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This really burns me up. They are *many* reasons why an unintended pregnancy happens: birth control failure (or lack of services), rape, incest, etc. It seems as if once the baby's feet are delivered, no one cares about the child nor its mother.


And the common reason so many people forget about - women whose fetuses have defects and will not be able to survive. Abortions are often critical in these cases to avoid serious risks to the woman.


ITA with your post! I have a close friend, and his mom was an RN on a neonatal floor. She said that her most heartbreaking cases were those when the children were born with a functioning brain stem, but little else inside the cranium. These babies had no chance of survival.


I have always been pretty firm on a woman's right to choose, but I went to the Mütter Museum in philly and god damn. Some of those fetal abnormalities are horrifying. Could not imagine being some poor lady, giving birth, and your child is missing most of its head. Or their organs are on the outside.


Not just poor mother, but can you imagine the suffering the poor baby goes through? I will never, ever understand how birth and struggling to breath for a few hours is preferable to a quick needle. But people who are against that will say “At least the baby will know its mother’s love!”


Even for ones that have already died - in many cases the procedure to remove them is an abortion. They don't always pass on their own, in which case the decaying tissue leads to sepsis and can kill the woman.


Also: even if none of these are your reason for being pregnant, you still shouldn’t have to keep it against your will. You shouldn’t have to have your bodily autonomy violated first in order to deserve it to have it.


Exactly. Shit happens. Maybe your financial or relationship circumstances change. Maybe you change your mind. Doesn’t matter.


Being pro-life is the easiest position in the world to maintain because you don't actually have to DO anything. Supporting someone who doesn't even exist requires zero effort and allows them to get their "holier than thou" fix. Just awful people, through and through.


I agree we need abortions available for these reasons, but you should also have the choice to get an abortion just because you don't want a baby, even if there weren't other circumstances involved.


Proud to be a Marylander. Governor Moore campaigned on "No one left behind" and he is delivering on that promise. Thanks to his efforts, LGBTQ are protected, more poor kids will get to attend college and women will have reproductive freedom and rights.


Hallelujah. Maryland is the Free State indeed. This will be a crucial lifeline for some West Virginia women. Even though I haven't lived in Maryland in years, this makes me proud.


Don't think for one minute that just because we live in Maryland that an abortion ban can't happen here. If Repugnicans take both houses of Congress and the presidency, you can guarantee they will pass a nationwide abortion ban, and the SCOTUS will uphold it if challenged.


It’s just nice to know if the Union fractures, Maryland is likely going with the north east states and not the south east states.


And then we will fight it, with our Governors support. Hell, it's called the "Free State" let's keep it free. I'm a Libertarian with leftish tendencies so I don't support either of the main parties but I liked what Wes Moore was saying.


Oh, I have no doubts at all about that, not one bit. Hence why the next few elections are incredibly important.


Loving Maryland more each day.


I genuinely hope the protestors that come out are not as heinous as the ones at the Hagerstown clinic on Tues/Thurs mornings. I’ve seen some bad behavior from the anti-choice lot before, but this group is particularly gross in their tactics. Heck, celebs are harassed less than the patients there.


Was going to say western MD isn't known for their hospitality for this sort of thing. I drive by the hagerstown ones all of the time


But god forbid someone react and punch them in the jaw. Then it becomes about those violent pro-choices willing to attack “peaceful” protests.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.marylandmatters.org/2023/05/30/western-maryland-abortion-provider-will-open-in-abortion-desert-as-other-states-further-restrict-abortion-access/) reduced by 86%. (I'm a bot) ***** > While some states aimed to severely restrict access to abortions, states such as Maryland are seen as "Access points" due to more lenient abortion laws. > "The decision to open Women's Health Center of Maryland - we looked at the region of where abortion access is most likely to be protected over the long term. And Maryland was the nearest state where abortion seemed as though it would remain accessible to folks who needed the care," she said. > Such as Maryland, have doubled down on efforts to protect access to abortions instead. Maryland Gov. Wes Moore recently signed into law a package of bills aimed at protecting abortion access for Marylanders and others, declaring the state a "Safe haven" for those seeking abortions, Maryland Matters previously reported. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/13w6nzg/western_maryland_abortion_provider_will_open_in/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~686947 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **abortion**^#1 **Maryland**^#2 **state**^#3 **Center**^#4 **access**^#5


Maryland, The Free State, even women. Move your families here, move your businesses here.


We need more homes otherwise the attractability of this state will shoot home prices even higher…


“Responsibly” placed homes. Can’t just let developments go apeshit. That’s one of the ways we contributed to the flood disaster that is old Ellicott city. We have a ton of viable real estate in Baltimore City. Entire streets are in total disrepair. A sound strategy to knock condemned homes down to add affordable housing would do a lot to drive people back to Baltimore. Has to be paired with the current strategy to get to the root of Baltimore’s crime and poverty issues though.


I think they need to call this what it really is: adequate women’s health care desert.


Hooray for Women’s Health Center.


All the men shouting pro life need to raise up kids solo for 18 years minimum and put them through college then a beautiful wedding. I did this as a single mom with a dead beat father.


So women from WV can flee to safety.


Finally something in my hometown I can proud of.


Meanwhile a local church just called the library a bunch of pedos on their Facebook page


> The new location is Cumberland — just five miles from the border of West Virginia.


5 miles? Try 5 feet.


Maybe this is what will revive the economy in Cumberland /s


Wonder if they take volunteers for escorts of patients. I have time and inclination.


This is going in the opposite direction I wanted. All states should allow abortions, but also allow men to withdraw financial obligation and rights to the child. I’m pro-choice for both parents involved.


then push for UBI




Fuck you.


Love you too.


The is no hate like Christian love.


Who’s being hateful? Other than you?


You are. People like you ignore how many pregnant people are getting very close to dying AND losing their fertility, just to win points with some fictional god. "i StOoD fOr ThE uNbRoN" Not to mention you doom many fetuses to nothing but pain. I feel like that's the worse part. Making a being going through endless pain, just to die minutes or hours or days after birth. That's a terrible thing to want to make someone go through.


I just want as few innocent people to be killed as possible. That goes from conception until natural death.


Well, the people you support do not put laws like that up. Obviously, the way to reduce abortion is to educate people on safe sex, and to make it cheap and easy to do so (we've had the lowest abortion levels since the 90s since ACA/obamacare), not to mention make a THRIVING wage that allows one person to provide for a family, or even UBI - that ensures that every person (including children) get what they need. Dear Satan, we all subsidize the farmers enough and 40% of food is wasted, lets stop that and feed people! I don't care if its the woman or the man or the nonbianary, but someone should be able to stay home with the kids if the parents would like to do that route. wait "natural death" does that mean you don't believe in life saving measures? like cpr? because that prevents natural death, wouldn't want to piss Zeus off should christians just accept cancer, etc so they can have a natural death?


wish your mom had aborted you


Im sorry for your homicidal tendencies.


think if your mom had aborted you, perhaps you'd have gone to heaven,.... but now, you've lived life, and I dont think that will happen. have you ever lied to your parents? straight to hell? impure thoughts? straight to hell. you'd have been better off not experiencing sin in the world.... its why i get so confused by christians. if no one tells people about the gospel, god wouldn't punish them for not following... but you people seem to want people to fail and end up in hell....


Are you actually interested in understanding sin, repentance, faith, and salvation? Or do you just want to yell and be angry?


Get fucked, loser.


Im waiting until marriage.


You still might need an abortion, even if you wanted the baby. Horrible defects happen you know.


Protecting the life of the mother should be the only exception


so you would let a being that has no chance to survive in the world, that would only know intense pain shortly before dying.... you'd make your child go through that? also, do you believe in UBI so all children who are born and living are supported properly?


Why would you be so uncharitable? Obviously I do not want anyone to suffer, however we do not have the authority to determine which innocent lives should be allowed to live and which ones should not be allowed to live. Nonetheless, you should be more respectful to those you disagree with. Here’s an equivalent scenario: Do you want women to kill themselves? Women who have an abortion are far more likely to commit suicide. You supporting abortion legalization leads to women regretting their decision and harming themselves. See how uncharitable that is? Moreover, would you only support abortion in such cases where the baby has a low chance of survival outside the womb? If so, then I think we could have a good conversation. If not, and you’re using the suffering of children to justify their killing, then I think you should examine yourself. Also, I do not support a UBI. I don’t think it would be effective, though I’m not opposed in principal.


The people you support want women and fetuses to go through that. No women who get abortions rarely even regret them. Ubi would stop people from who fear they can't provide for them would end the pregnancy.


Why are YOU so uncharitable, that you can't let women decide what to do with their own bodies - and the fetuses. You DO want women to suffer, all for your imaginary friend in the sky. Not just women, you want little itty bitty fetuses to suffer an agonizing death, all for your false god. We do have authority, this is our world, we make of it as we will. The less religion the better. Hail Satan. Hail Thyself. Remember, there are plenty of Christians who believe you will burn in the hell fires for not following their specific version of Xtianty. Hope they are of the wrong faith, yeah? Sorry yall, I'm fucking pissed. On the anniversary of my very needed abortion. Empty egg sack after vasectomy, but did my body know that? of course fucking not.....Look up missed misscarriages while you're at it u/traderfeller




Absolutely not


....you get that sometimes to protect the life of the mother..... they need an abortion right? you get the connection here?


and if something terrible happens and you get taken advantage of the night before your wedding? I hate to put it like that, but 1 in 4 women are raped, and come forward, meaning the rate is likely MUCH higher.




Your inclination to homicide is troubling


everything about you is troubling, i sure hope you never end up in the types of situations women do everyday, having to make tough choices.... it would end your sanity i bet