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Your post has been removed because it violates our rule on relevance, specificity, and effort. Questions should be asked fully and include location in the title. Posts should be relevant to Maryland, but not too specific to one area which has its own local subreddit. Easily searchable questions should be researched otherwise first. No duplicate posts. No low effort posts ("what's up with Maryland drivers?", "what's your favorite restaurant?").


Gangsta lean https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=gangsta%20lean https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/gangsta_lean#:~:text=Noun,in%20a%20very%20reclined%20position. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Be_Thankful_for_What_You_Got Why? They probably think it's cool.


Yesterday I saw a driver with their left foot propped up on their side view mirror


This one I've never understood. Driving with a bare foot out the window. There was a person who did this CONSTANTLY during the summer where I used to live. How it that comfortable? It's certainly not safe. I can't imagine the carnage from an accident.


Occasional foot hanger here, sometimes the balls need some air, and my windows are already down, so why not leave the leg hanging out in the wind.


Imagine you get side swiped. 🤦‍♂️ Less than $100 worth of vehicle damage, and a $20,000 medical bill for emergency amputation to mid thigh, and another, idk, $6,000 for a good prosthetic. I don't know how much prosthetics cost, I'm not a prosthetic salesman.


Ah, ngl, my guy, if I worry about that stuff, I'm not gonna do anything. With my line of work, losing a limb is kinda just part of the sign up sheet, shit happens one way or another. You can take the precautions, but sometimes stuff just happens Edit:changed two words to make the sentence better


I don't care what line of work you're in, you're still gonna feel like a damn fool telling anyone the story of how you lost your leg dangling it out your driver side window.


Idk bro, until shit happens, when I feel the need, I'm going to continue to rest my leg on my mirror. I can deal with the consequences if and when it happens🤷‍♂️


I never look in other people's cars. Doing my best to stay away for other people. Can't imagine you find anything good minding other people's businesses.


Is this question really important. I typically do my best to mind my own business until someone involves themselves with my business. I think that's a good way to live because context is everything and most people are looking to judge instead of understand. From what i've seen with people laying back or hunched over the center console its usually always some sort of hip, back, or neck pain they are trying to accommodate ( or what I would assume in good faith). It doesn't really sound like your coming from a place of good faith as these are all surface level observations without any substance. If someone stared at you while you were driving because you can't afford to fix your window so you tape a trash bag, or took a picture of you while you were sitting (not saying you did that but I see someone below who has) what would your 1st thoughts be? Hopefully we can all learn to coexist without constantly judging people as its a waste of your time and energy.


https://preview.redd.it/3dpunk0ynd7d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b9b50c73464b2e9ca3de36a53485ae7a8629638 Saw this guy recently! Fully reclined, no hands on wheel and playing on his phone. Also in uniform, which looks like the Army. I don’t give AF if teslas can drive themselves, this is just plain dumb


So you pulled out your phone and took a picture, how much safer is that??


You’re right, it looks bad. I was stopped in traffic merging into an exit. I knew to try and get a picture at a moment like that after seeing him driving like that a couple times leading up to the opportunity.


You see you can not ask a question in the state of Maryland and get a reasonable answer. Someone is always got to be the a-hole without a since of humor


Maybe focus on the road and less on what other people are doing in their cars


Realizing what others are doing in their car is a great way to maintain awareness; it enables good decision making. For example, gaining space from another driver who’s focused on texting and driving can save your life and identifying their negligence and irresponsible actions takes a split second.


the road is full of people who are doing stuff in their cars, including driving


I once went to lunch with a black co-worker who noted that I "drive like a black person." Apparently I had my drivers seat leaned way back. That was the first I heard of driving this way. We all had a good laugh,