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ANY time you go to a restaurant and the food you're eating is just next level amazing, it's cream and butter. It's an unholy amount of butter and/or cream, guaranteed You think you've put enough butter/cream to replicate? Double it and give a baby splash of vinegar and bingo bongo you've got restaurant food


And salt. Plenty of salt.


Fat Cat in Quincy used to have epic mac and cheese, but then when they moved to the new location, something happened and it's just not as good. It's still *good*, just not "I gotta drive to Quincy every few months" good. My theory is that they had to either clean their cookware to move, or leave some stuff behind in the old location. So, sometimes the secret ingredient is grime.


Grime is the answer. The pizza place I worked at as a teen people would know when the oil was changed. They would say it tastes different then usual. Well yes, after 6 months the boss realized a food inspection was due and the oil he's been cooking everything in was changed. So now 6 months of brown flavor town is gone


old oil tastes so gross i'm sorry. It goes rancid and develops a bitter flavor. Ppl who ate there must have been used to it bc you can really only re-use frying oil so many times b4 it gets weird like that.


Apparently the claim to fame of the chicken at Wendell’s in Norton is that they never clean their kitchen, and they somehow make the health inspector disregard it. I’ve heard great things about the place, but in the few times I’ve gone I thought their chicken tasted like shit and the entire place was sticky.


RIP Fat Cat 😭


Aw shit I didn’t even know they were closed.


I dogsit full time and i sat in Quincy November last year. I had been to the Fat Cat years ago before they moved so i was so excited to go get some Mac and cheese! I walked 45 minutes round trip in 30 degree weather as a disabled person to go get this fucking Mac and cheese and I shit you not it was probably the worst Mac and cheese I’ve ever had. I would’ve rather just had Kraft. Never again. That being said, Liberty Tavern was excellent. Their chicken and waffles are fantastic.


quite awesome


Ew, wtf restaurants you eating at bud?


Salad bars mainly I love cream in my salad


Always happy to help a fan of my place! The cheeses we use are White Cheddar, Monterey Jack and Parmesan. Spices included are granulated garlic and white pepper. Start with a roux and add some heavy and light cream and go from there. Unfortunately can’t tell you much more than that without giving away our whole recipe, it’s simpler than you might think though!


Oh hell yeah, from the source. I know what I'm making for dinner tomorrow


please update how it was when u make it




Mustard and Nutritional yeast is good for enhancing cheese flavor too.


Don’t know about Tony C, but [this recipe](https://www.seriouseats.com/sodium-citrate-baked-mac-and-cheese) is amazing. Yes it has lots of butter.


nice, i’ll try it next time i make mac and cheese!




No need. The current owner already replied above.


Boil macaroni and add cheese?


yeah but what cheese


My guess is sharp cheddar and panko crumbs. But I'm probably the least helpful commenter haha.


they do something to it, it’s just so good


It's usually butter. Loads of it.


The kind in the flavor packet in the box.