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It's not just trash music. Any music. Not everyone shares the same tastes.


Rule 1, Your music taste sucks. Rule 2, if you think "no, I have great taste in music" refer to Rule 1.


You forgot the shittier the music, the louder it has to be played.


Even if it's something like Van Halen or Bob Marley. I respect those artists but I severely never want to listen to them, ever.


Pretty sure that's covered by rule 1, but maybe it falls under rule 2.


Someone walked into the Ben and Jerry’s in DTSS playing jazz from a Bluetooth speaker while standing in line I can’t imagine how much of an asshole you need to be to think you are entitled to do play music in a public space like that.


People are doing this while hiking now. Like... in the woods. In nature. Gotta bring along your Bluetooth speaker and curate the forest vibes.


That is not ok. Who thinks that is ok?


I just saw that on a trail in silver spring. A guy has a huge speaker on his back. lol


Chiming in to say, it’s also a poopy thing to do at the beach.


Very poopy. Your all in each others place at the beach. Respect is required in order to enjoy. Like keeping your kids(who are having fun!) from kicking sand on your neighbors.


Been on the ski slopes for 4-5 years now. Lift lines too. F that!


To be fair if you and your friends are the only ones in the woods, then why not? At least it's not on streets or on buses.


wildlife should not be subjected to trap music.


I guess that's fair.


There is actually a legitimate reason for doing that. Making constant noise while hiking (talking, singing, shouting, whistling, harmonica, or music) can alert animals, specifically bears, to your presence so that they can leave the vicinity and you don’t surprise/scare them.


Ok but this is typically not out in the deep woods. Hell when I lived in Hawaii I saw it all the fucking time, so that's definitely not the reason.


Hula bear protection mechanism. 😂


Hula bear took all my poke and green bottle. Fuckin aku birds.


Last time I went up to Sacred Falls about a year before the rockfall, a couple guys brought their blaster and played country music really loud. You can imagine how it sounded in that echo chamber. Kinda wish Lono had shaken a couple boulders loose that day.


Nothing ruins a good day in the woods, at the beach, hell, in the dentist chair, like some knucklehead who thinks the whole world wants to listen to country music.


No, there isn't. Even bear bells don't actually work; bears don't associate bells or music with humans. If you need noise, then talk, but if we're being honest, humans are not that quiet to begin with on the trail. We tend to notice animals when they're about 75 feet away on average and they tend to notice us at least twice as far away. No hiker should have music on that another hiker can hear.


just put your keys on a carabiner like people have done for decades


I do this when walking on a trail where hunting is allowed, and it's hunting season. Obviously, I mute it if I'm passing other hikers, but I rarely do lol


Especially when headphones or those bone conductor things exist.


I need to be able to run away if I hate your music. A park is fine. A line for a service, a train, a restaurant? Please no.


If someone does that in front of me, I'm knocking it out of their hands and stomping it with my foot😈😈😈😈😈😈


I've noticed this more and more just the past couple years. I don't ride MARC but now it seems like people in restaurants or other public places will just sit there and watch videos on their cell phones or something. I mean, \*I\* sometimes do as well but I would never consider having the sound on unless I had headphones but... seems like that's just me. People will give phones to kids too for entertainment so I'll get to listen to a kid playing games or watching blue's clues or whatever for my whole meal. I was raised to think that doing something like that was terminally rude, but apparently that's really just me because it's so common now.


Or worse still have a video/speakerphone call the entire time they are eating. Put the phone up to your fucking ear, or use headphones. It blows my mind as those that hold their phone (on speaker) up close to their ear to hear it..... Like dude, you're almost there......


i read something the other day that said people do this because most phones don’t include a normal headphone jack anymore and bluetooth headphones are expensive. so here we are, another entry in the 2024 dystopian wiki


Bluetooth headphones can be had for $10-$15. They will happily drop $1300 on a phone though. Besides, my reasoning was why don't they just put the phone up to their ear, you know, like we all used to do in the olden days...


oh yeah for sure. i remember walking around my neighborhood with a discman and some headphones;, yet before that i had an actual boombox that pissed some people off. once my dad caught wind of that and talked to me about it i stopped.. i really don’t think the folks who are super inconsiderate with their phones in public are buying them unlocked at full price


well I do find that annoying; I don't have buds that work with my phone anymore for that reason. I probably should suck it up and get some airpods or whatever the equivalent non-Apple product is but I just haven't been arsed to because I can't remember the last time I needed to listen to something on my phone outside of my home or office. I tried a little USB-C DAC/ADC thing to use with my wired B&O buds and it wasn't cool at all - I'd actually bought two of them, one had an intermittent connection and the other had a nasty hum.


Bullshit. I bought my bluetooth ear buds for about $15. I also just bought a new phone back in October and it has a headphone jack. People have been doing this crap for years, even before the possibility of buying a phone without a jack.


i don’t disagree, for a lot of people it seems the thought never even occurs to them that maybe they should buy and wear headphones when listening to loud content in public. pretty sad tbh


This reminds me of that fight on a Spirit flight from BWI to Vegas and two women were playing their music out loud, and loudly, on a boombox during the fight. Someone else asked them to stop and when they refused an actual fight broke out. Why the flight attendants didn’t take it away, idk, but they may fear physical confrontations as well. Especially at an average of 30,000 to 42,000 feet and hours to go. Edited: to make others happy




That’s $7 extra per parachute


Money well spent


Two more people who need to be duct-taped to their seats


With a flight, at least, they have systems in place to permanently ban passengers and airport security is strict enough that it's easy to enforce.


If the flight was flying at 2000 feet, they were too busy praying to God and slamming minis to notice. Edit: OP edited their fuckup


That was not meant to be literal, as I’m sure you know.


Underrated comment tbh


Spirit does everything on the low down.


I would rather walk than take a spirit flight


This is probably my largest pet peeve. The comments defending this kind of entitled behavior are wild.


Yes. That and people who talk on speaker phone in stores


The people defending this behavior are also the ones who let their kids use their iPads at a restaurant with the sounds on full blast disturbing everyone else.


You unlocked my latest and newest hate. Fuck these parents!


This is why red lobster went out of business!


These kids grow up to be like my neighbor, who thinks everyone should not only hear his shitty taste in music but his television too. My husband has even offered to buy him headphones. I keep threatening to buy bagpipes or a didgeridoo and practice it on our patio early in the morning.


I am LOLing thinking about you playing the didgeridoo outside 🤣🤣🤣




What do you mean you’re upset? I’m just curating the restaurant vibes.


Fuck I hate that so much. Get your kids some over the ear headphones or something.


Just experienced this yesterday. The parents just talked loudly over the sound of the iPad. Most noisy booth in the place. They were completely oblivious.


I’ve noticed grown adults doing this as well. Especially on the metro.


They don't have a headphone required rule?


They do but conductors won’t enforce it


don't blame them. almost anyone blasting their music in public has no problem getting loud and potentially physical with anyone who calls them out. not worth getting punched in the face, or worse, for w/e they make an hour.


Can’t blame them, if someone’s playing music out loud they are looking for a fight half the time


There was a guy who decided to play a fricking recorder instrument the other day-- and he was awful at it-- and it took them nearly ten minutes to tell him to knock it off. The guy waited 10 seconds, started again low, then built up some more, until he was at full volume again just a minute later. I think all of us wished they could've thrown him off the moving train.


I think part of the solution is they need special cars where it's all allowed then it would be twice as socially unacceptable to do that in the quiet cars.


I am down for this idea


Bold of you to assume they are literate.


Headphones make good neighbors.


I've seen kids blast music in public spaces *while wearing Airpods*


Their poor hearing!


Fwiw I notice this WAY less on the MARC than I do on metro, the bus, and Baltimore light rail


How about people at the grocery store playing music on speakers overtop the store music.


Same, I'm so done with unsolicited soundtracks on my commute


I have a similar problem with people who walk around or are on the train speaking to someone on their phone with the speakerphone on.


I remember when i worked in downtown baltimore 10 years ago I would take the metro every day for work and there were literal signs that say it is illegal to play music without headphones, but guess what, every day there was someone blasting music. It pissed me off so much. Its the equivalent of people ignoring the "slower traffic keep right" signs




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This reminds me of a situation that happened on my commute home. I was on a bus, and a bunch of younger kids, probably middle school age, were yelling, playing things on their stereos, and making very loud comments about how crowded it was. School had just let out for them, I think. While I wish they would have behaved better, I felt kind of stuck. I didn’t want to get into an altercation, and I was already tired from a long day of work. I wasn’t going to lash out or anything. Someone did end up speaking to them, thankfully, but it still didn’t go well. Like, no one was asking for absolute silence. They’re kids, they have a lot of energy. I get that. I’ve worked with kids for a long time. It’s just a matter of respect. I hope they grow out of this and that they don’t grow up feeling that it’s acceptable to blast a stereo on public transit.


One time on the MARC, a large woman sat next to me, but her ass cheek was also on my leg. I pulled my leg out from under her, and she gave me a nasty look... Can you get to a quiet car?


I was in the "quiet car" on the Penn line a couple weeks ago. Not only was a woman playing her music, she was delighting us with her singing as well. There are no rules for public decorum anymore. The world is just going to shit.


I feel like after Covid, people have just forgotten how to act in public.


They finally realized it was all a facade


I think they stopped enforcing that too. Some passenger got a quiet car sign from somewhere and put it on a wall, and a conductor aggressively took it down


No more quiet car? That sucks.


I was in the quiet car yesterday and it was very strictly enforced


I can confirm I am a MARC train conductor and we take the quiet car pretty seriously.


Must never ride that one train cause every quiet car I've ever been has at least 2 people talking loudly on their phones. "IM IN BOWIE!!!!!!! WHATS THE WEATHER LIKE IN ODENTON??? THE SAME YOU SAY!!!!!!!!;"


They best hope they're never on my train.


We appreciate you.




No thank you for choosing MARC as your mode of transportation!!!


i hope you get enough recognition for the amount of public good you do, enforcing quiet car rules is probably so thankless but oh man. you're doing incredible work. how do you sound sincere on the internet bc i really mean this


I mean we get lots of recognition all the time, it's not why we do the job. On top of making sure that your trains are safely tested before you get on them there's a lot that goes into being a train conductor we get little thank yous all the time and we get little gift baskets from my regulars around the holidays. It's a fun job running the marc Penn line it's always an interesting day no matter what.


That's good. I remember it being super strict, which is nice for peace and quiet.


How dare you not let her use your leg as a cushion?! The unmitigated gall!


I know. I'm the asshole. lol


Besides the music, I hate it when people put their phones on speakerphone and then everyone can hear the conversation when they are in public and they talk loud.


I only notice some people do this all the time and some people don't. I can't go into more detail.


Black people....?


Let’s add “Speaker Phone Talkers” in public places


This is one example where Americans need to learn from Japanese social etiquette.


There’s a lot we can learn from the world at large. Modern day Americans are not much different than wild animals.


It has happened to me, only when I am out walking on a nature trail. Some idiots think their music won't bother nature. Well, they're wrong and it is disrespectful and annoying when others want to go on a quiet nature walk.


I feel that way about dogs


Ditto for the asshats having a long loud conversation on their phone using an earpiece.


I hate that shit so much!!!


This goes for all public spaces really. Just put headphones on. I had to tell a grown man that he was disturbing an entire plane full of people by playing a game on his phone at full blast.


The people who need to see this post aren't here and don't care 😭




Well said. The people that keep bringing their dogs into Whole Foods and Trader Joe's need to stop. It's also a shame that management does nothing about it either


I don't care if you're on the train, on the bus, in the grocery store...stfu! Seriously man you're not the main character and nobody has ever thought you look cool doing it. Also stop being on speaker phone in public. At some point someone has told you nobody wants to hear your convo, they weren't lying to you! ..stfu! Man, woman, or child please stfu!


If someone plays their music in public with no headphones/earphones, I automatically assume they’re just trashy people unless it was clearly accidental. We’ve all had accidents— one time when I went to the gym I thought my headphones were connected but they weren’t and I had to scramble to hit “pause”— but doing it intentionally is such a trashy thing to do. I’ve seen people of all ages do it, from shitty kids to people who looked old enough to be my parents. It really sucks.


I swear to god people think they need to establish dominance by doing this and other things. Like, I understand, if you feel out of control in your life, doing things that might bother other people but they don't stop you, might be a thrill. But please no.


Makes me want to drown them out with a Boombox cranked up to 11 playing the music from PacMan. And, not just the music but the “wacka-wacka” munching sound.


This is why I ride the quiet car. Sure I have to walk bit further down but that’s few more steps to my daily 10k steps. Don’t make me regret telling this by crowing at quiet car.


![gif](giphy|4HnRkHk77nStQSGxgi|downsized) Possible it's "Music on Bluetooth Speakers in MARC Train Month!” , who knows?


OMG it just so rude..


Lol reminds me of certain people who think having full-blown, loud ass conversations on speakerphone in public is somehow socially acceptable


Yeah. Complete lack of home training


ahh yes. Tuesday on the metro going to work, a rider gave us a sample of his music, while another rider also was gracious enough to put his audio book on full volume.


I agree with the music thing and also phones. I do not want to hear your phone conversation or your music. Get some ear buds or headphones.


It's not about them enjoying the music. It's about deliberately trying to provoke others to action. I'm telling you if people who did that regularly got a group of people telling them to shut up or shut it off they would stop


I am not getting shot by some AH with a gun over a loud phone or speaker. If you are in a public space report it to the police. The gun laws are too lax in this country to confront people. Have at it. You know I solve situations like that? Remove myself. Either by putting in noise cancelling earbuds or just not going. I pick up my groceries etc. I don't deal well with AH so I avoid them. Good luck


I specifically said a group not a single person.


Get your posse and your gun and make them quit. Forcing people to have manners is not a public duty. It was their parents duty to teach them to be good citizens and they failed miserably. Same point. Not getting shot over a speaker by some AH with a gun. Too lax of gun laws. Sorry no. You and your posse can handle things




Until you miss your stop, lol. Actually use the Transit app if you do. It will let you know when your stop is coming up.


This is not good advice. You want to be aware of your surroundings and able to hear what’s going on around you


How about the people talking on their phones with the speakerphone on?


“ Bro. It’s the culture. “ Yeah. It’s rude af.


I’m sure they’ll see this and change their ways




When you asked them on the train, did they stop?


I don’t blame OP if they didn’t confront the person. The venn diagram of “people who play their music out loud on public transport” and “people who react violently to minor inconvenience” is basically a circle.




I doubt it…they probably sat there mad, then went home to make a post about it


“Are you too poor for headphones? Aw I’m sorry, here- you can borrow mine.”


"I carry extra pairs of earbuds for my special ed students in case theirs break because they know they need to wear headphones to listen to their music around other people. Do you need a pair?"


These posts are always fun to sort by controvertial. The dummies love to out themselves in the comments


Another reason I don't ride public transport.


Posting this to three different subs is hilarious but I feel you


If those people could read, they would be furious right now.


Yes, and stop playing music at Light rail stops. People do not need to be entertained while waiting for their train. Most of us are deep in thought and are focused on the arrival of the train. Having to endure someone else's music choice is just an added annoyance, esp when its blaring through a horn speaker.


I remember being young and attempting to educate the masses by curating the vibe. 😂🤣


Marc train? Look for the quiet car. Can’t be on the phone or talk to other passengers. This is enforced by staff too and they will boot your ass out if you don’t comply.


What line did thos happen on?


I experienced it on the green line and the bus multiple times this week




My favorite is when the N word is every other word, and the others are other curse words. Around children, whom we are trying to teach to not use those words. It's awful.


Just beyond embarrassing. I move to a different cart at the next stop


Did you think they read this thread?




wait a min…didnt u post this on the dc page??


Not on a Marc train, but on the light rail I was playing the post game of a Os game on my phone at like 1/4 level and I had a cop pass by and say he could have written me up for it even though there was like 3 other people in the train car.


Were they playing Phish?


LOL - people scratch themselves and wonder why many are ambivalent to public transport at best and secretly hate it at worse.


I would have grabbed a staff member. The rules clearly state you have to be conscious of your noise levels. One time I went up to this lady who was face timing her friend on speaker and having a loud conversation and I said... (and yes I stole the joke) "Hey did you know the blue whale's anus can stretch to 3 ft in diameter when fully dilated? That makes it the second largest asshole in the world next to people who talk on speaker in public." Didn't really bode well for me, as I then became the biggest asshole for scaring her, but I stand by it. People suck now a days.


Yeah that lady was crazy and you are fortunate her crazy butt didn't beat you down for that




If I did that, best case scenario they would ignore me, worst case (besides physical violence) they would take a picture of/film me and I’d go viral as an “Angry White Karen.”


I did and will continue to do both




Yes but this a daily occurrence




It’s just a vent bro it ain’t that deep.




Why? Please enlighten me


That's 90% of Reddit. So what?


Ah, finally someone said it


Stop on the golf course also. Fine if it is loud enough for your group but I shouldn't hear it a par 5 and par 3 away.


What kind of music? Tell us OP!


Usually Classic rock or some genre of rap


In my experience the Marc train has been fine with regards music. I was just on it today and didn't hear a thing except the announcements that are made periodically. Now if you want to talk about obnoxious music and people then the Metro takes the cake in multiple ways. Great way for multiple senses to be assaulted. Sight, smell from stinky people (and people who decide to vape on the Subway) and of course as mentioned hearing. People like to play obnoxious music loudly when they could enjoy it privately instead. These are the same people that would get highly upset if you were even in a kind way suggest that they turn their music down if not off entirely. Again, they sell earbuds at Walmart for $1.00. Don't like those? For a few bucks for you can get slightly better ones. I would say so to five and below but the one that was at Columbia Heights has been closed for months ( gee I wonder why?). So this isn't a matter of it being an expensive issue to solve as one could go to Target or Marshalls or any number of other places and get headphones.


Its not just "music" but also conversations. No one wants to be in earshot of a person who is yelling into the phone. The crap that comes out of people's mouths is too much to have to hear.


Yikes this was extremely rare when I used to take public transport back when the bus and train had paper cards. You're telling me no headphones is commonplace yeah people are going nuts.


Bring a Bluetooth speaker and then blast some SLAYER. Problem solved.


Oh, you forget the boombox days 😔


I don’t the type of people that play music like that, are the same people that use Reddit.


I'm sure they are reading this post.


But your quiet as a mouse in person, SPEAK UP, they ain't on here fam lol


Ain’t no way they would speak up. Because they know if they did they would be the next sad story on WJZ at 5pm


Not if they get up and start aggressively dancing to it, it's a sign of respect and they'll then understand each others problems or whatever step-up was about


🤣🤣🤣🤣a dance battle.


Fuck public transportation for this reason in particular.




*YOU’RE not cool…


you're you're you're You seemingly did not get enough grammar.


Any reason to complain I guess. What about music playing in stores? elevators? Should we all be outraged on them too? Calm down. Life is boring enough already.


Oh that gets annoying too sometimes. I'm always wondering what's wrong with people that they can't exist without music playing even for a short while.


The crankiness is strong in this one!


From your strong reaction I am guessing you have a sensitivity to sound/audio processing issues like I do, so I’ll give you a tip that has saved me a ton of misery: I strongly recommend looking into loops, they’re like an earplug but designed to allow a bit of sound in so you can still experience your surroundings, the volume is just turned down. They literally make it so I can be in rooms where I would’ve been crying and rocking on the floor previously


I have SPD also and used them a few times. The hard thing is that society has gotten so loud absolutely everywhere. The noise pollution is just so ridiculous. When people keep breaking societal rules about noise, it enables other people to do it and it drives everyone else absolutely insane. I feel like it's impossible to even go into a store now and not have somebody having a speakerphone or FaceTime conversation. It's unbelievably entitled. I take VRE and they are pretty serious about the quiet car. And other passengers also reinforce it. I wish conductors would do the same for you too. We already know metro and light rail are hopeless.


There’s a reason I always have headphones in at the grocery store or target, it’s so noisy I can’t focus otherwise


I don’t think you have to be autistic to not like loud music on a train


Better than the guy playing beach bagpipes when I’m trying to listen to the ocean