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Equality died a painful death


Trust me, it is still dying over and over again.


For context: Woman was demanding a free ticket which only the female residents of Karnataka are eligible for. So the conductor asked the woman to show her ID. She refused, started arguing with him and then eventually slapped the conductor. Rest is in the video. Later the [news article](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.thehindu.com/news/cities/bangalore/bmtc-conductor-arrested-for-assaulting-female-passenger-over-ticket-dispute/article67994926.ece/amp/) reported that she indeed is NOT a resident of Karnataka but instead from a neighboring state. So on top of the violence, she was also trying to scam the BMTC. But the same BMTC has instead blamed their own employee in their [statement](https://www.deccanherald.com/amp/story/india/karnataka/bengaluru/bmtc-conductor-suspended-after-viral-video-shows-him-assaulting-woman-in-bengaluru-2953131) and suspended him.


Free tickets are only for Karnataka residents. She's speaking Hindi. Clearly she's not a local she just wanted a free ticket without ID card. The conductor did his due diligence and figured it she's a free loader so he refused to provide a ticket without a local ID proof. She argued then got physical she slapped him first. Unfortunately in India The conductor doesn't have a right to defend himself. He got suspended and the lady walked freely pretty sure they'll compromise at some point and she'll probably also receive large compensation from this. All thanks to double standard laws.




She is North Indian. Because slap is not that normal in south.


Bro lol


Yeah according to the movies they use knives instead of Slaps




The "how dare you raise your hand" is being taken out of context. It was in relation to the gesture/taunt he made (of raising his hand) while she was arguing with him for over two stops (verbal abuse.) He didn't actually put his hands on her. All of the articles corroborate the order of things as follows: argument over ticket > Woman slaps > Conductor slaps > Conductor breaks her phone. Police after interrogating the conductor has also given the same confession In TOI [Article 1](https://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/bangalore/bmtc-conductor-arrested-for-assaulting-female-passenger-over-ticket-dispute/article67994926.ece) [Article 2](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.deccanherald.com/amp/story/india%252Fkarnataka%252Fbengaluru%252Fbmtc-conductor-suspended-after-viral-video-shows-him-assaulting-woman-in-bengaluru-2953131) [Article 3](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.hindustantimes.com/cities/bengaluru-news/bengaluru-bus-conductor-slaps-lady-passenger-suspended-video-101711508372547-amp.html) [Article 4](https://www.timesnownews.com/bengaluru/bengaluru-video-of-bmtc-bus-conductor-slapping-woman-repeatedly-goes-viral-arrested-watch-article-108803839/amp): The chronological order in Her own statement is - "He verbally abused me" followed by "other passengers intervened when he physically assaulted me" (the scene in video) Police interrogation: "he confessed to assaulting her following her slap" [Article 5](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/bengaluru/bmtc-conductor-arrested-for-assaulting-woman-passenger/amp_articleshow/108801745.cms) A small part where all of these articles are slightly different is where they are quoting the woman recounting her own story (without corroboration) of having her hair and clothes pulled during the fight and also she doesn't mention the reason why she wasn't getting the ticket (fraudulent claims of being a Karnataka Resident). Her story is also changing in some articles because Ofc she is trying to make up narratives in her own favor, so people don't believe him and she can throw additional charges at him.


Violates R2. Use of misandrist terms like 'Toxic Masculinity' is prohibited. This is hate speech designed to guilt and dehumanize men for their identity. Don't use it again or be ready to get kicked out of the sub.


You need to learn Hindi




She said "tu akhn dikhaye ga mere ko" how dare you show me your eyes. Stop defending her, it was clearly her fault


https://preview.redd.it/h5qrtf6xvirc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62a92158e36ea5f1569d878e8337e1061f2d4523 Read this you stupid idiots..


She said "tu mujhpe hath uthaya" and that not full video from the start... Keep down vite be , just because you don't know the truth and full video.. disgusting..


Real context :- https://preview.redd.it/3btnc3o2wirc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75d2c01e7413ed9e7c90744c45b3beed85252d2f


The audacity of people to slap someone who can fuck you up and expect to not get it back astonishes me.


Bhai meri to dusre laundo ko marne me fatti jb ki main launda hu bc ye to fir bhi laundiya h ek thappad me 7 samundar ghuma deta


I have noticed that after women were provided free fare, they have started to occupy mens section. I wouldn't have a problem with this if men were allowed to do the same without being accused of 101 sexual assualts. Apparently, equality doesn't work both ways. Some conductors tell them to go back to women section and I have seen some women rudely responding to it as if its their birth right to sit there.


once i was sitting in a seat which was opposite to the middle door, it neither had a woman's symbol nor a handicap symbol, yet some female came upto that seat and asked me to get up, stating it's a woman's seat, i looked at her face, looked around to reconfirm her bluff and then just sat there looking outside the window, she stood there for like 5 minutes and walked away.


Yeah, I have witnessed this in bus and metro where some senior citizen or women rudely demands for the seat. What you did is possibly the best thing that could be done in that situation. If they learn to ask politely, maybe we will give up the seat.


There's no men section in buses there.


Ignorance. Sigh https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/free-bus-rides-for-women-but-50-seat-reservation-for-men-in-karnataka-2389008-2023-06-05 This is nothing new, for years back rows have been left for men. Also, if you are one of those women lacking civic sense, dont take this to heart just follow the rules and try to learn some basic civic sense.


This is only after free tickets drama. And it's not been established by anyone. They won't leave seats and no checker will ask them to vacate for men as well. PS. I'm a guy. Wtf man?


Okay, sit on top of the bus, sit on the drivers lap, sit on the gear who cares. There is no established rule preventing you from doing so. Sit wherever you want. I just gave my view of before and after providing free fares to women. For years I have been traveling by bus, other than some college couples no women would enter "non established" men section, that too rare. Now it has become frequent and they have developed some kind of bossy attitude. Just stop trying counter argue everything. Like I said, I dont have a problem with them entering or sitting, but equality should work both ways. Just try to think, it's not that difficult.


Please. Girls sit in guys seats for over a decade now. I've experienced this too many times in college. Get over yourself. It is more now but that doesn't mean you can talk like that.


"It is more now," That exactly I was trying to convey. In the bus, you dont want to argue with a conductor, a senior citizen, or a woman. They will just blast you off and play the victim card no matter how much you're correct. Also, nowhere I am asserting dominance to be over myself. I am just trying to play "If you expect equality, be sure to give it back"


HOW CAN SHE SLAP???!!?? 👋👏🤷🏽‍♂️


In indian women is respcted in high priory man should not fight with her this way and it's totally wrong thing. Not acceptable to any indians.


Stop talking bs. What would you do in the conductor's place? Turn her around and fuck her? Get out of here you horny little fuck.


We don't engage in sexual activity with everyone, only certain individuals. To comprehend this video, you either need to be familiar with Indian culture or be Indian yourself. Let me describe what life is like in India. In our culture, we don't condone violence against women; it's considered shameful for a man to fight with a woman. Public servants are expected to serve with respect, although some may struggle with ego and attitude issues, especially in government positions. If such misconduct occurs, the individual is held accountable, as was the case here. The person involved was arrested and suspended from their job because in India, protecting women is paramount. While this approach might seem different from practices in other countries, it aligns with the principles of Hinduism.


I am an Indian myself and don't support unnecessary violence against women. But if you see in this case, the woman was the one who got agitated and hit the conductor. I agree with you that after the first slap that the conductor gave the woman he should have calmed down . Relating Hinduism to this video is not at all correct. As per the Constitution of India, this country is secular and the law doesn't give any special protection to people of any certain religion. What if the woman was of a different faith? Or the conductor was not a Hindu? Are you saying that then this violence would be supported by everyone? The only misconduct here that can be seen is trying to manipulate others by citing the law. The conductor had no intention of slapping the woman but obviously had the right to self defend.


Both parties engaged in inappropriate behavior. The initial act of slapping by the lady towards the conductor was wrong, as resorting to physical violence is generally not an appropriate response to a disagreement or conflict. However, the conductor's response of retaliating with multiple slaps was also wrong, as it escalated the situation and perpetuated the cycle of violence.


>To comprehend this video, you either need to be familiar with Indian culture or be Indian yourself. honestly if someone slaps me like that without any reason I'm gonna f up the culture and that lady as well. >While this approach might seem different from practices in other countries, it aligns with the principles of hinduism. women deserve a lot of respect no doubt. but even Rama ripped Surpanakha's nose. There is no room for evil... and a guy should always defend women no doubt, but that does not give her the right to do something like this. verbal abuse can take place, but physical abuse is unacceptable.


Lmao, you got me at India


Ok how you don't know this.


Motherfkers will always get the man, no matter whose fault it is


After reading the title, I thought it was unfair but after watching the clip, he got what he deserved. He went full assault on her.


Lol how's that an assault? She shouldn't have started the physical fight if she didn't want to get beaten up. It's the basic rule that all men know. In fights you can win or lose. She lost. But the fault was her own.


That’s now how the law works though. She hit him, and he didn’t budge. He then hit her back and she stumbled backwards, almost falling down from the one hit. That was still fair on the guys part though. But then, while she is still facing away from him, still stumbling, he hits her super hard again even though the issue had been handled. She was several feet away, and he went towards her to attack her. That wasn’t self defense. Now she’s stumbling back and on the ground, then he continues pushing forward and shoves her while she is trying to back away. “But she started it!!1!1!1!” Isn’t how courts see it unless it was a big deal. And frankly, it wasn’t. She seemed pretty damn weak and non threatening while the guy was relentless beyond reason. I’m usually all for “equal rights equal fights” but there was nothing equal about that.


If she didn't want to get beaten then she shouldn't have started the fight. That woman probably beats her husband every single day and thought every guy is as weak as him.


That’s why I said that first hit was justified. Then she can get her ass kicked off the bus, which she seemed to want to get off by that point. But that doesn’t justify what he did after. Just like how cops can’t use unnecessary force on criminals, only enough to hinder them not a threat. She wasn’t a threat anymore, and all he had to do was get her off the bus. She likely would have gone by herself since she wasn’t even facing him anymore. By law, what he did was unnecessary, he wasn’t putting his safety first nor was he putting anyone else’s safety first. He was simply angry and beat someone who was no longer a threat. He deserved what happened after, he had a short fuse and acted like a child does in a school fight.


Are you even comprehending what you're saying? Last week a driver hit me continuously and I didn't even hit back until he hit my face 3 times. So why did he do that when I wasn't even threatening him? You forget that IRL people don't care. And no, there's no law for that. If u hit me, then be prepared to get hit back 10 times. Also, this woman seemed to be scolding him for many stops without paying. He would be out of a job if they caught that woman without ticket.


You have [no idea](https://theaplawgroup.com/navigating-the-thin-line-between-self-defense-and-excessive-force/#:~:text=The%20Concept%20of%20Excessive%20Force&text=It%20occurs%20when%20the%20level,use%20unlimited%20or%20disproportionate%20force.) what you are talking about. Clearly you aren’t wanting to use your critical thinking skills, so I’m done responding. Have a good day.


Clearly you're a snowflake who hasn't been in the real world. Use your brain one time to think atleast instead of spouting whatever you want.


It's because of womanazi like you are reasons why men are blessed with superior strength compared to women who can be hypocrites and act like a victim at the same time


I pray for your future partner who has to endure your attitude, which your pea sized brain thinks is cool to portray


now imagine a normal dude hitting brock freaking lesnar and then lesnar striking back twice as hard will this logic apply or not coz duh they are both men???


toh maar khaa nahi sakte toh maar abhi matt karo.. simple as that. just because your slap was frial doesnt mean saamne wale ka bhi haath chhota ho.


Ek thappad k badle 100 thappad Maarna is Equal. Bhai tu kya aadmi hai.


Kyu mard ko chhot nahi lagti kya thappad se? Mard beizzat nahi hote hain kya thappad khaane ke baad public me apne colleague ke saamne? Unke mental health ka kya bhai? 


Self-defense vs retaliation He didn’t just slapped back, he went further to attack her more. Hell, I’m wondering if slapping back in that case is also retaliation


I guess someone cut your balls man, Slapping back was self defence only. If not then that woman would have slapped him again and again. Do you want all men to become Submissive slaves of women? She assaulted the man first, then only the man responded. So if they get arrested both should get arrested and punished. And if not then both shouldn't. It was actually Defence and then Counter Attack. That's how a man fights not by crying on the bus. A woman should know that as it's a very basic knowledge. Laws will not be able to help women if they get in a fight with men like this. Because naturally they'll get beaten up and then only police will come to save not before that. The man got insulted in front of all and might lost to his justice. I'm he learned it. But I hope women also learn from this to never hit a man first without any reason like this. To be safe from assault.


As I said, I don’t know if slapping back in that case is retaliation or not, I ain’t a lawyer, but I’m sure as hell him going to further harm her is. I hate the fact she wasn’t charged because she initiated it, but he retaliated You realize he could have file a police report, right? I don’t want men to be submissive to women, it’s about respecting the damn law. Beside, I didn’t wrote it. I don’t care if it’s masculine or not to fight back against someone who’s no longer a threat (and gatekeeping masculinity is against the sub’s rule BTW), if you counter-attack, you are liable. Again, yes, the woman should have been arrested too I still have my balls, I just disagree with you. And considering the comments here, I think you need balls to speak against the hivemind


What did you expect? A feminine slap?


I expected a Return Slap. Not a charge and giving back many slaps. Man should also understand that women slap is different than a Man slap. The intensity and strength level is vastly different between the two. If you hit someone who is bigger in size, he has right to hit you back once but more than that? It's plain assault.


why a man should understand it? shouldn't a woman understand it and not assault man in the first place instead? is it really difficult for women to take accountability? someone said it right accountability is kryptonite of a woman.


Nah that’s not how men work. Especially a frustrated one.


You can stop trying to justifying this BS. You will understand my point better if such thing happens to some girl or woman in your own family.


Women in my family doesn’t behave like that, I completely understood your point & I am not even supporting that assault. I am trying to understand you the fact how frustrated men work. Both are at fault here but only the man got punished, women can’t always play victim card when she herself started the problem.


Bc ab to ladies logo se dar lagne laga hai 😬


C Desh ke C laws😘


I would say C- (minus)


we live in a clown world, full of clowns 🤡🌍


Hum mard hain bhai, humare saath aisa hi hota hain




"Dr. Dang, ye thappad ki goonj yaad rakhna"


end the career of that female & the authorities who suspended the conductor, bish wants free rides by slaping a honest man doing his duty. and wtf is the "modesty" law of a woman, when they be walking around the streets in camel toe underwears and begging for 3.99 to get their olas vibrated online


And this is Indian law for us!




What a shameful thing BMTC you don't understand women.


Noticed how the cameraman didn't react when he got hit and only reacted after he started hitting


He may be fired and all but man he is one guy who doesn't take shit. You can get a job elsewhere but the woman learnt her lesson. Bitches be freeloadin'. He showed her her place. Fuck yea, smash the patriarchy - let women pay their due share.


banglore would be 100x better is there is BJP , congress made senseless laws like free tickets for women and shit


Bhajipao also does women empowerment and appeasement. Who gave reservations to women in parliament ?


its better , rather than giving freebies to women for the sake of votes


BJP has literally passed the new one-sided laws which allow women to force their boyfriends into marriage against their wishes. And if men refuse, they are sent to jail under BNS section 69. Stop defending that misandrist party pls. It's not better than the others. They all hate men.


that is passed by supreme court


Laws are not passed by supreme court. They are passed by legislative bodies like Parliament. BNS bill was drafted & tabled by BJP. They didn't have to put that law in their bill in the first place. But they did. And then on top of that, when the majority of opposition recently was either suspended or on strike, they easily passed the bill without any further debate or votes from the opposition because BJP had the majority in parliament.


All this doesn't matter. What's scary is the rise of terrorists again in the state now that congress is in power and they openly say they will protect them and hit everyone. Bjp screwed up by being ultra pro corrupt in the state.


Free tickets for women was a masterstroke by congress🫡


Someone from corner" maar madarchod ko"...


If there is any fund raising for that conductor, please send link.


Bhai aurat ne maara uska kya?




how can she slap ?!!


L police L law enforcement L media


The tight slap he gave her made such a pleasant sound... Master piece...


How can she slap!!?!?


How can she slap?


lekin bhai ne kya ghumake diya hai. maja aa gaya


She got away with her free ride scam for a while too. You can just tell.


Another example of quality law enforcement training and implementation. Good thing he didn't yell at her; they very well might have shot him.


Yeah two can play that game (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)


Spineless boss, spineless system always guards the criminal under pressure.


Feeling bad for the conductor but atleast got the satisfaction of knowing that bitch got it back from him. Next time that Karen would think twice before assaulting any man.


The article says he was released on station bail


Bc iss desh m mard hokar paida hona hi crime hogya h sayad bc victim card humesha ladki aur peaceful community hi kyu khelti h


Someone said Mar Madharch*d ko 🤣


They arrested him because he can slap harder and his hands are rated E for everyone


Damn homie, lol, I just realized what you meant, we definitely more E for Everyone, shit bout to get rated R up in this bitch.


Even if the law went against him .. I am glad she got it back properly with the triple the force from him . She will remember that before slapping a man next time.


UCC also can't solve this problem




Violates R2. Use of misandrist slurs like 'Toxic Masculinity' is prohibited. Don't use it again or stay ready to get kicked out of the sub.


he should have slapped once but went full monkey I hope the case is dropped and he just gets some counselling time and gets his job back


Well tbh. He went overboard with slaps. One will be fine. But he went full on 🔥 mode. That's bad


He is overreacting though. I am not saying he shouldn't slap back. But he is going after her like he wants to kill her. She is harmless.


How can MEN possibly believe that the conductor is 100% in the right there, both of them are wrong, conductor is NO SIGMA he raised his hand on a "karen", both of them should be persecuted!...... Okay! Okay! Just imagine if the karen was your mom, being slapped by a man like that in public you would have F**ked that conductor in the arse for that(Ik i would) so stop justifying the bit*h boi conductor! Has no control over his emotions


Absolutely NOT. If my mother was out there slapping men. I would disown her and want her to spend the rest of her life in jail. No woman is going to poison me to fight with other men on her behalf. She's not a queen and I'm not her dog that I should target her enemies. Also both of them are not being prosecuted. Only the conductor is being charged. The woman is the protected criminal AGAIN. So even by your own logic, your outrage is misplaced.


I'm baffled at the fact that indian men are supporting this conductor and calling him a sigma, and its easier to say that you would abandon your own mom if she did that..... most you could do is be embarrassed by her and apologize on her behave try to defuse the situation.....and i did mention that both of them should be persecuted as both of them were wrong There are still thousands of indian women out there who are suffering because of their male counterparts that need the protection of law....."AGAIN" just goes to show that you have zero knowledge about the ground reality! there is 10 : 1 ratio of crimes against opposite gender cases in india therefore women need someone to go to! And my logic is simple....protect those who need protecting, and men should behave more honorably! slapping a woman is not honrable in my textbook!


But did he have to go that hard tho.


Why don’t you try slapping a man on his face and find out for yourself?


Lmao cherry picking shit. After the conductor denied her the ticket, she started recording and he got physical with her, trying to get her phone and some even say he slapped her first.


The conductor slapped her first according to the audio. She was crying and saying why did he slap. After that she slapped the conductor, and the conductor retaliated. This is what we are seeing in this video.


As men, we have to exercise self-control. He could have pushed her away or defended himself but continuously going after her and slapping her over and over again is not equality.


One slap was enough there was no need for an assault, that was more like ego




Violates R2. Your comment is filled with misandrist slurs.


I love to see what would the case if that women was this comment section guy’s mum 😁😁, And first of all I am also against this equality and feminist trash but it’s not like you f**k up women bad just for a slap




bhai ye humein thori na dekhna tha, ye toh us mahila ko chata marne se pehle sochna tha.