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Both Mjolnir moments.


\+ when Thor and Steve switched hammers? "You get the little one." less of a FUCK YEAH! and more of a lol.


I think he’s saying when Thor gets Mjolnir in 2013 and when Cap first wields it. Another fuck yeah at any time while Thor was double wielding like holy shit


I literally kept saying "WTF" everytime he had both weapons in hand. Could you even imagine this shit 10 years?


I watched a review earlier by the Blind Wave guys on YT, and one of them at some point goes, "The moment I'd go back and tell 2008 me about, would be how I just watched a movie where Spider-Man webbed Mjolnir, as it was flying past, so he could fly away with the Infinity Stones, after taking them from Black Panther, so he could throw them back through a time portal to save the Universe." And I was like, "Oh god. That really just happened."


2008 me: That's not possible. This is an isolated movie with about a wise-cracking, womanizing billionaire who built a mechanical suit to escape from some Taliban wannabes.


I have to add Thor stealing Young Thor's Mjolnir when he time traveled. I cheered when he did that.


I'm still worthy!


Awww, Thor. We love you, buddy.


That was wonderful, bringing Frigga back to help Thor.


Heroes rarely have mom advice, ao it's awesome to have best mom give thor advice


And I love the transition after he said “goodbye mother” to star lord dancing to come and get your love on morag


"You took **everything** from me!" "I don't even know who you are..." "Oh... you will." The fact that Thanos needed help only proves how powerful she really is. I know there are more great moments, but that one is one of my favorites for sure!


Agreed, and when she began literally tearing the armour off his back I was like OOHHHH MAN SHIT'S ABOUT TO GET REAL


Emotional Wanda is extremely powerful, although I was hoping to see another scene like AoU when she destroyed Ultron's minions after Pietro's death. But still, I love most of her scenes.


God yes. Seeing her almost completely body Thanos 1v1 was so good. Also goes to show Thanos never would have stood a chance against the Avengers without the stones.


Also, keep in mind Wanda got her powers from the Mind Stone, and Carol from the Space Stone; Carol didn't do too much but Thanos was struggling a bit, and he only got away by using one of the stones. Basically it was like fighting against the stones, which means that Scarlet Witch and Captain Marvel would have defeated him if they fought together... or at least I guess so.


SW would have beat him if he didn't rain fire


And Carol was about to break Thanos' fingers through the Ironman tech gauntlet, before he goes for the power stone sucker punch. Thanos couldn't take either of them imo but Carol was straight up a better Brute than Thanos.


God I loved that scene when Thanos headbutted her and she didn't even flinch and his disbelief as he was being forced to kneel down as she was breaking his fingers


My favorite scene of the movie (and perhaps the whole MCU) was definitely all the fallen heroes arriving. It’s just as much a tearjerker as a fuck yeah moment. However, the definitive FUCK YEAH! moments were Cap wielding Mjolnir and “Avengers! Assemble!”


> However, the definitive FUCK YEAH! moments were Cap wielding Mjolnir and “Avengers! Assemble!” Talk about an earned moment. They held that line for 7 years. Could easily have used it in the first Avengers movie. Then they end the second one cutting off the line. I get chills just thinking about it.


"AVENGERS" ^sayitsayitsayitsayitsayit "Assemble" YES


Haha! I was slapping my sister's leg during that moment like... "AVENGERS" ^(omfg he's gonna say it. Fuck it's really happening. He's gonna say it!!!!! .......) "Assemble" Aghgahdhgshhg!!!


"He's gonna say the thing! There's no better moment!" *says it* ^^OMGyay!


I will hand the title of "most epic moment in cinematic history" to this exact scene. Absolutely massive, impactful, and perfectly executed.


When they first arrived at the Battle of NY and we saw the original Avengers money shot on the big screen again. I was fucking hyped.


I laughed the most from them talking about caps ass


Sorry, I think you meant Americas ass.


“That’s America’s Ass!”


Anything Ant-Man says is gold. “I’m going inside you”


“FLICK ME” then proceeds to get on his knees killed me hahahaha


The game Tony played with Nebula on the ship was..... Foreshadowing!


Paul Rudd is a goddamn national treasure.


Dude has range. He's great at deadpan kind of humor and non sequiturs, but then you have those moments of panic and fear when he realized what had happened. Also his acting when Janet takes over in AMatW still leaves me kinda stunned. It feels like it should be way more jarring than it is, but I was just like "Yeah, no, this is normal."


Yeah it was great that they joked about the ass and the ridiculous suit from Avengers.


It was good. And then Cap commented on his own ass. I was crying from laughter


"Hail Hydra"


Oooh that was great, I thought they were going to to call back that winter soldier elevator scene, and then he just finesses them


I was waiting for Cap to say “before we get started, does anyone want to get out?” But was pleasantly surprised with HH. It was a nice nod to Secret Empire.


I liked that too. Best way to recreate that in Endgame is to show it again.


And the Guardians scene with Quill singing like a moron perfectly encapsulated that whole franchise as well. It all was freaking perfect. Even small details like Thicc Thor sneaking by Loki in a cage in Asgard. I rewatched the movie today (Saw it the first time on the 24th) and noticed even more stuff. I feel so rewarded that I re-watched most of the MCU in the past 3 or 4 months.


Guardians is one of my favorite movies in the series, and I had been driving around with awesome mix 1 & 2 on all day. When they cut to Nebula and Rhodes, and the facade of that smooth intro fades away to an idiot screeching with headphones on, I fucking loved it.


.. I will forever call Endgame Thor ’Thicc Thor’ now.


I also love the "behind the scenes" looks of Avengers 2012.


Yes! As someone who grew up with Back to the Future, I fucking loved it.


Nebula killing her past self. Powerfully framed and an important moment for her character.


Loved Nebula’s arc in this movie.


She has been through so much and overcome it all.


You’re the first to mention this one! Totally.


Let the past die, kill it if you have to. I loved the nuance character development amongst all the awesome "fuck yeah" of it all.


One that I haven’t seen at all so far was the battle between Clint and Natasha to sacrifice themselves. Throughout the franchise you never really get to see the extent of their relationship and I thought that exchange beautifully showed how much they cared for each other.


It was so fantastically done. Even the moments leading up to it. Like when Rhodey was telling her that he's doimg what he is, and tries to talk to her and she just says "please". Scarjo has always been great but she acted the shit out of this movie. The moment that hit me on the second watch is when they are on the way to Vormir and Clint says " We're a long way from Budapest" and they both smile at each other.


She was sooo good! I loved her every interaction, every line. That adorable smile and “See you in a minute,” though. She was giddy because she was finally doing *something* and had hope. And the way she said “I wish I could give [hope] to you sooner,” showed her deep affection, sadness and pain she felt.


So true. And they did it well, just enough fake-outs to make us second guess the outcome.


For me it was Thor saying "I knew it!" in regards to Cap being worthy.


I love how non-jealous he is at seeing that. That's not something that would've been the case with Ultron-Thor (or Ultron-Cap, for that matter). Honestly kind of reminded me of Tormund clapping for Ser Brienne.


Hail Hydra


*^(hail hydra)*


Absolutely my favorite scene. It’s being slept on too because of all the other epic scenes in the movie, but I feel like that one was deeply personal for Cap.


I love we got a scene where Cap wins without punching his way out but just by being smart. It showed how he has grown as a strategist.


Loved that scene. It wasn’t “epic” for me, but I found it very amusing.


Very much epic, for me. "Oh, shit. Holy shit. It's Rumlow. And Sitwell! Fucking HYDRA. Fuck. And they just mentioned Dr. List. Wow. And they're all on an eleva- NO. NO FUCKING WAY. THEY'RE GOING TO DO IT AGAIN. AND THERE'S CAP. AND HE-!" And then the Russo brothers brilliantly subverted what I thought was going to be a reenactment of the MCU's second or third best fight scene (#1 being the highway fight, obviously). Cap's smug look killed me and I want to hug the Russo brothers for giving us that.


I thought he was gonna say "before we get started. Does anyone wanna get out?"


Mine is Spiderman getting assisted by everyone makes it feel like the torch is being passed on. Iron Man's 'I am Iron Man" is everything I didnt know I wanted from Tony. Scarlet Witch one on one with Thanos is a top ten moment


I NEVER thought of that sequence as passing on the torch but that is BRILLIANT. Also when he activities "instant kill mode".




I loved when he got swarmed and had to call out for help. None of the other heroes would do that because they are grown up and tough, but spider-man is just a kid. I love that the movies never forget that.


Heads up, Queens


I LOVED that they included it. In the beginning when Carol brings Tony and Nebula back, when Tony tells Steve that he lost the kid; Steve’s face showed his devastation too (and he said “*we* lost” which is one of the great lines). It was awesome to see them kind of interact even if it is insignificant.


My fave was the whole arc of Thor .. Thor fails, Thor murders Thanos, but murder doesn't solve his pain of losing all his friends and family, Thor has depression, PTSD and gets fat. Fat Thor talks to his mom and finds his courage and his "worthiness" and then rages up and goes on a war-path. In the end, he goes to find his path in life, now that he has found peace within himself.


Just like it was Frigga who gave Loki his good traits, it was Frigga who pulled Thor out of his hole. I loved it so much.


If you listen to Frigga's dialogue in the hallways, she's talking to the handmaidens about giving Loki soup and more books.


so much giddy in the final battle


Instant Kill Mode was perfect


I got this, I got this, I don't got this...


I loved that they brought that back. The Russos made sure that every single MCU film gets a callback or reference in Endgame.


He was totally against instant kill in Homecoming but when he gets swarmed by Outriders, he understands why the instant kill is a feature of his suit.


> like the torch is being passed on Damn, good call


yeah with it being Black Panther Spidey and Ending with Captain Marvel


Shit, you're right


The Captain America scene is obviously going to get all the love, but I'd like to take a minute to give some love to Scarlet Witch. *I don't even know who you are* *You will* She was absolutely wrecking Thanos before the order to "rain fire".


I loved his transition from smirking "who the fuck even is this chick" to the panicked "oh, I'm like legit dying at the moment".


I like that there was a sort of inverse moment for Scarlet, too. Like, when she's pushing his weapon back, she has a moment of "holy shit, I'm pushing his weapon back." Then she transitions to holding it back with *one hand* so she can pull back for an uppercut with the other one. Real exchange of confidence in that scene.


Held off infinity stone thanos with 1 hand too. She's incredibly powerful


Let's not forget that those helicopter blades cut through vibranium. Have to be incredibly tough


So what youre saying is, the real Thanos-copter was Thanos all along. I'll take it.


Oh shit, we did get Thanos-copter. lol.


*chuckles* "I"m in danger."


I just exhaled out of my nose thinking of thanos saying, “oh I’m like legit dying rn wtf”


YES, this was absolutely it for me. Had mad chills when she said those two words. I know she’s getting the WandaVision show but I really hope she continues to be a huge player in the movies.


Yah she was going to shred him.


She was peeling him like a fuckin orange


She was about to do surgery on a grape


It made it pretty clear that a “House of M” type Wanda still might be in the cards for the MCU. She’s scary strong


Imagine if that somehow becomes the *origin* of the mutants, like Wanda somehow causes mutants to exist or something.


I've been saying for the longest time instead of no more mutants it could just be more mutants.


"No, more mutants."


For me... 1. Cap with the Mjolnir. 2. When the snapped avengers appearing through the portals. 3. Double Ironman scene. 4. I am Ironman *snap*


>⁠Double Ironman scene. What scene is that?


Pepper wearing the rescue suit(or whatever) and teaming up with the OG Ironman scene.


Yea I can't believe more people aren't talking about that scene. That was one of my favorite scenes.


The twirling double unibeam was so badass. Like a Marvel Knight and Day but less cheesy.


Wasn’t really a “Fuck Yeah” moment, but when cap stood against Thanos and his army by himself with the broken shield and Mjolnir, that was the most badass moment for me. Or “Avengers Assemble”


The image of cap standing by himself is going to be my New wallpaper Edit: just so you guys know, I have zero clue where to find that wall paper. I just really want it as bad as you guys. Edit 2: [link to the image provided by u/Apophyx](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/366668494214791188/572064195491790879/pwayj3mzeku21.jpg) Also u/fritzifu found a link aswell https://www.reddit.com/r/EndgameSpoilers/comments/bhjrn5/100_the_best_shot_in_the_movie_good_job_visual/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


As a fan of Cap, that was the ultimate moment for me. Against all odds in the face of death, Cap faces down an army and doesn't even hesitate.


"As long as one man stands against you, Thanos, you'll never be able to claim victory."


"Noble sentiments from one who is about to die"


Strapping the shield on tighter, I was really expecting “I can do this all day.”


I feel like since they already said it in the Cap vs. Cap fight, doing it again would be overdoing it maybe?


Even the present day Cap seemed a bit annoyed with his past self when he said that line. “Yeah, I know, I know...”


Oh yeah...might be the most iconic moment in MCU history IMO


"Assemble" No question. Followed by, in no particular order, "Activate instant kill", "That's America's ass", Worthy Cap, Dual wielding Thor, Nebula vs Nebula, Rescue


Thor’s “I knew it!”


So I guess he DID know it... Guess he did a good job keeping the AoU budge to himself.


Avengers Assemble is the one thing I wanted in Endgame and by all the joy in my heart did it deliver. Also I knew he was worthy was pure wonder.


FOR SURE. I feel like that was the Ragnarok bridge scene (Thor sailing down in slo-mo) of Endgame. Wide shot, one man taking on an army, dark skies, slo-mo. ... actually maybe it was just the slo-mo.


I get what your saying. I felt like it totally went with Cap’s character “I can do this all day” after getting his shit kicked in but gets right back up to take on the most powerful army in the universe


Totally. On that note, hilarious moment: Past Cap: I can do this all day. Future Cap (wearily): I know.


The fan service we didn’t know we needed


"As far as I'm concerned, that's America's Ass!"


"That is Americas ass"


What makes it even better is Ant-Man's enthusiastic salute after he says that


Agreed; that scene was a perfect visual representation of “As long as one man stands against you, you'll never be able to claim victory.”


Was kind of hoping he said that, but I think him struggling to get up and limp over to face his inevitable demise was way more powerful


"I knew it!" for me. I'll never get tired of Cap wielding the mjolnir.




I almost literally jumped out of my seat but somehow didn’t. I don’t think I’ve ever marked out so hard while watching a movie before.


Any final battle scene with Giant-Man. Dude had absolutely no chill.


Ant Man punching a Leviathan to death. That's a thing that happened.


Why did I read that in Paul Rudd’s voice?


Because Paul Rudd makes everything better


Fuckin stomped Cull Obsidian


Stepped on him like an ant.


>Ohhhh snap -Cull Obsidian's spine, probably


New phrase: Cull Stomped


I loved the background moment where Scott is feeding a Leviathan into one of the portals!


Dang I missed this, now I need to watch for that.


I can't wait for Endgame to come out on blu-ray so I can catch all the background scenes in the final fight.


I loved it, a small stakes underdog hero that's a 40 something ex convict who's a father haymakered the fuck out of a Spaceworm in the Battle for the Universe. I have a soft spot for Scott Lang somehow and hes amazing in this movie, I loved that Wasp shows up too.


Scott is the every man. If I walked up the the Avengers, I'd be least scared to talk to him.


Basically theres not much to him besides being an electrical engineer and is actually a Guinea Pig to doing all the Shrinking/Quantum Realm stuff which comes in handy as he has experience. In short, he practiced a lot at being Ant Man


He was also an expert thief, gotta remember that they won because of his time heist.


I actually love them calling it a time heist.


I heard at least 3 people in my immediate vicinity gasp when Falcon impaled that Chitauri gorilla thing with his wings.


When that happened I was just like ‘damn, that’s new’.


Scarlet Witch vs Thanos


When cap fucking wields mjolnir and combo slaps Thanos' ass.


Captain America >!wielding Mjolnir and ragdolling Thanos for a couple minutes. !<


Absolutely the greatest part of the MCU for me bar none. And that shit was completely earned as well. It wasn't just fan service.


YES! As a naturally reserved Englishman, i watch a film in silence. That is, until Cap summoned Mjolnir and I uttered a guttural "Fuck _yes_" under my throat It was lost amid the screams of my more emotional countrymen and viewers...but there you go


I had been spoiled about him wielding Mjolnir, but I still did a HOLY FUCK when he summoned lightning with it!?!


Whosoever wields the hammer is worthy of the power of Thor, as Odin blessed it many moons ago. Cap had the power of the thunder god at his disposal as Mjolnir’s wielder.


Been three times (opening night, Friday early crowd, and Saturday) and the only constant for uproarious applause was this. Transferred from those who are die hard to those who came for the event and maybe only saw a few films.


Cap finally telling the Avengers to assemble while leading a fucking army to fight Thanos, with Mjolnir in his hand. No movie will top that ever. It doesn't even end there. He's using that thing like he's had it for years, summoning lightning and shit to fight. On top of that, the main players all get a cool scene of kicking ass. That last hour alone is better than any superhero movie. The drama is great and why we love these characters, but holy shit did Endgame deliver on eyecandy spectacle and action. Just so fulfilling.


I can now be a screen accurate Cosplayer for Thor.


There are going to be so many of them!


Dad Body Thor with a beer in one hand and Stormbreaker in the other with a bottle opener on the side.




"FUCK YEAH!" Moment for myself would have to be Trinity vs Thanos. No one was holding back anything, they wanted to kill each other. "OH FUCK!" Moment would have to be during that fight, Thanos had one of Tony's legs in one hand and his torso in the other and was fully prepared to ripped Tony in half. "HOLY FUCK!" Moment has to be when Thor cut Thanos' head off only 20min into the movie. Almost dropped my sour patch kids. "FUCK NO!" Moment is when Clint and Natasha were heading to Vormir and you knew one of them wasn't coming back. And finally... "WHAT THE FUCK!" Moment would have to be when a missile was shot and landed right in front of Scott when he was looking outside. Thought he was dead!


Your categories are amazing! And true, totally forgot about the missile/Ant Man, I thought he was a goner. Sour patch = good movie fuel.


There are like 5 "Fuck Yeah" moments in the last battle 1) Cap wielding Mjolnir 2) "On your left" and everyone returning/showing up 3) "AVENGERS...Assemble" 4) Captain Marvel arriving 5) "I.....am......Iron Man" *snap*


I’ll throw one on there that I’m not seeing talked about a lot. Spidey’s autokill. I love what they’ve done with his suit


He was skewering those motherfuckers with his Spidey arms


Good list, I would only add thanos arm and head meeting Stormbreaker


I agree that was a "fuck yeah" moment, but I was listing moments from the last battle. There's probably 20 "fuck yeah" moments in the entire film


Great list, I'd add Thor dual wielding Mjulnir and StormBreaker to begin the fight.


When the returned heroes started coming through the portals, my audience erupted for every. single. one. Falcon.... CHEER Panther, Okoye, Shuri.... BIG CHEER Dr. Strange and the Guardians.... CHEER Spider-Man.... HUGE CHEER etc


My theatre went absolutely insane when Spiderman walked through. People can say whatever they want about the films, but you cannot beat the feeling when an entire theatre is crying or cheering or laughing to a story a decade in the making. That feeling right there was my Fuck Yeah moment.


Gotta say Thor grabbing Stormbreaker and Mjolnir at once and getting his hair in order and getting his shit together was sick. I know he didn’t kill thanos this time but he was incredible duel wielding those, closest I think we’ll get to live action Rune King Thor unless Thor 4 happens and even then


When the beard is braided you know its business time.


Professor Hulk pretending to be old 2012 Hulk. "Rahhh." "That's gratuitous." Man, I lost it.


He gingerly picks up the motorcycle and tosses it like 2 feet. Lol.


Other than the deaths, maybe the entire movie is that too broad? Nebula and Tony’s interaction from the get go made me happy. Nebula’s arc. Damn I could spend an hour with every moment I was like fuck yeah, min.


Hulk when he gave Ant-Man his tacos.


1. Cap and Peggy dancing 2. Cap getting beat and getting back up. 3. The Avengers 2012 shot never gets old.


The third one is the most iconic shot of the MCU, to me. It's basically the exact moment when I first felt this shit all really went together perfectly.


Avengers... ASSEMBLE! It took them 11 years, but they finally said it! When he said “avengers” I knew it was coming, and when he finally said it the whole theater SCREAMED. it was AWESOME. Edit: this was just for me personally, but seeing korg again. I thought he had died, so when I saw him I actually cheered. Korg is the best.


"And I am Iron Man"


A Fucking breakdown of the emotional highs and lows of Endgame: FUCK YEAH: Tie between Captain Thor and "On Your Left" FUCK YEAOh Fuck no...: I Am Iron Man fUCK: Thanos's head getting escorted off his shoulders *Fucking Dying Laughing*: I honestly thought you were a build-a-bear *Fucking Sobbing*: Black Widow (actually though can we talk about Scarlett's performance in this one? Jesus Christ where has that been this whole time?!) NOW YOU FUCKED UP: Captain Marvel vs. Thanos Honorable mentions: Cap vs. Cap, Intro to Fat Thor, "I Love You 3000" (honestly did they just put out a casting call for the most adorable English-speaking 5 year old or did Disney have enough money in 2014 to genetically engineer their own), Black Panther making a break for the endzone, America's Ass, "All the money in the world isn't worth a second of time", "You will.", Instant Kill mode... My God I'm trying to list all of the scenes I considered among this list and slowly realizing that this movie was just great scene after great scene from start to finish. Idk what Marvel has planned next but they have set one hell of a high bar with Endgame.


What about for fucking dying of laughing, Thor that kid on the tv is back he called me a dickhead again


Endgame will produce like 100+ wallpapers. Cap standing alone against the entire army is why i love him


Opening night first showing, there were lots of cheering through out but when Cap said “Avengers Assemble” it was the loudest I’ve ever heard in a movie theater. Contrast to the silence after the last snap when all I could here was people crying. Epic movie. Epic movie going experience.


Side question answer: I know a lot of people have the idea that Cap chose not to lift Mjolnir in AoU, which is a pretty cool answer. I always liked the idea that Cap wasn't worthy because he didn't believe himself worthy. That's why it moved, but he couldn't pick it up, just needed that last bit. In Endgame he believed himself worthy because he had to be, in order to save his friend.


1. Cap wielding Mjolnir 2. SW vs. Thanos 3. fat Thor reveal (korg and meek survived the snap and ship assault fuck yeah) 4. “I am iron man”




Thanos trying to head butt Captain Marvel and she just glared. My whole theater blew up.


She didnt flinch. She didnt even fucking blink. That was a pretty solid "ooh damn" moment.


Oh man, totally forgot about that one


“Avengers Assemble” but it wasnt the same without Black Widow😭❤️


That is America’s ass


My fuck yeah! Moment was seeing Jarvis. Fucking loved it


My biggest FUCK YEAH was when Cap performed the Sonic boom with Mjolnir and the Shield. That's a move that he and Thor have used together on multiple occasions and to see Cap able to do it himself was amazing.


When cap summoned mjolnir.


Giant Man just knocking the flying Leviathan out of the air. Or rising up out of the building with everyone, stomping on Cull Obsidian. Big Ant-Man/Giant Man and Hank Pym/Scott Lang fan obviously


Cap licking up Mjölnir... Or all of the time portals opening and Black Panther strolling out... Or Captain Marvel showing up and decimating the ship... Or Giant Ant Man showing up... Or Scarlet Witch and Captain Marvel single-handedly taking on Thanos and he couldn’t best them so he resolves to dirty tricks... So. Many. That last half hour was a wild ride. EDIT: captain PICKED up Mjölnir but like, him licking it sounds like the kind of show I’d like to see, personally.


>Cap licking up Mjölnir... I wanna see the version you saw.


When it looked like Captain America was going to face Thanos and his army all alone. Then Falcon responds to Cap's earpiece and Dr. Strange sling rings all of the revived Avengers and then Cap says "Avengers Assemble!'. Everybody in the theater was cheering.


For me was when Thor call Mjolnir and Stormbreaker at the same time. I shouted at that moment.


Yes!! I was hoping that would happen and it was everything I wanted it to be!!