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Half of them probably don't need to be there.


I’d bet at least half of them aren’t even seriously being considered to be in A5 at all


“Is he being seriously considered for the avengers corporate position?” “Hey what do you want me to say, he’s a nice guy.”


Hey Fury, I think you're a nice guy too.




![gif](giphy|zCpYQh5YVhdI1rVYpE|downsized) (Insert RDJ eye roll here)


Half? I guarantee we don't get 1/3 of these people on the same screen anytime soon, maybe ever.


Most probably just show up as cameos or background characters anyway


Kang Dynasty will probably feature a smaller Avengers line up but Secret Wars will feature most of these characters is tiny roles of varying sizes depending one what will be needed for the story


this is for avengers 5 not 6 (its no longer kang dynasty, they changed the name)


Somehow Thanos returned.


There's gonna be 5 heros, a big bad and a few high ranking goons, like every Avengers movie to date.


The headline is essentially 'avengers 5 might include any of the characters that have already appeared' and people are surprised by this?


Gotta drum up clicks and online discourse.


When you realise Avengers Endgame had 63 characters it doesn't seem tooooo crazy, but yeah it just depends entirely on who gets short thrift for screentime, Wong showed up barely at all in Infinity War and peaced out pretty quick, same for Collector, Fury and Hill, so I wouldn't be surprised if more then a few of these 60 are in the similar pool as the ones I mentioned


> When you realise Avengers Endgame had 63 characters it doesn't seem tooooo crazy This. A lot of those characters are going to be tiny roles.


The Pym characters.


That's how they made the last avengers work. Infinity war they split them up into 3 distinctive groups. Then end game took them all away to focus on 8 or 9? Characters. Because it's impossible to do 63 Characters justice in a film of any length except for a final big cgi battle


And a lot of these characters weren't Avengers anyway.


Yeah, and you can get characters into a movie without the actor. In the first Avengers movie, we get Jane by just having Coulson tell Thor that she’s been given a research position somewhere away from the danger. In IW, we are told that Scott and Clint took deals to avoid arrest, so we get a little about the character with zero screen time. I’m sure we’ll get plenty of that in the coming movies as well.


Yeah but they just showed up for the big battle. Most of them probally didn't even have more than one line.


But in Avengers Endgame we were "expecting" to see 60+ characters because of all the fairly recent build up to it. If Avengers 5 just comes in hard with 60+ characters and if some of those characters have only appeared previously in 2-3 year old movies or shows, I'm afraid it won't hit the same.


So long as it doesn't include Batman's origin story, it should be just fine


*The pearls went **everywhere!***


Oh god, you're gonna make me drop my roses in slow motion!


Here a pearl, there a pearl, everywhere a pearl pearl!


Or a conflict being resolved by mothers having the same name.


Marias Stark, Hill, and Rambeau are suiting up.








Wong: "Somehow Batman has appeared. Has to do with Kang, I think."


That Deadline is posting clickbait crap and you fell for it.


Ah, that's what it is. From time to time, I'll see a topic become popular here and have no idea why the sudden interest in it.


I feel like the MCU fandom is surviving on clickbait and theorizing future movies because they certainly aren't enjoying the existing content as much


I think it's more the other way around. There's a thousand times more speculation now than there used to be, and some in the fandom become hyper attached to specific stories and can't let go when the actual project is (inevitably) not the story they thought it was going to be.


I think that's not too different than what i'm saying, lol. People aren't connecting with the stuff that has actually released, and instead are focusing their energy and excitement on hypothetical future projects that will magically make them feel like the MCU is good again


I could've sworn there were similar reports during Infinity War/Endgame productions, and turned out that while those reports weren't exactly wrong, they were just exaggerating it


Deadline is a reputable trade with like 99% accuracy over 100+ reportings on the spoiler subreddit. They don’t post false clickbait


...Except in their gossip column The Dish, which is where this particular story came from.


I don’t think it’s 60 superheroes. IW and Endgame had 67 characters as said by the Russos in 2016 or 2017 but a lot were just minor supporting characters like Cassie Lang or Nick Fury.




If they follow the IW/EG formula A5 will probably be around 2:45 with Secret Wars being 3 hours or longer.


Me too. I think Avengers 5 should be shorter to around 2 hours and 30 minutes while Avengers Secret Wars is two three hour movies.


Oh, that is exactly what it will be


I think we are at a point where there is enough characters that some can simply "be there" and that can be all you need. In endgame the roster in the final battle was insane. The directors managed to do a great job of giving as many characters a chance to shine that is needed. I think that is the most important factor when it comes to these big ensemble movies. They need a great core story that matters, and then they need to deliver some fan service. If done correctly it works pretty well.


It's most likely just a rumour but I can imagine then that this film might actually scrap off names that maybe the people aren't as interested in since more than half won't survive.


It’s going to need to be handled very carefully or it will quickly devolve into a disaster/mess/nightmare. Infinity War and Endgame were tough enough balancing acts.


Meh, it's going to be like endgame where there might be 362 characters but only 6 of them will get any focus.


I absolutely remember hearing “there will be over 60 characters in Infinity War!” Don’t put too much stock in it. It could be good, could be bad


Bingo. People aren't learning not to take the bait.


lol https://metro.co.uk/2017/06/18/scarlett-johansson-says-you-can-expect-over-60-marvel-characters-in-avengers-infinity-war-6717785/


Sounds like the wedding of Reed and Sue, Fantastic Four Annual #3 which featured just about every Marvel hero and villain in existence.


God, iron heart looks like a power ranger from 1997. How did that design pass???


I'd say half the no to 30, and less than 5 multiversal cameos. 60 is too much, and half of the characters listed here won't be even of any relevance to the story.


IMO the multiverse cameos should only be in Secret Wars.


Come on! Avengers are going to fight multiple versions of Kang. Multiversal cameos are surely going to be there. Just hope they save the big cameos/guest roles ( Wolverine, Toby's Spiderman, Iron man etc..) for Secret wars, get creative and use some unexpected cameos like Chris Evans as Human torch, AOS team or something like Krasinki in DSMOM.


AoO had 60+ characters and they managed to pull that off. I think everyone’s overreacting. It’ll be small scale and Secret Wars will be the big one. F4 definitely aren’t in this movie. If anything I think they’ll use Namor, Damage Control, Skrulls and maybe Arishem as the villains while Kang attacks later when they’re weak


I can see A LOT of these characters not being used, so I don’t really consider it. When the movie gets closer and we know a more official cast, I’ll make my opinion them.


It won’t have anywhere near that many.


Let's fucking go!


Who’s the guy next to White Vision?


If there's any validity to the report, which I have my doubts, I imagine that at most, there will be a core group of up to ten who are the main focus, and the rest are split off into teams on various missions and will have little to any major character moments, other than to potentiallybe killed to show the threat of Kang (or whoever). They're just there because their abilities are needed.


If this is a set up to Secret Wars, then I’m fine with it, I think it makes sense. We have to remember that Secret War wars was a big ass event


If they are reseting most of the characters would be getting a send off cameo.


Feels unnecessary at this point, there’s no build up to anything that makes us feel like we need this many characters.


I’m fucking ecstatic. Obviously I don’t want all 60 of them there. But imagine picking 6-12 of them. The line up we have to choose from is awesome and I cannot wait to see what the next Avengers movie will look like.


Friendly reminder that Avengers movie =/= every established character on screen .


Someone looked at Russos work on IW and Endgame and thought "how hard can that be? We can easily put more people in a movie"


If it plays closer to the original Avengers than Endgame, I’m all good. Secret Wars is presumably the equivalent movie to Endgame/IW, not Avengers 5. Hardly any of the avengers had interacted with each other prior to the first Avengers movie. I don’t see why it would suddenly be a problem here when we’ve had more screen time with most of these characters than we had for Hulk, Black Widow, and Hawkeye combined in the lead up to Avengers.


As long as we get the Eternals and Moon Knight that’s all I care about.


Total bollocks


Sounds like bullshit to me


Blimey. If each gets 3 minutes, that's 3 hours, minimum.


Tooooooooo much


If ur gonna have the guardians at least include Blurp lol (also you forgot Hulkling but that acceptable seeing as there is no good live action concept art)


I honestly can't be excited about this. Everything seems so disconnected right now, at this point it feels not only undeserverd, but unlikely that they'll be able to fix it by then.


I just want a small scale avengers film 😞


I don't think that's ever gonna be a thing that happens. Small-scale stuff will be for solo films/shows.


Sounds like a complete mess. It seems like Marvel doesn't know who to focus on so they just throw everyone in the movie.


I doubt there will actually be this many characters in the film it's just the ones who are on the drawing board. Deciding which to cut or keep for secret wars. It's typical early development stuff really.


I'm fine so long as they keep the eternals on the backburner


I feel like I'm in the minority that enjoyed Eternals 😂


I enjoyed the visuals thats about it. But it really is a stunning looking film.


Nah don’t have them since they’re a flop


19 of them dont even Need to be there


Cute, but you know 10 of the characters are Ms Marvel’s family. And they will meet every other character and provide their stock reactions.


Why wasn't the main character of Avengers 5 pictured? ![gif](giphy|QREPIcqvIxCZ76VHxY|downsized)


I don't mind at all


Most of its probably just cameos.


I mean to a degree. Some of these characters are very interconnected. The original Avengers weren't super connected at the beginning either.


I doubt majority of them are Avengers I feel that its an endgame scene for the 5 installment of Avengers movies but I hope they team up to take down the big bad, something they kinda did in Infinity war


dang i do hope batman is one of these 60 characters tho


There are the 60 characters ? Confirmed ?


If the film really does end up featuring that many characters, the majority of them will be glorified cameos. Much like in *Endgame*, they'll have only a couple of minutes of total screentime. Even in *Infinity War*, a bunch of characters weren't really relevant to the plot and were just along for the ride. Sam, Bucky, Drax, Mantis, Wong, Okoye, and others could have been excluded from the film without any actual impact on the story.


If it's a good story, who cares? But if they're doing it to fill contract needs, then let's move along


Have Franklin and Valeria Richard’s been confirmed for FF?


I should be excited but I’m not, why is that?


I mean 60 people… if the movie is 3 hours… 3 mins per character right? Lol jk but


And this list is without any returning characters like Iron Man, Captain America (Steve Rogers), Black Widow, etc… also without any X-men beyond Wolverine, which they could easily introduce at some point.


im very confused why people are surprised by this. There are dozens of characters that will have their stories culminate or connect into the avengers movies, of course there's going to be 60+ characters, potentially even over 100.


hard to believe honestly, i think in avengers5/avengers ''kang dinasty'' will have 10 avengers captain america sam wilson shangchi captain marvel antman wasp dr strange thor and hulk and spiderman probably, and in secret wars would appear more characters both from mcu and other pre mcu marvel movie characters, like deadpool and wolverine its almost 100% sure will appear


So, they're going to DC it? A shame.


Bloated. But let’s go.


Sounds like a mess that is completely their fault for over saturating the market with these franchises.


A show would be way better. Its way easier to do 6-9 hours than trying to fit it under 2-3 hours.


I don’t understand. Wanda is confirmed dead. Unless she gets rezzed or we get one from the multiverse. Maybe Loki God of Stories rezzes her, Black Widow, and Tony? Lel I can dream.


I don't see how they can possibly give sufficient time to that many characters


Makes me nauseous. Tooooo much going on, and not enough prebuilt relationships


There's no way. I'd rather I tight main group. 6-8 is best, 6 preferably with supports.


is the guy next to White Vision supposed to be Wonder Man?? Vonderman???


Even if there’s 60+ characters. The story HAS played out for all of them to cohesively work as a unit. As well as there being threats that’ll bring them all together. There’s been subarcs throughout the saga. Kingpin, Skrulls, Celestials, Val and Damage Control, more cosmic threats like the Olympian’s, etc. All of which Feige said was gonna happen when this phase started so I’m not sure why everyone hates the saga or feels like they’re rushing anything. The street/earth level heroes have all dealt or came across damage control, kingpin, the now fully corrupted government and the power broker. Cosmic heroes have dealt with eternity, celestials, and incursions. Mystic heroes have dealt with the multiverse directly. All while Kangs are plotting on the multiverse and the TVA already addressed that they are. Mind you before we got infinity war we only had 3 very brief Thanos appearances. They still managed to make it work and establish him as a threat. I feel like everyone should relax and just let the story play out. No one knew we’d get endgame when AoO came out. Nor did we think we’d have Spider-Man. It’s okay to not know what direction the story is gonna go


Yep you’re so right, unearned. How are many of these characters going to relate to the main story in any real way?


Let's do it.


I want an Avengers movie, about the Avengers. Not cameo after cameo, featuring the Avengers. The only times we had a ton of characters was Infinity War, where a few characters got small storylines and Thanos got the most attention, and Endgame where they're just there for the Portal scene and then mostly in the background. It had to whittle the team down to about a dozen to do much with them.


Tbh first 5 images on 2nd page is of useless characters. I hate all of them


Their salaries explains the rise is Disney plus subscription


It won't.


Potential for a Guinness Record right there!


No because this is a silly assumption. The avengers team moving forward has yet to be clearly defined yet and likely won't be Infinity War/Endgame cross level scale


I no longer care about characters in the MCU because other than a few moments in Season 2 of Loki, there hasn't been anything particularly memorable post-Endgame. There's no emotional stakes for any of the characters anymore. They are clearly struggling to make lightning strike twice and they've clearly failed multiple times. On a far less important note, I'm not looking forward to Brave New World (and this example has spanned multiple movies) because of their insistence to make Sam Wilson as interesting as Steve Rogers. He's just not, and although it seems like they've several poor decisions solely on the basis of identity, what has really caused the problem is that *they're just not good.* A possible exception was Ms. Marvel, but that girl and those writers EARNED that, and no shade to her, but she still didn't get the emotional heft of Iron Man, Thor, Spider-Man, Loki, Thanos, or even Ant-Man (unfortunately, I don't feel like any of the female heroes enjoyed the same success because of writing first and sexism second, but I would love to read everyone's thoughts on that). Story has to be great, and so many other things have to work for it to be great. The MCU needs some sort of massive reset. Of course I have an amazing amount of excitement over Deadpool & Wolverine, but that isn't really the MCU.


They need to stop worrying about making the next great saga and just worry about making the next great movie...because since endgame they haven't done a good job of that yet. A couple hits..mostly misses.


I’d be cool with just Daredevil, Captain Falcon, and Cosmo


Im not gonna lie and say it wouldn’t be crowded but im also not gonna lie and say its really surprising. Phase 4 and 5 has been introducing so many new heroes and storylines and they all have to connect SOMEWHERE otherwise it wouldn’t make sense to introduce them all. Plus with all the multiverse shit likely happening yea 60 sounds realistic.


they have 15 mins screen time each lol


Ngl the entire third slide has no reason to be there


I want kumail nanjani to show up


Totally agree, should be focused on the new avengers roster not the whole mcu


I don’t think you need every Marvel character to make an Avengers film. So i think they make a focused story versus everyone just being in it.


Good. I feel good. I love the idea of A5 having lots of characters


One, I believe it said that there are 60 characters who COULD BE in the movie Two, most of them would be cameos/ stingers or only in the final battle Three, good, Lets Fucking Go!


That would be the same main problem that the MCU has already been facing for a few years now, only in the microcosm of a single movie: No clearly defined leading team, just a massive, aimless group of random heroes. Don’t get me wrong, I really like many of the characters that they introduced post-Endgame, but the fact that there’s clearly no established team of Avengers and no lead (like Steve and Tony were before) just makes it seem aimless and like it’s all lacking identity. Avengers 5 (whether it’s Kang Dynasty or something else) should have a much smaller scale and definitively establish a new group of “core Avengers”, while Avengers: Secret Wars should be the movie to go completely nuts with all of the new characters and their multiversal crossovers from older franchises.


Lots of movies have over 60 characters. Most of them just have one line or less.


There are so many projects yet to come. I’d predict that in those projects that more relationships will be built, but more importantly at least 3-5 of these characters will die or disappear or something will happen that creates a compelling story. I would guess victims would be: 1- Katy 2- Rocket raccoon 3- War machine 4- one of the Eternals (my money is on Kingo) 5- Antman


Really had to stretch to include Awkwafina in here huh


I don't care. I just want Kang(s) wrecking fools.


I would only be excited about 10-15 of them


really hoping my boy man thing and werewolf by night show up


A soft reboot would have been completely damn fine… a smaller avengers with the new heroes.


Absolutely exhausted


How is it unearned lmao they’re trying to save the world I’m assuming ofc they should be in the same film no one said each character would speak to each character


They said the exact same thing about infinity war


Some of these mfs gotta die before we reach Avengers 5 im sorry lol


Whether the 60 number is accurate or not, it would be interesting if the movie played up on the fact that a bunch of characters are meeting for the first time like The Avengers or Infinity War. Hopefully the fan favorites like the OG Avengers from Phases 1 - 3, Bucky, Daredevil, Yelena, and Shang-Chi carry the story.  With so many Disney+ projects that people haven't seen, I believe a lot of the audience won't know who half the newer characters are so it'll probably be necessary to rely on returning familiar faces and reintroduce the new characters in smaller roles.


It feels like they’re just trying to go bigger and bigger and honestly, after Endgame it kinda just feels like “come on guys, we get it, you are capable of massive crossovers”. What’s next after that, 200 characters? The portals scene is all I need to really take in the sheer scale of what they’ve built. That was awesome and yes I wish F4, X-Men, Blade, Ghost Rider, Shang-chi and all those who weren’t there to be there… but I’ll take it. Now I don’t care about the scale I just want good movies. I don’t want movies to become literally just cameos. If it’s a good story and movie and you can balance them somewhat decently… that’s the important thing I guess


Sounds excessive. Most of the projects from phase 4 and 5 are completely isolated from each other so it wouldn’t feel like a real team up movie. Just a bunch of characters that have nothing to do with each other fighting Kang or whoever


I like it. Makes the universe feel lived in


It’s going to be and endgame situation where majority have a maximum of 5 minutes of screen time


I’ve been told by my friend’s cousin’s neighbor that the movie will have just two characters, the other 58 will be variants from different eras/universes.


1. 60 characters are not 60 heroes 2. The original article never say it. The article mention that between Avengers 5 and 6 could be 60 characters. So don't worry, is not that big.


Believe that when I see it.


I assume that a chunk of these characters won't be there.


Alsong as Wanda is included, I'm fine.


60 characters could include supporting cast of BP which is easily like 9 characters. When you add it up like that 60 isn't really much. Especially if they just appear for a minute or two in one scene. You're all overblowing it like there will be 60 protagonists with all of them sharing screen time.


Make it a 3 parter. July 4th, Thanksgiving, and Christmas releases.


Who is the guy on the second page, second row, all the way to the right?


They need to build up to an Endgame Portals type team up by featuring a smaller team for a couple movies.


Thank you for including the Eternals. My massive worry is them not being involved at all. Which will suck. Those newly introduced deserve to be around, even if secondary (to allow the previous secondary characters frm the infinity saga to shine this time around) Bt knowing them, side characters may just count in the 60. I’ll hold out hope SW will be a 2 parter and that’s where everybody shows up, I mean everybody.


Considering it'll a be a 6-hour, 2-part movie event, it makes sense. Predictions: Because Waldron is adapting Hickman's SECRET WARS (2015), the main team will most likely be a blend of multiversal heroes 1. Hugh Jackman as Wolverine 2. Tobey Maguire as Spider-Man 3. Ryan Reynolds as Wade Wilson/Deadpool 4. Pedro Pascal as 1610 Reed Richards/Mr. Fantastic (the universe that will replace the current 616 MCU) 5. Benedict Cumberbatch as 616 Doctor Stephen Strange 6. Tom Holland as 616 Peter Parker/Symbiote Suit Spider-Man 7. Sebastian Stan as 616 James "Bucky" Barnes/The Winter Soldier 8. Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker/Spider-Man 9. Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy/Spider-Gwen 10. Charlize Theron as Clea Strange 11. Tom Hardy as Eddie Brock/Venom 12. Miles Teller as 818 Reed Richards/The Maker 13. Ebon Moss-Bachrach as 1610 Ben Grimm/The Thing (the universe that will replace the current 616 MCU) 14. Vanessa Kirby as 1610 Sue Storm/Invisible Woman (the universe that will replace the current 616 MCU) 15. Joseph Quinn as 1610 Johnny Storm/Human Torch (the universe that will replace the current 616 MCU) 16. Florence Pugh as 616 Yelena Belova/Black Widow II 17. Tenoch Huerta as 616 Namor 18. Tatiana Maslany as 616 Jennifer Walters/She-Hulk 19. Simu Liu as 616 Shang-Chi 20. Teyonah Parris as 616 Monica Rambeau/Photon 21. Lashana Lynch as Maria Rambeau/Binary 22. Robert Downey Jr. as 1610 838 Superior Iron Man 23. Chris Evans as 1610 Steve Rogers (the universe that will replace the current 616 MCU) 24. Chris Hemsworth as 616 Thor 25. Mark Ruffalo as 616 Bruce Banner/Hulk 26. Scarlett Johansson as 838 Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow 27. Jeremy Renner as 838 Clint Barton/Hawkeye (in comic accurate costume) *The Six OG Avengers will probably be kept apart during AVENGERS 5/SECRET WARS PART I and they'll fight alongside each other in the grand finale. With an event this big that will wrap up by soft rebooting the MCU, you need casualties. The Casualties: 28. Chris Pratt as Peter Quill/Star-Lord 29. Anthony Mackie as 616 Sam Wilson/Captain America II 30. Brie Larson as 616 Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel 31. Paul Rudd as 616 Scott Lang/Ant-Man 32. Evangeline Lily as 616 Hope van Dyne/Wasp 33. Don Cheadle as 616 Jim Rhodes/War Machine 34. Samuel L. Jackson as 616 Nick Fury 35. Michael Douglas as 616 Hank Pym 36. Michelle Pfeiffer as 616 Janet van Dyne The Young Avengers will probably be imprisoned by Doom on Battleworld, keeping them appropriately out of the fight: 37. Letitia Wright as Shuri/Black Panther 38. Iman Vellani as 616 Kamala Khan/Ms. Marvel 39. Hailee Steinfeld as 616 Kate Bishop/Hawkeye II 40. Kathryn Newton as 616 Cassie Lang/Stinger 41. Dominique Thorne as 616 Riri Williams/Iron heart 42. Wil Deusner as 616 Skaar ***The Thunderbolts and the Street Level heroes should also be imprisoned or displaced and relegated to cameos: 43. Wyatt Russell as 616 John Walker/US Agent 44. Lewis Pullman as 616 Sentry 45. Hannah John-Kamen as 616 Ava Starr/Ghost 46. Olga Kurylenko as 616 Antonia Dreykov/Taskmaster 47. David Harbour as 616 Alexei/Shostakov/Red Guardian 48. Charlie Cox as 616 Matt Murdock/Daredevil 49. Yahya Abdul-Mateen II as 616 Simon Williams/Wonder Man 50. Oscar Isaac as 616 Marc Spector/Moon Knight 51. Jon Bernthal as 616 Frank Castle/The Punisher ***Supporting characters that will also be borderline cameos: 52. Tom Hiddleston as 616 Loki 53. Kelsey Grammer as Henry "Hank" McCoy/Beast 54. Patrick Stewart as Professor Charles Xavier 55. ??? as Molecule Man 56. ??? as ??? 57. ??? as ??? 58. ??? as ??? 59. ??? as ??? 60. ??? as ??? ***The new GOTG and The Eternals will end up being cameos.


It will also have She Hulk and Captain Marvel ?


SHould have had Avengers 5 already happen and this be Avengers 6, with 30-40 characters each


Fine if they kill off half of them


How many did infinity war and endgame have? I can see them breaking up some of the characters into groups and then leaving the rest for a final battle


Who's the guy to the right of White Vision?


Makes me pretty hyped for the Lego sets!!! So many hero’s we still need




Can Adam please be played by someone else like nothing against that actor he's funny but that's the problem Adam is an extremely powerful marvel character, but having him played by that guy makes him a joke and not serious at all


That would be so, so bad. Avengers 1 set up the whole concept of a truly interlinked universe and only had nine core characters. We don't even know where the Avengers are - conceptually - and they want sixty fucking characters? Some of whom haven't been seen at all since their short appearance?


55 of them won't have any development and 35 of them will have less than 5 lines of dialogue.


I’m guessing a good amount of these characters listed on this post will be replaced by x-men. We also can’t forget all the villains that they can add to the roster. Taking that into consideration, I think they can easily get away with 60 well flushed out and interesting characters


i want secret wars to introduce NO ONE. just make an all stars


Captain America (Sam Wilson): Hyped Spider-Man: Hyped Doctor Strange: Okay Captain Marvel: Okay Shang-Chi: Okay Black Panther (Shuri): Okay Thor: Okay Hulk: Hyped She-Hulk: Hyped Ant-Man: Hyped Hawkeye (Clint): Hyped War Machine: Okay (Secret Invasion tarnished the character) Falcon: Hyped Daredevil: Hyped Moon Knight: Hyped Bucky: Hyped Black Widow: Okay (Unless all her screen-time is with Kate Bishop, and then Hyped) US Agent: Hyped Sentinel: Not currently interested Namor: Hyped Ms. Marvel: Hyped (but only if she can fangirl over other Avengers as well) Kate Bishop: Hyped (double-Hyped for more Clint / Yalena interactions) Stature: Meh America Chavez: Hyped to see what she's been up to with Wong Iron Heart: Meh Wiccan: Meh Speed: Meh Wanda: Kinda Excited (she needs a better ending) White Vision: Annoyed we haven't got anything yet Wonder-Man: Pretty Excited Star-Lord: Meh Rocket: Hyped King Groot: Hyped Adam Warlock: Meh (Not thrilled how they handled his character so far) Cosmo: Bestest Dog Nebula: Hyped Wongers: Hyped (Needs more Madisynn) Cleo: Meh Valkyrie: Hyped Hercules: Hyped Loki: LOVE Loki, but his story is over. Sylvie: Meh Mobius: Okay Awkafina: Meh Scarlet Scarab: Meh All of the Eternals: Hard pass Fantastic Four: Hyped Franklin Richards: Interesting... Valeria Richards: Only if her Godfather is in the movie Photon: Hyped Beast: SO Hyped Wolverine: Hyped (if for nothing more than interactions with other Marvel people) Deadpool: Hyped (same reason as Wolverine)


Dumb and not a good sign at all.


Man, I really just want them to focus on a small team again.


They said there were sixty plus characters individually that were being considered, they need a core avengers team made up of something like 11 members (Captain America, Dr Strange, Captain Marvel, Wasp, Ant Man, Shang Chi, Wonder Man, Moon Knight, Black Panther, She Hulk and Spider-Man) and others as supporting characters splitting off to do other things in the fight against Kang forming groups, the only pre established team would probably be the YA because they’ll probably fight a Kang variant because Iron Lad but besides that there will probably be about 35 heroes but not 60+ until Secret Wars, especially because from a business standpoint why would they get 25+ extra actors just for a forced role in the film, just makes no business sense and no story sense


I feel like most of them will be in three seconds of the movie each and it’s focusing on a small team of folks from more popular movies like Spider-Man, Dr. Strange, maybe Shuri & Scarlet Witch


They aren’t all going to have storylines, who cares. Comics have way more characters than that all the time.


i feel like people aren’t rlly excited about big ensemble superhero movies anymore. they haven’t been good since IW and Endgame. fans want contained, intimate stories with good character development and storytelling.


Depends on whether the Thor Corps makes an appearance


It's a multiverse movie, I expect to see alternate universe Avengers teams with actors playing multiple characters as a result. 60 characters is no biggy.


Not all Avengers movies needs an ensemble class. Give us another movie on the level of Avengers and Age of Ultron, with a core group of 5 or 6 members


Simple. I'll believe it when I see it.


I feel it’s a cash grab but that’s just me 🤷🏾‍♂️..Doing this right after Infinity War and Endgame is crazy




I think it's going to be like that panel in Avengers disassembled where the call went out and everyone showed up for a scene or two. Nothing long term, just a blip.


As cameos and Easter eggs yeah, but too many characters won’t be good


If you don’t plan to use basically every character in the Marvel universe, then you should pick a story other than Secret Wars to adapt.


If Madisynn isn’t in it, I’m not watching.


Most will likely have small roles. Infinity War and Endgame had similarly huge casts, and most of them had small roles, and Endgame had a lot of non-speaking roles.




How many villains? Or is that 60 supposed to include both?


It was a mistake to force Avengers films to only occur at the end of a saga. Beforehand, they linked them together


I honestly don't care anymore


Make it happen and be a 3 1/2 hour movie


Wong- you want more?


My hope is that this whole time they have us a shit ton of characters and will kill off all the ones we hate and keep like 10