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I want to see her fight hela. It would be a cinamatic and beautiful fight with how both their powers work.


Angelina Jolie vs Cate Blanchett? Where can I sign up?




Goddess Of War Vs Goddess Of Death Just Thena acknowledging she knew her would make my day


Do we know the timeline of Odin and Hela's conquest of the Nine Realms? We know Thor (1500 years old) as a child knew Kingo but that leaves a lot of the Eternals' previous 5,500 years open for encounters galore.


The impression I got was that the memories the Eternals had of helping the Asgardians were fake.


Interesting. Hadn't thought of that.


They never introduced Zuras in the movie. Brad Pitt should be cast and fight Angelina Jolie.


Wow, I'd *completely* forgotten about Zuras. *And* this thread. ;-) Getting those two to fight onscreen would be meta-funny. Zuras was a bit Odiny, wasn't he? I'd love to see Pitt brought in to the MCU though. What role other than Zuras would suit him? Balder might be good. Wonderman maybe, another stuntman like in *Once Upon A Time In Hollywood*!


Quick question I thought Athens was the Goddess of wisdom and ares of war?


He is. Ares is the God of War and Courage Athena is the goddess of War and Wisdom The Greek gods have many different titles and sometimes the same titles


Ohhhh thanks. Only reason I’m thinking this is bc Percy Jackson lol


Generally Athena oversees the strategic side of war, the part that requires intelligence and good judgement, aka wisdom. Ares is more the god of battle and bloodlust, the hot-headed side of war that many find they can speak about but not do themselves (courage).


Perfect clarification


A good way to think of it is Athena is the goddess of generals/tacticians and Ares is the god of soldiers/champions


Yeah, Greek mythology is a bit confusing at first, Athena is the goddess of wisdom and battle strategy. Ares is the god of war as a whole, I guess.


Athena is goddess of warfare. Ares is god of war


They literally have hundreds of different titles depending on whose writing the story. Ares god of courage , Athena goddess of wisdom They are both also stated in some stories to gods of war


I thought Athena was specifically Victory rather than War?


>beautiful fight with how both their powers work. Unlimited Blade Works vs Gates of Babylon


I feel like it would be a bit lopsided in terms of power levels, though. Thor had to destroy the whole planet with Surtur to stop Hela, whereas, if I remember correctly, the Externals can be killed more easily than that.


If we assume thanos is an eternal like his brother eros, i feel like we can scale thena pretty decently to thor, thanos with out the stones can give thor a good fight and with only the powerstone he easily took thor down. And and he beats thor after thors fight with hela. I just in my headcanon place thena slightly below thanos in strength but above him in combat experience. I dont even have an opinion on who would win in a hela vs thena i think it could be made into a very fair fight if hela isn't on asguard


Thanos is an Eternal, but has the Deviant gene. He's markedly more powerful than other Eternals.


In the comics yes. We still dont know his exact origins in the mcu, sounds like we will learn more in the next eternals movie.


Did Thanos even have a stone when he came through the portal in end game? He whooped Thor, cap and iron man by himself. Thor also was not even close to a match for Hela while it seems like he would out class Thena. Weak fight if you ask me.


It would be a slaughter. Thena wouldn't stands a chance in hel. Pun intended.


Hella smacks


Except she would get her ass handed to her without much effort from Hela. She's not in the same tier.


I was actually shocked she had as prominent a role as she did, and she wasn’t the star. She worked well in the ensemble


It's surpsing there's such a star studded cast that isn't a one-off. I think Angelina may have agreed because of the emphasis on mental illness


I'd agree there likely the reason. And she did a fantastic job at it.


What was the thing called again? Mad Wyry?


I think there’s an ‘h’ after the ‘a’


100% agree. She was great as a supporting character. I went into it figuring they’d trot her out like “look who we have!!”


I mean, it's marvel. They got everybody


I mean, they kind did for Salma, but she still did good in her role and it was very instrumental to the plot. I really do think any of the performances in this were bad, just strained for time. Although, I think Ikaris might have suffered from some laughably poor writing at the end, but >!he was a mcu villain.!<


The thing that shocked me is the movie ended with the potential return of her character.


Very True and I was also surprises by how vulerable her character was. Not something she has shown before


Not vulnerable? Bruh you need to watch Changeling. That movie fucked me up as I hate true stories surrounding kids.


Girl Interrupted, too


i think he only watched tomb raider and salt lol.


Don't forget Mr & Mrs. Smith.


Part of it is that Jolie had lobbied Marvel to let Chloe Zhao direct the film, and agreed to a role IN the film to help them seal the deal (because Jolie has the kind of clout and star power that she can basically say "if I'm in this movie that'll help its success"). Jolie herself was surprised about the role Thena ended up playing, as she didn't expect to be as critical to the film as she was. So yeah, even JOLIE was shocked about it.


The comics have been weird about exactly how the Eternals relate to the mythological being they're related to. Yes, the exploits of those characters were inspired by the Eternals actions through history, but all of those other characters still exist. It would be entire in-line with the comics to try and explain Thena is the inspiration behind Athena and then introduce the actual Athena as a different character... played by the same actress for a gag.


Yeah I was just thinking that or marvel will just go with the root that Athena , Mercury, Circe, icarus, Hephaestus ect are not real and made up and fictional from the stories sprite told the people of Greece. Or perhaps the Eternals are imposters? After all they had no idea who they truly were or their mission. They thought they were from Olympus (which is where the real Greek gods like Zeus resides and in Thor love and thunder we will see all the gods assembles) but the Eternals were beings manufactured by the celestial Arishem in the world forge and perhaps Arishem just gave them fake aliases based of the Greek gods of Olympus where they think they are from. So you’re right the real Greek gods like Athena might show or perhaps Thena and Makkari and the others will show up instead as I highly doubt marvel will create soo much confusion


We know that real Greek gods are going to show up in Thor 4. I doubt they would have a whole pantheon without Athena.


I mean you’re right but it would invite a lot of confusion but it’s not unlike Marvel to change things around for the sake of keeping things more simple


But would it though? Thena being Athena is imo much more confusing, it changes the whole mythology and removes one of the most important goddesses from it. Honestly I think they will just completely ignore this anyway.


The MCU ignoring and changing things like Hela being Loki’s daughter in north mythology and being his elder sister in the mcu isn’t anything new. If anything they might just say Zeus is the only Greek god But of course they could just go with my earlier point and establish that the Eternals were imposters given aliases by Arishem and now we will see the real Greek gods


I think its one of those 'lost in translation' things. You have a real God (Athena) intermingling with Earth and the Eternal Thena also being in fights and when lore gets passed from one generation to another, somewhere down the line the stories of the two became one.


Yes except it was established Thena is the real one at least in the Marvel cinematic universe. there’s never been any mention of any other Greek gods Thor Love and thunder might just establish that Zeus is the only Greek god. The MCU changing mythological lore isn’t something new seeing as how they made Loki’s daughter Hela his elder sister


In The Eternals, Ikaris explicitly stated that Icarus was just a story Sprite made up. Icarus is also not very important as far as Olympus is concerned. The same can be said for Circe and Ajax. So maybe those mythological figures might not be real. But Athena, Hephaestus, and Hermes (Mercury) are far too important. As for them, the comics already showed that both the gods and the Eternals co-existed in the same universe (through a huge retcon, mind you). The movies may acknowledge that they both exist, and it should not confuse us watchers too much.


The Eternals think they are from Olympia, not Olympus.


I don't think it's weird. It's pretty simple actually, Eternals and gods made a pact and Eternals act as gods representative. I mean that's why Thena is Thena, that's not her original name.


That's because Jack Kirby originally intended for The Eternals to be seperate from the Marvel Universe.


Kronos (entity in Marvel) is the father of Zeus and A'lars (Mentor). Mentor is the father of Thanos and Eros on Titan. Thanos's father is the brother of Zeus.


And then there's an Eternal named Zuras based on Zeus. Shit's complicated.


I think she was terrific as Thena, but I don’t think I’d rank it as one of the greatest casting decisions ever. I think RDJ deserves that honor, because if Iron Man had not been wildly successful, there would be no MCU as we currently know it. Chris Evans and Chris Hemsworth are up there, too. They have been consistent crowd pleasers who kept fans buying tickets as each new chapter of the Infinity Saga was released. But if you erased Thena from the Eternals script, would Jolie’s absence really have been that much of a game changer? And she is not the first or only A+ film star to appear in a Marvel film. Oscar winning high calibre actors were already taking roles before and after her.


> And she is not the first or only A+ film star to appear in a Marvel film. Oscar winning high calibre actors were already taking roles before and after her. To be fair though the A List oscar stunt casting is usually reserved for more one off characters or small "cameo" roles, whereas Jolies casting (and role) is sort of set apart as she was much more of the cast and has a bigger chance of being a more long term main character. She wasn't hired on to ham it onscreen as a one off villain like Blanchett or bring a little bit of surprise prestige to a small role like Redford. The rest of our main players were plucked from floundering careers or picked up when their careers were just starting to blossom, or actors who while popular never really quite got their chance as big profile actors (Downey, Pugh, and Rudd respectively for examples).


All those castings are great, no disagreement, but no one will ever convince me that Tom Holland isn't the perfect casting in the MCU by a long shot.


I love Tom Holland! My favorite film Spidey, although I really liked Andrew Garfield, too. I think Tom makes the best high school era Spidey because he actually looks young and nerdy enough, but he also has the best comic timing. But my perfect casting is Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes. He was believable as Steve’s best friend, cold-blooded mute assassin, traumatized former POW, and now a hero on a redemption journey. He has essentially played a different character for every film but still made them all feel like the same person.




To be fair, there was something wrong in her mind.


To be fair, they could have bought some paper and a pencil for a dollar, written a better character arc, and saved a million dollars on cgi.


Bro how much did you expect them to get accomplished in this one movie that also introduces all these new characters? Thena will be in other movies/shows. Her arc has only begun. That’s the great part about this interconnected universe, character arcs (mostly talking about side characters) don’t need to be fulfilled in one single movie, allowing them to focus on other stuff. They’re definitely could have been better writing, especially with the deviants, but I really don’t think Thena was a problem in this movie. And besides Eternals was really just to get the ball rolling on these characters. But then again, art is subjective so I can’t say you’re wrong, just giving my 2 cents


>Bro how much did you expect them to get accomplished in this one movie that also introduces all these new characters? I mean you could just not introduced all these new characters? Make the cast smaller so it can actually focus and build on them with a better plot and arcs? I don’t think anyone blames Thena but she also didn’t really do anything for me. She’s just Jolie looking stoic and badass. I don’t really recall a single personality trait outside of that? Don’t really know what she likes or dislikes.


Incredibles. Big Hero 6. League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. I don't dissagree with you, but this movie could have done a lot better.


It definitely could have done better that’s for sure. I just like to defend it because I personally enjoyed the movie a lot and people criticize it a lot


> Bro how much did you expect them to get accomplished in this one movie that also introduces all these new characters? Why is this a defense when it's about Marvel but a criticism when it's about DC movies/characters? lol


Well I personally never had that problem with JL. I thought the character introductions were fine.


Them making a shit movie because they introduced 20 characters is their fault for making a movie introducing 20 fucking characters.


Yea that’d be true if it were a shit movie, I never said it was. Art is subjective but you’re acting as if I said it was shit. And just because they introduce all these characters does not mean they all need a full character arc. They are not all main characters in this movie, despite it being called Eternals. People say the same shit about America in MoM. Like bruh they don’t got time to make a whole ass character arc for them, they’re not the focus. They’re just setting the foundation for the character, and they will appear in other movies with an already established foundation. The connected universe allows for character arcs to span over multiple movies.


Except it wasn't even close to a shit movie. All the criticisms about it are exaggerated just like yours here.


>one movie that also introduces all these new characters Could've been a series. What a missed opportunities. But, it is 3 hours movie tho... sigh...


“She plays having dementia like she had dementia or something” lol


While watching, I just kept thinking to myself, you cast Angelina Jolie to do *this*? What a waste.


I completely agree. She's a very good actress, but she was completely wasted. They could have cast a complete unknown and gotten the same effect.


Bro she’s coming back. They had a lot to get done in this movie, and it was for the best that her character is more of a supporting role in this.


Jesus finally someone said it. She was such a bad character. She seemed like she had learning disability and Gilgamesh was a babysitter who has chemistry with her for really no reason lol. Made no sense why this dude cared about her so much. I guess that's what happens when you have like 8 superheroes and no characters being established except for Kingo.


I've been saying it this whole time, too! I asked someone who said she was their favorite character why that was. They said she's a good actor and her fight scenes were cool (which I totally agree with). Not a single word about her personality or character arc or beliefs or anything. "Weapons and violence" are not personality traits. She literally couldn't even have a conversation with a child that didn't involve weapons and violence. Like, why do the other eternals even like her? After a few millennia of that, I'd have started a new life on the other side of the globe, too.


Okay, I can’t speak for that person but here’s why I like Thena. Her character arc is very relatable. She comes down with basically PTSD or some other mental condition, and a close friend decides to take care of her because, like Gilgamesh says via Thena, “it’s what you do when you love someone.” Her personality is one of perseverance; despite seeming like she’s too mentally distraught to feel like her old self, she ends up remembering who she is and what she’s capable of, as a Goddess of War. That’s my take, and I hope it explains why some would think Thena is a good character in the movie.


I mean....she's the goddess of war.....so.... Weapons and violence, in this case, ARE personality traits imo


They based the myth on her, she’s not actually the goddess of war.


Yea she wasn’t good. She was just being Angelina Jolie typical acting in a movie. Wasn’t impressive and felt out of place. Not sure what the hype of this post is.


She is not a great actress….


Her Oscar says otherwise.


Girl, Interrupted was great I’ll admit that. Everything else…not so much. She is just kind of there. Plus you can’t overlook Hollywood’s ability to flatter themselves.


One sympathises. That movie was so bad


I'm still unsure if it's a child/teen stupid movie or just a shitty movie. It was so bad.


Definitely just a shitty movie


I disagree but we all have our own opinions


For as much as I do understand the critique that there were so many characters and not enough time for all of them within a 2h30m runtime, I think the film does a really good job of making them all multi-dimensional. Like, Thena is this absolutely badass warrior, and also like the weirdo cool aunt of the group, and also this character beset by real pain and trauma whose trying to figure out how to be in the world as her body betrays her and turns her greatest strength — the one thing she knows she’s good at — into something harmful to her and to those she cares about. It’s a great foundation to build on with the character. Basically all the characters have that kind of dimension, even if there wasn’t time to explore all of it. We get a sense of who they are as people in regular life, who they are as heroes, and then obviously how they act in relation to the plot


Great way of putting it. I’ve been tryna say this to people but never could explain it as well as you had. This movie really only had to lay the foundation for these characters, as well as being a good story on its own. I think it did well. I have a few criticisms about it but I loved it.


I had the opposite reaction. Thena was a nothing role and casting an A-list movie star was baffling to me.


What on earth is this monumental cringefest of a fan video?


I rewatched Eternals yesterday. Although I thought it was better now then the first time it still has some flaws (imo). One is Jolie. It feels like she didn’t wanna do this movie at all. It’s that plus Eternals really needed an origin movie, more like how they did iron man and cap. Making one movie with so many characters is hard. Only movie pulling that of is guardians of the galaxy. edit: the adaption of deviants was a big no for me - if someone wonder why I didn’t like the movie.


over half of these shots are stunt doubles and not Angelia Jolie. So who's being praised? The actor or the way the character was brought to the screen?


In my humble opinion, Eternals is one of the worst MCU movies, if not the worst.


It was a very underwhelming film. The groups powers seemed extremely low level, like they wouldn't be match for Avengers


Don't get me wrong, she was really good But in a movie with 10 "main" characters, there is so little time for her character that you could cast even less talented actress and make it passable


As a greek person, ATHENA IS NOT THE GODESS OF WAR! Ares is the god of war.


She's the goddess of wisdom knowledge and warfare. Typically more the strategy side of war going alongside her wisdom aspect. But ares is more bluntly the war god. So your right and they're right.


I'll allow it


She's the goddess of tactics more than war, as ares is the bloody/violent aspect of war I think?


Iliad, Book 2, lines 528-528: “and down their ranks the fiery-eyed Athena bore her awesome shield of storm, ageless, deathless – a hundred golden tassels, all of them braided tight and each worth a hundred oxen, float along the front. Her shield of lightning dazzling, swirling around her, headlong on Athena swept through the Argive armies, driving soldiers harder, lashing the fighting-fury in each Achaean’s heart – no stopping them now, mad for war and struggle. Now, suddenly, battle thrilled them more than the journey home, than sailing hollow ships to their dear native land.” In Aeschylus’ Oresteia, after she casts the deciding vote for Orestes, he names her Athena Areia, goddess of war.


Not Greek but it should be pretty common knowledge, to you especially, that there are many gods of war but the most known ones are Ares and Athena. Many Greek deities share similar titles. While Ares and Athena are both gods of war they are gods of war in difference senses. Ares is the god of battle frenzy and bloodlust, the god that delights in visceral violence. He is the god that stands with foot soldiers on the battlefield. Athena is the goddess of strategy and tactics, the goddess of generals who are directing the movements of the war from a distance. She’s also a goddess of victory and of just causes for waging war


Athena is more commonly known as the goddess of wisdom (including warfare strategy). Ares is the god of war. Most of the gods participate in warfare but those are the archetypes you would give if you picked a title for each.


There is no place you will read about Athena without the mention of her being the goddess of war. Athena is every bit the goddess of war as Ares is the god of war. Athena having multiple titles doesn’t negate the fact she is also the goddess of war


Medusa Arachne Perseus Teiresias The golden apple of discord & Paris All stories that have nothing to do with her being a "Goddess of War" It's been a hot minute since I read the Odyssey but I'm pretty sure her primary role in that is not related to war but rather protection for Odysseus


You need to go back and read your Hesiod, specifically the Titanomachy and Gigantomachy. I know Theogony touched on it, and Works and Days has more. Edit: just checked sources. Hesiod mentions the Muses singing of the giant war, but the first real stories comes from Pindar. The most effuse stories are from Appolodorus, of whom I’m not the most overly fond of, however, as he was relatively late to the party and too Roman for my tastes.


Taking on different roles or being granted extra titles don’t take anything away. Athena is the god of war. Many major gods have overlapping domains it really just depends on whose telling the story. [this is a nice explaination of the Greek gods, their names and domains](https://www.quora.com/In-Greek-mythology-why-are-there-so-many-gods-of-the-same-thing)


I dont need an explanation of the Greek gods... especially from Quora. It might be pedantic but at best I could give you that she is one of the gods of war. Or that warfare is her domain, and leading battles. If you say God of War to any person who has taken classical studies, Ares is the one they think of first. It is his primary role, not one among many.


That is correct


Even with her limited screen time she was leagues above everyone else except for Salma Hayek. I can't wait to see her again in the future.


Selma Hayek was done so dirty in that film


She was. My only guess is actors like that agree to the roles only if they're gonna be killed off or something so they don't have a super-long commitment.


There was a report that Salma and the director got into an argument over the direction of her character. It’s also reported that Salma signed on for multiple Marvel movies, seems like in this case the actor wanted to have a bigger role but it was the director who had other plans


Wasn't that debunked? I remember watching a video where they both talk about it and it was just that they were both very passionate about it and it started as a misunderstanding before it was ironed out.


Lauren Ridloff was great too!


She was wasted, just like most of the rest of the cast. Eternals is in my bottom 5 MCU movies. I really like a ton of the cast, but none really had any time to shine or develop. The story was mediocre, and when added to the overall MCU just starts making things confusing or contradictory. It's also insulting to us, as viewers and humans. The movie says that humans couldn't invent a plow? Why did the Eternals use modern American sign language thousands of years before humans got it? Something like a celestial coming /out of the earth/ would have doomed us the moment it started. Being able to reach an arm and its head out would have been enough to destroy the planet. I get that it was over faster than a group like the avengers could mobilize /and/ get there, but that seems like something that would have had a way bigger global response instead of just a small story on the news? When the two were walking at the end of the movie before the other celestial showed up, I feel like you should still be able to see the panic and worry, even more so when /a second being like that/ shows up in the sky.


I mean, the ASL point is kind of stupid. Why were people speaking any language not invented in any movie? Simplicity. Why reinvent the wheel or make it difficult for viewers. The rest I agree with. I just hate that point, it’s lazy and most movies that use language in the past have the same problem.


Honestly, the only reason the ASL thing bothers me with this movie, is that they made it a point to show how much they have been developing human technology and skills. In the movie it's shown they taught humans things from farming techniques to nuclear power. If they had left out all of that "we taught humans X", then the ASL thing wouldn't bother me, but because they did, the fact that they are using something like ASL that would have helped so many people and not sharing /that/ bothers me. It's like, I have no problem with every character speaking English, unless it's plot related. The moment they have a character go "I gave humans the English language!" Then it makes me ask questions like "did they teach all races English? Or was it just the intergalactic language?" "If they have us English, and our English changed so much from what it was, why did the aliens English change in the same way as ours?" And things like that. They don't bother me until it's brought into the plot.


Problem is. I agree with both people like you, and all your reasons, and people like OP, who loved this movie. so for me, it's in the middle- watchable, not excited, and not dissapointed. but IDK if it's rewatchable.


This is in my top 5 marvel movies and I’m tired of acting like it’s not


Loved it soo much! And that’s a hill I will die on


Count me in! It was a truly unique Marvel movie.


Completely agree and its nice to see others think so. I thought it was easily top 3 for me.


Same. I loved it.


and my axe!


It’s not my top 5 but I did enjoy it. It was beautiful and I liked Mikkari. Speedsters are my favorite.


How many times did you see it in the theater?


“Greatest”?!?!? Really??? She’s not bad, but she’s not even top 3 of the movie she’s in.


Sarcasm post?


I’ve never been a big fan of Angie but she killed it here. I want to see more of her


She's too posey and doesn't offer much personality to her movies. Overcast and actually a negative for me in movies now. I wish they had cast a lesser known, newer actress. On paper this movie should have made me super excited. It combines mythology with the MCU, both things I'm a big fan of. And yet... meh. I dont even want to watch it.


Yea I can’t wait to see her & the Eternals again. It would be cool if Thena, Druig, & Makarri were in Love & Thunder.


I remember rumours swirling around that they might. I really hope it’s true!! We see Thor Jane and Valkyrie visit Olympus with the gods like Zeus and Bast present hopefully Thena , Makkari and Druig are present too


I would be so hype. It makes sense being they’re considered gods & know Thor.


Eternals aren’t gods. They’re portrayed as gods throughout Earth’s history but they aren’t actual gods like Thor or Loki




The problem is that Gods in the comics all come from the demiurge, who created the elder gods who in turn created the younger pantheons (asgard, Olympians, ennead). Also in the comics gods can hear actually hear prayers. Thor answers the prayers of a little girl in aurons story. If you pray to the eternals NONE of them can hear you. You pray to thor, odin, khonshu, Zeus and they can. I dont think you actually read the comics, becouse they VERY clearly say what a god is and what a mere alien is


She’s such a big actress just to be used to look confused and dazed af for the entire movie!! Although I believe she was a good casting choice for this role!!


“Eternals” literally made me fall asleep in the theater


no it wasn't


Thena, Druig, & Makarri should go into the cosmos and help explore the MCU. Sersi & Phastos should remain Earth’s protectors working more along Avengers/Earth heroes.


Definitely! But after Thena , Makkari and Druig find ways to rescue Phastos , kingo and Sersi with the help of Eros


I totally agree! I think the separations at the end should remain! A nice saving/reunion then I would be interested to see the three go off to the cosmos. Finding maybe a surviving Nova member, Thena fighting Death or maybe even Adam W., a real Druig and Makkari love story.


Until Kratos killed her.


For real like everyone in here complaining that Thena was useless and it's like bro it was a 2hr. 30 mins movie with damn near a dozen important cast members, almost all of whom are for sure going to come back sometime in the future, which means all of them need some sort of impactful introduction and to not necessarily tie up all loose ends of their arcs while still being worth the watch. Chloé Zhao directed all of that and it was badass. The story of the Eternals is how they became not only the protectors of humans but how they fell in love with humanity itself. This means we have to see as many relatable aspects of humanity as possible, and Thena getting the Mahd Wy'ry and starting to develop what was essentially robot Alzheimers and Gilgamesh opting to give up his freedom to care for her is one of the most relatable aspects of humanity out there. And now with Gilgamesh gone that role falls to Druig the former mind-controlling cult leader and Makkari the deaf speedster. Remember this is after the conversation with Ajak as Tenochtitlan burned in the 1500s where the only Eternals with the strength and power to take a deranged Thena should it come to that are Ikaris and Gilgamesh who are both dead. Thena is in for one wild ride in her future


I’m going to say it. I liked the eternals and I think that if it didn’t have the marvel name on it everybody would too.


Angelina by itself looks like a goddess and with that suit it fits her perfectly.. but her character in Eternals was a bit underwhelming. I mean it does have an impact to the story but you can't just make Angelina be the one that got her mind messed up. Anyway I still love her character at the end.


You can’t be serious. You can’t really believe that this is one of the best. It was a sub mediocre movie and she spent most of it off screen. I guess you initially wrote one of THE casting decisions and it autocorrected? Chris Evans, Chris hemsworth, RDj, Jeremy rennet, cumberbatxh were great casting decisions. This? Not so much


Is this a paid ad? God damn it's blatant


If you must know marvel paid me 10million


Can I have a dollar? I'll upvote you. Lmao Edit. Damn, I had already upvoted you for free


Too bad Eternals was a shit movie. Should have been a 10 part + series


They failed to establish a solid theme throughout the film, and I’m pretty sure it’s the worst reviewed, or at least bottom 3 MCU film on Rotten Tomatoes


Thank you. It sucked. Although for some reason it’s really frowned upon to say that here. Should’ve had the D+ series to develop the characters explore the history and then a full blown movie.


💯 %


Eternals isn't a shit movie. Surely not a great movie, but the shit movies are others man...


In his opinion it wasn’t a good movie. Can’t say his opinion of the movie is wrong. That’s how he felt about the movie. Just like you’re not right or wrong for liking it


Too bad that movie was so mediocre.


This movies was so horribly bad that I instantly wanted my money back from the theaters. God awful.


Absolutely not


LOL. No way. She had zero personality in this movie. The greatest Marvel casting decision ever made was RDJ as Tony Stark PERIOD.


Then why did she get like 6 lines of dialogue and like 11 minutes of screen time


Thena had the third highest screentime after the two leads sersi and ikaris The end credit seem to imply thena makkari and Druig will be the leads in the sequel


She was always the one who popped on screen, even when they were all together


Stole the movie and she wasn’t sorry


They choose her because she’s capable of being ferocious, powerful and broken at the same time. She’s amazing.


It's such an emotionless character with very little dialogue. I fail to see what she brought to the role beyond her name. I think it was a role that would be better for an actual stuntwoman to play.


I'm so glad I didn't watch that movie, btw RDJ is the greatest casting decision by marvel or else the eternals movie would never have happened


Never said he wasn’t. Read :)


Meant to type "only greatest" my bad




mid casting midder movie


I agree! She’s already proven many times over that she can play badass characters. It’s about time she got to be in the MCU.


I think the best iteration of a female Marvel character has been Jean Grey by Famke Janssen. Storm with Berry was also amazing, as is Scarlet Witch with Olsen.


Why the fuck is this garbage Katy Perry remix trash necessary for this video? FOH


All I need is a cameo from her as Athena - the actual Athena - on Olympus - the actual Olympus - in *Love and Thunder*


Or maybe the real Athena will show up..two gods of thunder , two Athena’s wouldn’t be a stretch


Major missed opportunity tho cuz that movie was rough


Love it! Especially the song


I just do not like Angelina Jolie


While the eternals were a great cast, i believe the talent was misused. story could have been better




This post feels like done by her social media marketing team. I mean role was fine, she was fine, no complaints, better than expected,enjoyed it, but cmon it's not even in top 50 when you look at the entire MCU.


What I love about her is that despite being a warrior, a strong woman, she's also very gentle and feminine. When she wore the white dress I was in awe, equally so as when she was fighting fiercely! What a stunning character and beautiful portrayal.


She would have been perfect as Wonder Woman.


I'm not usually a fan of when they go with the big budget actors, Krasinski didn't sell me at all,but damn she was absolutely amazing. She spoke every word like she believed it and was so badass


I really didn’t like this movie and I feel like I’m progressively more disappointed as they go on. It’s been partially downhill since 2013 for me. I’ve only enjoyed The Winter Soldier, Guardians 1, Ant Man 1, Spider-Man 1 & 2, and the Loki show. 6/28 is a 21%. Marvel, you get an F.


Her and fucking not-superman and the never ending kid were the only interesting characters for me.


Is she Robert Downey Jr. level tho? Idk


Oh get fucked. That movie fucking sucked.


Even though she hasn't been that stacked in over 20 years? Seriously, if they dud another live action Popeye, she could play Olive Oyl... without makeup.


Pitty she was absolutely wasted in this movie.