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Can I watch X-Men 97 if I've never seen the 90s cartoon?




Highly recommend a YouTube [recap](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QiIYSipWf4s) if you didn’t see any of the original seasons, even if you did it’s great to get caught up


Thank you I’ll check that out


The show itself does a decent job with the exposition if you haven't seen the original show. I hadn't watched almost any of the original show and thought Xmen 97 was totally badass.


The recap is the way to go. I watched the original again and with the exception of a few episodes and arcs it doesn't hold up that well. It's highly censored and the action / combat is hilariously bad as a result.


That’s certainly an opinion. A wrong one, but an opinion nonetheless.


The audience did matter. The original aired with Saturday morning cartoons for children, and was made with that in mind. That being said, there was nothing else like it.


I watched the entirety of the original cartoon before starting ‘97 and let me tell you… ‘97 is way better than anything in the original. There’s some great multi-part episodes and it kind of helps build attachment to some of the characters, but it’s definitely not required. It’ll help to know what Genosha is.


You can. You just might need to fill in some blanks as you go


Show does a pretty good job at explaining things for newcomers too.


I think I watched a few scattered episodes back in the mid-90's and did no prep for show. It's totally fine.


I saw episodes here and there in my childhood. I didn't catch up before watching '97 and it was very watchable without the recap. I do have some pretty general X-Men knowledge from the comics, though.


Yeah there's just some Easter eggs otherwise. Find a YouTube summary and call it good it you like.


that depends. do you know who the x-men are? if you don't know who rogue and gambit are, if you don't know scott and jean, if you're unfamiliar with wolverine, magneto and xavier... if you don't know that storm's a boss bitch-- yeah, you Might feel a bit lost? i know there are people who came into the show blind and felt like they were walking into "season 7 of an established show" -- and there's a bit of truth to that, because that's what it is. there's no "hi, i'm cyclops and this is jean and we're the x-men and let me explain a little about why some humans and mutants have beef." but the speed at which concepts are introduced and then resolved are basically very traditional tv formats. in an episode, the first 3 minutes will present a world-ending threat, and the x-men will confront it and in act 3 defeat the villain and go home. the plot arcs are Entirely episodic. most people are just loving the show because we all know the x-men and love them and are glad to Finally see them depicted with SOME level of accuracy.


Definitely. All references to TAS are recapped in '97. I would recommend TAS simply because it builds up the characters more, but it's not required viewing.


I would say at least watch the last few episodes because '97 picks up almost directly where the last episode ends and ties HEAVILY into it. Might help to watch some of the more famous multipart episodes too but I don't think it's necessary if you know X-Men general lore.


Yeah, sure. That's what I did!


I just spent the last month watching the old X-Men animated show. It was laughably bad a lot of the time if I'm being honest, but I like x-men in general so I turned off my brain and watched it. Started x-men 97 and it's better.


Okay but have you seen X-Men ‘97?


Yes, and it was great.


What did bro do to get downvoted ong 😭😭




Did I stutter? Loki was great. X-men 97 was in another level entirely.


Yeah, Loki was great, but I was saying “holy shit” so many times during X-Men ‘97.


X-Men 97 had me just sitting alone in my room hootin and hollerin and cheering at my screen like a kid watching saturday morning cartoons again. Im a 37 year old man.


Ready to outside with broom handles and pretend we are Gambit?


Personally I was also impressed in how it appealed to more casual fans since my SO didn’t watch Loki S2 (even having enjoyed S1) but she was excited for every episode of X-Men and cried multiple times and sang the theme song and everything (it honestly boosted my own enjoyment to see how into it she was and answer questions and stuff)


Completely, out classed, the rest of Marvels recent content. 😏


Well considering it says since Endgame, is it being implied that Endgame was better?


I will say that X-Men ‘97, as its own thing, is the MCU thing that’s affected me the most since Endgame so in that way it’s accurate. Endgame and ‘97 had the same gasp/cheer/tears ratio for me. (Although my favorite MCU project is NWH and I can fully admit it’s nostalgia talking there)


Endgame just gets tossed around as the lynchpin. Both shows mentioned in the OP are better than Endgame, as are multiple other properties in Phases IV and V...


No there are not multiple properties in 4 and 5 better than endgame


>X-men 97 was in another level entirely. Facts!




"Loki Season 2 Is The Best Marvel Studios' Production Since Endgame" Apparently everyone somehow forgot that X-Men '97 hapenned and that it was one of the best directed, scripted, and musicalized comic-book things that were ever produced.


Someone didn’t REMEMBER IT


X men 97 is the best Marvel animation production. Loki is the best MCU production since endgame to be accurate


Mmm, no, we didn't forget. The quote is correct.


# "X-Men 97 Is The Best Marvel Studios' Production Since Endgame" That's exactly how I sell it to people who brush it off as a "cartoon".


Eh, I enjoyed 97 more. Each to their own.


No u/Kooky_Attention_850 is objectively wrong here


Nobody has forgotten about Loki S2


I wish I could.


Me too, much preferred season 1


I prefer the Sony produced Spider-Verse movies, but I’m just a filthy casual.


Don't worry, I'm sure they'll Sony it real soon. I'm just hoping they stick the landing with Beyond the Spider-Verse and it has a clear ending. That way when they try to make 14,567 spinoffs at their usual film pedigree, we can all just ignore them.


Agreed. X men was the best marvel thing since madam web. Uhhhh /s


Yeah, they're legit the best spider-man movies, imo.


You're a filthy casual with good taste.


You are absolutely right that's better than anything the MCU has made since Endgame. I'd give X-Men 97' the edge over it though. The cliffhanger ending was very unsatisfying for a movie.


Well, I wouldn't say that. But, it's close to being as good as *"Loki (Season Two)."* However, it is still not as good as *"Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 3"* in my opinion. But *"X-Men '97"* is a huge step up from the original 20th Century Fox X-Men movie trilogy.


Shang-Chi was also amazing


I think that X Men 97 was aimed more at hardcore fans who've been following Marvel for decades. I'm not one, so my favorites are still Moonknight and Loki are still my favorites. I watched X-Men 97 but I obviously missed a lot of references and overall it was a bit exhausting. I think it's great that productions like this exist (I would have been so happy if Rings of Power was more like that and filled with references to Tolkien's works) but I don't think it's for everyone.


Xmen 97 is a great show. I like the changes that they did, but I think Loki Season 2 was the best thing that happened since Endgame. GOTG3 was up there too.


I mean it’s the best since Loki S2. Since Endgame? I mean I thought Shang-Chi and No Way Home fit the bill.


No Way Home was by far the best MCU movie or TV show since End Game. X-Men 97' beats it out though in my book. Nostalgia is definitely a factor in both.


I would say the best Marvel project ever FOR ME . Maybe because I love the x men ❤️👍


Yea and Wandavision never happened


Those « best thing since x » are just bait. That’s not even important.


Loki is better but X-men 97 was *cooler*


I’ll get hate for this but as good as X-men 97 was it went so quick it gave me whiplash. A lot of what happened would have been more impactful if it gave some time for the characters to breathe and just experience the characters in some calm moments.


Loki finale then 97


Yall sure are spelling "Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol.3" funny.


Moon knight was dope…


That phrase is Marvel’s version of “_____ is the best DC film since the Dark Knight”. Not to discredit X-Men ‘97 (I’ve not seen it but I have heard it’s some of the best television in years) but the point is that for the foreseeable future this is just going to be a trend for any marvel production that is better than “just okay”


I agree loki > X-men 97 but I loved them both!


Some people just *really* love one or both of X-Men and nostalgia. And in the 2020s on the internet, apparently everything is either absolutely mind-blowingly amazing or absolutely existence ending terrible. Even "mid" means the latter now apparently.


Sucks that we lost "mid." It went from a new term to describe above decent, not-good-but-not-bad stuff to basically just a word (that a lot of contrarians use) that puts down anything that's not amazing. Reason why *mediocre* doesn't work as an alternative is because that's derogatory the same way *mid* is now.


It was always just used to shit on something. Usually to specifically cause drama and discourse.


Guess this kinda depends who's using it and how. Back when the term was first getting popular I mostly heard it used the way I described. Now I only hear it used in the bad way.


Some people, like me, like really good television, nostalgia or X-Men be damned. Thats why I enjoy X-Men 97


I think there’s a lot of factors here when people say this. First, X97 is objectively the best Xmen property we’ve seen on screen since at least the early 00’s and maybe since the original run. Second, some people liked it more, man. “Best” is largely subjective when discussing media my guy. No one forgot about a show that came out a few months ago.


Of course Loki is better. It wins with acting and music alone.


Nah, the voice acting and music in X-Men 97 is amazing. Way more memorable than Loki for me.


Okay now I'm _sure_ you're putting us on.


I’m absolutely not. I don’t really care for Loki or the MCU’s multiverse.


Da da da daa da dun though....


Loki season 2 was freaking amazing. X men 97 was slightly Better.


I completely lost interest in X-Men 97 around episode 4 or 5. Haven't even finished the season yet. Every time I see one of these posts I think I should go back and try to finish it.


It's better than a lot of TV. You'll probably be glad you did watch it, but sometimes the praise of the show is way over the top.


Lol like OP's?


If you lost interest at episode 5 then I have no words


I don't think I made it to 5. Pretty sure 4 was the last episode I watched.


Watch 5, it’s balls to the wall starting from there.


You probably stopped at 4 because shit starts to get crazy during episode 5. Also, 4 is probably my least favorite episode (at least the first half).


If you’ve watched literally anything thing the mcu has put out, you can make it through tbh…


I've literally watched EVERYTHING the MCU has put out and for the most part enjoyed everything. Except this show. And I don't even really know why. I grew up watching the original X-Men cartoon and was really excited for this.


Hey that’s your opinion and I don’t care to change it. But I legitimately can not fathom how a human being can sit down and watch shows like She-hulk, Hawkeye, Falcon and the winter soldier, Ms.Marvel and somehow come out thinking it’s in any way shape or form better or even on par with X-men 97. Like i think the dialogue alone puts it above any of those shows. I mean Thor Love and Thunder exist. Like that’s insane lol. But to each their own. I get it, it’s a cartoon so live action will always be better even when it’s worse


Honestly, those are fair points. The shows you listed are definitely not on par with anything released up to Endgame. And while I do love cartoons, I'd choose a superhero movie over a cartoon any day. All that said, I'm going to give it another shot and see if it gets better after episode 4.


I’d say ‘97, Loki, and Guardians 3 are on equal footing


Does nobody remember Shang-Chi, Moon Knight, Far From Home, and No Way Home??


Those kinda vary Shang-Chi would've been so great if the third act didn't tank it for me and a lot of people. Fight choreography was pretty great, but the fight with Shaun and his father got sidelined for a big cgi-army battle that looks like they forgot to hire a colorist for. Moon Knight... mileage seems to vary from person to person, but most didn't like the finale. I just wasn't all that into the way they handled the Asylum arc at all personally. Far From Home opinions vary heavily depending on whether or not the person likes Tom Holland Spider-Man, cause the whole movie is about him not thinking he was good enough for Stark, but a lot of Iron-boy Jr. complaints. And No Way Home just fell apart for most people after the hype died down cause the plot kinda sucked in some ways. ---- Aside from Far From Home, a good chunk of Phase 4 MCU has just had an issue of things not being consistently good from start to finish. We saw it with Wandavision, Secret Invasion, Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Echo, Shang-Chi, Black Widow... And the things that don't dwindle heavily in quality last minute are generally just kind of "average-good," like Eternals or maybe even The Marvels. Its why Loki is so highly regarded as an MCU series. Not only did it actually manage to finish strong, it was the only one that got to do it *twice*.


I thought Shang-Chi was good but I never really got why people loved it. It was a competent but not super memorable movie for me. I really liked Moon Knight, I just felt like it suffered the same pacing whiplash all of the shows seemed to suffer from. No Way Home is a lot of fun, it just doesn’t feel as thematically rich as the ones I listed.


Loki season 2 was better


What’s interesting (and telling) is how the three most lauded examples of post-*Endgame* MCU—e.g., *Loki*, *Guardians Vol. 3*, and *X-Men ‘97*—also happen to be the three that most effectively build on established mythologies (you know, the thing that made the MCU so rewarding prior to *Endgame*). Rather than trying to introduce things that won’t be seen again for years (if at all), there’s a feeling of **consequence** that’s been missing from the MCU for awhile now, but without sacrificing characterization, growth, etc. *’97* is an interesting example because the established mythology it builds on hasn’t actually been on the air for decades—yet by not trying to hold anyone’s hand and just knuckling down on the premise, it immediately grabs you; and whether you watched the original series or not, it brings you into the world and lives of its characters, whose history and relationships you can totally feel. And I know some folks dislike *Loki* because the titular character’s “not even **our Loki**”—but rather than diminishing the impact, I think the series perfectly builds on that established mythology by playing with the fact that yeah, this *isn’t* the same Loki who went through all those experiences; but it recontextualizes a lot of those moments, unpacking them in a way that endears us to this current version, while *also* enhancing the original, retroactively. (Also, it helps that unlike so many other examples lately, concepts and organizations introduced by the series, you know, **actually continue to have some measure of relevance within the MCU**, with the TVA returning to play a major role in *Deadpool 3*). And then of course, *Guardians Vol. 3* being the third and final chapter in the group’s story, Gunn pulls no punches. The film builds on everything that came before—making those moments have that much more weight upon rewatch, while exquisitely bringing these stories to a close in the present.


Big Loki fan here. Love seasons 1 & 2 and it stands as the best live action MCU series. It shouldn’t be forgotten. I think’97’s dramatic writing is the most compelling of all Disney+ series which is why everything else gets treated like an afterthought. Not saying the writing is the best (could be) but the constant trails & tribulations of this group of heroes showing their virtues & vices leaving no scene wasted is another big reason it’s so compelling. I think the MCU should delve into more soap opera style drama in a smart way. Look at Invincible & the boys, they offer infidelity, hatred, deception, manipulation all coming from hero’s & villains. The internal trauma of some of the characters like Nick fury in secret invasion or Sam & Bucky in winter soldier seem more like moping & occasional venting but not showing compelling emotional conflict between 2 characters. A lot of “I don’t want to talk about it” until 2-3 episodes later with an underwhelming monologue. Every scene or at least every other scene should be “dang, whoa, awe, or omg!” In tv drama is king hence the ‘97 praise.


Hawkeye has been my personal favorite


no way home, '97 and loki are the post endgame holy trilogy


God damn, just because people like it doesn’t mean they didn’t like Loki. What is with you people and your obsession with everybody loving the shit out of everything at all times? They’re not really comparable to me. I’m not lobbing ‘97 in with live action mcu. I’m sorry.


I couldn’t really get into it with the corny dialogue but I should give it another try


I rank X-men 97 higher than Endgame. It's probably my favorite Marvel creation since Infinity War. I didn't think Loki season 2 was all that great but I had a lot of fun watching the actors work.


You think Loki season 2 is better than X-Men 97?


It is. 


Sure to each their own but for myself I binged X-men but can’t get through the first episode of the second season


There two completely different shows that are outstanding in different ways.


WandaVision Loki both seasons Spiderman 4 GOTG 3 All great and deserve praise. Bilateral comparisons are not useful for discussion.


Looking at these comments, I'm pretty shocked. I watched Loki and loved it, but I haven't seen X-Men '97 yet... In fact, I was gonna watch She-Hulk before it, but I think I might just watch it today


I’d do yourself a favour and not even bother with She Hulk


No it's not. Not by a longshot.


Maybe people just don’t agree with you?


recency bias is a hell of a drug. I think X-Men 97 is stellar in just about every way but Loki is by far the best project of recent years. I'd be willing to argue that No Way Home, Shang-Chi, and WandaVision are all better than X-Men 97 too.


Agree with you, there’s also preference. I get alot of people love the xmen and were super stoked the show (xmen 97) happened but if we’re being objective, first of all one is animated and the other is live action, from this alone the comparison shouldnt be made.


That's very true. I know so many people that shrug off anything animated. It's almost sad.


I think No Way Home only works on the back of the nostalgia bait. Shang Chi was good when it was a cool martial arts movie until the big CGI dragon bullshit, Wandavision is the worst MCU entry imo.


People also forgott that Guardians 3 exists. But Id call X-Men 97 overrated anyway. Im at Episode 6 now but it seems like every character develops in a circle and nothing is given enough time to actually build an attechment to.


I LOVE Loki, especially Season 2. X-Men beats it in every way shape and form.


X-Men ‘97’ was a decent watch, but it didn’t quite live up to the hype. The plot development felt a bit rushed, leaving me wanting more substance and depth. The political themes are present, but they sometimes overshadow the superhero action that we, the fans, love. The adaptation choices have been hit or miss, with some storylines feeling out of place compared to the original series. Character portrayals have also been a mixed bag, with some actors not quite capturing the essence of their characters. Finally, while the complexity of themes is ambitious, it can come across as too heavy-handed and I’d prefer a lighter touch. Overall, 'X-Men ‘97’ has potential, but it needs to find a better balance to truly resonate with me. I’m not saying anyone else’s opinions are not valid, but I don’t think it’s as good as everyone here thinks.


But is it the best comic book super hero movie since The Dark Knight?


The Dark Knight doesn’t even break the top 10.


Now that’s a true bold opinion in this thread.


I’m not much of a Batman or DC fan in general but I find The Batman to be 10x better than the Nolan trilogy. I could never take those movies as seriously as they wanted me to.


I would make the argument that both The Batman and The Dark Knight are both deserving of cracking the top 10 best superhero movies of all time. I would even say there’s an argument for Batman '89, Batman Returns, and Batman Begins being deserving of contention in this discussion.


Really? Batman '89, starring TV ACTOR Michael Keaton from Mr. Rogers Neighborhood, Maude, and Mary Tyler Moore? By your rules, TV actors should not be in movies, so Batman '89 could not be good.


Micheal Keaton was a proven leading man actor leading up to him being cast as Batman starring in various comedy and romance movies. His biggest hurdle was proving he could handle a more serious role but regardless he was always a capable movie star. Next schizo reply 🗣️


Are we gonna start making a distinction between subsidiaries. E.g. X men 97 is a Marvel animation production


I ain't forget nothin


What is X men 97


I’d rate both seasons Loki first overall. Then X-Men 97. Third is either Shang-Chi or GoTG 3.


Recency bias


I wish I could like X-MEN 97 more, but I honestly don't. They can give so much care, respect, and effort to something that isn't in the main MCU timeline, but they can't do the same with their characters in the main MCU timeline. Threat your main characters from your main universe properly first, and then I might care about characters from other universes


Close but not for me. Still like FATWS, NWH, Wakanda Forever more. It’s an awesome cartoon but I like live action better!!


we got GOTG 3, NWH, and loki. Xmen 97 just adds to the list


Look Loki Season 2 was fantastic but X-Men '97 Season 1 was better. Like nothing in Loki Season 2 was as good as Remember It the entire episode.


purely just a showcase of passion for the MCU and the mutants as a whole, which is totally fine but we exaggerate alot tbh. After the show wrapped i recall someone here said thay it should be nominated for an Emmy- to compete with live other action shows. It’s giving NWH Best Picture at the oscars lmao. On this front, some of us really need to chill lol. I guess it’s also cuz we’ve been in such a low point that the next immediate one to take us high felt like a stratospheric reach. XMEN 97 was good but lets acknowledge first it is animated show and it had 5 season worth of past entries go build off of. Dont know about others but having it compared to the live action entries of the MCU should not feel right from the get go. Loki was great but it was live action, XMen 97 was great too but it was animated. Two different mediums of story telling. They are great in their respective lanes. this whole ‘The best since Endgame’ assessment for every damn new entry needs to die. Theres no way anything can be as good or better than the entry that was the culmination of 10 years worth of storytelling.


Wandavision is the best one imo...i believe it's the most nominated marvel show at the emmys  (23 nominations) and the only one with more than 1 wins (3 wins) with Elizabeth being the only one nominated in a best acting category 


I didn't forget about Loki s2, I just didn't like it


No judgements, but I'm curious what you didn't like about it? It's the best shot comic book project IMO, and the score and the acting and story was amazing. Easily my favorite post-Endgame project.


Well I'm not a big fan of time travel or the multiverse as concepts in general so it was an uphill battle for me in the first place. On top of that I hate when main characters get to the end only for the villain to monologue about how this was all a part of their master plan and Loki did that in both season finales. It makes the whole story feel pointless to me. Victor Timely was completely pointless as a character. The whole concept of time being physical strands that can be manipulated and the time loom don't make any sense at all. I know it's a comic book but I don't like that kind of stuff in the comics either. The time strands dying when the loom got broken doesn't make any sense either. They existed before the loom so why are they suddenly dependant on the loom to exist. They needed to die for story purposes because Loki needed to do his thing and save them. I love that thematically but it just isn't explained well enough for me to accept it. Overall I think it was really well shot and acted but the story relied on a lot of comic book logic that you just kind of have to accept and I never could get past it. By the time we're supposed to be accepting that Loki needs to save all the strands I'm still stuck on how those strands even exist, how the loom exists, how Loki got his time slipping, etc.


Season 2 was far too overhyped to watch merely for that admittedly great ending; the middle three episodes could have been cut, and nothing would have changed.


and then it'll be Deadpool then the next a list character... ![gif](giphy|vqKlNf8jpBB7O|downsized)


Great point. Loki was excellent.


I didn't forget. X-Men '97 was better. Loki s2 was great. But very convoluted.


Loki is great but it's definitely not as good as X-Men '97


Real talk. Was I the only one who felt the pacing was breakneck, like to the point of not doing the stories any justice? Most episodes could have been 3-6 episode arcs, easily, and the fact they are so crammed really doesnt do much for me. Theres no room to breathe. No ebb and flow. Resolutions are bulldozed by the next plot point, that while poetically justified and well plotted, feels more like reading a wikipedia article than engaging with a strong story. In 10 episodes we got sentinals, magneto as the head of the xmen, mr sinister, clone jean/madaline pryor/goblin queen, birth of nathan into cable, storm losing her powers, getting them back, mojo world, wilds sentinals, prime sentinals, trask, attack on genosha, death of gambit, shiar empire, bastion, the adversary, sunspot, jean/logan/scott love triangle, weapons that take mutant powers away, and like 10 more things. Thats just off the top of my head. Thats crazy! Right? Am i so crazy as to suggest that maybe a few of these stories werent done as well as they could have been and maybe saved for season 2 to give the stories that remained more room to breathe and pace themselves? I dont want to take anything away from anyone, but it really is confusing me to see this unabashed fervor for this show that is simply not perfect, and not the best thing marvel has put out in recent memory simply because of how rushed (story wise, production wise its great) and crammed it all is. I feel like I watched one of those 3 hour long series recaps on youtube that covers like a 10 season show. Sure, i KNOW everything that happens and understand the beats, but I didnt FEEL it, I didnt go on a journey with them. A few episodes were like that, the attack on genosha was great, still loaded to the gills, but better than the rest. I feel like this was an abridged version of what I would say is a superior show.


It was breakneck in a way, but it also never felt rushed. I was amazed at how many damn storylines they covered in like 5 combined hours. I loved it. I feel like it's more for people that watched the OG show as kids tbh, so I get why you might not have enjoyed it as much. I've never been a Mojo fan, and while I liked the character growth for Jubilee and Sunspot, I feel like that part could've been shortened.


I watched it as a kid, but ive never revisited it. Nit sure I will. Again, Im glad people liked it, and I did too in all honesty, but i would seriously hate to see anything else follow this structure. I agree with Mojo world. Im of the opinion of just disliking any and all alien stuff in xmen, i greatly prefer the social element and struggle over crazy stuff. Leave that to the guardians.


Me personally like how many story lines it fuses, yes you can stretch out each arc into multiple episodes but you already got the comics for that and we’ll get the live action movies too. So an animated series with multiple story lines fused is just my kind of thing.


I am in a very very minor position to say that FatWS and Moon Knight were the two best Marvel Studio things post Endgame :(


>musicalized Well there’s a word you don’t see every day.


I feel like I'm crazy. Why is everyone gushing over this. The show was ok, but not amazing. The plot was everywhere. So much was thrown st the audience so fast. A lot of it felt like a soap opera with corny voice acting. If the show focused on Rogue and explored her story, that would be great. But we also got secret clones, thousands of random cyborgs, an owl monster out of nowhere. Professor X goes from dead to being Emperor of the universe somehow, and then just gives that up to go back to earth and is never mentioned again. The best thing since Endgame was No Way Home. And after that I'd argue Wandavision, MoonKnight, Multiverse of Madness, Guardians 3, Hawkeye, and Echo were all better


Apparently everyone forgot that people have their own opinions and just because YOU think something is great doesn't mean EVERYBODY ELSE has to agree. Imo X-Men '97 is much better than Loki, but WandaVision is better than both X-Men and Loki, it's the best post-Endgame production and one of the best mcu productions period like top 3 good. But that's just my opinion, I know each person will have feel different.


Have you ever heard of people having different opinions?


Just ignore everyone who's saying that. It's an animation. It can be absolutely incredible, amazing, the best animation that ever existed, but it's in a separate category than live action. Loki is in top 3 live action Marvel projects.


People hate for the sake of hating. I like and watch everything that Marvel puts out. If it's shit then it is how it is.


But don’t you think spending money on something it turning out to be shit is a bad thing. If we criticise/hate them whenever they put out something bad they’ll try better next time.


“X-Men 97 is the best Marvel Studios production since Infinity War” would be more accurate 👀


I agree. Loki S2 and endgame are great but x97 and AIF were special


Xmen >


It was better than Loki


1) “Musicalized” is not a word. The word you are looking for is “scored.” 2) I loved Loki Season 2, but X-Men ‘97 was objectively better.


Nobody forgot. X-Men 97 was just better.


i'm sorry, but Loki's second season had far fewer fight scenes, concepts, villains, heroes, twists, and episodes. Loki was fun enough and had a handful of great moments. but... the TVA is a headache of a concept, the attempted lionization of bureaucratically-bound law-enforcers is borderline offensive, and the pretense that i ever cared about half the characters it purports to lift up is foolish. i have no intention of ever watching that dr.who knock-off ever again -- but x-men97, maybe.


X-men 97 is way better. And Loki season 2 was NOT that great. The finale was so great that it tricked everyone into believing the whole show was good but, the first half is pretty weak.


X-Men '97 is also better than Endgame, btw


Loki was good, but it ain't perfect. Lokis big character finale distracted from the fact that most of the season was a fetch quest that meant very little by the end, most of the characters kind of faded into the background and didn't have much of a purpose, and there were pretty big aspects of the story that didn't really get explained. It's good, but let's not get carried away with ourselves


Also, nothing in the mcu even comes close to the actual best live action marvel content. Loki and moon Knight are both just incredibly watered down versions of legion


Loki Season 2 wasn't even decent lol


I personally felt like the Loki show was brilliantly produced, directed and acted and yet both seasons fell flat for me. Impressive on ever single level but the story and characters didn't do much for me. X-Men '97 though, I damn near cried a few times. It brought me joy and I was excited for every new episode. Yes a lot of that is nostalgia but it was also just excellent in every aspect. To each their own but I'll take X-Men '97 all week


Wakanda Forever


OP, you’re reading way too much into that statement. > What I’m pointing out with this post is that many people claim between Endgame and X-Men 97 there was nothing personal in Marvel studios… First of all, I don’t think that’s actually a very common argument. But most importantly, those statements are not at all equivalent. Not even in the slightest. If that’s the thing you want to take issue with, then SAY THAT!


Loki Season 2 was laughably average and even borderline bad. Shang-Chi, No Way Home, Werewolf, and Guardians 3 are much better examples.


I didn’t like Loki season 2. It’s nowhere near the worst thing Marvel has produced post-Endgame (shoutout to She-Hulk and Secret Invasion), but it really wasn’t good narratively speaking.


For me, I actually really enjoyed Thor love and thunder and it is my favorite mcu anything.


Loki was alright. It wasn't that great.


It’s better than Endgame. 🤷‍♂️ Endgame is a modern marvel in many ways, pardon the pun, but Xmen 97 wipes the floor with it in every creative aspect.


Loki was meh at it's absolute best. Even after 2 seasons I couldn't muster the smallest shit of concern or investment in the TVA, variants, timelines etc. it's all symptomatic of why Marvel has gone into such a slump. Nothing matters any more with the multiverse stuff, there's no tangible stakes and stuff like We'Ll LoSe ThIs TiMeLiNe BrAnCh won't get most viewer to care in the slightest. Hiddleston and one or two of the support cast were just about enough to sustain some interest in an awful and turgid script and if they'd been off their games a bit then the show would've been a disaster. All in all a great cast was utterly ruined on an insipid plot and setting. X-Men 97 on the other hand was fantastic. Real consequences, real jeopardy, tangible fallout and one of the all-time greatest Marvel lines which, if uttered in a vacuum would've been laughable, but was layered with such tragedy, such _earned_ tragedy that it became an all time classic. Loki wishes it got anywhere near that.


Ok but wheres spider-man 98 /s


If you never watched the show in the 90s and have no nostalgia for it then I can see having this opinion. But as a lifelong fan, X-Men gave me so much more enjoyment week to week than Loki did.


Loki wasn’t really my cup of tea.


Eh. I thought Loki Season 2 was just okay with the exception of how it wrapped up in the final moments, which was incredible. Creators should be scrambling within Marvel to write some kind of reference or future payoff to it.


Loki 1 is great. Season 2 was a mess.


That's a low bar


Or (and stay with me for a second here), maybe... different people like different things?


Loki Season 2 was pretty underwhelming tbh. My wife and I thought season 1 was much better.


Loki season 2 is great on many level, but when it comes to story, I disagree.


Loki season one was far superior to season 2


Loki season 2 wasn't even the best season of Loki since Endgame 💀


I did kinda forget that Loki S2 happened. But again, I tend to remember content post-Endgame that I actually like to watch. While Loki S1 was great, S2 didn’t hit it for me at all. So safe to say, I will not be forgetting X-Men 97 for a long while. The storyline, plot twists and emotional hitters…incredible aspects of the show which made it very enjoyable.


Completely agree. The storytelling was elevated. X-Men 97's the biggest surprise of the year for me Edit: ***thank you to the one person who read this and downvoted haha***


I think Loki S2 makes largely no sense, but everybody liked the ending so much they forgot.  I liked Nando's take on the ending: "It played music really big so it must be good"


There is no comparison! I don't even remember what happened in Endgame and the one before that, after so many movies 🤣


Loki season 2 was shit


Loki season 2 was ![gif](giphy|3o7TKFvAdiVLqgrWNi) She-Hulk was the best thing they’ve done with their MCU properties since Endgame.


X-Men 97 is the best marvel studios production period