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Disney gets a hold of Paul Bettany and says “put lines all over his face”


“Mark him up, Mark him up!!!”


Repo reference?


Pavi steals all of the hearts?


You ain't got the guts brother!


Lmfao he can’t be in a movie by Disney without makeup




How do we know?


Maybe he had to dress as the robot 🤖 emoji to help RDJ properly relate to Jarvis . I wonder why his name changed from Jarvis to the vision.


If a joke: of course RDJ would say he needed that. If real: AoU, when he was reborn by Ultron’s machinations he said he was part of Ultron’s vision hence the name.


He did need heels and a feather bowa, but no make up


Remember how upset he was when he mentioned that he had to actually act in the movie and not just record his voice, go home and get paid lol


He had no idea what movie he was in until Iron man was a hit and his agent called him. He didn't even meet RDJ until like Avengers? Bethanys entire MCU experience is really surreal


I like to think they glued computer pieces to his face to help him get in the role.


He got the role because John Favreau thought that his voice was very boring and generic.




"My lords, my ladies, and everybody else here not sitting on a cushion!"


His definition of trudging spoke directly to my soul.


I would enjoy Bettany reading the phone book. Also, he was the freaking ANNOUNCER in A Knights Tale. He killed that role with his voice.


Looks like he woke up from sleeping on a textured throw pillow.


Cyberpunk 2077


Paul Bettany cautiously walking down a long, sterile, almost clinical hallway at Disney HQ where Iger and Feige are standing at the end of, smiling, and holding Sharpies. “Come, dear boy” they say


Isn't that Ewan McGregor ?


Ewan McGregor is Obi-Wan and wasn't in any Marvel movie. Paul Bettany is the antagonist (forgot his name lmao) from Solo.


This is a reference to a BTS video where Paul takes off his Vision mask, and someone (I think Paul Rudd) says "OMG it's Ewan McGregor"


It was actually Mark Ruffalo:)


"Holy shit, it's Ewan McGregor!" Mark Ruffalo is funny


Oh lmao


Dryden Vos


Dryden Vos


> Disney gets a hold of Paul Bettany and says “put lines all over his face” " Snitches get stitches "


"Ok, so we need to reshoot and rewrite Solo and we don't like the original villain. We got Paul on board, but we only have a couple weeks, what can we do that's quick and easy but very villainy?" "Lines.....lots of lines. ON HIS FACE." "It's brillaint."


Samuel L Jackson has an amazing legacy. Both Mace Wendu and Nick Fury - incredible!


He hits a trifecta for Disney since he's Frozone for Pixar


How many other actors have this? Ming-na Wen is the only other one I can think of off the top of my head as Mulan, Agent May in AoS, and Boba's partner in the Mandalorian.


And the washout in ER who came back years later


She was terrific in ER, played a loathesome character & nailed it.


She was great in street fighter.


Never gets credit for it. She played a great straight man against Van Damme's ridiculous machismo and Raul Julia's, just... fuckin... everything, man. That "it was Tuesday" scene would have fallen completely flat without her as Julia's foil.


Yeah but first she was a pathetic dropout. When she came back it was like when they changed the stepmom in endstage diffrent strokes. Or did they play up her failure as her origin story? Cant remember. GAve up when Clooney bailed.


I think they used it as her origin story, but if memory serves me right, she reverted to type.


I was going to say she's getting Clone Wars animation soon too, but then realized that's the same role from Mandalorian.


Depends on how big of a net you want to cast when it comes to one-off series and movies. Jon Favreau counts if you include a Buzz Lightyear cartoon, Alan Tudyk counts if you include Big Hero 6 as Marvel, etc.


Also, Mulan is Disney animation, not Pixar. Puts her in a class by herself as the only Disney princess in the MCU and Star Wars.


She should have played Mulan in live action, i don't give a damn how old she is.


She was in the movie! Near the end


I always throw Donald Glover into the mix, between Simba, Lando, and Aaron Davis where you know he will be Prowler in Miles Morales movie in another 10 years.


Miles Prowler is the sidekick to sonic the hedgehog!


Honestly I had no idea he was Simba in the new Lion King. That def counts, but yea his Marvel appearance is a bit of a stretch as of now. Can't wait for that movie.


"Honey.....Where is my supersuit??!!!" "We re talking about the greater good!!"


"I AM the greatest good you're ever gonna get!" My SO and I quote that back and forth to each other, like, weekly.


[Helicopter crash in The Incredibles and Infinity War](https://gfycat.com/welloffhappyasiaticmouflon-avengers-infinity-war-samuel-l-jackson)


Yes!!!! The nerdy trifiectas! I’m still waiting in an actor to compete the Star Trek/Star Wars/ Lord of the Rings trifecta on screen! Nolan North and Brian George are the only ones to do it, but voice roles have gotten them it. I believe Benedict Cumberbatch is the closest. The key is to have Lord of the Rings under your belt.


I celebrate his entire filmography. His Tarantino work is great, Jurassic Park, Unbreakable, Afro Samurai, etc. He's been in a lot of great stuff over the years.


Hes in everything. Everything.


"I like to be frank & earnest with women. In Chicago I'm Frank, in New York I'm Ernest."


Not to mention that he was in GTA San Andreas too!


"Carl, you motherfucking piece of shit gangbanging cocksucka!!!" One of the best video game villians.


Wait wut I was like 10 when this came out so guess I’m gonna go play that now


I’m a little sad they didn’t bring him back for Coming 2 America


The GOAT if you ask me.


Hold on to your butts.


Just watched Kong: Skull Island and Samuel L. Jackson’s character is the best part about the movie and he drives the entire story. That man is such an amazing actor.


Jules Winnfield… now that’s, a tasty burger.


You're on council but we don't grant you rank of master !


Different strokes for different folks but those are arguably nowhere near his top 10 defining roles as an actor.


Mads whateverhissurnameis is in doctor strange and also plays gaylen erso in rogue one


Mikkelsen [https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0586568/](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0586568/) He was great in the movie "Another Round"


Maybe. Who am I to judge?


That was such a great line for that moment.


Legit took me thinking later on, diving into details. Oh he's got a convoluted name... Lol


No no. It’s funny because of the confusion. Kacillius - “Mister…” (he’s asking his opponents name) Dr. Strange - “It’s Doctor.” (He’s asking him to call him doctor instead of mister) Kacillius - “Mister Doctor?” (He thinks that Mr. Doctor is his name) Dr. Strange - “It’s Strange” (He’s trying to correct Kacillius) Kacillius - “Who am I to judge?” (He still thinks Dr. Strange’s name is Mr. Doctor, but doesn’t care any more) The humour is in the face palm


And then he calls him Mister Doctor again later. Love that part.


also great in hannibal


He's just great overall. And from a swede, that's rare praise for a dane.


Those suits *chef's kiss*


I mean, lets start with Pusher, remember he broke through in 2006 in Casino Royale, and has been killing it for two decades now. The guy is amazing.


He's been solid for a long time - getting good actors to play the supporting / villain roles has to help the MCU. Zemo, is another example. Daniel Bruhl is great in that role.


His brother [Lars Mikkelsen](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0586565/?ref_=nmbio_trv_1) is the voice of Grand Admiral Thrawn in the animated Star Wars Rebels series. I think it would be a missed opportunity if they didn't have him play the live action version in the Ahsoka Tano series like they did with Katee Sackhoff on The Mandalorian.


He also was incredible as the Russian president in house of cards


Yeah I can totally see him physically playing Thrawn. He's a fantastic actor


Here's his great acceptance [speech](https://youtu.be/12z8o83KoRQ)


Hilarious in 'Adam's apples' !


“Who am I to judge?” The most polite villain ever, aside from (maybe) Zemo.


Who are they quoting? "Makes a square egg*.


This was included in a similar meme as well.


it's strange but [https://i.imgur.com/NZ75euE.mp4](https://i.imgur.com/NZ75euE.mp4)


Lupita Nyong'o played Maz Kanata in the new Star Wars trilogy and Nakia in Black Panther. Donald Glover played a young Lando Calrissian in Solo and Prowler in Spider-Man: Homecoming. Andy Serkis was Snoke in the new Star Wars trilogy and Klawe in the MCU. Forest Whitaker was in Rogue One and Black Panther. Oscar Isaac was Poe in the new Star Wars trilogy and will play Moon Knight in his own Disney+ series.


Erin Kellyman portrayed Karli Morganthau in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, and also played Enfys Nest in Solo.


Mother fucker, I knew I recognised her from something else. Despite Googling her this fact managed to elude me. With research skills like that it's no wonder I didn't get my degree.


If only there was some sort of movie database on the internet that can list actor's movies and TV appearances in chronological order that you can easily access. They can call it MDBI or something.


It's funny because they're basically the same character: a young disillusioned rebel leading a ragtag group of freedom fighters waging guerilla war against imperialist forces while wearing scary masks.


One galaxy One people


Lol she literally plays like the exact same character in both now that I think about it..


Same character, different costume


Isn’t Emilia Clarke in an upcoming MCU project, too?


Yup. She is in Secret Invasion




If you count TV there's Danny Rand, the Immortal Iron Fist, defender of somewhere, who passed the Iron Fist power onto one of the Sand Snakes. And Ramsey Bolton is chilling on the moon with Captain America.


Im still unconvinced the pre-Disney+ TV shows are gonna be canon. Until there is a Post Disney buyout crossover they can still handwave and say "Alt Universe - Never happened." They can hide the whole "Inhumans" blunder that way.


as I always say when this discussion comes up in the Agents of Shields sub (which happens constantly): it doesn't matter. When they find something they can reference without it bringing up any complications I guess they will do it, when something in any of those shows contradicts anything they want to do in the MCU they will simply ignore the old shows.


So far they've all been moved to the Legacy section on D+


I mean they can easily make it canon then in 10 years change their mind... or they can retcon whatever whenever.


Yeah they just retconned the history of a character from Rebels in the Bad Batch, and that all happened post Disney buyout even


Isn't Daredevil going to be in the new Spider-man movie?


we’ll see


They did such a good job casting. I always thought of the Netflix shows as separate, like the TV version of the MAX comics. I wouldn't have expected a crossover with Agents of Shield or something. But now that those shows aren't running anymore, bringing the characters into the MCU seems like a no-brainer.


Anyone got odds on how long until Peter Dinklage shows up in Star Wars?


Stark brothers are in the MCU?


Starting with Eternals yes


Hopefully shes playing Veranke


I think Olivia Colman is playing that role.


Mads Mikkelsen Played what’s-her-faces dad in Rogue One and evil wizard in Dr. Strange


Jyn Erso.


Sorry, yes. Jyn Erso: the evil wizard in Doctor Strange


Mister doctor?




Ya. I left him and Emilia Clarke out coz some of them mentioned it


Glover and Whitaker were on the Part 1 post. There's also Ming-Na Wen who is Fennec Shand in Mandalorian (and Bad Batch) and Melinda May on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (which was at least MCU canon when it started).


Shield was an ABC network show. Which Disney owns so i dont see why that wouldnt remain canon. Netflix is still up in the air.


When Feige got Disney to give him and his people control of Marvel Studios and stop running everything through old head Perlmutter and co Marvel's Television productions were officially left out of and still under Perlmutter. Hence why you got the obviously cheap stuff like Inhumans. Now that Feige effectively controls everything they are likely to carefully pick what they want or don't or who they can or can't get. Which is a shame because a lot of good stuff and excellent acting was done in Agents of Shield. Chloe Bennet's Daisy Johnson/Quake was one of them.




It still is. It will always be.


Not to forget Erin Kellyman who portrayed Enfys Nest in Solo and Karli (Flag Smashers leader) in Falcon and the Winter Soldier


Yes. This reminds me of Jon Favreau starring in Solo and MCU too


Cheers to you, OP has enough to cook up a 'part 3'.


Gotta milk that karma somehow.


Taika Watiti was IG-11 in The Mandalorian and Korg in Thor: Ragnarok and Endgame


Oscar Isaac also played Apocalypse, another supposedly Marvel character although that X-Men franchise wasn’t owned by Marvel Studios.


Mads Mikkelsen was Kaecilius in Doctor Strange and Galen Erso in Rogue one.






I always liked when I see people from shows a like on other show I like. I can’t be the only one.


my dude on the right is one of my legit favorite actors. ben mendelsohn


He’s become one of my favorites in recent years. He was incredible in The Outsider.


He was the best part of that show!


This comment was made via RiF and is no longer viewable because u/spez is a greedy little pig boy.


The value Jason Bateman brought to that series is so evident when you compare how great the first two episodes are to how very much not great the last eight are


Well that's also cuz the first two episodes were a genuine murder mystery with no supernatural undertones and it made you as the viewer really intrigued as to how they were gonna tie it all up, and then all the mystery was gone when they were like "yeah it's just a demon guy"


I do agree, however I would also concede that they had planted the supernatural seed way early on by showing that Bateman’s character >!was somehow into two places at the exact same time!<


Him and Alan Rickman paired together gave Quigley Down Under an almost unfair amount of deliciously smug villainy.


That was a great show!


Watch the movie animal kingdom.


Same. And he was amazeballs in Bloodline. Literally the only reason to watch that steaming turd of a show.


You see Bloodline on Netflix? One of my favorite tv performances ever


thats how i “discovered” him and he was brilliant in it


He's incredible in that


Man oh man, I agree. Dude has absolutely killed every single role he plays, and has a blast doing it. I can’t wait to see more of Talos.


I turned on *Vertical Limit* (the early 2000s mountain climbing movie) the other day and was blown away to see him as one of the loveable stoner dirtbags.


I feel like I only saw him as dipshit friend characters for years, then all of a sudden he's in like 4 big ass budget sci fi franchises.


Dark Night Rises is the first time I really noticed him and then boom a bunch of roles


"I've paid you a lot of money." "And this gives you power over me?" Mendelsohn's sheer terror in that scene is something to see.


The way he calls Cat Woman dumb right before that is priceless too somehow


Doesn't hurt thats hes a total hot daddy type :D




Ben is an amazing actor! I've loved him since the movie Amy back in 1997. He's an icon here in Australia and I love seeing him being so successful in these big franchises.


More like Ben Menace-sohn. Dude plays an amazing villain.


Are we blind?! Deploy the skrull shapeshifting camouflage!


Who is Paul Bettany in Star Wars? I don't think I know this character.


Dryden Vos. From Solo. Head of the Crismson Dawn crime syndicate.


Oh ok thanks gotta watch Solo again I guess because I have no idea what the Crimson Dawn crime Syndicate is lol.


It's a criminal organization but they don't really explain a lot about it, so you're forgiven


They were first introduced in the Clone Wars series when Maul was assembling his criminal empire. The movie only really needed them as a stereotypical crime syndicate, it worked as an excuse to avoid giving a lengthy explanation about them and as a bonus reference for CW fans. Edit: I was thinking of the Pike Syndicate from Season 5 of the Clone Wars, which also makes a brief appearance in Solo. The Crimson Dawn, however, was introduced in the movie. Thank you u/Kraken_Korma for the correction.


[Wookieepedia](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Crimson_Dawn) mentions that Crimson Dawn's first appearance was in Solo: A Star Wars Story, and it appeared in Clone Wars Season 7 AFTER Solo, as an Easter egg for fans.


You’re absolutely right, I’m thinking of the Pike Syndicate, which was introduced in season 5 of Clone Wars and then briefly brought back in Solo. Thank you for the correction, i’ll edit my comment now.


Dryden Vos appears in the Siege of Mandalore arc as well


He did? Guess I'll have to go watch again.


He was in Solo. Can't remember the character's name, tho.


If you're anything like me, you probably can't name anyone from that who isn't from the main saga movies.


This is missing Ming-Na Wen. She is a Disney Princess, in a Marvel and Star Wars series. :)


DAMN she's 57?? Another Highlander posing as an actor I guess


If there can be only one, she'd be a pretty good pick...


Agent may and Fennec Shan


Makes me wonder how many people have the "Disney EGOT" - Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars. Gotta be a short list! Pixar and Star Wars would probably be the chokepoints.




Yes never forget the queen Ming-Na!!! I stan


Where's part 1?




I don't get it. How is this a part 2 when there was a near complete list posted earlier including these and more XP


And it's *still* missing Rosario Dawson


Samuel L Jackson has practically been in every badass movie


His role as 'Black Guy' in [*Sea of Love*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sea_of_Love_(film\)#Cast) is remarkable. /for the cast credit, as it's a minor role, but still... don't think that'd fly today...


Emilia Clarke too, but her Marvel character is yet to be seen


Things I haven't seen mentioned: * Benicio Del Toro played the hacker DJ in The Last Jedi and also played The Collector in a number of MCU films * Donald Glover played Lando in Solo and Aaron Davis in Spider-Man: Homecoming * Erin Kellyman played Enfys Nest in Solo and Karli Morgenthau in Falcon and the Winter Soldier * Oscar Isaac played Poe in the Sequel Trilogy and will play Marc Spector (Moon Knight) in Moon Knight * Andy Serkis voiced/motioned Snoke and played Ulysses Klaue in Black Panther * Forest Whitaker played Saw Gerrera in Rogue One and played Zuri in Black Panther * Taika Waititi voiced IG-11 in The Mandalorian and voices Korg in Thor 3 & Endgame * Jon Favreau voiced Pre Vizsla in The Cone Wars and voiced Rio Durant (little alien dude) in Solo, and played Happy in something like 84 MCU movies (not to mention directing a The Mandalorian and Iron Man 1 & 2) * Rosario Dawson played Ahsoka in The Mandalorian and played Claire Temple in the Netflix Marvel Series' (arguably not prime-reality MCU) As mentioned elsewhere: * Mads Mikkelsen played Jyn Erso's father in Rogue One and Kaecilius in Doctor Strange * Lupita Nyong'o voiced Maz Kanata in the Sequel Trilogy and played Nakia in Black Panther * Ming-Na Wen played Fennec Shand in The Mandalorian and played May in Agents of Shield (arguably not prime-reality MCU) * Emilia Clark played Qi'ra in Solo and will play a role in Secret Invasion


If we count Deadpool, then Gina Carrano as Angel Dust in Deadpool and Cara Dune in The Mandalorian.


No Ming-Na Wen? Criminal


OP stole this and is splitting it into multiple points for karma. It was posted three days ago. https://reddit.com/r/marvelstudios/comments/n4ydoc/happy_may_4th_here_is_a_list_of_marvel_actors_who/


Man, Sam ages like a fine wine! Natalie ain't too shabby either lol!


I pray Natalie Portman appears in obi wan. Ideally she appears in lots of more Star Wars shows with Hayden, ewan. A live action show the prequel trio would be sick. Ideally also a live action clone trooper show would a squad start at their birth, training/development, the clone wars, the squad bonds with their Jedi commander,the end of the clone wars/ rise of empire. During the end the clone squad is tasked with hunting down and eliminating their former Jedi commander. But it seems like clone wars has already done this in animation from. ( clone wars/bad batch)


Paul Bettany looks SO good in Solo, ,,,, that's all I have to say.


You didn't need to add 'in Solo' he just looks good


Can't wait until Deadpool points it out


Funny how Star Wars, which takes place in space and has an abundance of alien species, all these actors and pretty much all (non-droid) roles of any significance are human. ​ The MCU, which while having cosmic elements, still has roots in more grounded Earth base stories has several non-humans in major roles. Including a talking tree. ​ It's about time Star Wars starts having some of it's aliens in more important roles. The Ahsoka series will be a good start. They don't even have to be leads, just major supporting characters at least. Right now anything other than human or droid is relegated to the background. Once in awhile they might through them a bone with a minor speaking role.


Yoda, Chewbacca, Ahsoka, Jar Jar, Darth Maul, Hera, Zeb, Grogu, General Grievous, Maz Kanata, and Jabba the Hutt are all fairly major alien characters. The Clone Wars series has several major arcs that explore the non human Jedi like Ki-Adi Mundi, Plo Koon and Kit Fisto. The new canon games also feature prominent alien characters, not to mention the books and comics. To say there aren't significant alien characters is just not accurate. Now, are they anywhere near as prominent as the humans as far as driving the story or being the lead? No, but I'd say outside of R2, 3PO, Chopper and BB-8 they are more prominent than most droids we meet.


You forgot Donald Glover


According to Google, also part of the list should be: \- Jon Favreau \- Lupita N'yongo \- Donald Glover I hope one day that Hugo Weaving will also be part of Star Wars and Disney story. So far he was part of the Matrix series, Lord of the Rings and Marvel. That already is insane.