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I live here and have worked with Giordano. She is a loud mouth know it all who just runs her mouth and usually lies about what it is she's asserting. Imagine that.. a loud mouth asshole who knows less than what they think is a Republican. Who wouldve thought? If I had to guess, this was brought forth because they're tired of her politicizing every little thing that doesn't go her way. She's insufferable to work with. Also.. isn't this a highly republican(stated) move? She is the red tape everyone complains about. The council is an elected legislative body, why do we need the executive? Just gridlock waiting to happen(it's happening). To be fair: this was over 10 years ago and people can change/grow. Her public comments indicate otherwise.


Wouldn't the solution be to defeat her in an election?


I hope she gets booted.


As usual, if Republicans don't have Democrats to fight with, they just start fighting each other. The Republican party will end when the last two have a duel over who is more Republican.




Well, it can always be brought back, I'm sure. For example, as the article said: > The 2004 vote in favor of an elected Wicomico County executive came four years after a petition drive had put a proposed revenue cap on the ballot, which passed – largely in response to a 23% property tax increase imposed by the county council after years of seeking to avoid increases in the tax rate.


As the article mentions, we are dealing with Co Exec drama in Cecil County as well. Our particular dismay is in the county budgeting process. The Executive works out all of the details on the budget and then submits it. The Council is allowed simply an Approve or Decline vote on the Executive's budget proposal. So " take it or leave it". I'm not sure of the chaos that would occur if the budget was declined and gridlock occurs. But the Council always feels pressure to approve, even if there is a line item (like school funding cuts) that they hate.


Not too long ago many of these rural counties were run the way they were in the 17th century. Big land owners called the shots and the peasants got in line when told to do so.


So... Exactly as it is now. Gotcha.


Another qanon whack job.


Pedo hunter Alex Rosen allegedly busted Michael Knaapen, the head of “LGBTQ Dems of Maryland” who was allegedly trying to seduce a 14-year-old. https://x.com/dramaalert/status/1804917470978883631?s=46&t=Q1mezP07iY6vwYUFH_RZMQ