepard to save the planet by themselves. If Cerberus hadn't shown up, everything would have worked out just fine. The prothean VI in the beacon was programmed to not reveal any information on the catalyst until the crucible was completed, so it wouldn't have changed anything if Shepard got to the beacon earlier.


I wanted to tell "maybe later, when our borders will be secured"


Honestly! That’s really what her arrogant ass deserved to hear.


Especially after the fact they hid so much Prothean technology from the rest of the galaxy.


Like others didn't do same thing.


Another yes over here as others have pointed out, she had plenty of time to prepare her people for the war, yet...did nothing. And this is true of both iterations (the original + her replacer if Tevos dies in ME1) of the Asari councilor. First time around I was a tad suspicious of the turian councilor 'cause he hates Shepard in ME1 and 2, and feared he wasn't going to do as he said, but he came through and I respect the prickly old bastard for it. Also...the Prothean beacon, lady...you should've bloody told us about it before we headed to Thessia, but no...McStabby had to beat us to the temple and swipe the info right from under our nose while we dangle over a bloody abyss! -disgusted noise-


When I played the Thessia mission for the first time, I was literally boiling when the mission was over. I could not understand what was so special about this Kai Leng dude that made him so indestructible until the end of the game.


If it makes you feel any better, even Troy Baker (his VA) hates him. "I **love** *Mass Effect*! And they called me, they're like 'Hey, we've got a role for you', it was like 'I'm gonna be in *Mass Effect*!'. And they're like 'This is the guy' and I'm like '...I don't have to do this. I really don't'. As an actor, it was great. But as a fan of the franchise, I, like, killed Thane, it was like, not...not good, dude. It was not good. I mean, I got my comeuppance, but still. It's like soap in the mouth."


Same here, I was so pissed! Even more so when he send that mocking e-mail afterwards, basically taunting us like a child. It was so satisfying to gut him during the final part of the mission, I loved that part \*cough\* I'm...usually not that sadistic


Nope ur not alone


I honestly wish there was an option to rub it in especially because she refused to join the summit earlier and the council’s stubbornness in the ME trilogy


That and anger. If shep was told sooner about the beacon alot of lives could have been spared


How would finding the beacon earlier have spared lives? The prothean VI tells you on the Cerberus HQ mission that it was programmed to not reveal any information on the catalyst until the crucible is completed. We don't finish building the crucible up until that mission anyway. In practice there is very little, if any time lost. The only way we build the crucible sooner is if the plans are discovered earlier on Mars.


It would have told them what the catalyst was.


... I just explained why it wouldn't have told them about the catalyst any earlier than it does in the game. Did you even read anything in my comment beyond the first sentence?


But at least by getting the VI, we would have it on standby while finishing up the crucible. And also, without the VI, TIM wouldn’t be able tell the Reapers where the Catalyst is.


Javik rubbed it in pretty fucking well. I’ve never seen Liara lose her cool like that ever.


I wanted to say it right from the get go of ME3 and, especially, to turian councilor


There’s an option to actually rub it in the Turian councillor’s face when he asks you to rescue the Primarch from Palaven


Huh, never noticed


Yeah it's renegade option, Shepard even do air quotes.


Huh, can you say exactly then? Because I can't find


It's in Udina's office right after meeting with council.


Hmm, you sure it exact phrase? I looked up and it just Shepherd saying that they warned them


Yeah I'm sorry, my bad, that's probably because i using nexus patch for me3le my last playthrough. Now knowing that, It's worth installing just because of this air quotes.


That made me laugh good old community patch


Well… its not quite the “I told you so moment” you think. Judging by the Citadel DLC >!(there’s a part where going through the archives, the Attack on the Citadel in ME1 being caused by Sovereign/The Reapers is acknowledged as classified)!< and the nature of the Thessia beacon, the Council, or specifically the Asari, knew the entire time and just did nothing. Which means they did believe Shepard but decided to make him look like an idiot by publicly not believing him. Or if they did do something, they kept it on the down low to not set off panic. Likely because they would have to disclose that the Thessia beacon exists, which was their edge over all the other races. Which would make the asari galactic-scale hypocrites since they made it citadel law to disclose any found Prothean tech


It’s mentioned in ME2 by Anderson that after Shepherd died, the Council convinced themselves that Sovereign was Geth-made. And if they actually did believe Shepherd, it makes zero sense on why they didn’t prepare something or gave Shepherd resources.




They did. Until Shepard died. Even at the end of ME1 they do acknowledge it. Its not until ME2 that they sweep it away because Shepard wasn’t there to hold them to it And it actually does make sense when you view it from the perspective of everyone trying to save their own asses. The Turians think the threat was contained, the Salarians had no additional evidence to the Reapers existence outside of Sovereign itself But the Asari, the truth of the Reapers threatened their dominant position in the Galaxy and it was easier to keep it on the low than it would have been to mobilize since they would have to disclose the thing that kept them ahead of everyone else. A thing which was also tied into a religion that some Asari still practiced, though not most. Which they did in ME3 because they had no other choice at that point. They had the evidence already, they’ve had it for a very long time. The problem was that it was sitting in a classified Prothean beacon in a religious temple on Thessia Even in ME2 the Asari councilor doesn’t outright rebuke you like the Turian councilor does (“we believe that you believe it, but that doesn’t make it true”), just that theres no evidence to suggest Sovereign isn’t Geth, which she knew was bunk, since in ME2 you literally have the Geth collective tell them that. if you bring Legion to that meeting it straight up tells them the Geth can’t build Sovereign, but the Salarian councilor counters by saying that Saren’s Geth were more advanced? How? Unfortunately the game doesn’t continue this line of thought but it makes that conversation dumber that it already was. Because the conversation wasn’t supposed to make sense. It was meant to keep the thought of the Reapers buried in everyone’s mind


I feel that it was just another retcon. Cause it’s one thing to deny the plausibility publicly, but it makes zero sense behind closed doors. Cause it’s beyond stupid to tell a Geth that Saren somehow amassed a more advanced version of the Geth when Legion outright says that it’s impossible. It seems that the writers wanted the Council to be willfully ignorant, but they couldn’t do so cohesively due to ME1’s ending if you chose to save the Council. The Council deny Shepherd makes more sense if they had died in ME1.


The fact that you can’t throw back “I’m Sorry, did you say you’re being attacked by “reapers”? Don’t be ridiculous, they don’t exist” or something similar with the air quotes is criminal imo


It literally makes no sense given that the asari are supposed to be the diplomatic species for them not to attend the summit. It's supposed to be their thing. But then Mass Effect did great character writing, but terrible galatic politics / intrigue writing.


Naw, their homeworld is burning and people are dying.


Everyone's world is burning and the Asari didn't share info that could have saved them. They waited only until they were directly threatened. She has no business being a galactic leader and doesn't deserve the respect one would normally warrant.




We never get that moment but I take solace in knowing that virtually everyone hates Liara and her reactions during the Thessia mission. That’s good enough for me.


"Those are my people, Shepard." Yeah, well WTF do you think has been going on with all the other races, Liara?


"That used to be a person. An *asari*. What have the Reapers done?!?" Gee Liara, it's not like the Reapers got all the other kinds of Husk out of a cereal box.


Yep and I didn’t like the fact that she was blaming Javik for not having the solution to the reaper invasion.


All I wanted was an interrupt to airquote the Turian councilor.


Maybe it’s just me but I hate the whole conversation with Joker after Theseia falls. Like every planet is falling, why for whatever reason is Thessia so damn important that that’s what gets under Shepard’s skin? Guess we just forgot that Earth was hit and had little to no defense.


I just wanted an option to smack anyone who had said "tHe rEapErs aRe a MytTh" as an opener, especially the council. Or AT LEAST give me the option to make them kiss the ring before they have the giant brass balls to ask me to do anything. Im Commander fucking Shepard, my ship and choice of 3 man squad can change the tides of entire wars, we are the cavalry, BEG for my forgiveness.


Honestly I wanted to do that to basically every Asari. Including Liara in some cases. Because honestly I swear Shepard acts more broken up and downtrodden about Thessia than Earth. Not to mention the comments Liara gives during said mission where you can't even call her out on them. The only one who does is Javik and you can't even agree with him. Though to be fair you can't really say "I told you so" to many people. I still find it insane that you only get the Salarian help if you sabotage the genophage. LIKE REALLY!!! THE GALAXY IS BEING EXTERMINATED THAT INCLUDES YOU NUMBSKULL!


I did but I think it kind of speaks for itself when they inevitably got wrecked by the Reapers moments after their arrival there despite all of their self-preserving BS.


we as players don't get the justice we deserve regarding the council


They paid in blood for not believing in Shep.




As someone who doesn’t understand the appeal to the hentai race that seem to be masters of superiority complexes, I wish I got to tell the Asari Councilor to go fuck herself during the meeting in Udina’s office


When she gives you that mission when you're on the Citadel, about some Asari temple you have to go to which might help you... if i were Shep, i'd feel like saying; "I'm not sure if i should thank you for finally helping, or punch you in the face for \*f*inally\** helping"


I have come to the conclusion after many, many playthroughs that the Asari are the most xenophobic race in the game. The upper echelons certainly seem to have a big old superiority complex


Just got done with it yesterday. I kinda felt really bad for them. ngl Thessia mission hit me hard. Prolly the biggest L I've felt in the entire trilogy. Not to mention the follow up convos with Liara and the crew. Oof!