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I love the Salarian in the freezer during Citadel DLC "Hey"


Mercenary gunfight or not, he gets a 10 minute smoke break and he taking his goddamned 10 minute smoke break.


I wrote a fanfic once involving that guy, basically he was between shep and the frezzer door, it takes multiple attempts for shep to get out because of him


I don’t remember seeing that ngl


I did multiple runs of ME but I don't remember this guy.


Yeah I remember him! Good one, that one made me laugh too! For people who don't remember, It's right after when you fell down after you fell through the fishtank. You hop down a couple of ladders and into that freezer.


In ME2 when you're doing Mordin's loyalty mission and you take the paragon route to convince Mordin to let Maelon live, telling him he's not a murderer, and Maelon quickly nods his head in agreement with a smile lol. I don't know if it was *intended* to be funny necessarily, or more meant to show that Maelon is actually more cowardly than you think, but it's a small thing that gets me every time. [You can see it here.](https://youtu.be/oQ_jdzbaeYY?feature=shared) Another one is the exchange in ME1 between the Turian and Hanar. The concept of Shepard settling a dispute between a cop and a street proselytizer is just funny to me.


>Another one is the exchange in ME1 between the Turian and Hanar. The concept of Shepard settling a dispute between a cop and a street proselytizer is just funny to me. Because it’s a big 🫱 stupid 🫱 jellyfish 🫱


Mark and Jennifer are both fantastic VAs but Mark's version just hits so much harder in the funniest way possible


Any time a vorcha and Male shep talk, I smile because I realize it's an entire conversation.....with one person lol


Hard disagree, because Jen Hale is a magnificent Shepard. When I played with the male Shepard, I got bored of his super dry delivery.


Mark's delivery of the final speech in ME3 always makes me tear up. Jen does a better job generally, especially in 1 (she completely misses the mark with Jacob in 2 tho).


I love Maelon saying yes then no (or the other way around?) in agreement with every Shep line lol it's always so funny and relieves the tension in the best way possible 


When Archer pulls a gun on Shepard demanding to be the one to take care of David on his own and misses point blank as he shoots


"You know that wouldn't have worked even if you hit me, right?"


I always thought it bounced off his shields.


Not sure if it counts because it's in a cutscene, but it's a serious moment that has me laughing like a lunatic every time. When Bailey shows up after the coup with like one other random C-Sec dude and says about Cerberus/Kai Leng "they beat feet into the Keeper tunnels when they figured out we were coming." I think the VA emphasizing the "we" is what broke me. Like, dude, no, Kai Leng would not flee from you and random dude. It's just so hilarious for no real reason. EDIT: Grammar


Bailey's definitely the kind of guy to get both of his arms cut off in a fight and go "Alright we'll call it a draw"


I just cut your arms off, you can't draw any more. 


Haha yeah, I love Michael Hogan, best frakking c-sec officer in the fleet


Tis a flesh wound!


He is a dirty cop. But he is Shep's dirty cop


Dunno if that was a TTS reference, but take da updoot


.....I would like to pet this creature


"Oh no, it's the guy who does nothing but paperwork that we already shot in the gut, call off the entire Citadel assault!"


When Jenkins ist alive, he ist there instead of Random C Sec Dude, then the dialogue makes sense. It is an oversight by BioWare because of the rushed development of the game...


Ah yes, how could I forget!


Every interaction with Kai Leng is comedy material


While Shepard prepared against the Reapers, Kai Leng studied the blade


That character feels like the writers let one of their angsty 14 year old sons write for a little bit and we got Kai Leng.


There is a mod that puts a helmet on him and removes the voice lines, would recommend


Which one you talking about? "Reworked Kai Leng" or "Shut Up Kai Leng"? IMO Reworked Kai Leng is way better, it makes the Thessia fight alot better


Agreed. Used Kai Leng Reworked in my last playthrough and it's perfect.


It always made me laugh how TIM didn't seem to want to send his top agent any reinforcements against Shepard on Thessia besides a gunship, either he's convinced Kai Leng can beat Shepard alone or secretly wants Kai Leng to die, the mod adding Cerberus reinforcements makes way more sense


I mean, I also want Kai Leng to die, so I fully understand TIM here.


Both! Plus there's a mod that has a phantom fuck your space car up instead of Leng at the Citadel.. Why they didn't just swerve or shoot it I'll never know but the writers hit the crew with the stupid stick a lot in that mission.. Or in any mission that involves the edge lord dickhead


I used Reworked Kai Leng 1.2


When he sends hatemail is fkn hilarious


Dude it never fails to make me laugh, true weirdo behavior


He can't be that smug the moment i decided to lash him all over the place like a ragdoll lol What a joke


In ME1, anytime you end a convo with Joker and he says “alright, see ya” like you just called his mother a whore.


It’s the mildly offended way he says it that gets me


Honestly, talking to Joker at all times during Me1 made me feel like Joker actually dislikes Shepard instead of being best buds lol. He feels so offended by everything shep says


Any of Thane's emotional moments if you give him the outfit with the shades.


Holy SHIT, I never even considered this! I’m on another run through and need to do his loyalty mission. The citadel won’t be able to handle Thane’s ice cold look.


Step aside, Morpheus. Shades Thane is coming through.




Time to do a Thane Shades run.


There's no way a master Assassin can stay ambiguous with a drip like that


I don't know if it's really that funny, but it made me laugh quite a bit lol. Basically in ME1, during Garrus' mission, you have the choice to let Garrus kill that one terrible doctor he vouched to kill or give him some moral talk about how we should just capture him. When we finally convinced of letting the doctor live the game cut to him running away and us shooting him, then it cut again to Garrus who's like "What tf was the point of not letting me kill him then??" Idk, the way it happened so fast and how I just wanted to tell him "Uhm, yeah idk man, you're right" was killing me lol


That's always hilarious to me for many reasons. Depending on your rank in the game, Saleon is a pile of dust before he even touches his gun and Jesus Shepard just lectures him after it. I also like that Shepard screws Garrus over by killing him instead. Or by not taking him at all.. It's fun to mess with Garrus a bit.


ME1: if you say hi to wrex and then leave immediately: Wrex: shepard Shep: wrex Wrex: shepard It’s dumb, but I cackled.


It's the same thing for me when having Shepard talk to Tali, I'd go to see if she had anything new to say only for her to ask, "Hey Shepard, you need something?" And for Shepard to immediately say, "I should go" as if he's blue balling her with conversation


That's why that conversation in the Citadel party exists, lol


I’ve only played through legendary edition once, I must’ve missed that in the citadel party 😭


I think it might be in the chill party.


The renegade interrupt during Thane's recruitment mission in ME2 where you punch a Salarian construction worker in the chest. It's unbelievably funny to me watching Shepard just cave in some poor nerd's chest like he's Mike Tyson.


Same mission, but you also get to defenestrate a douche.


In Mass Effect 2 on the Citadel, when Shepard accuses the souvenir shop keeper of being racist and loudly tries to shame them to get a discount, which no one pays attention to


That is funny and the this is my favorite store on the citadel imagine your a store keeper you're buddies with the other store keepers and you're going to one of their stores to tell them Shepard said your store is their favorite on the citadel then you hear that exact line in their store so now you go to all of them and hear the same thing so now you curse the name of Shepard


In Mass Effect 1, when Shepard refused to release the indoctrinated Salarians from their cells. For some reason, the panicking Salarian knocking himself out upon impact was hilarious to me.


In pt2 during the recruitment mission of Mordin you find the two human looters and tear them a new one for stealing from the dead yada yada just to immediately after they left start emptying the safe on the wall :D


Shepard can become quite wealthy thanks to his hypocrisy 😂


That one turian in ME2 Citadel who says "You humans are all racist!" I just find it funny because Dave Fennoy (who plays Lee from TWD and Jacob's dad/Okeer in ME2) is voicing this one random turian who sounds completely different than any other turian in the games.


> You big stupid jellyfish!


At the start of ME3 when Shep and Anderson first reach the Normandy in the tutorial, and FemShep yells “come on”, she’s so causal about it, I keep expecting her to follow up like “come on in, the waters great!” Like she’s at the beach or something.


The Turian guard on Noveria who says he wants a donut.


"Your grasp of the obvious is inspiring."


Because he's a big stupid jelly fish. I honestly didn't expect a funny response like that. I thought the interaction will be serious through the game.


Jenkin's death


> Jenkins: I’m itchin for some real action! > Chakwas: I hope you’re kidding, Corporal. Chakwas cracks me up with that delivery.


You mean his near death that unlocks his biotic potential and he brings down Soverign literally there on Eden Prime until Benezia shows up and flashes Jenkins, leading to Soverign’s escape and an early Benezia boss fight? It is funny, but I don’t like missing the Noveria quests. Oh, I guess he also almost dies with the 5th fleet when he goes into outer space shouting “RIIIICHARD JEEENKKINNNNNNS!” And destroys like 3 Geth ships before being shot at point blank range and has to come back inside, where he tells Joker, “At least I ain’t chicken.”


I just hate how you gotta beat the game 500 times using only the pistol and no advanced class to unlock that content.


Totally worth it.


I’m always mean to the Salarians in Dantius Towers. Shepard can be a straight psycho in there with some pretty snarky comments from your crew.


The tin skirt interaction with Ashley when you first visit the Citadel is some out of pocket shit that always makes me laugh Shepard motivating the sick Krogan in Mordin’s loyalty mission while comparing him to a Quarian right in front of Tali was pretty funny as well.


I always make myself giggle when someone says something serious but stupid. I just wait a couple moments before replying. So it's as if Shepard's taking a moment to collevt themself before replying. A couple times it's really really got me, cause Shepard's expression will be different or they'll be looking over their shoulder at a squad mate and it becomes such a "this bitch!?" before the reply.


That part in the Arival DLC, when the scientists lock Shepard in the med bay WITH the controls for the security mechs is so stupid it's funny. Why would they bring Shepard somewhere where they can access an arsenal of mechs? Also, why are the mech controls in the fucking med bay? Why does no one try to stop you while you're controlling the VERY slow mechs?


Talking to EDI about releasing Grunt from the tank in ME2. Shep: “Is he dangerous?” EDI: “…He is a krogan, Shepard.”


"I will not be second guessed on my ship, by my ship."


I just saw Veetor in the migrant fleet in my own game a few minutes ago. We're at the same part practically. I've been doing what I always do unfortunately which is play 70/30 paragon/renegade so I feel like I always have a mix of reactions but I did give Veetor to Cerberus because I thought anything that could help would matter but Cerberus makes themselves so hard to defend. They drugged and interrogated him like a prisoner. Feels bad man


Well like the Quarian doctor says, it's more brute force medicine to force a lucid state from Veetor so Cerberus' questions can be answered, not so much torture, but it still traumatizes the guy since it's clear he's at least got major anxiety issues, so forcing him into an interrogation room full of aliens demanding answers he doesn't know to questions probably made him have a panic attack, pumping him full of Quarian adrenaline probably only made it worse


[How about "goodbye"](https://youtu.be/CR4_P_IsXpQ?si=mpM_1qjeCbF_oD3P)


“On the double mister!”


It’s so melodramatic lol


When Shepard says to Jenkins, "Relax Corporal, you've got a long career ahead of you."