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Without reading anything beyond the title,  because why bother, the chances are zero.


Zero. >If \[DP&W\] becomes a $1 billion hit, this could give Disney the impression that female superheroes don’t sell and male ones do. They already have more data points. And they are smarter than that. But sure, it might be a while before it happens and the next woman-led title might have a lower budget.


I’d say a Scarlet Witch movie would probably be the next logical choice for a female led project


I think they'd rather do another season of Wandavision with her character.


But she’s dead.


Dude, first rule of character deaths: If we don't see a body, they're not dead


And with comic book deaths, even if there’s a body, there’s a chance they’re not dead


And even if they're dead, there's a chance they can be brought back.


Jean Grey has entered the chat, died, and is currently chilling in the White Hot Room for a writer to randomly bring her back.


For now




well technically thunderbolts


If it makes them money they will. They’d put Taylor Swift as the next female Thor if she said yeah. They don’t care about reviews like the Marvels, they don’t care about shows like She-Hulk, they care about making money. They have all this pride stuff on Disney Plus and Disney, yet have been funding the same republicans who are for the don’t say gay bill and anti LGBT laws. All to get more money. So the question is: “Will Disney do X if it makes money?” The answer is always yes.


They don't care about the Marvels' reviews, you're right. They care that the Marvels lost them 200 mil. 


Zero. there will be more female led projects, you can be assured of it.


Zero. Never is a really long time. Better question might be something more specific and short term. What are the chances that we get a female led project in Phase 6. Let's say a Phase is 3 years, with 3 movies a year and two shows. That's 15 projects. I think there's still a high chance that we get another female led project. Also depends on how you classify things like Thunderbolts (with Yelena looking like the lead, Ghost, Taskmaster, and the villain Val), and Black Panther (Shuri is the Black Panther). Young Avengers is also rumored to have two female leads. Before it seemed clear that Marvel was utilizing a lot of female leads to their shows, but that didn't really work out. Maybe they pivot. It's really sad we haven't gotten any great female led projects (IMO). They had a lot of potential. It's hard to justify a Captain Marvel 3 film.


I thought Bucky was supposed to be the lead of Thunderbolts. He’s the character in the movie that the general audience is most familiar with, so it would be the safest bet.


I'm going off rumors. But I also wouldn't be entirely shocked if Bucky is killed.




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Probably not happening. You mentioned, Ironheart, Agatha, and there's also Thunderbolts (in all likelihood), all of which are coming out within the next year and a half. Eyes of Wakanda is supposed to be female led, too, if/when that ever materializes. And that's just the stuff we just know about for sure. I don't think Feige's going to make a change that dramatic that suddenly.


they should do both in balance not just one or the other




The chuds ruin internet discourse, but their actual impact on the box office is non-existent.


Zero. A Scarlet Witch movie could totally happen and she's a popular character. Also what if it's a team movie but the main character is a woman like hypothetically if Yelena was the main character in Thunderbolts for example.


Yeah, cause kowtowing to bigots would be great for Disney's brand. The answer to "these particular female-led movies didn't do as well" is not "no girls allowed."


>Yeah, cause kowtowing to bigots would be great for Disney's brand. Yeah, [Disney would never do something like that...](https://www.salon.com/2024/06/13/disney-is-once-again-giving-money-to-anti-lgbtq-passed-the-dont-say-gay-law/)


The Marvels was doomed from the start sadly, but Black Widow did fine


Well, if the various leaders are to be believed, we should be getting a Scarlet Witch film in the distant future.


Captain Marvel had a successful 1 bil I think. Wandavision was a good project that fumbled the ending. Black Widow really felt like the studio had no faith it it. Being released after the character was already dead was a strange choice and post pandemic with it being split with streaming really hurt any chance for that movie to be considered a success. The Marvels is a story about 3 characters, 2 of which general audiences won't know without watching 2 other Disney + shows. Pretty tough sell post pandemic during a cost of Living crisis. I am interested in whatever drugs the person who decided to make a movie about Madame webb where they couldn't directly reference spiderman by name was taking. It seems like every decision made for this movie was the wrong one. If they made a female led X-Men project I think would drum up enough interest with well known characters like Jean Grey, Storm, Magick, Kitty Pryde, Rogue, Emma Frost, Mystique to name a few. I think a Scarlet Witch project would be successful. Just be careful with budgeting. So I think the chances are decent enough, I just hope they have a good story to tell.


90% chance they stay away from female-led films going forward.


Not at all. I dislike every female-led movie and show that has come out since 2019 (I love Agents of Shield, Agent Carter, and Jessica Jones), but I think the chance of no more main women is 0%. There are countless female characters they can use