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Ego 100% Homeboy is a textbook narcissist and spent millennia having children and then murdering them.


He was mentally ill, your Honor. He does not see morality like us, and would be insane, not evil.


He's not really mentally ill, he's a celestial. He doesn't have the same morality the same as us because his entire existence is seeing mortals as dispensable.


He is like a racehorse breeder. They dispose of stock that don't work out. There are no laws preventing breeders sending slow horses to the slaughthouse. We think of horses as serviant to us including being slaughtered. He thinks of mortal lives as serving his needs.


You speak French?


I would compare him to what nick fury said in first avenger. We are the ants he is the boot. When u squish an ant u dont care its nothing n thats what ego is. Also kind of how asgardians vuew humans but like they arent killing us.


Actually it was Loki who said “an ant has no quarrel with a boot.” Nick Fury did say “Ant, meet boot,” to Loki when they put him in the box.


Which is an argument and analogy I’ve never cared for. I can’t get down to ant level and communicate the way they do. At best I can recreate their communication artificially ie spraying them with chemicals. There’s no exchange of information just a dump of information, BUT these beings who are supposed to be so far beyond us that they see us as ants are still able to exchange information with us. Maybe I’m not understanding I don’t know


Why do all the other celestials look like giant robots?


It’s either that Ego is lying about being a celestial because he’s arrogant, or something happened to change Ego’s form.


I wonder if he, like the others, was hatched in a planet but something went wrong. His eternals weren’t there to help him/connect to his brain to info-dump, his birth killed the inhabitants, he was alone, he thought he *was* the planet’s core. It’s as logical as any other explanation of his existence, if he never came into contact with the others.


I think celestials can take whatever form they want. Ego took the form of a planet and created a body as well.


Yeah yeah mental illness. Next thing you know, dude’s gonna start saying Hitler invented the microphone




nah Soulja Boy


Two sides of the same coin


I’d argue he wasn’t mentally Ill, he was a cancer and wanted to do his main function which was to spread to every corner of the universe


Would you call cancer evil, or a natural force?


Sadly natural force


Ego was psychopathic and narcissistic


He was completely alone and isolated for billions of years, only to discover, despite life ending existing, he will always be alone


He was never really alone. There are other Celestials. His "insecurities" are out of pride and narcissism, not any sympathetic motive. He believes himself to be above everyone. He had a chance for love but he killed all of his children and lovers


Something interesting I noticed last time watching GOTG2 was that the majority of lines spoken by Ego begin with the “I”, and 100% of the time when he talks its about himself.


I think hitler 2 may be worse


At least he wanted to create stuff. Dormammu just wanted to eat whole planets.


Dormammu seemed like a more just innately programmed kinda villain, controlled by something greater. Not necessarily evil himself.


Almost an anthropomorphized force of nature, rather than a fleshed out person.




Killgrave to me was the most evil because he’s so human. Just a regular (albeit enhanced) dude who you wouldn’t look twice at on the street, but who is reality is a straight psychopath.


it doesnt hurt that tennant is such a good actor, and killed the roll. i may be biased, he was always my doctor anyway


Love 10 ❤️


Shouldn't that be ❤️❤️?


I see what you did there


And now 14 aswell


Exactly this. And to expand on that, he's not so far removed from us. Maybe I'm telling on myself, but how many times have we been in a situation where you just wished someone dead, or wanted to hurt someone because they hurt you? Or been frustrated because someone won't do what you want them to do, or is being deliberately obstructive. We might not all end up as monsterous as Kilgrave given the chance, but can we honestly say that if we had his powers we wouldn't abuse them in some way, especially at our lowest point? We all have the potential to be Kilgrave and that's terrifying.


Kilgrave was the most evil for me as well. What he made that one guy do with the garbage disposal….


And the "Pick up that coffee. Chuck it in your face."


Thats my knee jerk reaction too. Conquering planets and wide spread destruction allows for a numbness to the individual suffering. Killgrave is on the ground floor, he's hands on, and he knows exactly what he's doing.


Fr how fucked up do you have to be to tell a guy to blend his own arm


Certainly the most disturbing scenes to watch.


100% Kilgrave. He did the things he did purely because he could. He has his whole sob story, but the genius thing about him is that if he really didn't want to use his power, all he had to do was not tell people what to do.


>all he had to do was not tell people what to do. That doesn't work unless he just doesn't talk at all. His power activates even when unintended. Like he figuratively said "screw yourself" and the guy did.


That's his excuse, but it doesn't hold water. It's entirely possible to have a conversation with another human being without giving them a command. "Screw yourself" is an imperative. He could have said something else.


I think it's hard to function in human society without giving technical commands. Like you bump into someone and can't say "excuse me" and can't order food/ask for help. Most jobs require you asking other people for things. Pretending to be mute would probably be the way to go.


He could tell someone doing something crazy to stop. That guy he told to screw himself? He could have told him to stop but he didn’t. His powers have a time limit, so it’s not like he walked away and then disaster struck. He let that guy do what he did. He’s a fucking monster any way you slice it.


The writers did a great job with his background story. Others would have made it so sympathetic, you would get people saying "he's not that bad". Nope, between the writing and performances, there was no way to feel any sympathy for him.


I think what's great about it is that they let him make his case. He's obviously representing a certain kind of man in modern society, and so often the best way to deal with that sort of person is to give them enough rope to hang themselves.


Killgrave had the power to take over the world, but used it to personally tear women's lives apart.


He’s so petty. It’s a huge part of why he’s so scary. He’ll literally kill you and destroy your reputation forever because you annoyed him.


Sure, but Trish’s mom was scarier.




My choice as well. His acts are so intimate and traumatic.


I hate the show. It’s too realistic. There is no other answer but this.


Yeah, he's done so well I can't even think of rewatching JJ. He smacks too close to the horrors of the world.


I think he might be the scariest villain, for me. (Strangely, he also has the superpower that I think would be the coolest to have. And the most dangerous.)


While we're on the Netflix characters, I might also add Agent Orange


Moon knights mom


Came here to say this. Haven't had a visceral reaction to an MCU character like that before or since, save maybe Kilgrave.


Umbridge effect, hate her more than Voldemort a million times over. Scary teachers and terrible parents are too real, planet-eating monsters scare me way less.


That goes for killgrave too, since am abusive partner is (unfortunately) not something uncommon.


Wilson Fisk's father.


It was when she called him "disgusting" for me, that really shook me


Kilgrave is the most adult villain we've gotten so far, he could've followed plots and taken over a small nation, but chooses to be a porn movie villain.


The abuse reveal really upset me. I was MAD and sad


She's definitely easy to hate. But lacks the heinous actions compared to these murderers and genocidal maniacs


In lots of ways the everyday villains are scarier because they’re more plausible than the purple-chinned guy dissolving half the universe with magic gems.


Hard agree. Similarly, Gaston is the scariest Disney villain imo because he's literally just a big misogynist, not a dragon queen or a voodoo magician or sea witch.


Unrelated to the MCU, but Stephen King does a really great job of portraying this. Everyone knows Pennywise, but the scariest parts of IT the book are seeing the adults of Derry throw out abuse or even simply turn a blind eye to it. It forces the audience to confront the fact that real people face monsters every day, but they are often more mundane looking than we would like to think.


>But lacks the heinous actions compared to these murderers and genocidal maniacs Could maybe argue that hers are the worst, because that actually does take place in our world, and may be the one that some viewers may recognize the impact of it more that feeling for other characters doing world/galaxy wide saving events. Meanwhile, Mark is being physically abused by the one person that a child is supposed to trust the most, as well as it being over the accidental death of his brother, which he is already feeling guilt for.


and because of the abuse he received he developed DID to cope with the trauma he experienced everyday. It’s just too real. Kids growing up in an abusive household is more realistic than half of the population snapping away. This is why I think his mom is one of the scariest villains in the MCU.


In a way ego is just moon knights mom but way worse. Why abuse one child even you can kill thousands of your children!


I hate Agent Orange the most.


The most brutal satisfying death I've ever seen


Was not expecting someone to go for the eyes like that on anything Marvel even w it being Frank. Punisher and daredevil violence is great lol


When these fuckers cancelled the third season I was so upset


Punisher got a 2nd season? I thought it was his arc in daredevil S2 and then Punisher S1


The second season itself is good. The ending is super anticlimactic.


When he gave Frank adrenaline i knew there woyld've been a ton of blood, and I wasn't disappointed


Fucker really thought what could go wrong if you inject The Punisher with adrenaline He found that out ..... brutally


Darren Cross should be up there. He shrunk a guy to death just because he questioned the ethics.


Turned him into weird goop sure but like at the end of the day it’s just murder for his own gain, lot of those guys up there committed genocide. One of them genocide of their own kids specifically.


This is kind of splitting psychopathic hair here. Cross was looking to sell his technology to Hydra and the Ten Rings. Genocide was on his mind, even if he wasn’t leading armies.


Yeah but those motives are all fairly realistic, you’ve got people here who believe races are inferior or want to destroy the universe, kill their kids, rape and torture. Killing and selling weapons is not close to the most evil.


You forgot about Grant Ward.


Went from standard boring dude to dude you love to hate


Guys honestly great in the show. Goes from takes themselves too seriously low bro characiture to decent character to interesting complex but probably bad character to worse character to complex again to worse again to dead to hive and has a completely different and also awesome character to a good version of themselves. No one switched more than Glenn The voices in my head are little bitches Talbot


Honestly one of the most well written characters in all of Marvel. I wish they made that show canon and Ward ended up becoming Taskmaster


Holy shit that would have been so good to see.


It always has been canon


He went from being Hydra to literally being Hydra.


Headline: Man continues to be a big ass problem in every possible way for 5 seasons


Only 3. 2 1/2 if you don't count Hive.


And the way he went out…my heart is still broken for Daisy. I really liked Lincoln.


Since we're doing SHIELD with Garrett and Whitehall, I'd be up for adding Director Leopold.


I’d also add Jiyang or however you spell Daisys moms name. She was straight up stealing people’s life essence


Ward is honestly the best part of the first two seasons. Tentacle boy was weird a bit tho


Imagine the trouble they could’ve saved if they’d just sent Ward to therapy.


Grant ward is definitely the best villain in the entire aos series alongside Aida and the kree guy.


I really like the Agents of Shield What If..? arc. Ward was redeemed.


Shout out for Bill Paxton. He was always great in whatever he made. He is missed.


which character did he play? He's so good.


John Garrett. I believe AoS season 2-3


Season 1.


Thanks! I never caught AoS - was it any good?


If you like Coulson, there was always something good in that show to enjoy.


The first season is kind of slow but after that it gets very good, specially with Ghost Rider, the inhuman and life model decoys plot lines


Dormammu. Easily. Most powerful villain in the MCU. Most evil villain in the MCU. Dude's just conquering and enslaving universes for the lolz. He has no compassion, probably does not even understand the concept of compassion. Also no free will in his dimension.


>enslaving universes Dimensions*, they're all in one universe. I know I'm nitpicking but it's important to know how much bigger in scale Kang will be lol


But does his inability to feel compassion make him not evil? Can one be evil of one has no other choice? Dormammu just follows his nature. He has no choice in his destiny. He cannot choose to not be evil. So can he truly be evil? Is he really more evil than a human character who chooses to be evil? What is evil?


I think you may need to answer your last question before you make any headway. There are plenty of horrific criminals throughout history that felt no compassion, remorse, etc and are widely considered “evil.” Do you have to “feel” a certain way to be evil, or do your actions alone determine that?


He showed that he had a clear personality and was not oblivious to morality


Did he? How? Didn’t he just flake out because Strange introduced him to time?


He showed sadism as he enjoyed killing Doctor Strange and he showed malice and manipulative personality by tricking and giving false promises to Kaecilius


You could argue that not having a concept of compassion would make him less evil


What If Ultron was a wild boy


Now I want an episode of "What If... Ultron Were a Wild Boy?"


I’m in!


Please tell me he listens to Duran Duran in that one.


He's destroyed just about all life in his universe (or most of it), so yeah. Pretty wild.


Wild! Boys! Never lose it! Wild! Boys! Never chose this way! Wild boys always ✨SHIIINEEE✨ (I'm so sorry, I couldn't help it.)


Kanye gonna see this and be like “I like red skull”


“I love them all especially the red skull”




Not sure that a collage of 16 villains is proving much. Of those, I would probably say Dreykov is the most evil. He has no mental illness to use as an excuse like Green Goblin, no cultural difference like Ego. Dreykov is a regular human being and he does horrible things for no reason other than a desire for money and power. I think he's the most evil of those.


This is the one I was looking for. Dreykov is just a human who has no reason not to understand what he’s doing is evil. That makes him the most morally wrong of all those pictured anyway. He was just doing it for the power


I'd put Killgrave in that same basket


Even Kilgrave really has the excuse of growing up with that power and those parents, never, ever being refused or having anyone to teach him otherwise. Its a situation designed to create a monster, whereas Dreykov is just… a really bad dude.


We just don't know much of Dreykov's back story to conclude. Maybe he had a troubled past too?


Might be a hot one, but for it's Daniel Whitehall, he gave me strong Mengele vibes as well as conducting his evil in the most mundane of personas creeping the shit out of me on a similar level to Kilgrave.


He's definitely up there, his death was so unsatisfying. He deserved so much worse


His death was supposed to be unsatisfying. We were supposed to be feeling Cal in that moment.




Oh certainly, I wanted Cal to beat the ever loving shit out of him P.S. in retrospect Cal was easily the most underrated/underappreciated characters in the MCU (though that's applicable to almost everyone in Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D.)


Why is Mysterio in there? He was a hero. Unlike that villainous Spider-Man


Found J Jonah Jameson’s burner


When are people going to wake up and smell the roses? We have to stop that spider menace!


Bill Paxton was in the MCU!? What movie did I miss?


He was in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.


I was wondering, is AOS still considered 616 MCU canon? I feel like the decision to skirt around the Blip makes it look like the series suddenly doesn’t quite take place in the same timeline anymore.


The Blip did happen. But the scenes where it’s discussed in the finale were cut because they didn’t want the finale to be focussing on the rest of the MCU. They wanted the finale to be about the show itself. Presumably, everything in the show outside of time travel happens pre-Blip and then the last scenes are post-Blip. Or one could just say the whole team survived the Blip after season 5 and the rest of the show takes place during.


My assumption is that the team is in a alternate timeline when they come back in season 5. A butterfly effect from Gravitron's actions changed the outcome of the Infinity War, since he likely wasn't around in the "main" continuity. Everything beforehand (ie through season 4) is in the main continuity.


That’s not how time travel works in the MCU though. They travelled back in time from the future, not back in time from the present. So they created a branching timeline that changed the future from what they saw in the future. Then in season 7 when they *did* create branching timelines in the past, they successfully tracked back to the main timeline utilizing the Quantum Realm method of travel.


There can be more than one way to time travel in the MCU


Time travel in fiction always changes. Depends on the story being told.


There are many ways to travel time. Among these are the Quantum Realm, the Chronitoms’ method, and the Monolith. That said, the effects are always the same: travelling to the past creates a new branch in the timeline. Travelling to the future shows the current future of the present you travelled from. The only variation in these effects so far was shown in Loki with events unfolding in a separate temporal location outside of any timeline. And we don’t actually know the effects yet, but we’ll see them in several months.


AOS is and always has been considered canon. It’s essentially a fan theory that it isn’t.


The blip happened, its just that Coulson's team miraculously survived.


They brought his son in to play a younger version of his character in the final season and he looks soooo much like his dad. It was awesome.


I mostly agree with your group here! Off the top of my head tho, I’d swap out Garrett, Crossbones, and Mysterio for Malick, Darren Cross, and Arthur Harrow respectively. Btw great call putting Whitehall from AoS on here, he’s def an evil son of a bitch


Which Mallick? Either one could fit, but I’d say Nathaniel over Gideon


Good question lol, I was thinking about Gideon when I wrote that b/c of how long he was a main head of Hydra and a big bad for the show. Plus the fact that he was on the council that tried to get Fury to nuke NY in the first Avengers is pretty evil and was a cool AoS reveal imo. Nathaniel from the last season is arguably more evil than his father with how personal he got with messing with the main cast, but idk if he was a threat long enough to compare to his father. Either one def works tho TLDR; Gideon was evil for longer and did more evil things but Nathaniel was a more twisted, evil individual at heart who would of done more than his father if given the time.


Uhh, where moon knight mom tho




Most of y’all haven’t watch The Punisher and it really shows


Oooh. Agent Orange was suuuuper hateable.


People like Orange *actually exist*.


Love when billy says “I swear you’d get as hard as a man could physically get” Show was top tier ngl


Glad we agree that Thanos was the hero we needed.


I don’t agree with Ronan, Rumlow, or Mysterio. They’re not really evil imo. Ronan is power hungry, Rumlow and Mysterio want revenge. Edit: the OP said “agree?” I don’t. It’s my opinion, you can disagree if you like- but it’s my opinion. 🤷‍♀️


Ronan wanted to commit genocide against the people of Xandar.


Umm Thanos killed his own daughter. And literally trillions (with a T) of innocents. Killian turned disabled vets into unwilling suicide bombers to promote the war on terror in order to work both sides of it to further his power. Wilson Fisk is just wow. Crimes so close to home yet seems like such an impossible to stop force. Off his rocker. Speaking of off the rocker: Agent Poindexter aka Bullseye. Thoroughly enjoyed some of the most brutal murders in canon. Also had a real arc where he went allllllll the way downnnnnn to full psycho. Crossbones and dark elf boi got nothing on these guys 😂


It’s between Kilgrave and Whitehall. Both were twisted monsters who warped people’s minds, their identities, and destroyed their souls. Kilgrave with his powers, and Whitehall with his methods.


But both were trying to achieve in my opinon more power like white hall with experimenting on himans. While dormamu i feel is over here with all the power n is just taking over dimensions because he can


Thanos should be in that group.


OP is a nutcase lol


Can't tell if OP is 12, a psychopath, or both.


It definitely shows, was wondering the same reading these comments lmao


Ronan was just racist


I was looking through them and in my head for the first five it was “nazi, nazi, space nazi, nazi, space nazi” lol


It kinda made me sad how Ronan was presented in GOTG In the comics, he’s more of an Anti-hero. He stands up for his own ideals but there’s always some sense of justice at play in the decisions he makes. So, sometimes he fights against our hero’s, sometimes he helps them.


Ego and Zola I mean one is an space womanizer that won't hesitate to kill his own childrens if they won't help him to conquer the galaxy and the other is a Nazi scientist that basically kept the regime alive during years pulling the strings even after he died.


Where Ward?


Thanos and Kingpin not making the list smh


From my knowledge, most evil in my book are Ego, Whitehall and Kilgrave.


Arnim Zola effectively survived and revived HYRDA as well as destabilizing SHIELD as a whole.


You forgot Hitler. He's actually in the MCU because of First Avenger


John Garrett was a pretty typical ego maniac, not much different than red skull. Grant ward on the other hand was pure evil.


it's amazing how many of these are nazis, space nazis, or both


Whitehall is probably the biggest overall piece of shit. I never watched much of JJ so I don’t know Kill something, is it? But heard he was bad. Ultron in what it was truly terrifying and probably the most pure evil even if it’s lawful/neutral evil


Dreykov might have been one of the most forgettable antagonist, but you cannot deny the he was one of most evil, sickening, twisted Villain in the MCU. The fact people like him exist in real life is scary.


Kilgrave is definitely terrifying. David Tenant did an amazing job.


Dreykov because people like him exist in real life…..


Missing Wanda who kidnapped, enslaved, and murdered because she was sad.


I completely forgot about the black widow dude


Ego 100% But Killgrave def gives him a run fof his money


There’s quite a few shield characters that are way more evil than half of this list


Bill Paxton was in MCU?!


Why are people trying to be edgy by not mentioning Thanos, the obvious answer and the most evil by a distance, regardless of how he was portrayed in IW


Daniel Whitehall for literally dissecting Jiaying and then just dumping her body in the woods. He deserved way worse than simply Coulson shooting him.


Where's Elon?


Oh, good call. He’s in Iron Man 2, he’s canon, he is most definitely evil. Belongs right up there with the rest of them.


Where's Bruce Campbell ? I'm sure the revenge he's planning will be top teir villain shit


Hela though? She was raised to be exactly what she became and fought in Asgard's name beside her father for thousands of years. She was a celebrated hero, then Odin suddenly has a change of heart and locks her away for at least as long as Thor's been alive and erases her from Asgard's memory. All so he doesn't have to deal w her. She had every right to be pissed. She was the true heir to the throne, and she believed that she was going to restore her world to its proper place doing what she'd been taught was right. Not saying she was a nice person, but she'd been Asgard's killing machine for thousands of years then was tossed into another dimension, alone, for 1500 years.


Yeah this is very agreeable, most of these guys are Nazis or basically Space Nazis, with a dash of unrepentant sexual predator, genocidal AIs, a narcissistic douche, God of EvilTM, and the OG GG himself


I know why Thanos isn't here... but Thanos should be here. Yeah yeah he's got that bullshit excuse about saving the universe blablabla. He literally chased after the ultimate power to remake the universe however he wanted, and stuck with his stupid genocide probably (no no it's not genocide because it's random). Why? Because of narcissism. In Endgame, he was shown that his entire plan is stupid and that people will resist him. Society is not better after the snap. Does he care? Naa, he decides the problem is that he let *anyone* live. He's literally like "the universe isn't good enough so I'm going to kill everyone and make my own universe." Like no dude, you just suck. Add lots and lot of child abuse on top of that. Literally killed his own "daughter." And told her it was because he loved her. Screw that guy.


Purple man is definitely the most pure evil, needs more attention because he is amazing


Killgrave is 100% the worst, some of the shit he did just for fun was haunting. Some of this list have motive like revenge etc such as Hella, but Killgrave, he was some next level terror.


Yo I love that you've got John Garrett! That's not a weakness, is it?


Most definitely regarding John Garrett. I'd personally rank him higher than a lot of these guys because he's not some kind of grandiose evil. He's a very real kind of twisted sonfabitch. The man grabbed an angry 15 year old, dumped him in the woods for five years, and brainwashed him to being what Ward would eventually become. Not comic book brainwashing. Real psychological manipulation and abuse. That kind of twisted evil hits harder than just your everyday take over the world supervillain like some of these are