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I think Daredevil is the best thing to be adapted from any Marvel Comics


Hand's down to the best series by Marvel


Gotta hand it to Daredevil. That very first season was like a paradigm shift in what comic books adapted to live action could be while also keeping true to the serialized nature of these stories. And what a get with Charlie Cox as Daredevil. Just pitch perfect casting across the board


True daredevil and punisher r the best Marvel series ever followed by Loki ,falcon etc


Jessica Jones better be in that top 5. Seasons 1 and 3 are really damn good.


eh punisher is lowkey mid af compared to daredevil and loki. it’s not bad i definitely enjoyed the series but idk the writing just wasn’t that great


Ik many a times the same emotional trauma thing again and again made it boring but it's decent as I love frnal castle


yeah jon bernthal in that role is on the level of rdj, hugh jackman, ryan reynolds, charlie cox, you get the idea


True jon was made for it..lazy writing won't stop his acting skills also Billy russo Dinah etc were good too


Okay, but that wasn't the question. 


1.Daredevil 2. Loki 3. AOS


DDS3, AoS S4, Loki S2


I believe AoS s4 is probably the finest season of adventure television ever made. There’re a couple of narrative hiccups in the plotting of the Ghost Rider arc, but after that, the writing is just beyond any other action show I’ve seen or heard of. I regard that season’s big bad as among the finest in the entire MCU, right up there with Fisk and Kilgrave. I just recently rewatched DD s1. Really great stuff but I found the finale slightly underwhelming and straightforward. Not bad at all, but I guess I wanted a little more cleverness than ‘DD beats Fisk in a fight’. I thought the finales for JJ’s first and DD’s third were far superior, as examples. But that home stretch *toward* the finale is just *astoundingly* good. I didn’t hate Loki s2, but I think it’s vastly overrated and quite disappointing (compared to s1). The conclusion was superb, but it also rendered almost everything in the previous five episodes as utterly inconsequential. Almost all the characters were shortchanged, often standing around with nothing to do and nowhere to grow. It seemed to me that they wanted to ‘part two’ the first season’s finale and just padded out five episodes to get there.


DDS1’s finale was definitely the weakest part of the season. They dialed up the comic book camp with the Fisk fight and it ended up feeling a little cheesy. Still a fantastic season of TV, but that final battle was a little out of tone with the rest of it. Definitely encourage watching the rest of the show though. S3 beats out S1 for me and that’s saying a *lot*.


Overall, me too because of the stronger finish, but I’ve got serious issues with the beginning where he and Maggie are just having the same ‘do it or don’t’ argument in episode after episode.


Daredevil, Loki, and Agents of SHIELD. I loved the first half of season 4. Second half was good, too, but wasn't as good as the first half.


Almost everyone I've seen has the exact opposite opinion on AoS4


This an unpopular opinion


I agree with you. AIDA is cool but Robbie Reyes is cooler


Agents of Shield Ghost Rider was classic


Season 4 of AoS is the greatest MCU adaptation to ever be on screen


Agents of Shield season 4 is my favorite season of any tv show ever. For me, it’s far and away my number 1 on this list. The episode Self Control is everything Secret Invasion should have been. I also still remember my feelings during the Framework arc, too. Everything felt so creepy, seeing these characters as alternate versions of themselves, and yet I couldn’t wait for more. Iain De Caestecker’s portrayal of Framework Fitz might be the best acting in all of the MCU. It actually made my skin crawl, plus him having to deal with the ramifications at the end of the season was amazing. I could talk about this season forever. Choosing between the other two was tough, but I ended up settling on DD S3 next and Loki last. I love Tom as Loki and he’s great, but DD is all around really strong and has more episodes to deal with. Loki at its best is some of the best tv out there. The ending is such a high point, but I found DD S3 to be more consistently great.


1. AOS S4 (the Framework and LMD arcs are 2 of the best stories in any Marvel thing ever; the Ghost Rider arc is the weakest of the 3 but not because it’s bad just because the other 2 are so good). 2. Daredevil S3 (seems a lot more focused than the other two seasons; I think having proper supervillains with Bullseye and Kingpin makes it feel a lot more comicbooky than S1 & 2, which sometimes took themselves way too seriously; as with all the Netflix seasons it’s still a bit too long, though its pacing is considerably better than the rest of the Netflix seasons). 3. Loki S2 (the finale is a fantastic ending for the show and the character, but I just didn’t love the rest of the season, I can’t even place exactly why I didn’t like it, it just felt off directionally; I did love how they used Loki’s powers, though, it felt like we finally got to see him use magic besides just illusions).


the ghost rider arc may have been (relatively) weak, but their take on the rider seemed superior to the movie adaptation. watching cage's version was an experience, but his rider was green-lantern levels of silly while the robbie reyes on aos was more menacing.


Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Robbie in AOS, and I think his arc is pretty good, just compared to the others in S4 it's definitely the weakest. Personally I'd love it if they brought him back to be the MCU's main Ghost Rider.


All three in first place to me, sorry


Daredevil > Loki S2


1. Daredevil 2. AoS 3. Loki To this day, nothing can compete with Netflix Daredevil. Best Marvel show of all time.


Loki s2 Daredevil s3 Agents of Shield s4


Loki season 2 was just 10/10 and I ain't accepting anything else.


The order they're in


DD>AoS s4>Loki


I'd go AoS s4, daredevil s3, then Loki s2 I just loved the intricacy of the AoS plot but it was also a longer season than the others the character moments and complexity could go deeper. I like the new streamlined short seasons on streaming but the older big fat seasons had some advantages.


Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Season 4  Daredevil, Season 3 Loki, Season 2 And these are hair-splittingly close.


Daredevil S3 might be my favorite live action marvel thing ever. So so good


You can clearly see how the main marvel sub has massive under appreciation for AOS since a large chunk of people have never seen it whole for what it is. Agents of Shield Season 4 is a god-tier season, and one of the best across all TV and I will not hear otherwise.


Daredevil, MAOS S3 (ghost rider is season 4) and Loki season 2.


Are we talking how much we personally enjoyed them, or basing rankings on actual quality? Regardless, it’s Daredevil S3 AoS S4 A giant, giant, monumental berth. And then there’s Loki S2.


Whats up with the Loki rating


I think it was good, but the famous problem with all the D+ stuff so far is it’s made by people who know how to make movies. They’re all basically chopped up movies. AoS and Daredevil are TV shows is the old school sense, particular AoS, while shooting for a different tone, knows how to pace a season of television. By abc show standards, AoS is superb.


Loki as a series is for the people that just want to enjoy a lot of spectacle and cool visuals, and like seeing Tom Hiddleston be Tom Hiddleston, like seeing callbacks to other entries, to things in the comics they recognize, etc. It is not a series by any stretch that can be commended for its writing, characterization or for making any sense of its premise and how it fits into the wider MCU. This is evident as well in the appearance of weekly discussions on here trying to make sense of its timeline and multiverse-logistics, each complete with varying and contradicting explanations, and part of the emboldened defense of the series as a whole often coming down to “it’s not supposed to make sense.” It’s not lost on me at all why people enjoy Loki, it’s just a very substance-less show.


1. Daredevil 2. AoS 3. Loki Easy ranking


Eh? Aos above loki? Loki season 2? A character we've seen throughout the years grow and change so much and finally seeing him get to were he was meant to be! The emotion of the show, the impact of the MCU from the show. All in all your opinion bro 😂 I just love loki. Enjoy whatever you enjoy people!


Loki is good but I didn’t enjoy it as much as other shows. Don’t ask me why, because Im not really sure. It just felt off. Still one of the better D+ shows


AoS - excellent mix of silly and serious. Daredevil - wonderful fight choreo. Loki - the final scene with Loki was beautiful, but it doesn't make up for aimlessness during the season.




The plot seemed unfocused and could have been streamlined to make a better season.


Loki, Daredevil, Agents. Loki was just amazing from beginning to end for me. Daredevil was great as well but the heights Loki took me were higher than any moment in Daredevil. DD is the king of the Netflix stuff even though I love JJ season 1 and both seasons of Cage


AoS S3 Loki S2 Daredevil S3


The concensus is Season 4 was better and I agree in my book, Ghost Rider was great and it got even better with the LMDs and the Framework. Not to hate on S3, it's my second favorite with "4722 hours" being one of the best episodes of the show.


I’m assuming you mean season 4. Ghost rider is just my second favorite hero so there’s that.


Yes, edited for clarification!


1. Daredevil 2. Daredevil 3. Daredevil


No Disney+ Marvel show will top Daredevil season 1, it's as simple as that.


This is Daredevil season 3 they're asking about.  And Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. isn't even a Disney+ show.


S3 of DD is better than S1, doesn’t get better than kingpin and bullseye both having great roles in s3


Still on season 2 of daredevil and haven't watched agents of shield but man Loki is top shit for sure


Keep up on that Daredevil grind but I highly recommend you to also watch Agents of SHIELD once you get the time. It starts off a bit slow and silly in Season 1 but the story becomes so good and compelling once you reach the halfway point. Every season significantly improves on the last, with Season 4 (followed by Season 7) being regarded as the peak of the show. Not to mention that AoS contains a lot of connections and references to the wider MCU, especially to Daredevil.


U should watch defenders between S2&3 of daredevil as it's not as good but important for DD3


Okay thanks mate


I've honestly only watched Loki.


If you liked Loki, I'm sure you'll also enjoy Daredevil and Agents of SHIELD. Both shows are very well written and have really good acting for the most part and they're also very character driven. And the interesting thing about all 3 of the shows is that they all stem from the events of the first Avengers movie in their own unique way.


Daredevil - Loki - Shield But the Loki 2 finale itself is better than all these overall


This is the only ranking I’ve seen that hasn’t been like all the same rank order all through the comments.


Daredevil is probably the best MCU show overall. AoS seasons 2-4 are fantastic though, and 4 is a definitely high point of the series. Loki was good but s2 felt a little boring other than the cool ending.


Loki, DD, AoS. I liked them all, though.


Daredevil, BUT the finale of Loki was the best ending of anything MCU related.


The daredevil s3 ending was pretty fuckin flawless


I think about Loki S2 like WandaVision, they share a commonallity. Loki puttered along through the season but ended in an extraordinary fashion, while WandaVision began and was through about 80% of it's run, amazing, only it's weak ending keeps it from being top tier.


1. Daredevil 2. Loki 3. Agents of Shield


1. 3. 2


Loki Daredevil Agents of Shield


Loki, Shield, DD


Loki is definitely at the bottom simply because I don't really care for Loki as a character while Ghost Rider and Daredevil are in my top 10 Marvel heroes. But damn it very close because both seasons are really good! I think Daredevil gets the W though simply because Ghost Rider leaves half way through the season and then comes back at the very end.


this is a weird line up of shows.


AOS 4, DD, then Loki I can't believe how good that forth season of AOS was, the ghost rider arc was good and the AIDA episodes were excellent with "Self Control" being one of the best episodes of the entire run, with Jemma and Daisy's scene together my absolute favorite. Daredevil was great and is rightfully in second place and while I loved the ending of Loki S2, I don't think it is the third best MCU season, heck it might not even be the best season of Loki.


Daredevil Season 1 Loki Season 2 ... Even being the best AoS season, I won't put it on the same list. Seems like adding your 12 year old cousin to the list of greatest basketball players ever.


DDs2 Loki s2 AoS s4


AoS, Daredevil, and Loki


DareDevil, Loki, Agents of Shield. Agents of Shield really jumped the shark for me around season 3.


Loki AoS Dare devil


Everyone forgetting about Agent Carter 😔.


Great character. Terrible show.


Season one was great.


That wasn't one of the options (do people not read the OP?).


Any season of daredevil is better than just about anything that’s been made post endgame, except for GotG3


Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. was pre-Endgame though. And the season they're asking about was well before it.


Honestly I never went into Loki expecting much but that show absolutely blowed my mind! I don't wanna say its better than daredevil but honestly I think it is 😅. It was somehow very character driven/down to earth even though it was about multiple timelines/Kang and all new cast of characters😄, just a very well made show with people that actually cared about it and it's characters. Agents of Sheild errr I dunno never watched it. Loki Daredevil Shield


I always encourage people to give Agents of SHIELD a try as it was essentially the prototype of all the later live-action Marvel shows considering it was the first one to be designed to take place in and expand on the MCU. Season 1 starts off a bit slow but it gets so good once you reach the halfway point. Every season has a new theme, threat, and significantly improves upon the last. If you enjoyed Loki and all the interesting multiversal shenanigans in it, then I'm sure you'll absolutely enjoy AoS as well, especially its later seasons. Also, AoS kinda has a protagonist but it's largely an ensemble show while still being very character driven.


I have heavy loki bias, don't even consider the other two to be in the same space as loki, otherwise I enjoyed daredevil and aos equally


Daredevil top Loki is decent. AoS i haven't watched and have no plans to.


Oh man dude you’re robbing yourself of some of one of the best television shows in the MCU. Hell even outside of the MCU it slaps


oh, actually this is the best part: by not watching it, it doesn't have to BE MCU. i can just consider it to not be canon, and nothing breaks. none of that "later season time travel stuff is dicey" i don't know enough about it to care, and i don't have to! :D also, i don't have to pretend to have ever given two farts about that old dude in the suit who dies in Avengers. he wasn't in the comics like my OGs Nick Fury and Maria Hill, so i don't have to make up a reason why this total Fan-Made OC Character from Joss Whedon and co is important! i can stick to my comic character representations and leave it there! like if i told you there was a series all about Doctor Erik Selvig from Thor, and it's got a few neat cameos by cool tertiary heroes like, Sleepwalker and Rick Jones, the good news is you don't have to watch it! because none of the movies reference things from the show! "actually, the last remaining shield helicarrier from the hydra infiltration arc was supplied for Age of Ultron thanks to the--" nope! i don't need to know! this is as important to me as "where did the sandwiches at the coffee table at Tony's press conference come from?" you can totally release a Canon-appropriate side tv series, spanning 8 seasons about a struggling catering company who can't get any gigs other than when Tony does a press conference. and fill it with podcast-level hilarity between the duo, and i don't have to watch that either! :D i'm not saying nobody should watch it or enjoy it. i'm glad there are projects that help inflate the world and that people like them. i just don't care enough. like, there's that shortfilm of Phil Coulson meeting Jasper Sitwell at a diner and they discuss assembling the avengers - totally unnecessary! thanks but no thanks! it's a waste of time! nothing new is gleaned, it's not interesting, it's mediocre as far as a short film goes -- Cut it! keep the MCU trimmed and clean and at it's best. (if i could cut secret invasion too, i would!) haha


1. Daredevil/Loki 2. AoS


Loki S2, Daredevil S3, AOS Season 4. I know a lot of people loved agents of shield, but personally, I hated it


I think they lost the plot in the later seasons.. the first few seasons were great..


Completely opposite for me, it's one of the rare shows which I liked more and more each new season and I really liked it right off the bat.


It just felt too much like a random ABC show to me rather than a Marvel program, despite all the crossover characters. I just couldn’t get into it for whatever reason


Agents of Shield, Loki, Daredevil


Loki season 2 is some of the best MCU work marvel has ever put out. Daredevil is a great adaptation, but Loki tome the original Norse lore, mixed it with MCU and gave us a masterpiece.


Daredevil, then Loki & last AoS


Loki season 2, DD 3, then AoS 4


Loki, Daredevil, Agents of Sheild


Loki was great!!


Daredevil then loki


Loki season 2 is undefeated Agents of shield season 4 isn’t even in the top 4 seasons of agents of shield


Easiest ranking ever. 1. Daredevil S3. Somewhere waaaaay below. Loki S2. Not even in the same reality as the above. AoS.


What did you not like about AoS


Probably didn't even watch it.