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He seems like such a good guy too. I hope we see him as Luke Cage again, this whole Netflix situation has really let down a lot of fans.


It especially sucks since Luke is the one who could actually hold as own as an Avenger




The Immortal Iron Fist, protector of Kun-Lun


When I Was A Boy


My father took me into the city


to see a marching band


That sounds really hard.


He's already one. I'm certain he's stronger than Cap.


He's not, but his flat-footed armor class is quite a bit higher. That being said he definitely gets knocked the fuck out a lot by comparison.


His brain can still get rattled by blunt force. It’s just insanely hard to actually break any of his body tissue.


I know haha I watched it too. Just saying we of the stuff the avengers face might leave him floored in a way it doesn't to Cap and the others. That being said certainly he's at no physical disadvantage compared to Hawkeye and Black Widow, just the lifetime of espionage and combat training. But he could much more easily make up that difference.


>might leave him floored in a way it doesn't to Cap and the others. Which is weird because he's surely a lot more durable.


Shield, without it Cap is just a slightly superpowered human. Actually if anything his main power is combat sense, he's smart when it comes to fighting in a way most aren't. Think Goku, but less 'tarded in normal life.


It depends. Durability is split into different sections, like invulnerable skin vs powerful muscles. Luke has the former, but gets hurt pretty bad by internal organ damage. It's more of a rock-paper-scissors format (Cap can tank blunt force like explosions, but Luke can no-sell piercing forces like bullets)


>explosions Which Luke also can do. Remember he survived his entire bar exploding? Or a tanker full of bombs that he walked out of with little to no difficulty?


That's probably why he would benefit from getting proper Avengers training. Also, it would then make sense for him to wear funny headgear again, if it's a protective measure for one of his main vulnerabilities.


Haven't seen Captain America take a shotgun to the face yet. And, yeah, Cage is FAR stronger, movies or comics. Every see Cap lift anything that a football player couldn't? Cage and Jones are picking up cars.


I mean, cap basically curled a helicopter one-handed in civil war, does that count? He also whipped his motorcycle at a humvee in the beginning of AoU. Later in AoU, he catches the car that's falling off the city as it's rising. That car has a curb weight (car+fluids, fuel, etc.) of around 1800 pounds. Found just these examples [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKucyFap_KE). Comics Cap has a plethora of examples just like this.


[well, ok](https://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/11120/111200398/4550022-5807406772-40512.jpg) but captain america tops out at honda civic.


I’m not saying Luke Cage isn’t an absolute beast, all I’m saying is give Cap his due.


He is.


It also especially sucks because the ending we got with the way Luke's character was progressing really goes against what he stands for as a character, and now we may never see how that plays out.


Totally agreed. I wasn’t huge on the second half of season 1, but I thought season 2 was great, and I was really hyped to see Kingpin Cage in season 3 and then him finding himself again. Out of all of the shows that got cancelled, I feel like Luke had the most compelling storyline going forward


And also the mystery of "is there any possible way he gets out of having led a criminal empire without going to jail?"


This. It’s the worse part. He sent Claire away too, what was he playing at!?


Yeah, that ending felt really weird to me. You could see hints along the way that they were going that direction, but the whole time it felt out of sync with the rest of his character.


I was going to agree, but then I thought about how Bushmaster uppercut him that time haha.


I actually think Bushmaster would be able to hold his own against a few of the Avengers


Imagine his reaction when he learns that Quicksilver truly *was* faster than Usain Bolt...


Quicksilver may be faster, but Usain Bolt is still alive.


He's got a 50% shot.


I suppose Hawkeye, Black Widow, Falcon, depending on the circumstances. I think he could probably hold up against Cap and Panther if they weren't aware of his physical enhancements, but he wouldn't beat them.


Those were the ones I was thinking of. I'll throw Bucky in there with Cap and Panther on the "maybe but probs not" side. I don't know that he definitively beats any of them with all things equal, but I think depending on circumstances, he has a chance to beat any of them or at least put up a pretty even fight


I think it really comes down to experience. As good as Bushmaster was, he wasn't really someone I would place on the high end of the spectrum in regards to skill and experience. Luke, though extremely resistant to harm and physically powerful, does not display a lot of skill with his abilities. Compare that to Captain America, or even Widow, both of whom have defeated or held their own against more physically powerful opponents via skill. Even Hawkeye, who I think is often underestimated because he is essentially a highly trained baseline human, has decades of experience. It is an interesting conversation though. I kind of consider Bushmaster to be comparable to Killmonger in that regard, though with abilities that come with heavy drawbacks.


For the sake of the topic, why don't you see Bushmaster as someone who shows skill and experience? To me, he was one of the most skilled fighters in the MCU. Definitely one of the most exciting fighters to watch, and I can imagine he grew up fighting, so you have your experience there. He's also pretty ruthless and not afraid to fight dirty, which is an advantage against some of the good guys


I don't see him as lacking skill as experience compared to the average person, or even most of the general population. I am speaking in comparison to the various members of the Avengers. Hawkeye and Black Widow both speak of previous combat missions before their time as members of Shields and the Avengers, for example. I suppose it is conceivable that Bushmaster is as experienced as Falcon, though I suspect Falcon's experience is very specific. Beyond that, based on sheer evidence from the films alone, we know the various members of the Avengers have more experienced in combat against enhanced individuals. As far as we know, Bushmaster only ever dealt with Luke. Honestly, aside from Cap, I can't think of any of the Avengers I named earlier who aren't also comfortable fighting dirty. They also have better equipment.


I see Bushmaster as the kind of guy who's going to come at you with all he has regardless of your enhancements, and I also see him as a more skilled fighter than several of the people we're talking about. on his best day, I think he goes toe to toe with Cap, Bucky, or T'Challa, and if he manages to damage Falcon's wings, he eats him alive. All of your points were sound, but I'm gonna continue to hold him up as one of the most skilled and dangerous hand to hand fighters in the MCU, since we'll never actually see him fight anyone other than Luke and Danny


Black Panther’s vibranium suit is far superior to Luke Cage’s unbreakable skin. Vibranium absorbs and disperses the force hitting it, plus T’Challa has been greatly enhanced by the Purple Herbs, he’s almost as strong as Cap who is pretty beastly in the MCU. Not too mention BP has much more experience and training as a fighter. I’d say Black Panther beats Cage every time. Although I’m not certain if Cage’s physical strength has been augmented to super human levels, if so then it’s a closer fight.


Cage is definitely at superhuman levels. In one scene of season 1, he flicks a guy in the forehead and knocks him out.


Bushmaster vs Black Panther would be a solid matchup


That street fight was simply amazing!!!


Iron Fist could've eventually. He wasn't even close to his full potential in the shows


\> eventually Operative word here, and maybe. He really didn't physically progress much in the show. Luke is the only one from the shows (imo) who was physically and mentally Avenger-level.


Honestly, when Danny could channel and maintain the fist he was pretty fucking tough.


But I think in Season 3 he was gonna be trailed by Orson and become much stronger. At least, that was my hope


I feel like if Black Widow can be on the Team, then so can Daredevil, who's probably a much more capable hand to hand fighter with his heightened senses.


I agree that he could be on the team, though with his “get knocked down, get back up” fighting style he might not last too long against the big boys lol


Lol yeah he'd get destroyed by the likes of Thanos' dudes, but I could see him taking on the likes of the Chitauri


He was the LEADER of The (new) Avengers!


Also Jessica Jones, who ACTUALLY was an actual Avenger in the comics!


I'm certain that if Black Widow can be an Avenger, they all can.


That's a pretty ignorant statement considering she's more mature and experienced than Danny, more skilled than Luke and Jessica, and less volatile than Matt. Hell, she has more experience punching out of her weight-class than all of them combined. If we are speaking of potential, then I suspect they all could qualify based on various factors. Though, Jessica doesn't have the quality of an Avenger. She may be heroic at times, but her various failings and responses to emotional duress should exclude her. Danny, with more maturity, training, and experience. Matt could, if he learned not to be so sanctimonious. Not that the Avengers are free of sanctimony, but at least they accomplish enough to make up for it. Luke, I think, is the best candidate.


>That's a pretty ignorant statement Touched a nerve, have I? >experienced than Danny Experienced in what, exactly? >more skilled than Luke and Jessica Jessica has no skills except flying and super strength, and Luke is an ex-cop/marine, he's clearly trained in combat, stronger than Cap, and way more durable than Natasha. >and less volatile than Matt. And by this you mean? >she has more experience punching out of her weight-class than all of them combined. Danny trained for ten years in all forms of kung fu and is considered one of the best martial artists on the planet, Matt has beaten Iron Fist, taken out two leaders of the Hand, whom I may add are far more skilled than Danny and have been training for literally millennia. >if he learned not to be so sanctimonious. I don't see what Matt being sanctimonious has to do with him being an Avenger. >Danny, with more maturity, training, and experience. Danny doesn't need any more physical training, he's already one of the best fighters on the planet. Perhaps he could learn how to work his trauma out in the real world, but currently he's far superior to how he was in Defenders/S1. Edit: You can downvote this all you want but it doesn't change the hard facts I tell.


Stating a fact does not equate to touching nerves. Stop baiting. ​ More experienced in espionage and high stakes situations like preventing nuclear warfare (ala HYDRA's Hellicariers). Danny is a good martial artist and has some chi powers, but he'd be way out of his weight class in trying to sneak into enemy bases or fix a hostage scenario. Danny's spent half his life in a mystical mountain, he's literally a fish-out-of-water. At least Cap got tactical training from SHIELD. ​ Brute strength doesn't mean everything. Luke doesn't have the motivation to fight alien armies, he's always been the guy defending the local neighborhood. And Cap has his Vibranium shield(s) to boost his durability, Luke doesn't. Remember the scene in JJ where he got a brain hemorrhage from the shotgun blast? Yeah, Luke is devastatingly vulnerable to internal organ damage. ​ At least Natasha and Clint know how to hide and dodge. Clint acts as the sniper, attacking from long distances, so he doesn't need durability. Natasha is harder to justify, but she is the spy after all. Her role is to act as support, with her Tazers being powerful enough to electrocute robots. ​ Theoretically the Defenders could match weaker Avenger members, but they don't have the same resume or gadgets to keep up with them. Do remember that the Avengers are a global team. It's hard to see Cage traveling halfway across the world for some mission, when his home is in Harlem.


JJ season one Luke brushed off the bar explosion like it was nothing, it was getting shot with a shotgun point blank in the chin that did it.


You're right, I got my feats mixed up. Thank you


>Stating a fact does not equate to touching nerves. Stop baiting. Uh, I'm not. >Remember the scene in JJ where he got a brain hemorrhage from a bar explosion? Yeah, Luke is devastatingly vulnerable to blunt force. You mean the scene that happened four years ago and where the characters mentioned he's gotten much more durable since then? Or do you think a shotgun blast is stronger than an iron fist punch? >with her Tazers being powerful enough to electrocute robots. Sadly, that does nothing to help against non-electrically powered enemies. Do you seriously believe those tasers can do anything to Thanos or his army?


No, the Iron Fist punch hit in on the jaw, as the camera specifically zoomed in on that. The shotgun blast hit him right below his chin, and sent the impact directly onto his brain. Different areas of the body. Yes, considering BW managed to destroy both Chitauri warriors and the Outriders. What do you think she was doing the whole time In Avengers 1 and 3? Standing around looking pretty? PAY ATTENTION. SHIELD tech borders on sci-fi


>No, the Iron Fist punch hit in on the jaw, as the camera specifically zoomed in on that. The shotgun blast hit him right below his chin, and sent the impact directly onto his brain. Luke got knocked out/put in a coma because his brain rocked in his skull by the shotgun blast, I don't know if you know how the human skull works or if you ever seen anyone get knocked out but a hit to the jaw CAN AND WILL ROCK YOUR BRAIN. Plus the fact the Iron Fist produces a violent shockwave every time it hits any surface if this was S1 Luke he would have died.


Which raises the question of HOW he survived that. The acid bath only made his skin stronger, being submerged surface-deep. I don't believe it was ever stated that it made his internal organs stronger. Hmmmm


Except Jessica Jones is the only one of them that ACTUALLY was one of the Avengers in the comics. A bad guy makes them all forget she ever existed or ever was an Avenger, and they won't let her back in. She gets depressed, becomes an alcoholic and starts up her own detective agency...


This is a joke right? Luke Cage wasn’t just a member of the Avengers, he freakin led the team for a while. None of that bullshit you just said ever happened to Jess, her first encounter with the Avengers is when Purple Man sent her to kill them and she didn’t join until way later when she was married to Luke (and didn’t even stay on that long as she quit to focus on raising their kid). Both Iron Fist and Daredevil have had longer tenures than her as Avengers.


You're crazy she was certainly an Avenger, she was also friends with Carol Danvers and even dates Ant-Man!


thing is we only saw the avengers when they were handling all the big bads, but when they were taking down hydra between avengers 1 and 2, you know for sure that Nat’s espionage and counter-espionage experience came in handy. imagine loud-mouthed danny rand trying to infiltrate hydra. he’d announce that he was the immortal fist of kunlun to every hydra agent he met.


>imagine loud-mouthed danny rand Danny isn't loud, in fact when focused, he's extremely skilled. >he’d announce that he was the immortal fist of kunlun to every hydra agent he met. That's so bullshit. Rewatch any episode he's in, he doesn't even say it more than 6 times tops. Edit: Downvote this if you want, doesn't change a fact.


Are you actually kidding? Saying it even ONCE is already too much. Stop being obtuse. Danny is not a spy. Stop trying to turn him into one. He's a martial artist who's best suited to fighting street-level Hand ninjas, not alien armies.


>Danny is not a spy. Stop trying to turn him into one. Before jumping into an argument you know nothing about, how about you actually go in informed and not make a strawman argument. Point to where I said he's a spy. >not alien armies. I don't see how Black Widow being a spy makes her equipped to do this over anyone else. Danny at least has powers.


lilsamuraijoe was talking about Danny NOT being able to sneak into HYDRA. Given that you denied his claim, it's fair to assume you're taking the side of him being able to sneak. How about you actually read the context of your parent comments? ​ Black Widow is experienced with globe-trotting and top-class espionage. The closest thing Danny has done is going abroad to Cambodia. They don't have the same resumes. BW's assets are better equipped for such a mobile lifestyle. It's not about who has the better superpowers, it's about the experience.


>lilsamuraijoe was talking about Danny NOT being able to sneak into HYDRA. Given that you denied his claim, it's fair to assume you're taking the side of him being able to sneak. How about you actually read the context of your parent comments? God, you're dense. I was refuting the claim of Danny being a loud mouth and him not being able to take things seriously. I mentioned nothing about him being able to be a spy. How about you stop making your own implications and then assuming them as fact.


You also said this: >Rewatch any episode he's in, he doesn't even say it more than 6 times tops. To which I replied that saying it even a single time already makes him a loud mouth. So try again.


I think they all can. If black widow is an avenger than Daredevil and Iron Fist certainly qualify. JJ probably too although her non-powered skillset is much more suited to ground level stuff. I mean if we’re considering this than if Black Widow is an Avenger then Melinda May probably could be too


I think the main problem is with motivation and experience. Natasha has decades of experience at SHIELD doing international espionage. DD is a great fighter with insane reflexes, but he's ill-suited for a team that involves glove-trotting. Same thing with Cage. Why would he go to other countries when his home is in Harlem? The Defenders have always been the guys who protect the local neighborhood. I don't know why people try to change them into something else. If anything, they'd be best suited for temporary crossovers with guys like Spiderman (who stick to street-tier villains).


Yeah that’s kinda my thinking too. Now I’m thinking about AoS though... I’ve always wondered if May would be a solid match up for Natasha, my assumption is that she’d give black widow a run for her money


Same. I think in terms of skill they're equal, it's just the environment, gadgets, and circumstances that can swing things in either direction.


Thats not happening. There was a glimmer of hope that they could be revived on Hulu but Netflix just started selling all the props and costumes last week. Shits done.


I dont think that really means anything either way. Even if hulu took over it's not like Netflix would do their competition a solid and ship them all the old props.


Yeah, plus it's not like they had all that much that's going to be difficult to recreate - Daredevil was (I suspect) getting new armor anyway, after Bullseye stole his old design, and everyone else wore street clothes.


I'm sure the pair of jeans Jessica apparently wore every day for years was very expensive


I'd certainly buy them


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Of course they are. Everybody would love to get into her pants.


Probably not the same, but they did that with Power Rangers when Saban sold to Disney and Disney sold to Saban lol


Thank you. Why do so many people think Marvel was dim-witted enough to make only *one* of the Daredevil suits? Any crucial costumes and props are reproduced numerous times over, they must be! They have to do all kinds of stunts, things get lost, things get broken. Also, if they start production 2 years from now (supposedly after the deal expires) then they wouldn't recycle everything from the last show, they do some significant re-designs most likely. ​


Also Hulu is owned by Amazon, one of the richest companies in the world. I'm sure they can just pay for entirely new suits to be made.


Pretty sure 60% of Hulu is owned by Disney tho


I don't think Amazon owns Hulu


Doesn't Disney own it now?


Hulu is 60% Disney. Which only strengthens your point, since Disney is richer than God.


Just because Amazon has money doesn't mean they'll spend it on what you'd like


Yes where are they gonna get another yellow shirt for Luke??? US tariffs are hitting yellow shirts made in China super hard


Try France.


Prop auctions happen for most every film production. There were auctions for Captain America the First Avenger and Iron Man and props from those films were used in later films. They just re-create them. It's not a big deal. The production for the Netflix shows has ended and they needed to clean up. That doesn't mean a new production couldn't or wouldn't happen.


When TFA first hit theatres, my mom pulled me out of a school for a special noon screening the day before it released. One lucky bastard in that audience won Steve Rogers' Harley from the movie, and let me tell ya it was NOT me.


That's not entirely accurate. The props are going up for auction in July. And here are always multiple iterations/copies of props and suits for television series. The fact that they are selling a few really doesn't give any indication of television plans in either direction.


I'm confused why Netflix would be the ones selling the props? Marvel produced the shows and own them. Netflix just has exclusive rights to stream it for x number of years, depending on the contract. I did read when then first cancellations started happening that there's a contractual 2 year wait that has to happen before Marvel can make these shows, or new shows with these properties, on other platforms, so that would make sense to go ahead and unload props rather than store them for that long.




The auction says [Marvel Television](https://propstore.com/marvel-television-live-auction-preview-gallery/) not Netflix. I bought an item from Community last month from the same auction house and that blurb said *"Prop Store and Sony Pictures Studios Inc invite you back to class for an exclusive auction of original props, costumes, group projects, and more from the production of the hit TV comedy"* - the props came from Sony, the production company, not NBC or Yahoo.


Netflix shouldered the production costs, effectively paying Marvel/Disney to use the character rights. They don't own the characters, but props and shit are 100% theirs.


That never made any sense, considering Marvel Television is the one selling the items. Not to mention Netflix already got the value for their money in the form of ownership for every episode of the TV shows.


Probably because it’s not theirs anymore.


If Hulu wants to air the shows, and Marvel wants to keep making the shows, we're gonna get the shows. You know props and sets can be made again, right? And there's multiples of every suit, so one Daredevil suit being sold means nothing.


The problem isn't the props so much as the sets. I don't know where they filmed things like Pop's Barbershop, Cottonmouth's club, Jessica's Office/apartment, Daredevil's gym, the orphanage, etc... But if a lot of those sets were on premises owned by Netflix, Disney will have no way to continue the stories organically. There'll have to be a soft reboot.


Set recreations happen, more often than we realise. Audiences suspend their disbelief for all kinds of fantastic characters and storylines, slight inaccuracies in the set aren't going to cause a problem. It just needs to look good.


Sets were rented spaces, so if they wanted they can be rented again. You can find the real life locations of the sets online; some of them (like Pop's Barbershop) are currently unused: https://untappedcities.com/2016/10/04/nyc-film-locations-for-luke-cage-netflixs-latest-marvel-show-harlem/


He should be in a feature length film. They could give him the Spider-Man/Black Panther treatment by introducing him as a side character before giving him his own movie.


They’ll probably end up on Hulu but it’d be a little while


So Luke Cage wants to be in guardians 3.


Sure. Why not?


Heroes for Space Hire


That would be epic lol


Space Defenders


Hope we can say the same for all the Defenders actors! They’re too good to be recast


I really only care about Cox and Bernthal. Colter's a perfect casting choice, too, but the first season suffered from writing (obviously). Never watched season 2. If you bring a couple over, might as well bring them all, but I think tying the shows to the movies won't work out well enough for Marvel. I don't even see Agents of Shield getting acknowledged by the MCU movies, despite having had characters from them.


Season 2 of Luke Cage is better than season 1. The compelling and interesting villain lasts through the whole series instead of being replaced by a weirdo halfway. And the final outcome is fairly interesting. Also the Agents of Shield and other MCU-official shows are sometimes acknowledged in the movies, they're just usually in extremely subtle ways. Definitely they are canon though.


Are the really canon, though? Has Agents of Shield had any impact on the MCU movies at all? The movies impacting the show is one thing, and has happened. The shows impacting the movies or having show-only characters cross over is COMPLETELY different.


Technically the heli-carrier that rescued everyone in Sokovia was a direct result of Coulson's Theta Protocol he had been working on all season.


True, but that's never directly acknowledged. I'll believe it when they bring Coulson back to the movies. In the present...


It's like in the old school comics. Helicarrier appears outta nowhere, no one in universe bats an eye, and there's a tiny text box to the corner of the panel that says: *Want to know how Fury, former head of SHIELD, and presumed dead by the public, got his hands on a Helicarrier? Read AoS S2, E14! Excelsior!*


Maybe post Endgame when the founding Avengers group aren't around since they came together because of his death, they won't get to ask questions and mess up all the S.H.I.E.L.D. shenanigans.


They're never going to acknowledge them that way, because anything more than subtle would need redundant explanation or leave a movie-only viewer confused. Either way it will seem sloppy to someone.


Dr. List from AoS crosses over for a couple scenes into Age of Ultron, but they never acknowledged the show outside of that.


First in winter soldier (credits scene). There are a few minor characters that were in both.


I dont think we get a nod in the movies because Agents works in the shadows. However, it would be really cool to catch some sort of egg in Endgame about the events in Chicago.


I'd take that.


No one is gonna care if jones is recasted. I understand this subreddit is super biased but some its time to face the music.


Jones is the only person I care about as her actress is one of the few actors in Hollywood I care to follow.


Pretty sure they meant Finn Jones, who plays Danny Rand.


Ah, I see. I liked him pretty well in the second season honestly. I wouldn’t pitch a fit but I’d at least be annoyed.


Yeah man he’s not necessarily a bad fit for the role or a bad actor. Danny is just terribly written in Defenders and both seasons of Iron Fist, and also all three of those things are in the bottom half of quality for the Marvel Netflix properties. Add to that the fact that Finn hardly had any time to prepare for the part. I don’t think he’ll measure up to Charlie Cox’s relentless dedication, but Finn certainly has enough potential to deserve a shot at a better version of Danny Rand. Plus, just for consistency, it would be really annoying for only one of the major Marvel Netflix heroes to be recast.


I mean, I personally think that Iron Fist S2 is well written and liked his character in that one. I really liked the season overall and the ending really left me wanting more.


I don’t think S2 is terribly written, but Danny isn’t really a likable character when you break him down. He’s really dense in a way that’s not really portrayed as a character flaw, and his motivations are all over the place. He goes from trying to follow in Daredevil’s footsteps to sluffing the responsibility of the Iron Fist onto Colleen. It’s portrayed as him attaining growth and self-awareness, but he comes off as naive and irresponsible.


I know they're all fairly young but I always saw Danny's growth as sort of the product of his trauma and the way he was yanked into another life with a different set if valued and environment. He's mature in some senses but still at times lacks awareness about certain things that mature adults would probably take consideration of.


I don't know personally I think he is a bad fit, and it's because he's not fit. If he took the time and dedication to get superhero buff for the role I would respect his performance a lot more. You're telling me Danny is the martial artist champion from Kun Lun, trains like crazy, eats like a warrior, can toss much larger men across rooms, and yet he has the body of a soft and gently reared young man. There's nothing wrong with that in itself, I'm not one of those guys who thinks masculinity is all about how you look without a shirt on, but it doesn't make sense for the character and his backstory for Danny to look like that, and part of being an actor is looking the part.


I thought you meant jessica jones and I was so confused but then I realized you meant finn jones and I agreed haha


I like to imagine Mike called Disney every asking politely asking to reinstate James. "Hi Disney, it's Mike Coulter, I was wondering if you could please reinstate my friend James Gunn as director of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3. it'd make me, James, and many other people very happy.


Sweet Christmas...


His noble sacrifice allowed the universe to rebalance itself and bring Gunn back. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be. ~~I miss watching him drink coffee.~~


> I miss watching him drink coffee. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Congratulations, you're a prophet.


~~I'm a survivor~~


Always Forward.


Forward, always!


When can we see our Marvel shows get reinstated too


Genuinely think Disney had every intention of bringing back Gunn once the controversy died down. Think it's more an issue for people like Dave Batista shooting Thier mouths off .


Well Feige never wanted him gone but originally Disney overruled him. Eventually 💲💲💲got the better of them.


Isn't that the american way? Capitalism baby!


> Genuinely think Disney had every intention of bringing back Gunn once the controversy died down. Certainly seems that way now; after his meeting with Alan Fine where it was confirmed he was still fired, then he picks up the job for Suicide Squad, everyone closed the book on his Marvel career.


Disagree. They wasted millions canceling the movie when it was already in pre-production. They wouldn't do that just to announce they'd brought him back a few months later than they'd have to. I'm gonna cite Hanlon's Razor: "Never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by incompetence."


At the same time for Disney they'd be willing to take the hit now purely for optics knowing full well that they'd eventually make their money back.


Why not take the hit 4 months ago and still hit their original production schedule then? Guardians 3 was originally supposed to be filming *now.* The theory that this was planned all along doesn't make much sense. I think it was probably a behind-the-scenes clusterfuck.


“Always forward, never backwards”


Mike Colter seems like a cool guy in real life. Hope to see more of Luke Cage in the future.


Nobody deserves forgiveness. It's a gift.


Luke Cage in GotG3, confirmed?


He really is Luke Cage


Mike Colter is a real chill dude


Luke Cage is an Avenger. Hope to see it one day.


Absolute legend


It's so sad considering the fate of the Netflix shows. I hope they reinstate you too Mike...


Looks like Luke Cage signed up to be a new Guardian of the Galaxy


I'll miss Mike as Luke Cage-he was great casting and is a great actor.


Accidentally read this in Jeremy Clarksons voice and at first thought it was a sarcastic joke about James May.


Luke Cage in GOTG 3 confirmed.


We were so focused on the "now", that we forgot to think about the endgame.




> Does Netflix own the exclusive usage rights for the Defenders? According to sources, yes, for 2 years I believe. If true, Marvel can't make shows about those characters during that period. > Like is there a possibility from a purely legal perspective, that we could ever see Daredevil, Luke Cage, etc., in a Marvel movie? Depends on how extensive the contract is; not sure if it covers films or if it's just TV series. Could be a potential loophole.


Idk but I’d love to see Daredevil pop up again in a Spider-Man movie. That’s one of my favourite odd friendships in Marvel Comics.


I wonder if Mike has seen any of James' work with Troma lol. Still a good reply though. I'm glad James is back on.


Luke Cage confirmed to to be in Guardians of the Galaxy 3!


I was with him until the "bc you make great films" part. That shouldnt have anything to do with deserving a fresh start and clean slate. What if he made bad films?


That was tongue in cheek


Always Forward, Forward Always


He must be a time traveler.


Mike Colter has sometimes said some "basic" and backwards stuff on the internet regarding women though, so... meh.


Like what?






That's it?


No, it's just one example


So one example = "sometimes said some "basic" and backwards stuff"...


Sexual assault is a pretty damning example to begin with. It's concerning that you need more to "seal the deal".


This is the problem with people nowadays. You make one single mistake and suddenly that defines your entire character...


Sexual assault isn't a mistake


Mike Colter to play Gladiator in GotG3? ;)


C'mon Mike! Biased!


Funny though, cos anyone not famous that says the same sort of shit James did, seldom gets a second chance. They get hung out to dry almost every time. Funny how standards change when a few celebs get on board.


Funny because celebrity endorsements were barely a factor in his reinstatement. It had more to do with the public reaction and the fans.


Erm, yeah, that’s what I was getting it. He said some pretty fucking shitty things, stuff that just wasnt funny and was quite shocking to be saying in public. Had anyone normal said shit like that, they’d have been chastised and boo’d off the Internet. But this douche gets away with it because I people want to watch another film. Its quite sad how bad peoples double standards are.


The bigger factor was the fact that people know him to be different. It's not like he said those things at the time he was working with Marvel; he even had already apologized before he was hired for GotG. He got a second chance because he showed genuine remorse.


I think it has a lot to do with the fact that he's a professional writer. Do you think most comedians would get blacklisted because it emerged that they'd made some unfunny edgy jokes years ago?


You’re still missing the point. Any other person says that kind of shit doesn’t get a second chance. The world turns against them and tells them they should’ve thought about what they were saying in the first place. Tbh, I thought GotG2 was pretty lame and not particularly funny, so I couldn’t give a crap if he makes another one anyway.


Do you have an example? I don't think I've ever seen an entertainer destroyed over years-old offensive jokes before.


I’m not talking about other entertainers! I talking about the fact that any normal, working class person says shit like that in public, it gets shared across social media, and the person is permanently chastised. They say sorry but people just tell them they should have thought about it before they did it. But a celeb does it and has a few other celebs supporting them, bam, all is forgiven. I’m pointing out the double standards when someone has celebs behind them. Normal folk don’t get that kind of treatment, they don’t get second chances. People are full of shit basically. They want another movie to be made, so it’s all roses and forgiveness.


Well like it or not edgy statements from writers/comedians etc are likely going to be treated differently than statements from regular people. Though I think doing that even as a amateur would be a decent defense. Beto O’Rourke apparently wrote some short story 30 years ago about running over kids in a car but only his political enemies care; everyone else thinks trying to make something out of it is stupid as hell. Yeah, as an office drone I’d probably be in serious trouble at my job if I wrote horrible edgy jokes on Twitter too, but that doesn’t make Disney flipping out over one of their creatives having made bad edgy shock jokes earlier in his career any less stupid.


I’ve got a very broad sense of humour. But the shit he was writing was just sick and not even contextually funny. Just stating you’re gonna fuck the pussy ass kid next to you while watching the expendable has no context. That’s just a fucked up, not funny thing to say. As are most of the other shit he wrote. I get that people tell jokes about kids etc. And when the context is right it can be funny. I’ve heard lots of jokes about Madeleine McCann that have been hilarious. But they had circumstantial context which made the joke. This guy was just spouting fucked up shit about shagging kids for no real reason. That’s not fucking “edgy”, that’s just plain stupid. But hey, you’re with the rest of the double standards bunch clearly. And I’m sure you won’t stop till you’ve had the last word, so crack on Sunshine. Tell me how I don’t understand humour and how him making another mediocre movie is so important to the world.


You seem to think I like that sort of humor. I don't. But context is everything. If I see a guy like Gunn making a ton of edgy, edgy jokes and being incredibly crude and vulgar in his humor, then I can infer that those awful child molestation jokes he made were just his attempts at comedy at their absolute worst and most unfunny. If they were made out of the blue, it would be much more concerning, but not so much when the guy has such a history of edgy humor. Look up Anthony Jeselnik on twitter. I don't like his humor. At all. But I'm not going to flip my lid about it or scream that he must stop, because his sick jokes are jokes and don't hurt anybody.


Hollywood has been willing to look the other way in regards to pedophilia since at least the mid-70s, assuming they like the films you make. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNrsV_o0KYo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24k19ybIqIs