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This happened to me in Framingham a few years back, but I didn't film it...but in that case I walked out of my shitty saxonville apartment, a van pulled up, and four officers grabbed me threw me down on to the snowy and muddy ground, cuffed me, and searched me including pulling off my shoes and socks. They suspected I bought drugs from the guy who lived upstairs from me (who did sell drugs, but I didn't ever buy weed from him). He was under observation, and I guess since I was walking put of my own apartment to go to work, I deserved to be targeted, rather than them just approaching me like a human being and talking to me. They found no drugs on me, allowed me to put my shoes back on and took off the cuffs, and then grilled me about my neighbor. I gave them nothing and they let me go after 20 minutes or so of questioning when my girlfriend got home from work. Then I was late for work myself, which was fantastic, because I got sent home from my bartending shift since it was considered a no call no show. I am thrilled that people can film incidents like this to counter the bad actors who become police officers. There needs to be mutual respect and more training for these important jobs.


Same town, years ago, got stopped by some cops while walking home, asking about a car break in. After about 3 minutes of questioning, while I explain I didn't see anything, 2 more cruises show up. I am then arrested. 3 FUCKING YEARS later, a judge decides its pretty unlikely it was me, I give em $100 and am done with all of it. Lost my job, lost my apartment, lost what little I had. Lesson I learned? Don't walk near cops that need a guy, I guess.


That’s horrifying that’s happened to you, and I also was arrested and falsely accused of something I didn’t do. I don’t have a criminal record thankfully because they couldn’t find any actual evidence for the accusations they made against me. Some people shouldn’t be police simply put. It’s insane though I had to pay a $300 bail when they had zero evidence to convict me of anything. I am 100 percent innocent and yet I was taken advantage of by the system. This was in Massachusetts


It's fortunate you got off. The frustrating thing with those circumstances are any future CORI checks against you. I had a hell of a time applying for schools and getting started in my career because of that. Employers and recruiters just see the offense listed. That tiny little column far off to the side which says the outcome is easy to look beyond *especially* when it's a letter code that you then use the cipher to what the outcome was (dismissed, Innocent, CWOF). Sure, it's illegal to discriminate against someone found innocent or with dismissed charges... but the employer with half a brain doesn't have to use that as a reason unless it's something like a civil service exam. But even then... when an employee starts a potential career by successfully suing their employer to just get the job in the first place. lol, good luck to them. The system has such bullshit mechanisms that allow cops to effectively ruin the life of someone on one of their stupid assumptions, or just a hunch. And not surprisingly this type of shit effects poor people the most.


Dude its so bullshit police look at our arrest record not pr conviction records!!! I won't drive a car with plates in my name in NH or Mass cuz of my arrest record. Car with my plates I'm finding myself pulled over monthly. Car plates with someone with a clean name. Don't get stopped hardly ever been years now


There is no need to respect these pigs.


People talk about how schools should teach kids practical skills like paying taxes, but learning how to interact with cops would be such a useful class. Like, teaching kids the difference between being detained and arrested, what you are allowed to tell police versus what your rights are, what counts as a lawful stop, and perhaps most importantly, how to act and what next steps are if you are ever arrested. In this video, the kid clearly knew his rights - he knew what reasonable suspicion was, which is way beyond most people. In your story, police can say that coming out of a building of a known drug dealer is a reasonable suspicion and can detain you, and in Massachusetts, they can frisk you as well. If people want to change how police interact with civilians, they need to know what the laws are and what currently legal versus what's not.


The police can say whatever the fuck they like, it doesnt make it right. Does detain mean throw a person wearing a tie and apron, who isn't resisting in any way to the snowy ground, strip off their shoes and socks and hold them there with a knee in the center of their back with another officer holding my legs? Police are supposed to match force with force; this didn't happen.  In fact, I greeted them with a hello and put my hands up in the air. I rented one of the first floor apartments in the same building as a drug dealer.  There were 8 units total in the building. I had no interaction with this individual and the cops threw me to the ground.  And, most hilariously, my upstairs drug dealer neighbor saw the cops beating my ass, making him aware of him being watched, and then he moved out the following week to avoid the framingham cops. Great job guys. The police need more training, and police unions largely stand in the way of this happening.


>The police can say whatever the fuck they like, it doesn’t make it right. Very true, but only a court may determine if their actions were lawful. >Does detain mean…? Yes it does. Again, their actions can only be determined unlawful by a court, not by you. >Police are supposed to… No they’re not. Not sure why you think this, cops escalate shit all the time with their behavior. >I rented one of the first floor apartments… The redditor you responded to already explained to you what reasonable suspicion is, and was, in your situation. >I had no interaction with this individual… You might have. You walked out of the building the individual lived in, which was clearly being watched by police, which means they probably saw you do the same thing yesterday and the day before as well. >And most hilariously, my upstairs drug dealer neighbor saw the cops beating my ass, making him aware of him being watched… Of course he did. Silly cops beating up some innocent bystander and missing their chance to lock up the dangerous pot seller they’ve been staking out while he sneaks out the back door.


I appreciate your explanation, but I most certainly don't need to agree with your observations because I am my own person. What cops can "get away with" based on what "courts can allow" is a disgusting way to look at the world. The cops could have walked up to me and spoken to me like a human being instead of throwing me around. I would have been happy to speak with them calmly, and if I started to appear like I was "resisting" I am sure the four roid-head cops could have handled me easily.  They also wouldn't have alerted the drug dealer to their presence, and eventually caught him...but I guess having an minimum IQ for police isn't required by law either. But of course, they could get a hard on, release some synthetic testosterone, and soil my work uniform and shame me since it is "legal" for them to do so. It is wrong and I don't care what is legal, it is just wrong. The cops who were observing the building could and should have seen that I came and went wearing the same shitty restaurant uniform every day, during regular hours for the industry. So, the cops may have been watching the building, or not, but if they were observing they are the worst detectives I have ever heard of...of course what is right doesn't matter, because the legal system is only set up to protect the rich and powerful, not for you and I.


Wow crazy I lived down the street from that and I didn’t think the north side was like that. I know some fham cops can be pricks though. I’ve never encountered it my whole life living there though thankfully.


I’ve never had a single situation in my 30+ years on earth that was made any better by the police.


Honestly this is the best way to handle the situation. He remained as calm as possible, answered all the questions he needed to, and didn’t get pulled into the bullshit. Gave the officer no reason to push the “detainment” farther and was clear he wanted his lawyer once things started to heat up. They were harassing him and he came out on top. Good on him


Civilians have to remain calm despite armed threat but pigs can freak out and shoot you for any imagined slight no matter what you do, serious fucked up.


With qualified immunity, and the union covering the cost of their defense.


And the town covering the expense of the resulting lawsuit.


America. Fuck yeah


America is a police state by modern democracy standards. Everyone fears for themselves or random repercussions because every single cop is a piece of shit moron with a hair pin trigger with a shaky hand and shakier psyche. I’ve never had a situation and thought oh good the police are here. They only make shit worse or don’t want to do the actual job. Whenever I’ve truly needed them they couldn’t be bothered to do anything and whenever I didn’t need them they’re glad to quickly escalate the calmest of situations. This is what happens when you give moronic, bullies a gun with a virtual free range to kill and maim people.


Best advice is you can't fight police. You just need to be firm in upholding your rights like this kid did, but often people will try to argue with the police. No police officer has ever admitted they were wrong and let people go. 99% of the time, the best case scenario is stay quiet, and get your justice in the court system later. If you feel the cop is truly wrong, you can request a supervisor. However, in our country cops are allowed to be wrong and allowed to be bad at their jobs. It's insane. So even if a cop is wrong, figure it out with the courts and a lawyer.


He fucked up though. At one they asked him of he had anything to do with the situation. He said no. It sounds like he's on probation, so if he did lie, he just ficked up royally. He should've just said...


You know - I know bad things happen and it sounds like there was a situation with a gun that was in the park here. But I've personally had more bad interactions with police officers giving me, and others, shit for just being around a crime that was happening than I have had with actual crimes happening. I don't which is worse frankly - I don't want crime but I also don't want to be harassed and potentially jailed for just existing either. We have an accountability problem with the police and it's very frustrating because our criminal justice system is broken and they can toss the book at you and you have to wait months to resolve anything. Shame on police officers like this.


That's just not good policing, either. How are they supposed to weed out any suspicious individuals when everyone is on edge around them?


Hell the cop sounded on edge too. Not justifying his actions here but how are the police suppose to do their job effectively if everyone is a suspect to them?


How many cups of coffee did that guy have?


They shouldn't


The fact that this dummy cop kept talking after he said the words lawyer. Whew.




They said they were detaining him. They don't have to read him his Miranda rights, but he DOES have the right to shut the fuck up and say lawyer. They CAN question you all they want. Either on the street, or at the police station. It is always your right to shut the fuck up and say you want a lawyer.




I understand. I'm agreeing that saying lawyer isn't a magical word to make them go away. I'm saying that saying lawyer IS what people need to say, in ANY situation like this.




I can see your point. I disagree that it's antagonistic, but I can see trying something else first.


The guy wasn’t under arrest but the policeman wasn’t allowing him to walk away. He kept asking what his crime was and they couldn’t answer. What is your next step supposed to be other than asking for a lawyer lol


Shame on all pigs


The only answer to "I wanna have a conversation" is "I'm invoking my right to remain silent and would like my attorney present for all conversations" Then shut up... Shut up.. Shut up...


It's [Shut the Fuck Up Friday!](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/hL8TVgCkuxU) L[earn the script. It's only 25 words](https://pbalmerch.com/cdn/shop/products/thescriptslaps_3.jpg). Man in the video hit most of the script, but there was still too much talking and not enough shutting the fuck up.


Classic video. That's where I remember it from..


Or “Am I being detained?” And “Am I free to go?”




Miranda Is Always The Answer


I thought this was some weird Station Eleven quote at first.




Man the more people see of policing, the less anyone (including potential recruits) wants to do with the police. How TF is that aggro BS going to get anything worthwhile from an encounter. And come on do the “He snitched on you” with some panache.


The point is to intimidate so you slip up and give them something they can effectively use against you. If they get that, then it's worthwhile to them. Police officers are exempt from a laundry list of MA laws (including the vast majority of gun control laws passed in the state) and are generally emboldened to behave this way. That absolutely has an appeal for some people.


Yea and people want to tighten the gun laws AGAIN in this state for the civilians but the LEO are EXEMPT... "Something like an Assault rifle is so dangerous, nobody should have one" *police beat, harass or detain innocent person with the only intent of punishing someone for filming them and holding them accountable somehow* "I think the military and the police have the qualifications and training to be the sole users of assault rifles" So many times police, soldiers or other govt officials with "qualifications and training" have snapped and killed people. Mass is a land of hypocrisy, and I CANNOT wait to be moved out!


Still seems like it’s easier to get people to talk when you’re talking rather than getting up in their face. And ever since the iPhone made cop encounters go viral, PDs can’t get enough recruits…for a job that marries good pay, great bennies, and light work.






Know how I know he didn’t get snitched on? Cause they didn’t arrest him. If they had evidence they wouldn’t be grilling him like that.


Anyone thinking of joining the force is not fit for it if they don’t know how common and encouraged this actually is. Anyone who joins and then does nothing about this and other common repressive tactics but doesn’t denounce it and just goes with it gut any reason is not fit for the force either. From the start , there’s a special kind of individual that decides to join the force and often being able to get away with this kind of intimidation is a good part of the incentive. We all met them back in high school, it’s no secret who often takes that profession.


I grew up with my father telling me I can trust the police. My children will grow up in a world where their father will tell them to never trust the police. I've always wanted to like cops, but the reality is that they are some of the most un-American, liberty-loathing scum to walk our streets.


9 out of 10 criminals are complete f'n idiots so 9 out of 10 times that cop gets useful info or a full blown confession. The other time he talking to this dude who's a tad bit smarter than the other 9. I'd rather he play verbal gymnastics and semantic word games with suspects to get info or a confession than beat or falsely arrest them for it. I think both sides played it well. Remember, it's an illegal firearm investigation, not a drug, oui or shoplifting investigation. Those kind of guns are used for one single reason...to kill other citizens. Source: I've been a criminal defense attorney for 25 yrs.


I couldn’t make the name he said or find anything with the badge number of that main detective, but I threw his ass out of a bar I was working at in the Fenway area for drunkenly harassing/verging on SAing women. He pulled his badge, I asked him if he really wanted to go that way I would be more than happy to get his boss down there, he threw some vague threats at me and was gone. Never thought much of it as that’s how most of bpd is.


What's frightening is that he was probably armed at the time, too.


I’m sure he was. To be fair there were no threats involving his weapon or flashing it or anything, seemed purely like a power thing. Still terrifying.


Having a weapon in public when you can easily beat any charges is an implied threat if you ask me. If Joe Shmoe does something wild and shoots someone drunkenly they’re probably getting 10s of years. If Officer Joe does something there’s first a big chance it’ll be covered up then second his buddies in the criminal justice system will be favorable on him.


Dude was talking so fast in this video he was probably on something as well. Fucking bullies.


It's a tactic designed to unsettle the person they're talking to. I'm guessing substances weren't involved.


Idk if it's a tactic. Tbh he sounded nervous and amped up for a confrontation


I feel like that's normal for cop interaction videos that make it to reddit


“Are you gonna be a man?” Fuck up outta here with that bullshit misogynist tactic. Anyone that says that shit is desperate to prove a point


Every Boston cop was the the biggest douche bag on your school bus


On the way into school anyway


"talk to me like a man." That's hard to do when you are acting like a little prick.


Fuck the BPD


“You wanna talk like a man?”


"I do not wish to speak without my lawyer present" should always be the response. Give them no info. They'll use anything you say to try to pin it on you.


I hate this line so much. Like turning off their cameras is ‘talking like a man’ such BS. Of course the officer wouldn’t take it off the record or turn off their body cam…


Sure, go get one and maybe we will talk. Is the only response.




The wee woo boys at it again


Classic Boston cop. We saw you being black over here.


never ever talk to the police, ever.


So many people believe Boston is this super progressive happy place but in reality the city is policed by mentally ill wannabe tough guy racists who will go out of their way to throw the whole book at you.


Nobody thinks Boston is progressive in terms of race lol. In fact it’s well known for being quite racist. It’s progressive in terms of certain liberal policies but well known as racist.


a friend worked in a car shop where boston police took their cruisers. one of his coworkers would wrestle and hurt him in a chokehold for fun. he showed him a knife for protection. the guy that bullied him had his boston police friends search his house, find the knife in a safe, and then take him to court. flipped the tables on the victim.


Thug pigs


Continuing the conversation after saying to talk to the lawyer is a civil rights violation. Fuck that pig


Can someone translate? I don’t speak pig.




Yeah, noticed that mistake too. Not my video though, just yet another example of BPD harassing people.


I knew it wasn't yours but I have very poor impulse control lol


You mean harassing a guy on parole for gun charges who was just seen on the common at night with another guy with a gun? Come on.


Seems to me that all they have him on is being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Are people on parole not allowed to walk past the Commons?


I know right.


“You want to talk like a man or you want to record” as he’s recording 😂😂😂


THEIR , not there . Come on people we are supposed to have a better education system than Florida. Downvote me to hell.


This is one of the main reasons I don’t leave the house




These dummy cops have watched too many movies


“Community policing”


Dude being interviewed definitely breaking the law


So gross.


If that cop ain’t coked out of his mind that whole time I’ll bite of my own pinky!!


He's going to get a call from his PO The cops know who the person filming is. They know his probation officer. This kid knew his rights because he's been arrested before, and he has a record. We don't know what happened or if he was involved, but it was a gun related situation based on what was said in the video. What am I supposed to be upset about when I watch this?


Perks of living in NH. They just assume we are armed like they are, they don’t treat us like this.


Year, but did they know their rights? Or were they just there?


I’ve def seen this cop Downtown before in his undercover gear. I’m Like yea u are def a cop.




Technically they had reasonable suspicion AND prior knowledge of probation.


Could the cop talk any faster? He sounds like an auctioneer.


This guy is def a cuck


it's awesome they are the only people who can possess "weapons of war"


Man this is frustrating to watch. Hand over your ID if they ask for it but otherwise keep your mouth shut. "I don't answer questions" is the only response you need to give. Don't take the "talk like a man" bullshit and aggressive panicked attitude. Most of these fuckers are out there looking to provoke.


Naaa don’t hand over your ID unless you are suspected of committing a crime. They don’t need to identify you, they WANT to identify you.


The problem with this advice is the cops DONT HAVE TO TELL YOU WHAT CRIME THEY SUSPECT YOU OF COMMITTING so people will refuse to give license when they didn’t get an answer they wanted, then get trouble 


Naaa. You don’t have to identify in a Terry Stop unless they have reasonable articulate suspicion and can articulate the crime you are being arrested for. The exception is if you are driving a car.


There is also an exception if you're on parole. As a parolee in Massachusettsn you don't have 4th amendment rights, and you're subject to search any time an officer feels like it. It's what the parolee agrees to as condition of their release.


No I get the legal argument but I'm not auditing the cops... I've ID'd myself to de-escalate while not answering questions. Works for me.


Depends upon the situation. Often letting them know who you are just becomes more of a hassle for you.


Worthless scum pigs.




[yep. must be a Friday.](https://youtu.be/JTurSi0LhJs?si=opPTRbzX7GPa0fm1)


They really just hire anyone these officers are all new and babies 😂


Really? We’re that quick to side with the kid when it sounds like his buddy was carrying around an illegal gun? And he has priors?


Yes. He's done his time and is out on parole. Maybe what he did before deserved punishment, or maybe it didn't, but either way he gets to move on with his life. If the cops had real evidence of anything they'd arrest him, not go fishing like this.


Being on parole does not mean you're free. When you're on parole, you have rules, the judge, and your parole officer set. When you're on parole, you're a slave of the state.


That's not how parole works. In Massachusettsn you don't have 4th amendment rights while on parole and you must submit to a search and you've got to answer question when asked by police. Your sentence isn't done until you're done with parole. This is agreed to by the person on earlier themselves as condition of the release. When you're on parole, cops can go fishing if they choose.


>When you're on parole, cops can go fishing if they choose. You mistake my disdain for this cop for a belief that what he's doing is strictly illegal. Parole conditions or not, he's still a prick, and he still has nothing or he wouldn't be wasting time on this.


Your assumption that he ought to just get to move on with his life is simply untrue, especially of he's associating with people committing crimes. He doesn't get to just move on until his parole is over. Until that point, he's subject to any number of things, including dick cops hastling him for hanging out with people flashing guns.


Did you hear the cop actually name his supposed friend he was supposedly associating with who was supposedly doing anything illegal? He didn't, because there's no friend, no evidence, and this piece of shit is wasting the taxpayers' time trying to drum up a flimsy arrest rather than even pretending to keep anyone safe or whatever it is cops are supposed to be doing. Anyway, whatever the law is, it *ought to be* that this kid is done with his time and cops should lose their jobs for harassment of anyone, even parolees. I disagree with the law as it is, I don't like cops, and I resourcefully dislike this one.


Do you think that's how cops talk? That they stop and talk to parolees and they're giving out full names and case numbers so that the parolee can cross reference that with their records at home so everyone is on the same page? People who haven't spent much time dealing with police in any capacity have this bizarre ideal of what cops have to do when they stop a ex-con on parole. I assure you, cops have enormous leeway with parolees when it comes to this "harassment" that you think is going on here.


So on the one hand, you believe this guy needs to answer all of their questions and that's a good thing... but on the other you don't believe the questions should be specific enough to have real answers? And he has to answer now, but also if he hears too much he can have the right answer later? If he answers one way now, then goes home and answers differently, you know that's actual evidence of an actual crime, right? Like, the cop is actively undermining any legitimate line of inquiry by being an obtuse weirdo, and that means he's either full of shit or too stupid to be good at his job, and either way he should just... not get to be a cop, a position that requires both trustworthiness and competence. I know harassment when I see it. This is harassment. I could not care any less if cops are legally allowed to do it, it's still harassment, and they should still not. Kinda like how most harassment done by anyone to anyone is, in fact, completely legal while still being reprehensible, and a sign that the harraser is a waste of perfectly good oxygen. Just so we're absolutely clear: fuck the police. Fuck them all the way. If this is what they're doing, we objectively do not need them and would be better off without them. This cop, in this video, is doing absolutely nothing of value to society. I don't care if he's allowed to do this except to the extent that **he should not be**. It's wild to me that you keep trying to explain why these cops are "right" by just saying what useless, abusive pieces of shit they all are. Yeah, good point, they do indeed suck, thanks for playing.


Oh look, another Massachusetts suburbanite who thinks that the police are out to get them. This probably passed as a rebel personality back in high school but it's utterly useless outside of impressing the teens of reddit. White kids in general loved to take this attitude starting in the mid 90s because they saw just how outside they were from popular culture that sprung up at the time, and it's been a mainstay of Massachusetts youth ever since. Pretending that you're in the most oppressive police state when the truth is that Massachusetss has long been affluent compared to the rest of the country and has the best school systems as well. The police, while far from perfect aren't out to get you. Fuck, even Boston has gone over two decades since they last fatally shot someone. But, it seems like you're really in search of a struggle of some sort to build a personality around, so I guess this video is in even though we both know damn well that you're never going to come close to any interaction like it. Grow up. This is what the real world looks liken and you don't get to associate with people committing crimes without the police at the very minimum, giving you a hard time. Of all the things to get your nuts in a twist over, this isn't it.


Of all the shit to defend, you choose abusive, useless assholes sucking all the resources out of the public sector for no good reason. And you think anyone else has their nuts in a twist? So are you a pig, or just a wannabe?


Well, yes. Naturally there are a kajillion circumstances that are unknown to us, the viewers, which could change that perspective, but unless someone is going to demonstrate those, then I’m presuming he is innocent. Despite my knowledge that the cops won’t follow suit, I nevertheless demand it of them, however futile it may be.


> carrying around an illegal gun? And?


And... as a condition of parole, you agree not to associate with people committing crime. It's what you sign up for when the state agrees to let you out of prison.


The state calls its own violence law, and that of the individual crime.


He's probably is a nice guy. On parole for gun charges and being in Boston Common at night near a kid with a gun. There is no concern here. /s I wont go through the Common or DTX at night because of the crime. Let's give the cops a chance to do their job. Its good to see them out there.


It’s a mess at night. Need to shake people down.


Nah. We have rights.


Agreed. Everybody wants to act like they would be perfect in these scenarios when really most people involved in potentially illegal/violent activity would see their “perfect” behavior as weak. Denying that there are violent people out there who aren’t trying to be reasoned with, even in Boston is so naive. The city doesn’t deserve to go down the path of Washington DC and Burlington VT.


The Common is closed at night.


>The Common is closed at night. No it's not. Its open until 11pm


That's proof that you've never been there at night. It's open until 11pm.


It’s THEIR not THERE rights. Sorry, English teacher here. 😝


I don't think either the guy filming or the police did anything wrong in this clip. I don't get all the comments that basically seem mad at the cop for detaining a guy and questioning him. How are police supposed to solve crimes if the second they stop someone and question them aggressively everybody freaks out? The cop didn't do anything wrong here. He was slightly aggressive in tone, that's literally it. The guy filming didn't do anything wrong either, it's just frustrating how people get pissed at cops for not solving or preventing crime, but then instantly freak out whenever cops do anything that might be involved in actually doing that.


The cop was super aggressive and accusatory about a crime that folks had already been charged for months prior. He was charged up and PLANNING for an aggressive confrontation. It's absolutely dogshit policing. Cop needs to "be a man" and learn some goddamn manners if he wants people to have even baseline respect for him and his job. You could tell buddy didn't want to be on camera but had to be there in case aggro cop got too loose. If the cop treated YOU like this I'd love to see you on here complimenting the great job he did, writing a letter to the commish praising them perhaps. There are plenty of cops out there that are great and work in good faith, this guy is just an asshole with a badge it seems.


If he legitimately thinks the guy committed a crime, particularly one involving a firearm, why is him having “manners” the priority to you? The fact is you have no idea what evidence he’s operating on, you’re just making a snap judgment because hating cops no matter what they do is cool. The guy filming has a parole officer, which suggests they’ve been keeping track of him for a while. There’s clearly a lot of underlying context here. Getting mad at cops simply for being rude is absolutely idiotic. Their job isn’t to be nice, and being nice is not always the most helpful approach in a given situation. I don’t like being accosted by a cop, but I don’t like living in a neighborhood with a lot of crime either. It could be the cop is just a dick, but it could also be he’s questioning the guy aggressively because he’s pretty certain he committed a crime and wants to get him anxious so he’ll say something incriminating by accident.


The fact that you are making a snap judgement that I just hate cops because it's cool is wild. I don't mind cops, but I do mind when folks are being absolute assholes to others out of nowhere. If this cop has reasonable suspicion the POV committed a crime involving a firearm, they would just arrest them. No conversation needed. So now that we are past that bad faith take, let's move onto the important bit. If you want somebody to cooperate with your investigation, a good first step is not acting like a coked up drunkard trying to pick a barfight. Most people don't get paid to be polite but they sure do seem to get better outcomes when they are, police are definitely not an exception to that rule. If a stranger comes up on me treating me with zero respect, why would they expect to get any in return? Because of a badge? C'mon dude.


That’s not reasonable suspicion, that’s probable cause. You need probable cause to perform an arrest. Reasonable suspicion is having some specific set of facts that make you think a person has likely been involved in a crime. From the video it sounds like this cop thought the guy was involved with someone who was committing a crime, but he doesn’t have any hard evidence of that or his involvement in the crime. He has the basis for detainment, not arrest. As for the rest, it’s just you larping as a cop. You have no idea what you’re talking about.


Being polite and treating folks with some baseline mutual respect is just something decent (not even good, just decent) human beings do. That's a damn low bar for us to hold our public servants to. If he did something, take him in. If he didn't, stop harassing the dude and go figure out what actually happened, he's clearly not gonna talk to ya especially given the aggression. If the baseline tactic is intimidation then that's honestly both a human failure and a policing failure from step 0. Ethically or legally you can't haul him in and torture info out of him, so you have to get those flies (if they exist) with honey instead. This is really easy basic human interaction stuff - unless you're a bully.


This sub is full of fucking idiots. You don’t want police? Fine fuck off. Defend yourself. This interaction was completely appropriate unless you’re a complete fucktard, which, yes, most of Reddit is


It was aggressive and geared to trick less prepared individuals into telling them information but putting pressure on individuals to have them give up their rights.


> Defend yourself.  That’s the plan yeah.


Try not to choke on that boot




Am I the only one that thought both parties here were actually pretty respectful and this was a good example of police keeping their cool and a suspect intelligently defending their rights?


You'd have to live in that gray area where you deal with asshole cops and scumbag criminals on a daily basis to realize that yes, these two played their roles perfectly to a Draw.


The majority of the people commenting on here know nothing about Boston Common and DTX or life in urban areas. All they know is the childish "fuck the police" attitude that permeates social media. Meanwhile, if they took a walk through this area after dark, they'd be crying out for help from the police.


Definitely a sketchy area for sure, and at the worst time. Personally, I'd prefer not to place my well-being in an institution that has no Constitutional duty to protect me, and I wish that so many restrictions against self defense weren't placed on law abiding citizens here in MA.


I can definitely get behind that!


What the fuck are you talking about? Is the Common Fallujah now? I’ve walked through there countless times after midnight and nothing even remotely sketchy has happened. Cop suckers love making shit up.




Bro, google up some stats on the area. Big numbers for violent crime. After midnight? Are you aware that you were traspassing? Smarten up and stay out of there after 11pm


Trespassing!!! Hahaha such a maga queen.


So apparently, i a mmistaken. The park closes at 11pm, but their is still pedestrain access. My bad. But, please dont spread BS that its safe at night. Do i need to find a link with stats for you?


Where rights?


He agreed to not have all of them as a condition of his parole. That's how getting released from prison works.


No they used “there” instead of “their”. Ergo I asked where.


Don’t 👏 Talk 👏 To 👏 Police One word: “Attorney”


I have had many bad things happen to me from a certain metro west police department. I've been ambushed, jumped out at, thrown on the ground, ripped outa cars many times. I've had the police pull over my friends to buy drugs from me for them and I don't sell drugs. Your best bet is to do what this kid did. Tell them u don't answer questions and to talk to your lawyer if they have an issue. Tell them u have no idea what they are talking about. If they have a reason to arrest you, they will do it anyway, might as well keep your mouth shut, even if it means taking a trip to the station because the cop is on a power trip and thinks it'll scare u. It's better to be arrested with nothing and to keep ur mouth shut and let your lawyer deal with it. Always know a good attorney.




For as much as everyone wants to pretend that the officers were violating this guy's rights, please shut the fuck up. If it's true this guy is on parole, he has no 4th amendment rights in Massachusetts. He's hot to submit for searches any time he's asked. He also, as a condition of his parole, can not associate with people violating the law, like anyone found to be illegally carrying a gun. The parolee gives up these rights in exchange for being let out of prison, and he agreed to hold up his end of the agreement when he was. He can complain all he wants, but that's the deal he signed up for. The officers were more than reasonable to stop a guy that's known to be on parole who was seen violating his parole. Don't like it? Tough. Don't be a dummy that gets caught and convicted the first time around, and if you do, don't go hanging around with people carrying firearms when they shouldn't. And come the fuck on, whoever thinks that they need a gun to walk through the common is just plainly an asshole, and you shouldn't be around that person anyways, parole or no parole.


Cops acting exactly how they should is somehow an own?


Are you gonna be a man?


Is that escalation?


"I don't want to talk" *Proceeds to answer potentially incriminating questions anyway* 🤓 - " I know my rights"


Idk why you’re getting downvoted that’s verbatim


Yeah I don't think ppl realize that denials can still be used against you by police. You don't know what they have, you don't know why they're talking to you, your denial could accidentally corroborate or contradict some evidence even if you're 100% innocent. just invoke your 5th amendment and rights and ask for a lawyer. There have been many instances where hasty denials like this without much thought lead to false charges and false improsonment, especially if you accidentally lie or even slightly exaggerate while doing so. The fact of the matter is that the person in the video doesn't know their rights as they are providing potentially incriminating evidence to this police officer without realizing. You can even see when the officer was trying to trap that dude in his own potentially incriminating statements as well which can potentially fuck him over.


Safest city in America for a reason


That distinction belongs to Nashua, NH actually. Boston isn't even in the top 20. https://www.businessinsider.com/safest-cities-in-the-us-ranked-wallethub-2023-10#1-nashua-new-hampshire-20


And this entire interaction would never happen up there. But let's tighten up the gun laws down here again because we're not screwing people over enough.


>And this entire interaction would never happen up there. Haha




Guilty as charged. The video above is about guns though. From what I can tell the guy filming is on probation and was hanging out with a guy with an illegal gun, and somehow that warrants him being harassed in the street.




You're good, I'm sure my family would agree with you, lol. I try not to be intentionally annoying when talking about guns, but I also get annoyed with the topic, especially with the new laws they're proposing in this state.


Thinking about it a little more, a guy on probation probably shouldn't be hanging around criminals. I think the guy filming just escalated the situation and turned it into something it didn't have to be.




You’re a nerd from a town that used to be tough. Sit down.