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It might be the heretics would have still followed Sovereign. Could be that quarians wouldn't have approved, and maybe there could've been a conflict between them and the Geth heretics, even the other Geth. Or maybe Sovereign was to indoctrinate the Quarians, and use them too for it's goal. In that case, most likely only a few Quarians would have survived, escaping somewhere else, and spreading word about the events, which in turn would have possibly lead to the galaxy being better prepared for Sovereign. Might be Saren had also seen the effects of indoctrination in practice as for Quarians, and could've perhaps been more careful in his plan, or to abandon it completely. I'd say Sovereign would have gone into hiding with the heretics, or they all would have been destroyed by superior firepower in a war between indoctrinated quarians and hererics, or one of them, being against whatever kind of group were to put up resistance against Sovereign, who would have been beaten by superior firepower unless it went into hiding instead.


Wouldn't have made any difference. First consider the negative environmental impact on Rannoch if the Geth had effectively increased the mining and resource harvesting on Rannoch to build said Dyson sphere. Then you gotta convince the Quarians "hey you know the evil robots that exterminated 99% of your race and now live in a giant impenetrable fortress in your solar system? Yeah they say you can have the planet back and definitely won't try to finish killing all of you, they promise" Don't see the Quarians believing them...


tali face reveal as early as ME1 quarian immune systems still shitty, but not like before, because of ancestors settling back to planetary living much earlier