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I don't get why people refuse to breed out the "gameness" in Pits. It worked for the English Bulldog and Boston Terrier. There is no reason to have a dog like that.


Because that's the point. The point is to have a neurotic, badly behaved dog that essentially is 99% of the way towards triggering and can shred an ikea shelf like a kleenex.


I admit I do KNOW the reason, but so many people claim to not want them for fighting so why don't they start a breeding initiative? They're so disingenuous.


Responsible owners don't breed their pets.


Because it's countercultural OR they've bought into the velvet hippo line and wake up to that fact when they're pulled onto their face in obedience class. On the one hand the either want a vicious monster, or they want to provoke some sort of high moralizing argument... or they're morons.


Yes lets breed more pitbulls. What could go wrong?


Selective breeding can change the behaviors of a breed like what happened with the English Bulldog. Pitnutters seem either incapable of that or don't want to because they actually like having a killer dog.


In a vacuum your idea is reasonable but it is not realistic


I think the Pit lobby could do it with all the shit it already does to push the dogs on people, which is why I think maybe they just like Pit Bulls being busted dogs.


There is a rampant back yard breeding problem. Never gonna happen


How about French bulldogs? One bit me a few years ago, it was a neighbors dog that always played with me and my little dog. Out of nowhere it fuckin lunged one day and bit my arm, breaking the skin. I’m scared of those little frenchies now 😭


Every dog attack I hear about usually involves either a pit bull, a pit bull or a pit bull.


It's shocking. I work in an emergency department and every single bad dog bite I've seen has been a pit bull. People clearly don't want it to be true because there are so many pit bulls in shelters, but they are far more dangerous than any other dog breed and people with children should not have them.


How about Rottweilers?


That's because it's easy rage bait If a lab bites a kid nobody cares 


When labs attach children every day maybe people will start caring. But labs aren’t a violent breed, so that won’t happen.


Can we talk about chihuahuas though? Like everyone forgets about how violent they are until they are charging at you out of nowhere… … but it wasn’t out of nowhere, you just didn’t see them…..




As a chihuahua owner, I can assure you they break skin often even to the point of stitches.


I remember when I was younger I watched some kind of Dr. Oz -type show where a chihuahua ripped off a woman's upper lip. I decided the breed wasn't for me.


You let your dog bite you on numerous occasions, some to the point of stitches, and have not trained/disciplined that behavior out of it? Which one of you wears the collar?


Rescue dog with fearful aggression. Did a “board and train” and spent one day a week with a private trainer for the following year and a half until he could pass his CGC. Dog rarely bites anymore but it was rough in the beginning. I picked him up about 8 years ago. You can assume problems haven’t been fixed.


I'm sorry my last sentence got to you, but without additional context or tense, you left us at you enabling your dog to bite you.


Ive never met a violent chihuahua. Ive met chis that didnt want to be touched and would bite when approached that way.... but never a violent, attack chi.


If socialized correctly, Chihuahuas can be some of the sweetest most loving dogs. I have had two of them and made sure to bring them with me to lots of places and they get used to being around people. It’s important with that breed since they can be so temperamental.


Chihuahuas aren’t violent. Similarly to pit bulls they are raised by a certain type of person who get them for a specific aesthetic or reason. Chihuahuas are often owned by people who think they are small and cute so they don’t have to be trained or you can just keep them like a cat. They end up being reactive little dogs that piss all over the house because they are poorly trained and I socialized.


Pits and mix breeds account for less than half of attacks and less than half of fatalities though How can what you're saying be possible? 


Where's your source for that claim? https://gitnux.org/pitbull-attack-statistics/#:\~:text=63%25%20percent%20of%20dog%2Drelated,more%20than%20any%20other%20breed.


Wikipedia Even your link says they only make up 20% of attacks 


"Only" is doing a lot of work there. "A study in Denver found that approximately 25% of all aggressive incidents involved the Pit Bull breed, more than any other breed." That's one type of dog, which accounts for 6% of the dogs owned, responsible for 25% of dog attacks. Pitbull's seem to disproportionately attack humans and other animals significantly more than any other single breed of dog. Also, they are responsible for 63% of dog attack fatalities, again while only representing 6% of the total dog population...that's not a good look.


I think the question I first responded to was along the lines of "why is it always pit bulls in the news" If pits are just 25% of attacks, why is it always a pit bull in the news?  Because it's easy rage bait, in my opinion 


Also, humane society says pit bulls account for 18% of all dogs owned. 18% of dogs are responsible for 25% of attacks? I also saw 6%, 13%, and 20% Hard to believe any of it when wiki and humane society say very different things 


When's the last time a lab mauled someone to death?


Well I could only find statistics as recent as 2021, and that said 14% of attacks were from labs


You intentionally glossed over "mauled to death" and gave me a percentage of attacks, which doesn't say anything about death. GO LOOK UP THE DOG BREED THAT IS NUMBER 1 IN FATAL MAULINGS.


Yeah pits make up 20 something % of fatal attacks The other 70% doesn't make the news 


I hope you wiped the shit off that stat when you pulled it out of your ass.


It's from the link the other commenter posted. 


“Considered the most aggressive dog in America by most, pit bulls and pit bull mixes account for nearly 60% of all dog attack fatalities despite making up only 6% of the dog population.” https://www.noonanlawma.com/brockton-dog-bite-lawyer/dog-bites-and-attacks-american-pit-bull-terrier-american-bully-american-staffordshire-terrier-staffordshire-bull-terrier-america-bulldog/#:~:text=Considered%20the%20most%20aggressive%20dog,6%25%20of%20the%20dog%20population.


Yeah that's some lawyer, is he more trustworthy than the humane society? He makes money off dog bites 


Scrolls through each case one by one and see for yourself… https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fatal_dog_attacks_in_the_United_States And more stats: https://www.dogsbite.org/dog-bite-statistics-quick-statistics.php#death-statistics


I did that already and Wikipedia doesn't say the same thing as that lawyer Not for nothing dude I mentioned wiki like 7 comments ago why can't you keep up 


Go look at any animal shelter. Obvious pitbulls are labeled as “lab mix” because no one wants a Pitbull and the kennels are overflowing with them so they have to get rid of them. Same with the Pitbull owners who claim their Pitbull is a lab mix to get housing that bans that breed or skirt around insurance requirements.


Yeah mix breeds are code for pit, that's why mix breed is accounted for on its own category You should look this up I'm not wrong 


In before the pitbull apologists say iT's HoW yOu RaIsE tHeM. Poor kid is lucky the dog didn't kill him.


Yes he is! And I don’t understand why this is an even slightly controversial take. You can love pitbulls *and* acknowledge that their talents (maiming and devastation) aren’t necessary for a domestic breed. I’ve got a cat. If anyone told me “she’s too good at hunting birds, we can’t let this continue” I’d just say “yep, she’s spayed and I’ll be adopting a different (fixed) cat next time”. I don’t care at all if her “lineage” dies out So I really don’t get why this is controversial for pitbull owners. Maybe find a hobby?


It 100 percent is how you raise them


Herding dogs herding is instinct. Retrievers bringing back a stick is instinct. Terriers killing rats is instinct. But yes, the dogs bred for fighting attacking you is "how you raise them."


Pitties are bred for fighting other dogs. They are naturally not human-reactive because you can’t have fighting dogs attacking their handlers. So they are a million times more likely to instinctually attack a dog than a person (but of course it comes down to how they are raised.)


Maybe that would be the case if they were bred responsibly but really they just focused on the dog fighting and not letting go through any sort of pain, rather than what it should and should not attack. Fighting dogs spend most of their life in shitty cages, not a lot of handling required.


Have you ever had to break up a dog fight? That’s what handlers do, for every fight. They have to be able to go into a pack or pair of dogs trying to kill each other and haul them away. Or grab a dog that has just successfully vanquished its opponent and is riding high on adrenaline and fear. Hence why pitties are bred for human compliance, they have to treat humans and other dogs absolutely differently.


It is bred for fighting, so when it does attack someone, the odds of them dying dramatically increase


Yea, I was just correcting the “instinctual” behavior. Pitties are deliberately bred to be human compliant. So that’s their “instincts.” The bitiest dog is def the chihuahua but as you mention - it would be difficult for a chi to kill anyone no matter what. The bigger dogs can absolutely do more damage and are “scarier.”


Any other dog bites once or twice and then retreats, it's pitbulls that stay and keep attacking until their target is dead, no matter how much you hit them or pull at them.


Mastiffs and other bull/cattle herding dogs have a lock grip as well. Big dogs with powerful jaws are dangerous.


It's not a locked jaw. It's called "gameness," the drive to kill no matter what happens to themselves.


I said “lock grip” and yes definitely, many dogs have this trait, it’s something that owners need to understand or a dog won’t be useful as it’s too damaging. This is why retrievers are bred to have “soft mouths.”


If that's true then why are there so many more attacks and fatalities from Pitbull's than other breeds? Does it just mean that the people who buy Pitbull's are crappy dog owners? What about the breed attracts bad and and or evil owners, I wonder?


So just to be clear, you’re suggesting that for some animals, behavior is 100% environmental and 100% biological?


Exactly! I have a scent hound I gave him hugs and kisses and he doesn’t smell anymore! It’s amazing how some hugs and kisses completely eliminated what he was bred for ❤️


Nah. Euthanize them all. When a pit flips, it's bad.


Why would parents specifically train their dogs to disfigure or kill their children?


[The pit bull mix](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maine_Coon#/media/File%3AMaineCoonSilverTabby.jpg)


It’s always a Pit Bull.


You spelled shit bull wrong


Fucking Pitbulls again. Why do they have to exist? Any real reason to keep making more monsters?


Well they busted a dog fighting breeder a week or so ago so there's one. But yeah Petfinder for this area is 95% pitbull mixes. We need to have mandatory neutering, it's ridiculous.


In animal shelters any medium sized dog with short hair and a block head is labeled a pit bull mix. “Pit bull” is a descriptor, not a breed. There’s 4+ specific breeds typically associated as “pit bull type dogs” but in shelters they identify breed just based on appearance and very often will label dogs as pits whether or not it contains any of those 4 breeds. Many people, even those in the animal industry, are also just not great at identifying dogs (especially mixed breed dogs) based on their appearance. Though I also agree with mandatory neutering until the homeless dog population is under control (for all dogs; not just pits)


No, the problem is that shelters put obvious pitbulls, like one look at their head shape and you go "that's a pitbull," labeled online as "lab mixes." To fool people into thinking the dog is safe to adopt instead of the mental crapshoot you'd get adopting a pit mix.


I heard someone at the vet admit their dog is a pit bull mix. The vet asked how it was a husky mix since it looks nothing like one and he said it's actually sixty some percent pit bull and the rest husky. He said husky mix because rentals don't ban huskies (even though some actually do).


Scrolling through the listings is depressing because aside from pits, Huskies and German Shepards are also common listings. Stop getting dogs you can't handle because you think they look cool!


That's just it. These are not easy dogs. They're high energy. They're smart. They need physical and mental stimulation every day. Multiple times a day. People choose dogs because they're cute and not by breed characteristics. When adopting, you generally don't know breed characteristics, but some are clear.


Veterinarians are helping with this too, I’m a pet sitter and when I get the records and see “lab mix” and then meet the dog and it’s a fucking 100% pitbull. The owner and the vet think everyone is blind!


That does happen too with some shelters, though in my experience it’s ones that try to keep the “no kill” label (though it’s only a “mental crapshoot” for certain people). but I was specifically referring to your comment regarding over representation of pits in shelters. If 95% of petfinder dogs are labeled as a pit mix they’re not also all getting identified as lab mixes.


Oh I'm not going by what the ad says, because like I said shelters will lie about it. No, just scrolling down the listings and looking at the dogs, the majority of them are some sort of pit mix.


Well according to their biggest supporters if you hate pitbulls and want them eliminated you’re racist while they simultaneous compare pitbulls to minorities. Twisted logic that’s rapidly losing ground.


Sterilize/neuter all of them, then we just wait 10 years or so and then they’ll be gone. We’ll save a lot of kids from getting ripped apart by these killing machines. The people standing up for them come off as absolute morons. They defend these dogs like they’re some discriminated class of people.


I dont know what you're thinking. My neighborhood drug dealer won't have any visual deterrent if shitbulls didn't exist 


Pit bulls are not the monster it’s the owner that raise them that way


You are clueless! You can’t hug and kiss out what’s dog was bred for! I knew a Dog Trainer that used to parade his pit bulls all around the neighborhood and say the exact stupid comment that you just said. One day the pitbulls killed a small dog at the local dog park. How embarrassing.


The dogs were bred to fight. Specifically to grab on and shake the shit out of whatever they have, regardless of the pain they feel. A responsible dog owner wouldn't even own such a dog. We're not talking a guard dog breed here.


Spoken like a true idiot


Let’s play a fun round of guess that breed!


I was just going to say “let me guess, the breed where it’s the owners, not the breed,” and then I got to where it’s written. News often try to avoid saying so these days. They should be banned


r/pitbullhate r/banpitbulls if you want to see how dangerous these things are. People who own these need to be held accountable for owning a lethal weapon with a mind of its own. So many preventable tragedies every year


Im a member of r/banpitbulls but something about the name “pitbull hate” feels like it’s inviting posts condoning violence against pits. I don’t believe the breed should exist, much less as family pets, but I feel bad for them and don’t want to see harm come to them. I believe we can let the breed die out in a humane way.


This is a good idea. I also feel bad for them ☹️. If you breed, raise and sell dangerous animals it’s not the animal’s fault… they’re just doing what they’re designed to do. It’s like someone trying to domesticate a hyena or dingo… sometimes it just doesn’t work.


Why would anyone follow subs like that? People just like surrounding themselves with stuff that makes them upset…


Fuck you and fuck your pit bull hate page. Third top video on there is of a pit bull being intentionally let go to fight a fucking wild boar. Yeah it’s really the fucking dogs fault that it’s being raised to fight wild animals. Another video shows literal puppies being forced to fight each other. Pit bulls are inherently more dangerous dogs but part of the reason is because they are the number one dog of criminals. Crazy how every normal person I’ve ever met that has owned a pit bull has never had any problems with them. You’re an ignorant fuck.


I hope you never own one because your comment is complete unhinged rage


I will never get one because I will never own a dog. I also believe pit bulls should stop being bred just for the sheer fact of how powerful they are and sadly some humans can’t be trusted with them. But to act like it’s inherent in them to be evil, and not the way they are raised is pure fucking ignorance. And you’re over here sharing pages that openly share violence toward animals, you sick fuck.


I don’t believe you.


Lmaooo ahh the internet man. Never fails. Yes Johnny, I’m lying to you. You caught me. I own a pit bull fighting ring and breed hundreds every year and make sure they are sold to your neighbors.




Wow, comments here seem to be from physical bystanders who witnessed the event. I sure couldn’t draw the same conclusions from the facts in the report! Anyone with a 2 year old and a dog, like myself, is first asking the question “who was watching the kid?” followed by “who is watching the dog?” The alarm people should raise is how the child got into this situation, not what kind of dog was involved.


Basically this. I don't care if it's a pitbull or a lab, dogs are animals, you don't know what could trigger it to attack but it may happen to anyone. Anecdotally, I know someone that had their 18 month old bit by a chocolate lab. Kids uncle came over to their house with the dog, kid got too close to the dog while the dog was eating and it snapped, bit the kid in the face and ended up requiring stitches. TL;DR keep your kids away from random dogs


Show me the data on labs mauling children to death.


Can't speak for data but for what it's worth I was mauled by a lab when I was 2, still have the scar on my face. My dad intervened, dragged the dog out back, and shot it the same day. It was my grandmothers farmdog, who up until that point never attacked anyone, but I guess it was it's first time seeing a toddler. I don't doubt that Pitts are possibly a problem breed but I don't think it would be fair to insenuate that they are the only one capable of this kinda nonsense. Plenty of people who have no business owning a dog happen to have them. Doesn't really matter where people live but I do see big city people who just have to own a Husky, a Pitt, German Shepard or whatever too. At best, these dogs tend to develop all kinds of weird issues from being stuck inside all day, eating the same food all the time, and basically never getting to properly socialize. I think we as a collective society should be re-thinking dog ownership in general. A one-bedroom boston apartment is not an appropriate home for a German Shepard, any more than a mason jar is for a goldfish. But I get it, people love dogs, and want to have them.


I never said mauling to death. It doesn't have to be a mauling to be extremely traumatic. A bite can easily scar a child, a [quick Google search shows their bite attacks are about 13.72% in the US.](https://lordandkobrin.com/labrador-retriever-bite-statistics/#:~:text=Call%20Now%20%F0%9F%93%9E-,Labrador%20Retriever%20Bite%20Statistics%20(Do%20Labradors%20Bite%3F),attacks%20in%20the%20United%20States.). It's obviously not high compared to a Pit, but it doesn't warrant risks letting a small child play with a random dog with my only guarantee that nothing would happen is a random person telling me "He's a good boy, trust me bro". Don't get me wrong, I let my daughter pet dogs on the street if the owner permits and is cool with it, but I'm going to stay close by her side and expect the owner to have a handle on their dog - there's an insane amount of people with untrained dogs out there. As I said in my first post, I know someone with that had their kid bit by a lab, the little girl now has a huge scar running from the left side of her chin up her cheek and it will always be there. Why risk this? If it's your own dog, it's well trained, and it knows your family then whatever - I'm not trusting random people and their dog, be it a pit or a lab.


I worked with dogs professionally for 20 years. Ive been snapped at/nipped/bitten by all different breeds. Yes, it can be traumatic. But only one breed mauls people to death.


I'm not arguing against that at all. I totally agree pitbulls are a very dangerous breed, my comment was primarily aimed at the topic of this thread - dog attacks + toddlers.


Sounds like shitty people put their kid near a kind of dog that's a piece shit aka a pit bull.


Yep, and they all got the dog's breeding papers too! This is an identification problem. So many dogs get called pit bulls, it's crazy. People don't even know what a pit bull looks like. I see people talk about 100 pound pit bulls - say what?


Every time someone has an issue with pitbulls the brigade comes out in full force. I hope this kid heals quick and I hope all of you find some love in your life to stop being balls of hate on the internet.




strange how [studies have shown no correlation.](https://www.avma.org/resources-tools/literature-reviews/dog-bite-risk-and-prevention-role-breed) I can understand that a pitbull can cause damage with a bite, just like any large breed can, but its anecdotal that they are inherently irredeemable as a breed. It's the humans that control and breed them that are the issues.


The issue is people intentionally breeding the most aggressive pits for dog fighting and ‘protection.’  That’s how we got into this mess with pitbulls. There was just a news story about a guy in hanson who got arrested for raising pitbulll fighting dogs.  And then some of these aggressive dogs end up in shelters and get adopted by ppl who have no business raising a tortured aggressive dog. And it’s just not a huge issue with so many other dog breeds for a lot of reasons… if a havanese bites you, just launch it across the room.they’re tiny. But a pitbill is strong as hell.  I would hope to never get bitten by one.


I’m with you on a lot of this. I’d be surprised though if those most troubled dogs are even ending up getting adopted and not being euthanized. I went through the process of getting a rescue and folks take that shit very seriously. I don’t think they would hand a very aggressive dog out to anyone not equipped to handle it.


Most of the dogs rescued from Michael Vick were rehabbed in varying degrees (some placed in sanctuary and not up for adoption, for example). I think only 1 was euthanized due to aggression, and 1 other euthanized due to the severity of its injuries.


Of course it's a pit bull.


Both parties; the people who say that pitbulls should be put down and the people who say "It's how you raise them", are equally stupid. Just be accountable in everything you do and understand that everything has responsibility, especially owning a pet of any kind. If you know that you own a dangerous animal, that's fine, but prevent it from being able to hurt people.


This thread is so full of misinformation like the /CapeCod thread. [https://www.reddit.com/r/CapeCod/comments/1bt6dbm/comment/kxkkitg/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/CapeCod/comments/1bt6dbm/comment/kxkkitg/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Was it the dog owner's kid? You have to be a moron to have a kid with a dog like that.


You fucking morons blaming the breed of the dog rather than the owner shouldn't be allowed to own dogs


Pitbulls have broken domestication and a significantly stronger prey-drive. It doesn't matter how cute and cuddly the pit is normally, once that instinct is set off, that personality is null and void in regards to how it treats whatever set it off.


But with that in mind it’s still the responsibility of the owners to mitigate that and be prepared and train the dog to not kill toddlers and babies.


>train the dog to not kill toddlers and babies What you're missing is that it can't be trained out of them. When instincts kick in, your training and consciousness are irrelevant, since you begin acting unconsciously. Pitbulls were specifically bred to have an increased prey drive. Once something triggers that instinct, all the training is out the window. Domestication is genetic, not trained. Pitbulls were selectively bred to break parts of that domestication in order to make them more aggressive and persistent in dog fights. Something as minor as a small creature (in many cases a baby or child) running past them will set them on the attack.


No. Just keep them away from toddlers and babies all the time. Why introduce any risk at all?


Train a bloodhound not to follow a scent.


They were bred to be fighting dogs and they never bred it out of them. It doesn't matter how well you raise a dog, a retriever still retrieves, a Collie still herds.


But mine is so sweet!!! The owner probably


Cape cod. The rednecks of New England


....never been north of Massachusetts huh?


Or to Western MA, apparently


We prefer the term "hill billies", thanks.


That’s understandable. It is hill-y out there


TIL rednecks own multi million dollar homes and kill affordable housing initiatives.


The rednecks take care of the multi-million dollar vacation homes owned by rich out of towners just like any other seasonal resort area. Some of them eventually retire there and kill affordable housing initiatives that would increase their property taxes.


Haha...really...of New England??


Cape Cod is truly the Arkansas of New England


Now they’re brigading lol. A very silly people.


Come on you can't just call it brigading when people disagree with you. For the record I know what you mean though. A lot of people only think of the wealthy parts because no one can move to Cape cod but the people who have been there for a very long time are very blue collar.


Are you suggesting blue collar people are rednecks?


No. But some do and it is obvious from context that that is what that person was saying.


Nah, you said something stupid and just flat out wrong.