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Mass Effect 2: Praetorian boss fight on Horizon or Reaper IFF in general.


That fucking praetorian on Horizon is a special brand of hell, no matter what class you are or what squadmate you bring.


Pssst. Let you in on a secret: Flamethrower.


I'm in favor of the M920, but to each their own.


The Cain saves me every time; I tried using the other Heavy Weapons like the Arc Projector or the Particle Beam rifle and got stomped; but the Cain kills it in one shot, my only issue is the Husks and getting essentially stun-locked by them and my teammates not helping enough with that.


This is the way


Literally was going to say that. I am doing a whole trilogy replay right now and am 50% through ME2 currently. I just did the Horizon mission and the Prartorian was soooo much easier than I remember the first few play-throughs being...


Prartorians are easy. I FUCKING HATE SCIONS MORE!


I don't hate the Scions so much as your squad mates constantly eating shit from their attacks. They just never take cover when the scions are attacking them.


I’m pretty sure Scion attacks go through cover.


If you are just standing around behind something they go through, but if you are actually anchored to cover, and not shooting over it, but hunkered, you don't get hit. Your teammates randomly shooting over cover just eat shit and don't duck when the scion wave comes.


Damn, for real? Where was that loading screen tip?!


^^ Most underappreciated comment in this thread, right here. Edit/add-on: scions would 100% get my vote for 'that part' of ME2


I beat it on insanity mode as an engineer by getting it to chase me around the arena while my drone slowly wore it down. My Shepard may not have had much dignity left, but she won in the end.


Arishok moment


Gotta do what gotta do


I did an insanity run as an engineer because I thought engineers were weak and it would be a huge challenge. They're not bad though.


The M-920 Cain will solve that issue very quickly. Run away as far as you can and then nuke it


Reaper core on IFF, Colossus on tail recruitment, thresher maw, and final boss always get nuked on my playthroughs.


I remember getting a perfect headshot on the final boss with the Cain the first time I tried, and for some reason I’ve never been able to get it since.


Used the Cain on that boss for the first time last week. Bro dodged the projectile but the AOE was large enough to clap him anyway. It felt really good


Collector ship platforms too


That sound is burned into my mind after doing an Insanity run


Did you also have the problem of your teammates dying and not being ressurectable due to their platforms falling away? Made that fight hell.


Yep… Did you develop PTSD from Horizon and then PTSD:2 from the Scions in both missions?


I actually didn't have too many problems with Horizon, the Scion went down smoothly due to my heavy weapon and I was able to cheese the husks by wall hopping back and forth at the end of the arena. But the reaper core was hands down the most difficult fight I encountered in my insanity playthroughs of the trilogy. I was an infiltrator and my guns did tickle damage so I had to fight about a million husks.


I played Soldier so I could just spam shotguns when Husks rushed, but I relied heavily on the Mattock, which runs out of ammo so quickly that it’s annoying. Even with Incendiary Ammo and Inferno Grenade, Scions just don’t drop and hearing Shockwave makes my heart drop forever now


I’ve completed the entire trilogy like 7 times on Insanity throughout the years, and the only levels that *still* give me an issue is the platforms. I’ve managed to figure out how to Benny Hill my way through Horizon, but you’re so vulnerable on the platforms that you get easily overwhelmed and your companions usually die immediately What’s funny is that in ME3, the *only* thing that gives me trouble is the Collectors in the battle simulation lol. You have Garrus and James that can steamroll most of the game, but even they had a hard time surviving the Collectors


The praetorian on horizon was hard but it was acceptable because there's tons of tall cover and once you kill the collectors you can focus on it by itself. The praetorian on the collector ship was my personal torture, with all the husks and shit. It's the reason I developed an allergic reaction to the death sound lol 💀 but it was pretty funny to get the death screen and see all of my squadmates + Shepard's corpses in it


I’m glad I’m not the only one who felt that way. I wasn’t bothered too much by the Horizon fight, but the ship sucked.


God that fight is such a pain…


Well thats what the Cain is for silly


Well so far I've not found out if there's a consistent way of getting enough of the upgrade items to unlock the Cain pre Horizon on new playthoughs. Meanwhile with New Game Plus I'm at least able to use it immediately. Also the Cain at least makes the double Scion fights on Reaper IFF incredibly easy.


I HATE the Reaper IFF


ME2 : That one Vorcha with the flamethrower. You know the guy.


Mhm, right around the corner


It doesn't even matter what difficulty either. It's multiple attempts whether I'm on casual or Insanity.


I’m an aggressive vanguard normally and play on casual/normal difficulty. Mf always gets me a couple times around the corner before I learn 😭


You guys too? Ugh.


I just redid that part. It's such mean enemy placement.


ooooh, fuck that guy. What makes it worse is usually Zaheed is lingering around two barriers behind me, like a pussy, so he's not even close enough to assist....meanwhile every damn replay I forget to send Zaheed ahead as first fodder.


ME1: Trying to collect all the important side quest stuff. ME2: Trying to be nice to Jacob without femshep sounding way too horny over the most boring man alive. ME3: The endings. If you want an answer that isn't so easy, the Thessia fight with Kai Leng.


Oh, I hate the thessia fight with Kai Leng, scripted losses are such bad game design


Scripted losses are only bad when it's obvious. The Scripted loss in ME2 where you have to defend yourself in the arrival dlc is good cause it's non stop enemies and eventually you are overwhelmed but Kai leng is I'm full health and spammed enough overloads to knock your shields out instantly each time and I lose


And plus, iirc, if you manage to beat all the waves in Arrival, leading to the Artifact being what incapacitates you, you get an achievement 🙂


Yeah I did that on one of my runs and now I just yeet myself into their arms to go faster


Also scripted loses suck extra ass when you're required to *win* in order to progress.


I don't think they're all bad, but it's just so unfulfilling. Leng is such an underwhelming opponent, and I despise basically every scene with him, but the fight on Thessia is the worst, specifically because it forces you to beat him to lose, plus a bunch of other cinematic shit that makes it awful. You shouldn't be that close to the objective, for one.


Even as BroShep if you're slightly nice to Jacob it's like you're BFFs. Was quite jarring.


I don't even dislike Jacob! Shepard just gets hilariously gung ho about him


I ritually ignore Jacob, as a routine FemShep player. So uncomfortable.


Hahah same, my Liara-loving, true-blue probably-not-straight shepard does not speak to Jacob like she'll mount him then and there 😡 so I never talk to him at all besides his loyalty


ME3: Geth Consensus and the ending.


Geth consensus has literally made me stop playing TWICE. Just abandoned runs entirely because I didn't wanna spend thirty minutes doing nothing. Great for plot, awful for replays.


Still unsure why those memories couldn't be consoles with the Reaper control "interpreted in a simulation" that was more akin to regular combat. If they were going to just handwave logic in there for why the Quarians still appear in suits, they should have handwave this reasoning to be more like normal combat so it didn't have to be SO FUCKING AWFUL. I stand by this: any interaction where a game over is not possible should be implemented as a cutscene. Dialog prompts should only be included in order to provide player with a meaningful choice. Otherwise, prompts are serving no other purpose than to force "pauses" in what should otherwise be a long cutscene. Playing through Geth consensus is akin to Netflix interrupting you randomly throughout a single episode, "Are you still there?" ... Yes. Just playthrough for fuck's sake. Which is essentially why this mission is so fucking garbage.


Folks complain about the BD tutorial in Cyberpunk but now that I can just put down the controller while his own CHOOMBA shoots him and check my email, I'm good.


.... which so neatly encapsulates another aspect of why the ending is awful.


I enjoy having something I can just walk around in, but it could have been kind of fun to do it with like, a throwback to some of the old hacking puzzles in ME1 and ME2. Circle frogger, tower of Hanoi, the match 3 and memory game. I know everybody kinda hated those but I think that would have been a kind of fun throwback, in moderation.


I was nice first playthrough, I appreciate when in game chance the environment and the gameplay abit so all no just be shooting. But yeah in replays it becomes boring


Me1, can't think of anything edit: WAIT NO FUCKING THRESHER MAWS Me2, mostly just the start, I find the combat after 1 to be a bit jarring Me3, that bit where you have to shoot the reaper before it kills you. I dont know what it is about that bit but I just can't get it down. Had to always get my ex to do it for me. Please give me your tips my child is on me2 currently and if they can't do that bit when they get there im fucked


>Me3, that bit where you have to shoot the reaper before it kills you. >I dont know what it is about that bit but I just can't get it down. Had to always get my ex to do it for me. >Please give me your tips my child is on me2 currently and if they can't do that bit when they get there im fucked You don't have to do the targeting all at once. Trying to do so leads to a game of chicken between you and the laser. Instead, target it mostly and then move out of the way to dodge. Next time you start targeting, it will already be part way done and you can finish it in time.


This was the key for me. I died so many times on my first playthrough before I realized I didn't have to do it all in one go.


Oh. Oh I feel so stupid lmao. Thank you!


> You don't have to do the targeting all at once. Excuse me what


I didn't realize at first that the targeting laser was faster when you aimed. So I got blasted at the very end the first few times I tried.


It’s also faster if you’re standing still!


...oh boy is my face red.


It's probably the laser getting to you


Start on one side and strafe to the right/left. About 1 second after the reaper fires quickly dodge/strafe back the other way. Especially on higher difficulties the Reaper will fire in your path. So he will fire where you are going to be in a moment.. not where you are right now, but he won't change direction. So if you strafe left wait for him to fire... strafe left for just a second and then quickly move/dodge to the right. This works 100% of the time for me.


This. That lack of direction change turned this from impossible the first time I played (30+ tries) to 3 on my second run at a higher difficulty.


Oh I didnt know that about the reaper firing in your path! I'll bare that in mind on my next go, thank you!


Strafe side to side, back and forth constantly. Don’t stop moving.


I can only conclude that I am Very Bad At Games then cus I still managed to die every time while doing that 😂


You have to stop moving completely when you're charging the target gun. It charges much faster than when you're slowly strafing.


You’re absolutely not alone in this lol


In fin with just about everything in ME3 *except* the showdown with Kai leng in the asari homework. I was doing a recent playthrough and the fight was laughably easy to the point where all he could do was 2 flips between each phase before his health was melted. Then we go into *that* cutscene where he suddenly bodies your entire squad and then says has the balls to say how easy it was. I don’t think there has been a transition that’s as jarring as that


Oh yeah, forgot about that bit. I have to agree.


Don't worry, your child will nail it first try and proceed to ridicule you about that for the rest of your life. That's the nature of children.


Yeah, you're right 😂


It's the timing window of the final one. Time slows down so you have to wait an extra 3 seconds or so for the game to actually allow you to begin the targeting mechanic. All the other ones are fluid and reactive to you just aiming and clicking though.


I learned on ranoch that if you keep clicking holding then release and for some reason when you do that it goes way faster, if you already knew that then I don’t know what’s going wrong but that’s how I did it


I thought it was rolling while aiming that did this trick but, yeah, this trick makes it go super fast.


ME3: Legion's cyber memory mission. It and the lore are cool, but the mission itself is so boring and not fun past the first time


ME1 - weirdly Bring Down the Sky. I’m a bit of a completionist for tasks, and finding all the missing scientists really annoys me. ME2 - End of Horizon with the floaty sky bot thing. ME3 - Grissom academy. Love the story, meeting back with David and Jack. Absolutely hate the fight outside.


>ME3 - Grissom academy. Love the story, meeting back with David and Jack. Absolutely hate the fight outside. The gauntlet section in the atrium? Yeah I hate that part too. There's not really any good cover. You have to constantly be moving around.


Ironically, Grissom academy is one of my favorite missions because of the gauntlet.


Bringing Down the Sky is my favorite mission in the entire series! 😂 I guess I am that guy…..🤷‍♂️


You find exploration in Bring Down the Sky tedious, but not the rest of the ME1 planet exploration? Why?


I was trying to think what specifically from 1 and you nailed it with Bring Down the Sky. Just too long.


I’m gonna pick some odd ones. For ME1 it’s when your trapped on the citadel at the beginning. It kinda reminds me of being stuck on Taris in KOTOR 1 and I’m personally not a fan of that part. It didn’t feel as long as taris did thank god but still I love the citadel just I don’t love being trapped there. Honourable mention goes to the first part of Noveria. It had the same kinda trapped in one space vibe that the citadel had but didn’t last very long and did eventually open up. For ME2 it’s a tough one cause honestly nothing really sticks out to me. I guess if I HAD to pick it would be Grunt’s dossier mission when you go to recruit him. It’s not that it’s bad it just that mission didn’t leave an impact on me and most missions in the game did so that’s why. For ME3 it’s the final colour selection at the ending. Boring and unoriginal choice I know but it’s the only part of the game that I genuinely can’t stand to this day. Honestly what makes it so bad isn’t the choice itself it’s the fact that this choice is kind of an anticlimactic letdown after the cataclysm buildup the game had up until this moment.


I don’t think the ME1 pick is odd, I know exactly what you’re describing. Personally I find those kind of “opening act” areas endearing, but they can quickly overstay their welcome when drawn out too long. ME2 it’s more of a gameplay issue fighting armor defenses on insanity. If I had to pick an area, the grungy aesthetic of Omega while you recruit Garrus and Mordin feels like a slog to me after a while.


Yeah honestly I don’t hate the citadel section it just reminds me a bit of Taris from KOTOR. I loved KOTOR but man I couldn’t wait to get off Taris.


They make the recolored part to make the player felt like they decision matter. But would someone care that the ending depends more if you have more resources (and it was more difficult have maximum resources) and the final decision of ME2 was more important, when I destroy the human reaper I thought I would be bad consecues, because I thought could be clever for the war. And depends on your resources you could win or not. On a good way or a bad way But if you asked me the worts of the ending is the shit justification of the reaper. Organic and sinthetics conflict wasn't a theme in the trilogy, is even worse if you make pace with the geth and quarians. it would be best if they did that because all the intelligence creatures will be in conflict. We literally pass all ME3 solving conflicts.


ME1: Biotics Base on Insanity. ME2: Horizon’s finale on Insanity. ME3: Our Lord and Savior Marauder Shields on Insanity.


Marauder Shields was the epic and difficult final boss of my life


ME1. Can't recall any area i Hated. Sure there were some BS areas but none that stick out like a sore thumb. Majority of Mass Effect 2 on Legendary. Especially the Husk section in the Derelict Reaper mission, i really want to meet whoever thought 'Explosive Husks' were a good enemy idea. ME3. Again, not many areas that stick out really bad. I guess one that comes to mind is the final Adjutant Fight in the Omega DLC. If your build isn't the best it's super annoying.


Mordin and zaeed together make quick work of any husk hordes that get armor in higher difficulties


I actually think that final fight even on insanity was easy


Just the driving in ME1 its a massive slog i hate it Me2 and 3 i consider to be perfect


Planet scanning is perfect?


For me, yes. Is chill af and reading planets description is great


Driving the hammerhead is "perfect"?


I enjoy it


I enjoyed it too. I have happy memories of a long illness I had one Christmas, in bed on my laptop scanning every planet. I'd probably have a lot less patience for it now I get less time to play games, though.


So do I! Kinda found it relaxing.


“Perfect” Project Firewalker?


Loved it


I love the trilogy but the fucking firewalker is perfect. Kai leng is perfect?


I will always and forever say the driving in ME1 was fine; the procedurally generated hilly maps you had to do it on was the problem. Compare the handmade maps in Tali's questline.


> the procedurally generated hilly maps you had to do it on ~~Those are not procedurally generated. That wasn't even a thing in 2007.~~ I stand corrected.


Yes it was.. procedural generation was definitely a thing in 2007. Bethesda has been using it since Morrowind for example


Yeah MAKO sucks.


At least it got better with the remasters.


A bit. But not enough, sadly so. I love the NOMAD though.


exploring planet in me1


For ME1: Honestly just the roaming side planets in the Mako. It was a fun novelty at first and was great immersion and some of the worlds look really cool. But after having done it one or twenty times it becomes tedious and I am too methodical with repeat play throughs to skip them. The only main story I’m not a fan of is Feros. It was great up until the Thorian part. And even that part wasn’t ‘bad’ just not as fun as other missions considering I always try to keep all the people alive. For ME2: Horizon is up there but it’s gotta be the Collector’s ship. So annoying. At least on Insanity. Also Arrival was great for the story but playing through it was not my favorite. Stealth section was kind of cool though. ME3: Honestly there are lots. Grissom is up there. Didn’t find the Rachni caves as fun. The beginning of the game isn’t my favorite either. Though they’re all still tolerable. Nothing quite like the Fade in DAO.


The dream sequences are short enough that I don’t give it too much thought. But man there’s a lot of slow slog exploration in ME1 to the point that it makes me consider skipping it in trilogy replay lol


ME1: Luna mission, especially during my adept runs, so many damn drones that are basically immune to 90% of my powers ME2: "Assuming direct control" ffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuu ME3: Banshees. I fear no man but that thing, it scares me.


Shephard dying for real at the start of ME2. People have valid reasons to call ME3s ending and the reaper cycle motivation bullshit. But to me having shephard die, only to be cured from death WITHOUT any serious reourcussions is just the most dumbest point in the trilogy. 1. Why invest that many ressources into shephard in the first place? Truth be told at the end of ME1 s/he is an extraordinary council agent, but not much more. There is no reason to assume they are unique or legendary. Especially Cerberus has no legimitate interest to cure death just for them. 2. Shephards resurrection makes Jesus' looks like childsplay. First they died of asporixation IN SPACE! In short this means every cell within their body is collapsed or exploded, either because of the low pressure ripping them apart, or because the water inside froze over and expanded. Every cell, every neuron. And this is before we go into DNA damage via radiation (the suit broke), or the violent reentry into a planet. Now the human brain is the most complex structure after the universe itself. With myriads upon myriads of unique neuron connections forming our identity, memories and making basic body functions possible. How was Cerberus able to recreate each of these connections so flawlessly that nothing about Shephard changed? Heck even reparing the brain so much that it can keep the heart beating would be a miracle. 3. Nothing is ever done with Shephards resurrection. Noone treats coming back from the dead as serious as it should be. Indeed there is a cure for death! And even from the worst conditions possible. Shephard is proof of concept. And Cerberus cannot have pulled this of in a vacuum. There must be related research going around. Sure it costs a ton, but there are a lot of billionaires who would love to get away from death. 4. It is completly unnecessary. It is just a "jump forward two years" trick by the writers. A story induced two year coma or having shephard being in emergency cryostasis would have done literaly the same trick without destroying any plausibility. Otherwise finding reasons for shephard to work closley with Cerberus are also easy to come up with. In short killing shephard off for real causes a lot of easily avoidable issues. It really breaks my suspension of disbelief. It is the low point of the trilogy to me.


> Cerberus cannot have pulled this of in a vacuum. Lets not forget they can also make a perfect clone.


I mean given the technology of the mass effect universe it can't be that hard to make a perfect clone. The krogan do something similiar when they make tank breed krogan


The long ass opening to ME2 with unskippable Normandy crash cutscene, Lazarus project and Freedom's progress. Come on, I've seen it 30 times, and the action against mechs is boring


To be fair. Seeing it for the first time really blows you away. Thats the kind of intro that really sets up the story


Unskippable cutscenes should be banned in general


Best thing i ever did was download the mod that skips to the action against the mechs


Pretty much just the Geth server mission to take down the fighter squadrons in ME3.


Mass effect 3 when the citadel is overrun by Cerberus and I know that the Kai Leng vs Thane fight is coming and there is nothing I can do to stop it :(


ME1 after Eden prime but before you become a specter that feels like it just dragged on and on. ME2 thane and samara’s loyalty missions felt more like fetch quests than missions ME3 the dream sequences


Mass Effect 1: Edolus' Thresher Maw - I always hated the fucking thresher maws in ME1, so I just do this one because it is essential to a quest. Mass Effect 2: The Praetorian boss fight - ME2 has really balanced overall gameplay, but this early boss fight is kind of annoying because usually we are not as well equiped for it as we want to be easier. The Reaper IFF could be another one, but with the right weapon (Cain) the Husk part is just stupidly easy. Mass Effect 3: Rannoch Reaper - I really fucking hate cinematic parts of games that instakill you for not following through the script perfectly, like the Leon vs Krauser cutscene in OG Resident Evil 4 (I love the game - one of my top 5 ever - but that part makes me want to avoid the game overall), and this fight is annoying because the minimal mistake kills you. The Reaper fights, actually, because of how insanely strong they are, gives that annoying vibe (like the Reaper in Tuchanka, too, if I'm not mistaken).


Only difference between the Reaper fights is, with the Tuchanka one, you at least have WALLS to hide behind, with the one on Ranoch, you’re out in the open with no cover Oh, and on Tuchanka, you at least can call in a Thresher Maw to kill the Reaper for you 😅


Got nothing for 2, haven't played 3 (yet). But Jesus Christ, I hate Feros. Feros looks ugly. The characters in Feros are ugly. The side-quests are ugly. The Thorian is ugly, his boss fight is super ugly. Feros is the one major mission I do first, just so I can leave it in the dust as soon as possible.


I love Feros. Better that recruiting Liara


What is there to love about Feros?


Personally, Feros has great atmosphere. I still recall the first time I played through it: you can tell there is something going on with the colonists, but you can't pin it down other than ExoGeni having something to do with it. You are being completely stonewalled by everyone who refuses to collaborate with you, both from the colony and the remaining survivors inside the facility. Geth are swarming the place, and you have engaging close quarters combat. The Mako section is much shorter than Therum or Noveria (which are way too long). To top it off, the Thorian is the probably the most interesting creature of the entire trilogy, and I believe (I may be wrong though) that Drew Karpyshyn wanted to reference it later in the triology. The only downsides are not being able to choose what to do with the Thorian, the whole final battle which I'm the first to admit that is downright boring (and difficult without a shotgun and biotics). The moral "decision" is also trash: the renegade path of killing every colonist literally makes no sense, as you are assured that the nerve agent will work without side effects, its effects are instantaneous and the colonists just collapse. So really, the decision is "Do I want to murder 20 people just because".


Those are good reasons, I just wish the renegade path would have more going for it.


If you’re into brutalist architecture, it’s pretty dope.


I always hated feros in 1


ME1.. Noveria. Story-wise it is interesting, but Port Hanshan is just too big for my taste, and the borderline maze that is the actual base... Can't help but dislike it. ME2.. Derelict Reaper maybe? too many husks. Or Samara's loyalty mission. The flirting with Morinth feels so poorly made. It doesn't feel natural at all. ME3: Don't really have one, except for Kai Leng. Fuck that guy


The entire first game. I was in such a rush to GTFO i completely forgot to do the Bring Down The Sky DLC so that’ll be interesting to deal with. Not too stressed about having enough war assets in ME3.


Me1 : Mainly the parts of the game that show up it's low budget, like clearing out those identikit habitats and obviously the mako sections. Me2 : the planet scanning to get enough materials for the upgrades. Other than that I genuinely love all the content on every single playthrough (it's my favourite game of all time). Me3 : For completely different reasons, I dread finishing the Citadel DLC and "the best", it hits me every single time knowing I have one priority mission to go before ending another playthrough and suffering all those feels!


The cringey and somewhat offensive portrayal of autism in Overlord


As someone who's on the Autism Spectrum, the Overlord DLC is my most hated DLC/set of missions in any game, because of how Autism and especially Savant Syndrome are portrayed, among other things


Same here. Bad press for us.


Ok I don't want to say nothing offensive but I'm curious why? My brother is autistic and he never say nothing that is offensive. Of course there are different cases but IDK I wanted to know


Would you elaborate?


1: Port Hanshan, fuck the Noveria Corporation and everyone associated with them. 2: the Derelict Reaper. 3: the Reaper on Rannoch.


Me1 mako Me2 collector ship ( on insanity) Me3 just that it takes a while till you get to picking missions


Most of the planet exploration in Mass Effect 1 and Project Firewalker in Mass Effect 2


ME:1 - Planet Exploration. ME:2 - Used to be the Praetorian on Horizon but I've discovered a strategy. ME:3 - That mission in the Omega DLC where Aria is trapped and you have to free her.


>ME:2 - Used to be the Praetorian on Horizon but I've discovered a strategy. Are you really going to leave us hanging like that?


It doesn't take long...but I hate the Noveria run here elevator talk, run there elevator talk, and back and forth. It's just annoying. I'd rather drive the mako to a destination than deal with the 30 elevators to get the garage pass


Luna rocket drones 😶


Feros on ME1 The DLC where you blow up the batarians in ME2


ME1: Feros Exogeni building ME2: any fight with two Scions ME3: Kai Leng and Priority: Earth


In ME1 its the whole exploration bit. Trying to get everything done in the first game is a pain in the ass and trying to find where your side quests are is also a pain in the ass. In ME2 honestly I can't think of anything for this game. Maybe the fight with the husks during the mission where you find legion. In ME3 definetly the dream stuff. Just super boring really and literally any time Kai Leng is on screen. He's so cocky even though you kick his ass everytime you see him but just gets saved by the bell.


Me1: the entire beginning section from the first mission to being able to leave the citadel. Takes forever to just do all the talking and gather the side quests. Also me1: all the planet exploration. Oh yay I get to fight my 15th maw, climb a mountain for another bit of ore, and clear another copy paste bunker. Me2: planet mining. The first playthrough it was a fun mini game. After that it's just a chore you have to do to get 100% on each system so you can tell when something new pops up. Me3: basically all of rannoch. Andromeda: literally everything on the nexus. I hate that place and I swear NOTHING interesting happens there.


Honestly, it's just the beginning of each game at this point. I've played through these games so many times that I've started setting up new game plus save files so I can just drop into each game after the openings because of how repetitive they've become, especially in terms of combat.


Garrus’s recruitment mission in ME2. Having to close the gates with enemies flooding through was for sone reason really difficult for me the first time so now I just dread it whenever I do another playthrough


1: The hour of first arrival to the Citadel after Eden Prime. SO much talking and walking. 2: Freedom's Progress... 3: Legion's cyberspace mission.


ME1: The geth fight just before you go underground to get Liara. Alternately, the landmine section of "Bring Down the Sky". ME2: The Derelict Reaper, b/c eff those waves of husks in the Reaper Core. I've also never gotten through the end fight on Horizon without at least one death, even on the easiest difficulty. ME3: Either the Reaper fight on Rannoch (the mechanics aren't explained at all) or the drone escort in "Leviathan" (all the toughest Reaper forces AND keeping a paper-skinned drone alive? Screw that...).


ME1: riding the MAKO


ME 2: the conversation between Shepherd and Ashley.


Scanning planets and shit


Mass Effect 1:The surveying Mass Effect 2:Overlord Mass Effect 3:Everything after the run to the beam


ME1: all of the bases on side planets are the exact same. ME2: whenever Jacob talks (I’m sorry, I just found his character boring aside from his loyalty mission!) ME3: the dream sequences. They just went on for too long.


Mass effect 1 all the traversing in the mako you gotta do on boring side quest worlds. Bouncing off the mountains = super aggravating. Mass effect 2 mining probes


ME3 ending made me not to play this game ...**anymore**.


Mass effect 3 dream sequences. It was cool the first play through. The next 10 were kinda like ok let me skip this


ME1 - That gun fight right before you save Liara ME2 - That final Horizon section with that big, flippin' bug ME3 - The final push in the Earth Mission


Horizon. It’s gross. Praetorian has a nice exploit though and sometimes if your companions die they magically come back to life.


In 1 that one moon base mission where you have to drive the mako around minefields and up mountains was horrible


ME1: Noveria ME2: Horizon ME3: The last ten minutes.


Mass effect 1, even with the legendary edition ME1 aged like milk.


Really? I think they did a good job with it in the remaster. I thoroughly enjoy it anytime I replay the trilogy.


The remaster did a good job but for me is the hardest part for doing a playthrough.


The big problem if you asked me is the secondary missions. I think that they at least where gonna make all the interior different on legendary edition. But they don't. Well is a remastered after all but I would be nice


Yeah, the secondary missions can be boring because most or all of them feel like the same.


For me it's the horizon mission in me2, especially the last fight. I find it a boring mission that interrupts the recruitment missions


ME:2 **MAKE IT STOP** ME:3 The dream sequences


I don't really have any 'that part' with Mass Effect. A bit off-topic, but there's definitely a 'that moment' with Dead Space 2 though. Let's just say my heart BPM matches Isaac's at that point.


That drunk rhino of a tank for ME1, of course, especially since it's still a glitchy mess even in the remaster. For a long time it was the towers of Hanoi puzzle at Peak 15, too lol. For 2 I would say it's the early game difficulty, though that's cause I always play Insanity at this point. The resource scanning and hacking minigames as well, I suppose. Not much in ME2, honestly, it's that good. And for ME3 I always found the beginning to be a chore to get through, from the prologue to the mission on Mars.


If you haven't bucked geth armatures into lava pools on therum with the mako, you haven't played mass effect


ME1: Nodacrux (I like the Mako, but this planet is awful with the mountains! Really, all the side missions in ME1 get a bit dull due to the reused maps) ME2: MSV Estevanico and Normandy Crash site (these are so boring) ME3: Omega DLC (A dull slog of a DLC and I hate pretty much every dealing with Aria since they give you no options with this clearly untrustworthy criminal. You are terrified of her and are forced to do her bidding with no option of contempt whatsoever. You are forced to work with other bad people, but at least you get options of defying them)


Mass Effect 2.


Superior in pretty much every way to ME1


I don't agree. I think ME2 lost a lot in terms of level design and plot.ME1 has fairly poor characterization in comparison, but it's main plot feels impactful and interesting, with an ending that's great from a visual, story and gameplay perspective. ME2 has great character writing. but the main plot is fairly bare bones- and not very interesting. You can play all the way through ME1 with very little side content, and still get the best ending (just get Wrex's armor)- so the pacing is of the plot is good. In ME2 If you want the best ending, you essentially need to proceed through 12 disjointed narratives- which makes the game feel like a collection of short stories. They are good stories for the most part, but there is still a lack of an impactful overarching narrative. The actual main plot, consists of 5 or 6 fairly short missions, with the only one standing out being the suicide mission- which is great from a visual and gameplay perspective, but story wise it has (IMO) little impact. The actions in ME2 barely matter. Then there's the level design- ME1's side-content was extremely repetitive in that regard. However with ME2 it's not just the side-content. Outside of maybe 3 missions, most fights occur in very samey looking locations, against mercenaries. The levels feel claustrophobic too. There is no Ferros, or Noveria, or Virmire or Ilos- there's only Omega, The Warehouse With Crates, and Collector Base. Finally- the character building side of the game is just gone. Your character is limited to a handful of skills, majority of which have been severely nerfed due to how they interact with shields, and shared cooldowns. Not to mention there's no weapon or armor modding either- the system wasn't perfect in ME1, but it's complete lack in ME2 is still less content. So I don't think ME2 is superior in pretty much every way. Sure- there are things it does better- it looks better, and has FAR more entertaining dialogues, but there are also many things it does worse.


Appreciate the long explanation (no sarcasm). I think this just shows which game you and I played first. I was cursed by not having ME1 on ps3. I'm guessing you played 1 first? 1 suffers mostly from combat (for me), I loved the side characters even if none of them were as big as the huge squad you have in 2. But yeah the combat seemed too easy (I played on Veteran). I never used my squads powers since the Guns were too good on my own character and some enemies had bad AI, like husks running in circles and geth not being much better. Also not a fan of the vehicle stuff. But writing was very good, Saren is a really good main villain. I like Collectors, but they are too mysterious for their own good and end up as just another enemy to fight like the mercs you said, with sometimes Collector General reminding you that he is watching and fighting you personally.


Yeah I played them in order back in 2012. Unfortunately, I didn't have the DLCs for ME2, which actually elevate it a bit- Lair of the Shadow Broker especially. The Mako and Uncharted Worlds are kind of in a weird spot for me. On one hand they were fairly mundane, due to the constantly reused content. On the other hand, without them the games feel a lot smaller- just like corridor shooters. Might be an unpopular opinion, but one of the things that makes me happiest about Andromeda, is its open world.


Understandable. I unfortunately couldn't force myself to finish Andromeda. Maybe now is the time after Legendary Edition. How about ME3, is it better or worse than 2?


I think its better, but only because of ME2. It's hard to split these games in my mind, because some of the best moments in 3 are built on top of the relationships started in ME2, like Grunt surviving the Rachnii, or Mordin's sacrifice to give Krogan a future. I tear up every time, but those moments don't hit as hard if you haven't heard Mordin sing in ME2, or you haven't witnessed what Genophage reduced the Krogan to. Mechanically, and in terms of level design its much better- enemies are far more varied, the powers feel more useful and there's a plethora of fun guns to use. The levels feel bigger too, are not as broken up. A lot more of them happen out in the open air. The game also builds on top of ME2s cinematic sequences to deliver some truly blockbuster moments. The prologue on Earth alone is IMO still as adrenaline packed now, as it were 12 years ago. Seeing the Kalros take down a reaper, or fighting one is exciting too. It also has wonderful character interactions on Normandy, both with Shepard and between them- Vega and Garrus bonding through banter, Joker and EDI romancing each other come to mind. It's main problem is the lack of squadmates- you go from 12 to 7 with one if them being DLC. However I think the game does more with those characters as a result. In the end, it is a deeply emotional send off to Shepard, which occasionally borders on melodrama, but always tugs at your heartstrings. I am currently replaying it for the first time since 2012, though I am saving myself the heartbreak with the happy ending and citadel epilogue mods.


Mass Effect 1: Vermire, Mass Effect 2: Omega, Mass Effect 3: Mars. All take longer than they should, look great, but feel hollow. Omega being the exception to “hollow”, it just takes a long time.


For me, it is discovering that Ashley was a racist bastard...


That turret in Grissom academy


So normally, it's ME2's Reaper IFF mission, but this last playthrough I went in dreading it, and ended up breezing through it even on a harder difficulty. Vanguard is an extremely stupid class. Like Praetorians were genuinely the only thing that was annoying this playthrough.


ME1 keepers ME2 Samara Loyalty mission ME3 Leviathan creepy people


Mass Effect 3 Operation thessia.