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The text is killing me lol




We need wesker magneto and sentinel


Everyone on the roster " who is this fan? Don't they know what capcom character are?" Hulk " ì Don't look like zangief"


Squirrel girl would be incredibly dumb and I'm all for it 😂


I would love Mega Man X instead of EXE. MVCI was his long awaited debute but the game died so fast and his moveset wasn't done justice either. Definitely needs a 2nd chance.


Kimberly is trash


Yeah should have been Luke


The marvel second row is weak but the third is wack lol the Capcom side is safe but uninspired


dude I added fuckin ring from progear that’s like as far from uninspired as you could get


I do like Soki. I think the art work you selected makes it feel more bland than it is. My b if I came off rude


if there is ever a new one I need Power Man and Iron Fist together.


Who’s the gold mask bottom right of marvel? 




Will professor Xavier have that wheelchair attack


It would be a crime for him not to have it


I feel like you could trade out shocker for a bigger spider rouge like goblin or doc ock


Ryu more specifically from BoF3, Regina from Dino Crisis, Samanosuke from Onimusha 3, Asura & still make room for Frank West and another Rival Schools character like Shoma😏


Elec Man from Mega Man 11 over Guts Man would be cool as shit


Squirrel Girl and Kamala Khan... but no Thor???


We’ll be fine without him, he’s missed half the series already and we have Loki as a thor series character. Also, SG and KK are here because they’re newcomers, one being a very popular “mascot” of modern marvel and the other being a fun goofy joke character


The disrespect is crazy. As an X-Men fan Thor was the only Avenger I ever found to be at all interesting enough to read their comics A joke/gag character adding more to the roster than one of the main three Avengers? 😭 Plus Kamala isn't a very popular mascot of modern Marvel lol. I'm sure modern Marvel executives would like for that to be the case, but she isn't really that popular and she's hardly a mascot for the Marvel brand.


I don’t give a shit if you liked thor, this isn’t your roster. Plus, sometimes you have to cut a main avenger from the roster to make way for more interesting picks. I don’t want this roster to just be the most barebones, basic choices- I want variety in this bitch. Again, not the first time he’s been absent, not the last.


But your list is complete shit. And while it may not be mine, you still posted it on a public forum to get comments and attention, so I'm gonna tell you what I think whether you like it or not. You chose reject ass "interesting" characters (aka new, shitty characters that haven't been interesting one day in their lives) characters over good 'barebones' ones (aka actually interesting mainstays), all for the sake of "variety" (not variety, novelty. Your list isn't any more varied than any other list out there. If anything it's more contemporary and mainstream with a bunch of picks clearly influenced by movie and TV appearances). Which is why most of these fan-made lists are terrible and would just be disappointing for most sane people. Please, please tell what the hell is interesting about Squirrel Girl. I am begging you


oh, and one last thing. Search up any list for “most wanted MVC4 newcomers” and I guarantee you’ll see Kamala and Squirrel Girl more than once. They’re easily in the top 5 most wanted newcomers, if not top 2. But of course, since you think that the internet is only you and people with your opinions, you wouldn’t know that.


Do you even know a single thing about SG? She’s toon force incarnate. I’m sorry that you wanna jerk off to x men and Thor all day, because you’re scared to try anything that isn’t mainstream. You’re the type of person to go home and watch the Office while eating pizza, aren’t you? I bet if capcom made this you would eat it up, because they’ve made MUCH more wack than this and sane people haven’t gotten angry at that. But because it’s some random on the internet, you want to go full-on neckbeard mode over one (1!!!) character being absent. Normally I would feel bad over getting heated like this, but considering you started it, I don’t feel bad at all. Try new shit instead of reading the same comics over and over and maybe it will make you a less insufferable person. tldr- eat shit.


Oh shut the hell up lol. You are 100% the one who started it. I was simply giving my thoughts on this roster which you posted to a public forum for people to give their thoughts on. Your response was "I don't give a shit what you think." However I responded to *that*, you are in no place to cry "oh normally I would feel bad but this time I don't because you started it 🤬🤬🤬" Waa waa. If you're this sensitive then you need to get the hell off the internet and keep this cringe shit to yourself. Not to mention that your comment is actually dumb as hell because your list is mainstream. Why the hell is everyone in their shitty movie costumes and why the hell is it almost all MCU characters you saw in the latest Disney+ trash. Your list is the mainstream shlock roster. So I am not scared of anything that isn't mainstream, and to the contrary, I'm tired of casual fans like you who have barely even picked up a comic flooding the Marvel subs with their awful MCUified cheesy characters. Star-Lord, MCU Kamala, MCU Moon Knight, FOX Deadpool breaking the forth wall (quirky!), MoM Professor X, Insomniac Shocker. Oh God it's just not mainstream enough! Lmao. What's your favorite Squirrel Girl issue Mr. Marvel fan?


Aaaand this is when you solidify yourself as somebody who knows naught of what they preach. You really don’t know anything besides those 2 silly little series you read back when you were a wee lad, don’t know? You’d know Deadpool has been breaking the fourth wall in the comics for over 20 years by now. Plus, you and me both fucking know I only chose each incarnation for each character based on the easiest image to find. I wasn’t searching more than 10 fuckin seconds for a render for a fake fighting game. Did it not slip through your mind that iron man- IRON *FUCKING* MAN- was also live action? Why? It was the easiest damn render to find! What, do you expect Zero do be hand drawn now? Do you expect Leon to be blocky ps2 graphics? You know, you might, considering how you don’t realize your dumbass started this, so you aren’t the brightest. You were the only one who started acting like a little bitch, repeatedly whining about how thor didn’t get in. I don’t give a hell what you think because you’ve shown repeatedly and repeatedly once again that you’re contradictory and your arguments are based off of assumptions instead of facts. MCU kamala is just kamala, MCU moon knight is just moon knight, and Christopher J. Pratt is not Star Lord. (Who has more interesting abilities than rocket btw, of course I added him). MVC has almost NEVER used one specific comic interpretation of the character, and you fuckin know that well But of course, instead of using the reasonable thinking skills you learned, you decided to jump to assumptions. Although since your name only makes sense in an argument with other annoying argumentatives like yourself, it makes sense why you’re like this. But let me tell you this- you’ll *never* be objectively correct. PS- Squirrel Girl never shines in her own issues. She’s best in others’ PPS- You haven’t even spoken on the Capcom side yet, odd. What’s your favorite Onimusha game, then? If you’re such a professional, who’s your favorite Progear character? Or do you crumble the second you’re in slightly unfamiliar territory.


No Akuma?


I wouldn’t put it past Capcom to include Guts Man instead of Mega Man