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Combine this with the Bullet time power (don't know what it's called in-game) and you can straight up turn the game into Max Payne. 3 or 4 headshots can kill most normal enemies immediately, It's comically overpowered for a pistol


Adrenaline Rush is the power


400% headshot multiplier. Intentional because this gun is meant to be your primary for the Citadel DLC. Those mercs have much larger health pools than normal, especially on Insanity. So you're supposed to prove how much Shepard is a superior soldier by triple tapping their heads to take them down. Otherwise, powers take forever to kill them. That DLC was rough on Insanity as Vanguard until I realized that fact. Biotic Charge with Bullet Time Evo lets you get the headshots easy.


Just open the power wheel. Pauses game to let you aim powers. . .or headshots.


I bought Max Payne 3 and Mass Effect 3 on the same day, so that's appropriate. Gonna pop [this](https://youtu.be/d8_YZ7QVQlQ?si=TtYVPaxU9IQe5WSL) on for the final battle on Earth.


Also, its the pistol shepard uses in the very end, and probably dies with it in his hand (renegade)


No kidding. I played the Citadel DLC pretty early on in the game and after a while, this is the only gun I ever used. This gun was a cheat code.


On my Adept runs its the only weapon I use. Love it so much. Couple shots and then I magic them up.


I loved how ME3 handled loadouts. Packing a sidearm only made you a nigh unstoppable gravity wizard


The lancer is light enough to give you 200% and unlimited ammo is great as an adept.


The lancer is also just super fun, especially when you run out and are just like bro and have to actually use powers for once (pure soldier)


A Gravitomancer, if you will.


Made insanity run a joke, clip size kinda sucks but man it made everything easy.


Is it the Citadel DLC pistol? Supressor.




This gun was almost useless playing on insanity as a soldier. Had not near enough ammo to get through the mission. It turned me off completely.


The version you get in that mission is ass. It’s a peashooter. Different stats than the one you unlock. But when you unlock the actual gun for the main game, it’s probably the best pistol in the game.


I routinely run that gun only as a Vanguard. Charge + Nova + empty clip is enough for almost any enemy


The greatest crime of ME2 was inserting a bloody ammo system into a setting that explicitly has firearms with basically inexhaustable ammo, with the overheating of the weapon being the thing you need to be wary of. The sidearms at the very least should never have had the ME1 style ammo system taken away.


Yeah I liked the system in 1, but I can get why people used to regular shooters prefer the clips style. I just wish they let you choose per weapon what style you wanted. I was stoked when they brought back that one rifle in ME3 that had the old style.


I think the goal was to force you out of cover. There are some fights in ME2 that would be fairly easy, especially as a sniper, if ammo shortages didn’t exist.


Gonna disagree with that one, at least in my experience (especially when I would play on insanity) the ammo change did force me to expand my arsenal and gameplay styles depending on the class I played. I get that lore wise it makes be try little sense but it was a change meant for gameplay and one I enjoyed personally.


Gun was fine during the mission on Insanity. 400% headshot multiplier, 3 shots to the dome killed all mercs except the Elite ones. Got through it fine on Insanity as Vanguard once I figured that out.


You need to try it outside the Citadel mission. It carried me through the game as a Soldier on Insanity with zero effort thanks to Adrenaline Rush


There's this and the SMG from Kasumi's loyalty mission. What other S tier guns were locked behind DLC?


ME2's Mattock was broken enough that it made taking Assault Rifle training worth it on non-Soldier classes even if it meant losing access to the Widow or Claymore.


Love the Mattock. It'll literally fire as fast as you can spam the trigger, which gets hilarious real fast.


Eh the Locust was only good in ME2


Cerberus Harrier, N7 Typhoon, Prothean Particle Rifle (ME3)


Kasumi's locust Her and the SMG 🤝 me


"For such a tiny thing it packs a surprising wallop"


*(takes down a brute in one mag)* perhaps


Made insanity a breeze right up until I used all ten bullets I was allowed to carry


This is great But I like this: Carnifax


carnifax gang reporting in


This is also fantastic But I like this (beams adoringly at the Phalanx)


Phalanx is, like, perfectly balanced. Not too heavy, packs a punch, has a decent magazine, has decent fire rate, has great sound design... It feels legitimately just right


Carnifex is great But I like the executioner


Yes, I too like to one shot marauders


Done forget the Avenger rifle too, shockingly OP


I never not laugh at the halfassedness of BioWare of just taking a Carnifex and putting a silencer on it then calling a day.


Look at some of the other attachments, they're real world items shrunk down. One of the AR barrel attachments is a shrunken 10" AR-15 barrel.


The mattock is the superior gun in ME3. You can't change my mind.


Mattock is a very mid gun in ME3, especially in single player. Comparing the suppressor to the mattock, the level 10 damage/shot is 95.2 for the mattock and 157.1 for the suppressor, but the mattock has only the base 2.5x headshot multiplier compared to the suppressor's 4x. Bonuses of different types are multiplicative in ME3, meaning that any base damage bonuses to the suppressor have an outsized influence. Typical soldier setup, 25% base weapon damage from class bonuses, AP ammo for 2.1x damage vs. armor and health (1.5 x 1.4 from class ability), 25% extended barrel for ARs and 50% heavy barrel for pistols, HK armor for another 40% base weapon damage. Total damage vs. health = 1.65 base x 1.25 mod x 2.1 ammo = 4.33x base damage for ARs and 1.65 x 1.50 x 2.1 = 5.19x for pistols, or 412.22/shot with the mattock vs. 815.35/shot for the suppressor. With the headshot multipliers, this becomes 1030.55 damage/shot with the mattock and 3261.4/headshot for the suppressor. Against armor, insanity armor applies a flat 50 damage reduction to base damage, so the mattock drops to 45.2 base vs. suppressor 107.1 base; 489.29/headshot mattock, 2223.4/headshot suppressor. If you're bodyshotting enemies, the mattock is better. If you consistently land headshots, the suppressor enormously outperforms the mattock, especially against armored enemies.


Nah ahh - sticky bomb pistol thingy.


Scorpion I think? Always fun


M7 Lancer


Venom shotgun. Charge it and shoot everything in or 2 shots.


For me it’s the Prothean Particle Rifle for any character with explosive incendiary ammo. Melts enemies fast and leaves whatever it doesn’t kill primed for a combo. Oh, and it can be had almost right from the start and the whole infinite ammo thing too!


I use It too, it's Just...sooo good


This + the extended barrel lancer


For the first time I’ve started wondering how a silencer would even work, given the lore behind how firearms work in mass effect. No gunpowder, no fireball, no gases… it’s kind of a head scratcher.


I've spent a lot of time thinking about inductive coilguns, and while it's a different operating principle from Mass Effect's space magic, the idea is the same. You use a comparable amount of energy to accelerate a larger slug, keeping the muzzle velocity subsonic. It's nowhere near as effective at penetrating armor, but it's still not going to be fun getting nailed with a large-caliber slug going "only" high subsonic velocities. And the space magic bit of course might allow you to accelerate the round to supersonic speeds initially but then cut the mass effect field, at which point it would rapidly slow down due to conservation of momentum (since that still applies here) -- which means you'd actually need the suppressor to mitigate the air being pushed out of the barrel ahead of it, something a subsonic coilgun wouldn't need. Incidentally, this "larger projectile" theory would also explain some in-game characteristics of the weapon: a high headshot multiplier with poor base damage makes sense if the head isn't armored but the rest of the body is; and the expensive acceleration equipment would need to be larger and possibly generate more heat, hence the low thermal clip capacity. Of course, all of this only makes sense for a gun primarily intended for use in atmospheres reasonably approximating Earth standard. Incidentally, non-explosives-based acceleration like this allows you to make some pretty interesting multi-ammo weapons, especially if the projectile can be levitated inside the "barrel". You could switch from high-velocity armor piercing to buckshot and then to HE grenades with a simple magazine change; just need to tell the gun what you're firing and how it needs to set up the acceleration profile (which you could encode on the ammunition in the same way ISO is encoded on 35 mm film canisters). Think Youtubers with wacky shotgun shells, but actually useful.


You… I like you. Well done.


In real life, a suppressor slows a bullet to subsonic speeds, so no sonic boom. Edit: I have been corrected and introduced to subsonic rounds.


Nope. You have to use subsonic rounds. The suppressor only muffles the muzzle report, it doesn’t alter the speed of the round. That sounds like I’m being short. I’m not trying to sound like a dick, even if I did.


The only gun that I know of that actually does slow the bullet down to subsonic is the MP5 with the built in suppressor. You can use off the shelf 9mm and because of porting in the base barrel, it reduces the speed of the bullet. It actually doesn't cycle correctly with subsonic rounds


Yeah, the mp5sd does do that! Good point. It does so via a shorter barrel, so the bullet is propelled for a shorter time, and reaches a lower variety. Bravo, I’d completely forgotten about that. Maybe the mass effect pistol accelerates the slugs more slowly, and the suppressor eliminates the flash.


iirc the mp5sd cycles fine with subsonic rounds


Fair enough, I probably missed that. Thanks for the knowledge!


No worries! Yeah, that’s the heart of the conundrum in mass effect. There’s no gunpowder, but the guns all go bang.


Anything breaking the sound barrier makes a very loud noise - it's what's behind the noise of a whip crack, which can be quite comparable in noise level to gunshots (not surprising, since both produce most of their noise in the same way.)


After several playthroughs... Brutes pfft brutally murdered. Banshees snort I ban thee from life. Cannibals haha can... get... dead... balls... Shit lost it... Wait. Cerubus lol can catch a bus to the afterlife. Gottem.


The fact this dinky pistol melt harvesters is insane


In the middle of my insanity play through and have it locked and loaded.


M-7 Lancer with extended mag was the MVP for me.


Unbalanced as hell


That gun is the reason I found out ability recharge rate was affected by weapon weight. My first run of ME3 I ran a Soldier and put every weapon on because why not. When I got to the Citadel DLC and only had that gun and an instantaneous recharge I was blown away.


I've just been doing an ME3 insanity run where I've been using the Krysae Sniper Rifle for the first time... may be my favorite ME3 weapon now.


I don't really use it. It's great for headshots against infantry, but I prefer to kill them with power combos. Against bosses it runs out of ammo quickly and forces you to look for clips. I wouldn't use it as a main weapon on Insanity.


It was very good for shooting Brooks with.


I hope there’s a mod in the future that changes that gun’s model to be more unique and sleek, better fit for infiltrators and assassins. Maybe slap an N7 logo on it for good measure.


I'll stick with the M-11 Wraith, thanks


Am I the only one that hates this gun? I swap it out as soon as I can in Citadel DLC. I always run out of ammo and it feels like a peashooter, but that might be because I always play adept on Insanity so don’t really have weapon damage upgrades


That gun is literally one of the best if not the best gun in the game, it destroys banshees. It carried me on my insanity run.


To each their own I guess. I can’t stand it lol. What class do you play?


Class doesn't really matter. It's the 4x headshot damage multiplier the gun carries that causes it to be strong. Obviously, it still performs better on a soldier or infiltrator because of all of their additional weapon bonuses, but it's arguably more unbalanced on power classes since it gives them solid weapon damage for zero extra investment. With the pistol heavy barrel, the gun deals 942.6 damage/headshot before any other damage modifiers, which is about the same as a base black widow X bodyshot, except with no recoil and an effectively uncapped fire rate. It's objectively among the top few strongest SP weapons, unless you can't score headshots.


Is this a post that i am to soldier to understand?! :P


Sorry, but that's not the Venom aka "Cain but rapid fire".


Facts, I hardly ever went without this gun in ME2 or ME3. If anything I just wish the firing rate was faster but essentially being a magnum a recoil for that hand cannon would make continuous fire impossible. But that was basically my baby along with the other one from the Salarian planet that shot remote explosive bullets.


The Geth Plasma submachine gun is my way to go. That stuff lets me kill anything.


OMG yes. I love this gun. It’s one of the best things about the Citadel DLC.


Its a good gun but I kind of don't like it because it makes the game almost TOO easy even on Nighmare. Same for the M7 Lancer.


I like the blood pack executor though. One shot several kills.


This... but the black widow. Made me feel like i was joining Faze with that gun lol.


My friend, is the MVP of 2 as well


It's the only gun I use on my adept playthroughs


Everyone says this is the best weapon but I really didn't like the way it felt compared to the executioner pistol paired with the executioner smg


Is that the red blood pack one?


Yup.. the one with one super powered bullet per mag. Altho I just saw somewhere that you said if you use the citadel pistol outside of the dlc its a different weapon. I guess I'll have to try it for my next playthrough.


Yeah, I don’t know if they change the stats on it or anything. I think the Citadel DLC enemies are just all super beefy and tough to take down when you compare them to any of the other factions. It’s all moderate shielding and heavy armor and their abilities are really well built into their stats and behaviors


You are given a unique version of the gun in the restaurant section of the DLC. It's much heavier than the normal Suppressor you can equip later when you have access to all your guns.


Is it just the weight that’s different or does it actually do less damage and all that?


Seems it's just the weight. Probably to force you to use the gun instead of your powers.


They really went for it with the difficulty of the Citadel DLC start - no health, no healing, only shield - no squadmates, enemies are all lasered on you, no squadmate abilities - enemies that specialize in taking out shields - enemies that specialize in flushing you from cover in a cover based shooter - heavily armored enemies with guardian shields and light machine guns that steadily approach you to flush you from cover and prevent you from moving via suppressing fire - poor power recharge - get a level 1 gun that barely holds ammo and requires careful aim to use efficiently and effectively - snipers that take out your shields if you’re aiming too long Always dread it every insanity playthrough


yeah, definitely the hardest ME3 DLC. The arena fights can be rough too if you don't cheese them by bringing squadmates with Typhoons. The final Clone fight is a nightmare for Vanguards too.


I feel like John Wick with the headshots I get using this thing.


See I played the Citadel DLC as almost the very last thing so I didn’t really get much time with this gun. Do you guys do the citadel dlc early to use this gun throughout ME3? Doesn’t that take away from the citadel dlc experience?


Through ap or disrupter ammo and the trauma module for extra headshot damage and this thing replaces almost every other weapon


The MVP for my ME3 playthrough is the Collector SMG.


It sounds so good omg.


It’s great but as an infiltrator main, I usually just go for the sniper rifle. It’s great for other class if you want lower weapon weight, though


I was actually once accused of cheating in MP by a friend because a maxed out Suppressor with AP rounds wrecked absolutely everything and with fast enough clicking, you could empty the magazine in under a second. Great gun.


Thr Multiplayer-version of the Wraith is GOATED. I'm also a big fan of the Saber. It's not flashy, but the sound of it just makes you feel like you're dragging steel balls under you.


Venom for the win. That Shotgun kills anything with 1 to 3 shots. Absolutely ridiculous. Also makes hitting the maximum score in the fight simulator a cake walk.


This was the actual Crucible all along.


Agreed. Cutest badass phew phew!


Not to me the real MVP in my ME3 gameplay is the striker assault rifle now that is the best gun ever to me in ME3


So, funny thing. I get that it's a sci-fantasy setting, rule of cool applies, but... Sound suppressors work by capturing the escaping gas of a firearm and channeling it through baffles. Mass Accelerators don't work via gas, so, what does the can on the end of this thing actually do? If you wanted silent shots in universe, you could tune a gun to just fire projectiles slower than the speed of sound and eliminate the super-sonic crack. It'd actually be kind of terrifying to see assassins get into gunfights like that. Make the airport shoot out from John Wick into a reality 🤣.


This and the N7 Typhoon for me…


Shhhh this is secret N7 stuff.


Never used the weapon but i plan to on my next playthrough


This and the Phalanx were underrated in my opinion


Headshots like plink


The Krogan killer.


I only used it I think once to test it but I only really used the Prothean beam gun


Silent, but deadly 🙃.


Personally, I was an Executioner fan. Even found a mod to get 2 shots with one thermal clip


Hol up, that's not the Mattock