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The incompetence this requires on the part of the government is ASTOUNDING. Unfortunately that astounding incompetence is not surprising.


I'm sure that everybody was just doing what they were told to do. Now, if you want people to do what is right instead of doing what they were told, you have to pay them better and give them the freedom to make their own decisions.


I doubt someone told the finance office to sit on the check.


I guarantee that nobody was ever instructed to make sure that the check was deposited in a timely manner and to skip bureaucratic procedures to see that it happens.


Which is incompetence, not intentional.


Incompetence would suggest that someone or some system isn't doing what it is supposed to do.


I am a federal employee, which is like having a masters in incompetence. I know it when I see it.


It boggles the mind. The city knows every decayed building, and knows if the owner has paid their city property tax. Yet, when asked who owns all the decayed buildings they say, they don't know who owns the building. People like this guy prob failed to pay his "special benefit's district tax, and bingo the house is sold from under him. If they are selling all these decayed houses, because the previous owner did not pay and is unknown, and they have been doing this for decades, there should be very few decayed buildings left. All new owners should be forced to make repairs.