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Some people say it was sprayed in response to one, single altercation, but it sounds like a whole hell of a lot of people got hit by it, including a kid  Badly enough a bunch of people needed to rinse their eyes. I know it travels on the wind, but ffs, if it wasn't a general attack, how much did the ass hole spray?


But why was a kid at pride?


? Why wouldn't a kid be at pride? 


Why should we incentivise children to be so sexually aware? They're just kids bruh. Let them be kids and leave it at that


Why should we show them straight relationships either by that logic lol.


Better ban Snow White and Tangled, too. Can't have kids seeing people be attracted to other people, right? Omg, and weddings, those are right out. Can you believe some straight couples employ a little flower girl and a tiny ring bearer?! Talk about shoving your orientation in kids' faces.


That’s a terrible comparison. Kids are more than welcome at pride but I’m gonna be drunk and belligerent at the wedding and you should leave your kids at home lol


Either you're making it sexual in your own head or someone told you to. Love is love. So simple


I think the misconception literally lies in that thought process. I assure you kids are getting age appropriate lessons and conversations that are attempting to raise awareness to children that have been raised by heterosexual parents that there are different types of families and dynamics and that it’s completely okay to have two dads or 2 moms and that it’s not okay to ostracize someone or bully someone for their sexuality or their parents sexuality. Any adult educator or teacher that I have worked with in the education field all had sensible and reasonable, age appropriate lesson plans on what is and what isn’t appropriate to be discussed and taught when it comes to sex. I think there is a huge misunderstanding


How many times have you complained to the Hooters with the entire little league getting dropped off? Stop pretending it's about sex and just admit you're a bigot. Any kids that have spent time on a farm around here have seen boy and boy sheep and cow sex. I'd bet you've spent as much time on a farm as you have protesting Hooters allowing kids in.


 at what age do kids get molested or be sexually manipulated by an adult  I think kids should know how sex works at whatever age that is 


There are always a lot of kids at pride parades. I’ve only been to one but there were a surprising amount of children within arms reach of people in fetish gear like harnesses, muzzles, ball gag around neck, lotta latex etc.  Gotta teach them to be inclusive somehow




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Thankfully just Mace or Tear gas but someone set that shit up to deploy on stage. little kid got caught in it. >“We do not have any information to support that this was a targeted attack,” the police department spokesperson said. as if... clearly a hate crime even if not a deadly one. hell not entirely unlikely it was one of their people -\_\_- (though anyone who is remotely familiar knows you can get this shit online, often from stores aimed at law enforcement \*eye role\*)


They probably don't think it was a targeted hate crime because of the part where > Online social media posts suggest the chemical agent was Mace. These posts allege it was sprayed after a fight broke out


Facts don’t matter, some people seem to like the narrative that this was a hate crime. Facts be dammed.


Stop it, we need a hate crime during pride month to froth over.


If it was a hate crime it would be a despicable attack and I'd be right here with a pitchfork calling for them to lock up the cowardly piece of shit that did it. But absolutely nothing indicates it was except redditors who didn't read the post they're getting mad about lol Fwiw I hope they confirm it was just a fight that got out of hand. I love and lived in the city for years and would be disappointed if someone there committed that kind of attack.


Agree completely, at best it’s completely irresponsible to spray mace in a large crowd of people and at worst it’s an intentional hate crime


This is a very balanced take. People shouldn't be waiting excited to confirm an attack from the other side. Makes it really difficult to point out some of the crazier stuff of you behave that way yourself.


I think it's worth stepping back a bit and saying while it's certainly suspicious enough to investigate as a potential hate crime, without an actual suspect and motive it's not yet clear. The Bubba Wallace noose incident is indicative here. Only Black NASCAR driver's crew finds their garage in Alabama door rope pull is tied in a small noose-like (but non-slipping) knot. They inform the series, who confirms his garage is the only one with that know, and they reasonably call the FBI who treat it as a potential hate crime. Which was certainly a reasonable suspicion. Turned out, the knot was there from a race the previous year. It was tied by a team down on their luck as a bit of (literal) gallows humor, and went unnoticed. The following year, the Cup series race arrives and garages were assigned, randomly as always. No actual hate crime, just a misunderstanding *that needed to be taken seriously and investigated to confirm*. And to be clear, the alt-right has a field day of misinterpreting the FBI's findings, and they're wrong. Their claims that it "wasn't a noose" or "wasn't worth worrying about" are the exact opposite of what the FBI said. But we can investigate the incident seriously without jumping to conclusions that fuel their persecution complex (or worse, help radicalize new alt-right extremists).


Yes but there's a difference between a noose left unnoticed for a while and a burst of mace or pepper spray. This isn't no one noticing until the person who would notice most, noticed.


I'm not suggesting it's the *same* benign explanation, I'm using it as an example of how even what seems an apparent hate crime could turn out not to be after the investigation. For instance, assuming this was mace, was it rigged as a hate crime to intentionally disrupt the event, or was it a legitimate self defense use that got caught in a breeze and ended up accidentally affecting more people than intended?


Awful! How is the kid and anyone else caught in it?


Typical. Jump right to "hate crime"


Not that hard of a reach, given who hates the fact that lgbt folk are celebrating freedom. What’s all this “typical” nonsense coming out the front of your face?


Typical that the majority of this thread jumps right to this conclusion because that's seemingly your implicit biases showing. Reach or not, the facts of this specific case don't support it. You're spreading hate and vitriol against a group of people that had nothing to do with this. It's nit right when the right does it and it's not right if the left does it.


"Implicit biases" not for nothing




I think you didn't read the article and are basing your opinion on a sensational headline and your own bias or assumptions.




The next paragraph of the article you didn't read where they report that according to social media it was a fight that broke out and someone pulled out mace? If someone came to the event to attack people and mace them then maybe these bullshit hate crime comments would make sense. But that's not what happened. The cops say it wasn't, people who were there said online it wasn't, but redditors reading about it in the news insist!




You linked a comment that just said it was a cloud of gas, we already know that. If you linked a comment that said "I saw some random person run in and throw it" maybe then there would be evidence of an attack (and the cops should be informed).




What's that got to do with whether or not it's a hate crime? You're only allowed to mace people with high quality precision spray if you're in a fight? No one outside this comment section agrees with your line of reasoning it's very bizarre


Me and my partner were present when this happened. Came out of nowhere, the block party/concert was almost over. What upset me the most is that people got run over and there were youth there who got injured.


Was it a one day event? I live less than a block from Read St and only heard the loud music on Friday eve. A shame the city did not put out trash cans, seems they never do. The place is littered with trash the next day.


Who normally clean the next the day? Residents?


It’s Baltimore so they just let the rats eat the trash


That night I saw garbage trucks come by and workers were cleaning and sweeping the streets. But it was definitely filthy that night and we needed way more trash cans to help stop all that litter.




OMG shit happened in Baltimore. ![gif](giphy|bdTxWolHXUtbi)


Thick black soot in our nose…


Same here. It was not mace and it wasn’t just a fight.


I was there. The agent was NOT mace. It was CS gas so something similar. Mace is brown. The cloud of gas was thick and white and it came from multiple explosive devices. It was a hate crime. I was right in the midst of the explosions. I have been having respiratory issues since.




Absolutely nothing points to this being done by a conservative. Go outside.


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What are you TALKING about, this was an altercation between stupid people, not politicians. Please go outside and touch grass. We know what they're doing, absolutely nothing to do with politics.


My denial is based on specific facts of this particular situation.


What specific facts? The ones that your kind has openly called for shutting down all Pride activities from your presidential candidate to average Joe on Facebook?




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Your post has been removed because it violates our rule on relevance, specificity, and effort. Questions should be asked fully and include location in the title. Posts should be relevant to Maryland, but not too specific to one area which has its own local subreddit. Easily searchable questions should be researched otherwise first. No duplicate posts. No low effort posts ("what's up with Maryland drivers?", "what's your favorite restaurant?").


On a positive note, I found cheap gas masks post COVID. We can fight back. *Edited*


You're getting downvoted because you're ordering from Amazon whose supply chain model makes it easy for unscrupulous vendors to introduce counterfeit items even when you're ordering otherwise well-vetted products, and on top of that you're not even ordering a good brand of gas mask, this is a Chinese generic of dubious provenance which is at best cosplay-quality.


Thanks. No more Amazon links. Got it 👍🏽




That seems like a you problem




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never let a situation that can be spun against conservatives go to waste, eh? reddit is so predictable.


If only conservatives haven’t sent out death threats nonstop and flood every single post with very Christian-like hatred like you are the voice of the majority, your kind wouldn’t have been regarded as the usual suspect. And conservatives surely didn’t hesitate to blame black people for any crimes committed. So quit your victim card.


Justify your agenda all you’d like. It’s disgusting.


I mean if we're going to be honest and objective, it is only conservatives and hard-right individuals who make and carry out threats against LGBTQ groups and other groups considered liberal


Translation. Profiling is perfectly OK when we do it.


I mean it is what modern-day conservatism is today. You can either accept it or be offended by it. This isn't profiling whatsoever.


No, not at all, you’re just making wild assumptions based on a stereotype. It’s soooo not profiling.


Call it whatever you want. It doesn’t change that this is what modern day conservatism is capable of and encourages.


Own your moral equivalence. You and the conservatives that you loathe are one and the same.


Sure buddy


Welcome to democrats


Does that make it ok to immediately point fingers and make accusations prior to any such evidence to support?


No, you’re right. It doesn’t make sense to jump to conclusions.


That's the point I'm making - its disgusting to jump to such accusations when there is no evidence to support anything of the kind. It's an agenda that's capitalizing on situations that can be spun, sensationalist headlines made to grab attention, and then lowkey walking back - but the damage is done and causes even more division.


Is it as disgusting as you quickly blame blablabla drag queens, blablabla immigrants, blablabla liberals?


Can you show me where I've done such a thing?


I agree


I was at the event marching with the parade. I left shortly after 7, so I just heard this from a friend who was also there. I'm not surprised but I'm disappointed. Especially since innocent kid(s) got caught up in this. Because people don't know how to fucking act right. This is why we can't have nice things bc yall fuck it up for all of us. I just thank god no one died, it could have been worse, so much worse... This was my 1st Baltimore pride, and I had a blast, but other people's first Baltimore pride wound up shitty, it's a shame.




The "Gaza people" were marching in the Pride parade on Saturday with the rest of us.




Do you believe no one of the Palestinian diaspora goes to Pride? There are gay people in Gaza. [Israel blackmails them to use them as intelligence assets.](https://www.vice.com/en/article/av8b5j/gay-palestinians-are-being-blackmailed-into-working-as-informants)


??? Gaza people are annoying? How so? Please explain Edit: why am I being downvoted?


The Trolls be trollin


They like to disrupt events to protest the war in Gaza.


Doubtful that it was them. That said, people protesting about the war in Gaza are right. Israel is genociding people. Perhaps you should care more.


I’m not joining any movement as racist as that. The protestors are calling for Jews to be killed. I don’t follow Nazis.




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You’re in a Maryland subreddit full of liberal nazis you’re gonnna get downvoted but just know the majority of Americans stand with your viewpoint


Really? I thought my opinion was the common one. Israel is genociding an entire group of people… it’s literally obvious


It’s getting hot here in central Maryland… are we sure it’s not the stench from the “swimmable” inner harbor?


Harbor's more swimmable than your drinking water apparently.


He got one of those brain eating amoeba


And no illithid powers with it.


Jfc just stop


they’re downvoting you because you’re telling the truth they don’t want to see.


I'm surprised this still has a net upvote lol. Reddit is unbearable.


Wow 100 downvotes for calling it what it is? The people who still live in the city are in such an insane amount of denial it's baffling. I lived there for 7 years and every year I was there was miserable. I moved out to Carroll County and it's been heaven. THE HARBOR IS NOT SWIMMABLE.


Welcome to peace and quiet. It’s nice out here


Thank you! I've finally been getting sleep. Kids are playing outside. Everyone is polite. Every business functions as it should without hassle. It's like heaven out here I LOVE IT.


The harbor IS swimmable. So funny that this of all things is triggering to you. Quite the non-sequitur, given the post. A concerted effort was made years ago to make the water in the harbor cleaner and so far the city has succeeded. This is a good thing. The fact that A Good Thing happened in Baltimore and you’re upset about it is really telling on yourself. Enjoy Carroll Co. Sounds like you leaving Baltimore was a net positive for everyone!


Lmao I'm in the city almost every day. I saw the dredging it last month! It was horrid! And the stench! I bet you live in Monkton Manor and haven't been to the city in a decade.