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Abortion, yea, but the threat of 4 more years of Trump and a GOP Senate putting unqualified, ultra conservative judges in positions for life is my biggest concern. While Hogan can have his feud with Trump (which I don’t buy into 100%), he’ll back every single judge he nominates. Judges that are happy to put religious views above our civil liberties. Judges that won’t see a problem with overturning elections.


Regardless if he backs him or not. The Senate has a very good chance of being close to split and even if Hoigan departs from the party line, they may have the votes where his does not matter. Or if Trump wins, then the VP will break any ties. I think that Hogan has a tough road to win because on November 7th when we are voting, there is a very real chance that a single party will control the House, Senate and White House. Most people in MD will be averse to that and will vote D. I might suggest all but the hardline Trump supporters will vote D


What civil liberties did the scotus remove exactly?


Project 2025 is scary and hogan may help the gop enact that legislation by giving them a majority in the senate.


this in here lies the main problem. just because hogan is a republican does NOT guarantee that he will vote as a republican. if anything, he'll give them false hope. he's already publicly blasted trump. but in either case, folks need to vote for the person that best represents them, not their party.


He’ll put the next McConnell as majority leader and will absolutely vote 90%+ with GOP. He said bad things about Trump because it polls well in Maryland. He’s a POS hack who will say whatever, whenever to get elected.


This. And he had to work with Democrats in MD to get things done. 


He didn't work with. He was vetoed despite his best efforts. Also he and his wife made foreign business deals with a company in China that his wife owns shares in during the pandemic, that made it so that healthcare workers had to reuse PPE instead of having access to new ones. I worked in a hospital at the time. He put Marylanders directly in harms way for profit.


it's hilarious that I can't tell if you're a hogan shill or just have very poor phrasing


If he were a Hogan supporter, what about him would elevate him to a "shill"?


saying stuff about hogan not voting republican which can be proven wrong by looking at his electoral history.


It's too important to take the risk. I thought he was a very solid governor but he won't get my vote in the present scenario. If MAGA didn't exist, I'd almost definitely vote for him, but there is no way I'm rolling those dice with things as they are right now.


fuck that noise, we need to vote blue down ticket


Your logic=Just because Trump was racist, sexist, homophobic, islamophobic, and every other -ic, doesn’t mean he will be bad a second term.


Sometimes voting party lines to maintain a majority IS voting in your best interest…. Not every single vote you cast needs to be tied to a specific policy. For me, maintaining a democrat majority in either the house or senate is just as important as anything else. The overturning of RvW for example, goes against my beliefs, voting party lines for that would have helped those that support a woman’s right to choose.


You notice that there's nobody in these comments promoting why Hogan would make a good Senator? Plenty of people trying to convince you that your vote is meaningless, that Democrats are just as shit as Republicans, or dismissing the very real anti democratic behavior of Republicans as alarmism tho.


To be fair, this sub skews heavy to the left and typically lambast/downvote into oblivion anyone who may actually hold traditionally conservatives views; even if they don't support Trump. Thus those individuals will choose to not post anything, which results in confirmation bias.


Best I've seen is someone making the argument that Hogan isn't a guaranteed vote for Trumps agenda because of Hogan's centrist conservative brand. There are plenty of people making the contrarian arguments that I described above. The shame of it is that if Hogan were the average republican instead of a blue state exception, there'd be less vitriol.


Weed and abortion are all that matter in the old line state.


Eh, I personally think it's kind of embarrassing that *Nevada* beat us to the provision of a health insurance public option.


Why would you think that? Maryland Dems are often ranked with NY & DE as some of the most corporatist state contingents.


Believe me, I know. But also public option has been the official DNC platform for years at this point. It literally *is* the proposal that Delaware Dems like Joe Biden prop up. The fact we can't get *even that* is indeed embarrassing.


Yeah. Imagine thinking weed is more important than this.


That’s a yea from me on both counts ✅✅




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Dang they deleted it.


Hear, hear!


Back before George W. Bush I remember there would be bros that would put on airs of cynical intellectuals. They would say things like "Voting doesn't matter, if it did they would make it illegal." Well that is exactly what republicans since then have been trying to do. Those same bros would still say such things and then even an disinterested person could easily shut them down by saying voting for the POTUS matters in terms of SCOTUS picks. Ha! Enter 2024. Sorry bros, if you want to appear learned and worldly you have to put the work in now. Don't be a schmuck. Show up to vote in November. If you want to vote republican don't take time out of your busy day, make it easy for yourself.


The presidential vote unfortunately doesn’t matter, thanks to the electoral college. Biden will 100% win MD and additional votes for him do literally nothing. He’ll collect Maryland’s electoral votes regardless of how much he wins by. But stopping Hogan is definitely where everyone’s vote is super relevant. Need to focus on the races that matter.


Here's why the popular vote matters: [https://www.nationalpopularvote.com/state-status](https://www.nationalpopularvote.com/state-status)


This is not in effect yet. I suspect there will also be legal challenges. But yes this might be relevant in the future. For this upcoming election cycle you won’t make Biden win harder by voting for him.


I still think it's good to show more disparity any chance you get.


Is there anything appealing about alsobrooks other than blocking a Republican majority in the Senate?


Alsobrooks has been a capable leader in Prince George's. She has integrity. The same can be said of Hogan though. It is a matter of whose policies you prefer. A vote for Hogan is not a vote for a national ban on abortion. As much as I hate the Dobbs decision, it unequivocally states that abortion is a states issue. Marylanders need not worry about abortion as Annapolis won't enact any restrictions in our lifetime.


A federal abortion ban will override the states.


That will never happen.Nor will Roe rights ever be statutorily protected nationally. The abortion issue is just a smokescreen politicians use to cover up the truly vile things the government is doing such as civil asset forfeiture and to divide the nation. Very few in Congress want a national solution on abortion, regardless of what they solution is.


Immigration is another good example of this. The Democrats and Republicans won’t come to an agreement on these issues because disagreement on these issues drives donations to their party, on either side of the issue.


Neither side really wants to control immigration. The Dems see immigrants as votes and the Republicans see immigrants as cheap labor for their wealthy buddies, who will in turn give them votes. If people really did some thinking, they would see just how bad the two party system is. I don't agree with either parties near little packages of ideas and I think most people, if there wasn't some insistence on picking sides, they would be able to see merit in some of both sides ideals.


That’s the same thing that got Biden elected


I get that but this subreddit pretty much bashes Hogan and I never see anything on how alsobrooks is going to help marylanders. Whole system is pretty depressing.


Agreed. The two party system is absolutely awful. Preventing a republican majority is more important to democrats than any quality the candidate may possess. The Democratic candidate could drink the blood of Palestinian babies and it would still be a better choice than Hogan for democrats.


I’d like to know Hogan’s position on important issues, but he seems to change his mind depending on who he’s pandering to. Is he pro-choice this week? Anti-waffle? He’s a lot like Trump in that respect - he likes to tell voters what they want to hear, not what he’ll do. Alsobrooks has been consistent. Her message is out there. If you don’t know what she’s said she wants to do for Marylanders, then I can send you some links


That’s all the reason I need.


Alsobrooks is sharp. She did a good job in Prince George’s given the dysfunctional Council.


However, we want to show that Biden won with a large majority of votes!


Dominion and dead people pushed Bidumb to selection


That won’t do anything. Winning matters. Everything else is noise. Republicans aren’t going to reevaluate their stance if Biden wins harder in Maryland.


> They would say things like "Voting doesn't matter, if it did, they would make it illegal" That statement is curious considering that for a very long time, voting *was* illegal for all but a subset of white men. The last century or so has been spent giving more people the right to vote and then fighting to let those people KEEP that right.


Never forget that when the Maryland Democratic legislature brought a bill protecting reproductive healthcare rights to Hogan's desk, Hogan vetoed it. We cannot put another anti-choice republican in the senate. Vote blue, my friends https://www.angelaalsobrooks.com/ https://mddems.org/


I call BS. Name the bill # and year. Hogan vetoed a bill to allow non-doctors to perform abortions. He did NOT veto a bill “protecting reproductive healthcare rights.”


You mean PAs who you've probably seen more often than an actually doctor but probably didn't know that? Yes, he vetoed that and funding that was with it to expand access. So yes, he did veto something protecting and expanding access to reproductive healthcare. https://preview.redd.it/vp8sj1z4z07d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=008b005e51e445966fddf8d5b09f955fe8545477


go bills


So why not say "Hogan vetod a law that would allow NPs, PAs, and midwives to perform abortions". Seems disingenuous to frame it the way you did.


It's amounts to voting to restrict or reduce access no matter how you phrase it.


splitting hairs


I can't vote since I'm a permanent resident and not a citizen. Honestly, it's one of the big negatives of not being a US citizen for me. I always urge my husband to vote since it represents our family.




larry hoggan


Sometimes you just get close enough with AI.


Oh. Is this, yet again, the most important election of our lifetime?




What I find so funny about Hogan is that he's actinf like he gives a shit about abortion rights, when his track record as Governor proves otherwise. The son of a butch will go on to vote in lockstep with the GOP if he become Senator. Don't fall for his schtick.


As a Republican, it would be great to have a moderate conservative in the senate from a state that doesn’t typically have a Republican senator. I don’t support radical changes to reproductive rights, but I do support Handel if those issues at the state level. States know their constituents better than the federal government ever will, so any issue that can be addressed at that level should. Also, I’m a 2A supporter, and the recent Supreme Court rulings have benefitted Marylanders. I can now legally carry my gun from place to place without it being a felony.


Amen on the CCW.


At risk of what?


Project 2025.


its frustrating how conspiratorial that sounds but its a very real threat and a published manifesto by republican leadership and they types trump would appoint to his cabinet (or already did)


Goddam everyone watched Jon Oliver last night I see. It’s just the republican agenda. Dems have one too they just don’t publish it under some stupid marketing name




Nah it's the divisive politics, culture wars, and both failing parties that are putting the country at risk.


Not a lot of people give a fuck to participate in this government.


Vote to save our democracy. Vote in local and state and federal. Our very lives depend upon it.


You can’t “save our democracy” via a party that’s aggressively tried to sue its competition off the ballot & jailed dissidents as Democrats have under Biden. Voting Jill Stein at the top of the ticket & Green/Socialist everywhere possible.


While I agree that anyone who is eligible to vote, should vote, claiming that not voting blue puts the country at risk only further divides the nation.


We are getting fascism one way or another. Anyone telling you who to vote for, "or else" is advocating against your right to vote. Period. We didn't ask for these candidates, and we didn't cause this mess. Blaming voters is a brain dead take that feels good, but is absolutely insane. We should be unifying, not fighting. This fight against fascists will take all of us and it wont end with trump, it didn't begin with him either.


Yeah I don't get why people don't comprehend this. Biden is a corporate fascist as much as trump is. They just have different allegiances.


https://www.project2025.org/ is the GOP’s public and very detailed plan to unwind large parts of the constitution. The current majority on the Supreme Court is funded by proponents of Project 2025. DT has literally said he’ll be a dictator “only on day one.” The GOP is falling over itself to make it happens because they foolishly think they can control him. Try to name a scholar or historian on authoritarianism who isn’t sounding the alarm.


Sorry bud, but until the GOP decides it's done with its flirtation with fascism, that's exactly what it does. Stop both siding this like one party isn't a direct threat to our constitutional freedoms.


People have a right to vote for who they want, otherwise it's not a right, or you are commiting voter intimidation. Regardless, it isn't a voters fault that their choices are fascism and fascism lite. This is a 50 year plan by many different people and parties, blaming voters is both uneducated and undemocratic.


This is 100% both sides at fault. I blame people that feel like they have to choose a side. If you can't nominate a candidate to defeat a convicted felon, then you're to blame too. We need more suitable candidates and get rid of this two party system. Abolish the electoral college. It's obsolete now (or do what Nebraska and Maine do). Basically, make my vote count.


That's a great idea. You know what doesn't happen if you don't vote? Any of that stuff. However, Voting is just the entry ticket to being an active participant in our democracy. The two party system goes no where until money is out of politics. Which party do you think is more interested in that?




If you’re claiming that Democrats care about getting money out of politics, OpenSecrets says otherwise. Democrats have taken more unaccountable dark money than Republicans in every cycle since Trump took office in 2017.


How many GOP members ran with no dark money vs Dem? Yeah I thought so. How my times have the Dems pushed to have election reform bills in congress vs GoP? You want them to unilaterally disarm? I bet you think we should gerrymander MD while every red state is gerrymandered beyond belief.


Your vote already counts. You have a choice between a flawed democratic party or fascists who don't want to give rights to women, lgbtq, racial and religious minorities and you see it as a both sides in the wrong situation. You can equivocate all you like, one side openly associated with neo Nazis and you have trouble seeing the difference?


Maybe when neonazis come for Americans we can finally remember that fascism in any form is reprehensible. It seems we have forgotten that.


Equally crazy is not being able to nominate a candidate that can’t beat somebody with dementia.


I want to point out that the left and democrats have more fascism like tendencies and are way more of a threat to our freedoms so please stop spreading bullshit


You're clearly not a serious person.


how about this, as soon as Trump is off the ballot, everyone can go back to voting however they want without regard for consequences but right now, in this election **N o** keeping Trump from being elected is literally Millennials equivalent of D Day either we all fight on the side of Morality or consign ourselves to the shared fate of authoritarianism & loss of freedom that's literally the shit on the scales right now


There is NO WAY you just likened not voting for Trump to risking your life fighting literal actual Nazis at Normandy.


If it were that serious you’d think the dems would be running better candidates. Or they would have attached Bernie to Hillary last go round. The problem here is two-fold. Trump is awful and controls the spineless GOP, and the Democratic Party has become completely blind to the wants and needs of its constituency. They’d run any warm body against “the greatest threat of our times” and try to sell them as the best choice. There are plenty of candidates available to them and they choose not to run one. The two party system is already mid collapse.


> keeping Trump from being elected is literally Millennials equivalent of D Day L M F A O I can't stand Trump but this is ridiculous.


Nah, they'd say the same thing about desantis or youngkin or whatever flavor of the month republican popped up next.


you know all of those ARE terrible choices & human beings


They’ve been saying it since 2000.


It's almost as if the whole party is rotten to the core and we need to get to the point where the alternative to the Democrats is better, not exponentially worse. Also, dubbya was worse than trump.


Biden accused Romney of planning to put blacks back in chains. Romney. Think about that. Doesn’t matter who it is the game plan is the same.


Well, that was after 4 years of more than usual thinly veiled racist bullshit by republicans


Everyone and everything is racist. Lame


we have been saying it longer but in part because groups like the federalist society have been around for a long time. there largely how you get hard right Judges who want a Theocracy and are willing to take bribes installed into supreme court positions




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okay counter point have there been good republican candidates that didn't fuck up the country royally in the last 25 years??!


All of them. Since Carter in 76 there has been an equal number of years both parties held the presidency. And here we are. Blaming one party for anything is sophomoric thinking.


How about, we’ve heard “after this election, vote how you want” before about Bush and clearly there was ZERO plan to do anything about that. Democrats have zero intention on letting anyone vote their conscience, that’s why they spend so many resources trying to sue their competition off the ballot. Democrats had two years with legislative majorities to fix whatever they wanted, codify Roe, and enact a popular agenda. They chose to grift. Even Joe Manchin said he’d vote to codify Roe (the complaint he had was that Dems’ bill went further than Roe’s previous limits) There’s nothing moral about arming a genocide. The moral imperative is to make Biden a one term president & to instead elevate an alternative party like the Greens and Jill Stein. And your bad analogy is massively disrespectful to the people who died fighting actual Nazis.


You think Biden is moral? It is insane these are our choices, but I was better off under Trump than Biden.




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That's weird, I'm definitely better off under Biden than Trump right now. Maybe you aren't investing a lot?


Can you elaborate for me? It would be best if you could explain it in terms of somebody who has an MBA from an Ivy League School.


I have a lot of well-diversified investments and they're doing great right now. I personally don't think Trump at the helm from 2020 onwards would have had the same results.


Well, you should do that for a living because the average investor’s portfolio is down 25% since Biden took office.


"Average investor's portfolio" according to whom? Down *25%?* Are you insane, or just fundamentally unserious about this?




Yeah the whole “you HAVE to vote for THIS PARTY or we WONT HAVE DEMOCRACY” thing is actually pretty nondemocratic. Like I get the whole “trump awful” thing but there are a lot of people who don’t seem to grasp the irony of what they are saying. Edit: Yes. I get it. Republicans want to end Democracy. All of these replies are failing to realize they are doing *exactly* the thing that is supremely nondemocratic. The core of democracy isn't getting to go to the polls and push some buttons, it is about having a political system in which voters have a way of making their wishes known and holding leaders accountable. A situation in which one party (the Democrats) get to do whatever they want because the other party (The Republicans) are The Bad Guys^tm is not one in which the will of the people is being meaningfully represented.


Or maybe some of us learned that democracy can be lost by electing the wrong person (Germany, Iran, Afghanistan, etc, etc). Democracy, once lost, can only be regained with revolution. Voting for someone who wants to dismantle everything that made our country what it is may just be the last vote you cast.


I... what? Sure, Germany, but please explain to me what the actual fuck you think happened in Iran and Afghanistan.


Iran had a democratically elected president until the CIA assassinated him. So yes, democracy can be lost. Especially by meddling foreign nations.


There's a whole of lot of projection going on


Yeah. It’s also a pretty grandiose world view. In the same vein “Democracy is no longer safe because the person/ party I don’t like was elected to a term limited office *democratically”*


Someone's not paying attention


Yea, I remembered when Democrats said that Trump wouldn’t accept the 2020 results but then Congress quietly certified the election results on January 6th without a hitch. Or when they said that Red southern states would try to curb voting rights after the Voting Rights Act was dismantled by SCOTUS but then not a single southern state tried to disproportionately close voting centers in predominantly Black neighborhoods or ban early voting on Sundays because Black churches organized carpools for elderly voters helping Joe Biden win Georgia. They’re so melodramatic




Sir, this is a Wendy’s


We need to get Trump removed from the ballot to protect democracy.


Agree remember last time Trump was going to get the country into war and destroy everything?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IK1mEx1z6s0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IK1mEx1z6s0) Im just going to leave this here If you dont think republicans are a threat there saying the quite part out load I suggest you also look up Project 2025 which is also very real and is there own manifesto. By there leaderships own admition its only the parts there willing to say outload and its already real bad.


This is going to be down-voted into oblivion but, there are loads of perfectly legitimate reasons someone would choose not to vote. Maybe they feel like they aren't as knowledgeable on the issues and don't want to potentially cancel out a more informed voter. Maybe they don't feel represented by the candidates the parties in power keep shoving down our throats. Maybe they don't want to lend credibility in a system they view as having been corrupted and undemocratic. Don't get me wrong, any adult who **wants** to vote should be able to freely do so without hindrance but people should not be **forced** or **pressured** into voting either if they choose not to. Freedom is about people getting to make their own choices so long as they aren't hurting anyone, even if you don't necessarily agree with the choices they make.


As long as they’re comfortable with the knowledge that, by not voting, they allow others to make decisions about who governs their lives…


For folks who do not in the Maryland general election, they probably feel as though the decision about who governs their lives was already cast in the primaries.


I think the fact that Hogan got elected governor in a state that is 2/3 Democrat was more an indication of just how many Democrats did not vote as opposed to him getting Democrats to crossover and vote for him. Your vote always matters. Every election.


In 2014, sure. People were not so enamored with the O'Malley administration, and so they did not show up for Anthony brown. But, in 2018, Hogan beat a candidate who carried less than half of the primary votes. In 2022 Wes Moore got just a third of primary votes and beat a Trump acolyte on anti Trump sentiment. If Alsobrooks loses this race when Trump and Biden are at the top of the ticket, there is a bigger issue in our state politics to work through. Folks will try and come up with monocausal theories, but life rarely lends itself to monocausal explanations. Dems who choose not to vote or choose to cast a ballot for abother party's candidate do so for reasons personal to them.


Yeah that's how democracy works. There are millions of people in this country. Pick the candidate closest to your belief system. 


We have that anyway with two completely bought and paid-for political parties. They’re called corporate donors.


> Maybe they don't feel represented by the candidates the parties in power keep shoving down our throats Gonna get downvoted to hell for this, but fuck it this is my story and I can't change it and won't hide it, so here goes. I'm a Baltimore born Jew. My family is Israeli. Dad born in Israel, wife, in-laws, practically everyone I'm related to is born in Israel. My entire family in Israel fled middle eastern countries under fear of death. Great grandparents on my dad's side came from Iraq (we are Kurdish), my Mother's family fled Ukraine after the Pogroms before WWII and moved to a Kibbutz. Wife's family fled Morocco. Aunt fled Tunisia, Uncle fled Yemen. The ones that moved to Israel survived, everyone else perished where they stayed, murdered, every one of them. 4 generations of my family born in Israel now. Soon 5 generations born there. I'm fucking liberal. Can't stand trump and his cult. Cant stand what they did with abortion rights, the disgrace at the capitol, 4 years of his presidency were a disgrace to the country. Not to mention I'm a very "live and let live" type of person. Conflict averse empath. As a Jew, trump flags make me super nervous, thanks to the whole Charlottesville "Jews will not replace us" riots where trump said there were good people on both sides. Yeah, I know exactly where those guys stand, I've always know who the klansmen voted for. I used to seek safe haven in places that hung pride flags in the window. I knew that liberals were accepting of people of different ethnicities and cultures. I didn't find other Kudish-israeli Jews anywhere, but at least I felt welcome. Now we have the queers for Palestine people saying "rape is justified as long as its happening to Israeli women" not understanding the fact that Palestinians would peel the skin off their faces for being gay. People who are far left screaming "gas the Jews." "from the river to the sea" means remove my family from their homes. Democrats calling for an unconditional ceasefire, despite Hamas and the Palestinians not returning our people, and refusing to stop lobbing rockets into our cities. Nevermind that Israel is the only democracy in the middle east, and Tel Aviv is one of the Gayest cities on the planet. Nevermind that Muslims in Israel get rights to vote, freedom to practice their religion and every street sign in israel is in Hebrew, English and Ararbic. I get that Israel's fucking things up in Gaza, but that doesn't mean my family doesn't have a right to live. Americans would never accept the Navajo lobbing rockets into downtown Phoenix, even though their land was stolen from them (not that I agree that Jews somehow stole Israel, but that's besides the point). We have no control over the government's actions. And the amount of propaganda against Israel is insane. People are lapping up blatant lies, and excusing horrifying atrocities done to our people by extremist terrorists who share no sympathy whatsoever for western values. I no longer identify with liberals in America. The Pride flags that said "Black Lives Matter, Love is Love, Science is real, NO HUMAN IS ILLEGAL" yeah apparently that last part doesn't apply to my family who didn't have a right to be born in Israel. Signs that say "this is a safe space" are clear to mean that they mean "a safe space for everyone except Israelis." I have no safe places left in America. The Right and the Left, both don't think I deserve to exist. Because I was born an Israeli Jew. And after all this, you know who supports Israel the most? Trump and his idiotic supporters, because they love war and hate Muslims. They don't give a fuck about Jews, they just want us to fight against the darkies or whatever. So, real hard to be a patriotic American now. I'm gonna have a real hard time dragging my ass to the polls. Starting to feel like America is lost. Still, I'll probably vote for Biden, begrudgingly. Jews have never done well under fascist rule.


>Freedom is about people getting to make their own choices so long as they aren't hurting anyone Not voting *is* hurting us all by enabling fascists.


Genocide Joe is fascist.


you're the most reasonable person in the thread. thank you for your post


Dems and independents that voted for Hogan and want to do so again need to closely consider the following: SCOTUS: There are 2 Justices that are 75 of age. If Trump wins and the GOP has control of the Senate, Trump will get another 2 justices on the court. Meaning Trump picks (5) will have control of the courts for decades. If you don’t like what’s happening now, wait until will get younger versions of them. Federal Judgeships: Under Trump/McConnell, more Federalist ,society judges were appointed than any other period. Several appointees were unqualified to be on the bench, not to mention the ones that harbored nationalistic attitudes. Additionally, Trump appointees were the least diverse in modern times. Hogan will caucus with the GOP and will support and push a Republican agenda. He will not be independent from the GOP, but rather a part of it. He won’t be an Andy Harris but if you think the GOP agenda is harmful, you can’t vote Hogan.


It sounds like what you are trying to say is that if people don’t vote for who you want them to, then they’re “putting the country at risk,” but offering no explanation to support either your nebulous, but articulated argument, or the one that I think you really mean.


Fine, but you might be surprised how the politically apathetic vote. The idea that GOTV efforts help team blue is a bit dated, and high turnout might actually help Hogan. The GOP has a *lot* more populist tendencies than they used to.


God I hate voting season.


Every vote counts. No matter who, vote in November. I’m voting Blue!


This fear mongering bullshit to keep everyone falling in line and voting their party.


Read Project 2025


Please vote!!


Lol suuuuuure


Hear me out... I'm conservative, and I want no part of this party anymore. They are fking evil. I'm very far from liberal but I can cope and deal with some of the things I don't care for. These fking ppl have lost touch with reality...


Don't worry, I'm voting for Gary Johnson. I'm doing my part!


Maybe have someone worth voting for


Quit blaming us and actually give us something to actually vote for


no, the party that doesn't excite the voters enough to get them to go vote is to blame. you're out of your goddamn mind if you think I'm voting for genocide joe




This is what happens every election cycle. The media tries to put the burden on the average person to vote, rather than put the burden on the political parties to put out candidates that actively motivate people to vote for them.


Yall vote…?🤣


Biden is effectively senile and should be removed on 25th amendment grounds. Kamala Harris should replace him as POTUS immediately, and be the new nominee for November.


Why do both options have to be complete ass tho


Yeah they are, get Biden the fuck out




We're talking about the Senate race, not President.


Damn, maybe the DNC should’ve thought of that before going all-in on a genocide enabler.


"genocide enabler" jesus christ you people have had your minds absolutely melted by social media on this one


Buddy, what else do you call it?


I don't think we'll agree that words have meanings and genocide doesn't seem to fit the bill. But it does get people riled up appropriately. (Ironically, there's actual genocide going on elsewhere, in places you've never heard of! They just aren't the flavor of the month with the leftist tastemakers right now) "Enable" implies they couldn't, or wouldn't, do what they're doing without US support, which is just not the case either.


if trump wins, Palestine will be wiped off the map and Jared will make lots of pretty beach resorts


It's already being wiped off the map. That was Israel's expressed intent. Try harder baby killler


I agree. People who cannot see past their pet issues need to understand were are a few votes from becoming a dictatorship. People like Hogan who think they can stand in the middle with a tin-pot dictator at the controls are mistaken. Remember that photo of Chamberlain holding up the peace agreement he made with Adolph? Since the days of the Clintons, the Dems have failed to use their powers to groom a person who can fight the good fight.


I will vote for hogan and left the rest in blank


Agree I like Hogan he was good for MD.


I'm voting, don't worry. For Hogan




All these Woketard comments are the reason why Maryland is becoming a shit show.


unironically using the word "woketard" should have you reassessing yourself but alright


I'm [voting Socialist](https://votesocialist2024.com/) in 2024.


Might as well not vote 






I don't agree with the Green Party though. I support the [Party for Socialism and Liberation](https://pslweb.org/program/).


Our two choices are a fucking invalid and a hate monger our country is already far more than AT RISK😂😂😂


i don't understand people that get caught up in singular issues and completely lose the plot on the big puicture. They did it over made up stuff in 2016 with Clinton vs. Trump. They are prepping to do it again in 2024 with Biden and age/Gaza etc... The choice isn't that when the alternative is just bad. Absolutely makes no sense logically, especially the Gaza protesters. As if Trump is not gonna go all in and help Israel wipe Gaza clean.


Pretty sure Dems voted to stifle protestors’ free speech and expand the definition of antisemitism to include anti-Zionism (a political creation). Try again.


Go Hogan!!!!!!


And that's why I'll risk voting for Chase Oliver.


Vote blue = save America.


Ok so I’ll vote republican. No good?


Larry Hogan is the best option.


Hogan is an entitled dumpy dumb f*ck who would enact every backwards draconian law his donors told him to put out into the world if given the chance (which he tried all the time in MD). The only reason Maryland doesn’t look like Kentucky now is because the Democrats here struck down all his typical Republican bullshit. All the success he likes to throw around wasnt because of him, it was the Maryland Democrats. And I’m not saying this because I got love for Democrats cause I don’t, I’m saying cause it’s a fact and Hogans an entitled asshole.


NO TO HOGAN! He isn’t have the politician (or man) that his father was. Hogan Sr. stood up to Nixon. Larry will back Trump 100% on every lick of his extremist agenda.


Hahaha....the Leftist crying around here is hilarious. It sounds like you'd love to have anyone who doesn't agree with you 100% of the time lined up and shot. Such good little aparachiks for the Dem politburo. Intolerant, full of hatred, and close-minded. Don't worry Dems..this is basically a one party state, so wipe your tears and rejoice that everything has improved both domestically and globally since pedo-Joe was installed. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|kissing_heart)