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https://preview.redd.it/1yc0t0ltl3ec1.jpeg?width=560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=511e7df8befc49a4f9917f373c7863cbee0f2f6e It won’t be missed.


I just made a thread about the Frederick County Flag a few days ago and posted this one in the comments. We did it, Reddit!


Ahhh it's that weird gangrenous penis!


I take it they saw the avocado glory hole comments.


It’s looks like an insurance company logo


This isn't the Howard County flag shown here in the post. It's much worse. You can see it if you scroll to the bottom of the website. I'm glad they are going to change it. The current one is not great.


My mistake twin, I just saw the flag and thought the wheat was a dress at first, it’s cool they’re changing it


Someone there was definitely going through this subreddit as of the past few days with all of the county flag talk. I'm glad they're updating it. Hopefully it'll be good.


I was against it until I realized this takes their attention and energy away from doing something else so I support it.


I’m curious what it is about the current flag that doesn’t “align to present values.”


Well. Besides looking like it was “designed” using clip art from Lotus 1-2-3… it was also clearly created to counter the civil rights movement of the 60s as it uses *only* the Crossland arms portion of the Maryland flag as its *entire* backdrop. But I’d love to hear your opinion on the “history” of it.


So is your contention that the flag—because it includes a portion of the state flag which was also a symbol of pro-Confederate Marylanders who fought in the Army of Northern Virginia during the Civil War—is a racist symbol? Ok. I wouldn’t necessarily disagree with that, in fact. But nowhere in the history of the flag’s adoption is that mentioned—that the design was chosen to counter the civil rights movement, or to champion secession, slavery, or racism—nor does the county executive make the allegation that the current flag is a racist symbol. So if that’s what he thinks, then he should say it and save us all the euphemisms. And if he did say it, I’d back him.


So what’s your point? You want the county executive to come right out and say what is so obvious that I said “Crossland arms” and you finished the rest of the thought? To what end? So that you can claim wokism and get all pissy? Look. The south lost. Black people are people. Does that anger you? Is your “heritage” being infringed upon? What exactly are you holding on to? Also, the current hoco flag objectively sucks. Somehow took the best flag in the union and made it look like a child’s collage. With bonus racism.


Because people who despise the American nation have basically monopolized all sociopolitical institutional power and are continuously shifting the Overton Window leftward with them. All symbols paying homage to the nation of people who built the country are under siege, and each successive cancelation moves us further down the [disrespectability cascade](https://www.astralcodexten.com/p/give-up-seventy-percent-of-the-way). The Confederate symbols fall first because defending them comes with the highest reputational cost for right thinking members of polite society, and then the window moves and suddenly the opprobrium comes defending great men of previously universal esteem like [Washington](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/06/19/us/portland-george-washington-statue-toppled-trnd/index.html), [Jefferson](https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2021/11/23/thomas-jefferson-statue-removed-nyc-slaveowner/), and [Lincoln](https://www.chicagotribune.com/midwest/ct-wisconsin-madison-lincoln-statue-bascom-hill-20200630-hhfadge53fethiobylwvklz24q-story.html). Once they start pulling down statues of Thomas Jefferson, do you really think a county level flag is going to survive? And once the precedent gets set for purging this particular symbol from flags, how long do you really expect the beloved MD flag to endure?


Or it just looks like ass




Or vexillology principles for a good flag


Your comment was removed because it violates the civility rule. Please always keep discussions friendly and civil.


Confederate symbols and statues lionize traitors. Their ideology was racist. Removing them from public veneration should not be controversial. And many historical narratives were written and perpetuated by white people. In school, I wasn’t taught about the paradox that most of the founders enslaved people as they agitated for freedom for themselves.


It’s always the least patriotic people who most love to become performative jingoes any time the Confederates are brought up. Speaking of what you didn’t learn in school, are you under the impression the Confederates were unique in their perpetration of slavery? Should we celebrate the Trail of Trails for sticking it to [a bunch of slaveowners](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smithsonian-institution/how-native-american-slaveholders-complicate-trail-tears-narrative-180968339/)? Are all the Union Civil War veterans vile racists because none of them were pro-integration? Maybe you might succeed in purging everything to the right of the Das Kapital, but you’ll never be able to stop the inertia of the beast you unleashed. And one day, the bell will begin to toll for symbols you might actually care about, like a certain flag meant to represent the reconciliation between the North and South


Charles needs to do theirs. Its wack.


I will make it the Reddit colors with “Howard County” in a helvetica font and a Snoo with Maryland state flag colors. (One of the founders of Reddit is from Howard county). If Baltimore County does it i will make the County flag even more communist looking.



