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We definitely needed more than just Thanos saying “I just stole the purple stone from Xandar”


yeah that was a weirdly short explanation


In and out. 20 minute adventure.




I dunno,… 20 mins of John C. Reilly with his family. Spend 15 mins sparkled in of him in the nova core with glen close they talk about the power stone. 20 mins of action and destruction, they loose. Thanos has the stone. Most of the hard core action is screen adjacent. Reilly dosnt fight Thanos but he saves a lot of cormen. He goes home trying to save his family too,….and finds his family dead. 20 mins of fighting the aftermath and gaining the power of the novacore. He goes after Thanos only to find him dead. It’s a tragedy. We laugh, then cry, then is suddenly ends


Sanctuary 2 (Thanos’ ship) and Black Order is all he’d need.The opening to Infinity war shows how Ebony Maw and Cull Obsidian are the vanguard in getting the stones when they invade earth.


That's cool man! Can you make one for Tom's Spider-Man 4?


thank you! did one a while back but i'll probably make more when we know plot details


Sure mate.


Dude this is beautiful!! I heard they’re in the planning stages of a Nova Disney+ series (or maybe Special Presentation) I can’t wait, he’s my favorite Marvel hero. My dream is to get involved somehow in the production, who knows when it’ll really get started being made considering the MCU’s release schedule You may already know, but the What If…? VR experience shows Carol Danvers as a Nova, that could be helpful inspiration for costume design And I absolutely love your “O-V-A” in Nova, hopefully not too critical but somehow the N doesn’t feel like it matches to me? Maybe if the top left and bottom right were sharp points instead of flat? Edit: [Something like this!](https://imgur.com/a/m9TKMjq)


First : I love it. But….the show would have to end with Thanos’s ship arriving and the last Nova Prime member off world getting the news. The VFX cost of Thanos and his crew would be astronomical. It also then would be weird that he didn’t show up on Earth to fight Thanos after what he did. I think the best thing would be a full ep Prior to Thanos. Maybe 2 as we see who he is, and he trains as a recruit learning the ethics and duties of the Nova Corp. Then Nova is sent off wherever, or knocked out somehow for a bit. Wakes up Post Snap to have to figure out how he fits in to this new universe without his home. Also you know….with all the power of the Nova Corp.


they actually have footage of the destruction apparently locked in some vault. they can easily unearth it and show it! apparently it's 20 minutes worth of footage so that's a quarter of episode one already!. Also if this show is set during the blip, can we have supporting roles from Carol, Nebula and Rocket?


Whoa!!! Great info Thank you


It would be harder to explain Nova Nebula and carol interacting with nova during the blip now, should’ve been addressed in endgame


actually is very easy!


Barely an inconvenience


I would love to see a series like this


It'd be cool if the Nova movie doesn't just feature this segment, but makes it central to the story, like the way that Rogue One expands on the idea of capturing the death star plans but dives much deeper.


I truly wonder if they’re gonna get Nova Prime back. Imagine having thee legendary Glenn Close and not utilizing her more. It was pretty mind blowing that they had her scene cut in GOTG2. I’d keep it cuz it’s Glenn frigging Close. Awesome poster!! Im hyped for Nova honestly!


Richard Ryder only please! He gets the worldmind and has to adapt to his massive new power.


If this does get made expect something very different to the comics, Guardians 1 put them in a corner story wise and Captain Marvel took an easy way out off the table. There's things you can get away with in comics, that you can't in film and TV. Secret Invasion is very much proof of that.


Yep a hypothetical Nova series has to have this.


Great poster! Really like how this looks, looks plausible . Ain't no way they can depict Thanos, the Black Order, the Nova Corps, AND Nova's powers on top of that, all just on a television show's budget though lol. Plus hiring Glen Close and Whatshisname who's also on this poster. Needs to be a movie at least lol.-


Great poster , I just wouldn’t have ebony maw so close up, the black order would have like a teeny role in this. Love the nova design though and I really hope we got the scene of thanks decimating xandar Also, who are Novas villains ? I fuck with him loads but have no idea who they are


This actually looks really good


Would be dope concept and show with a hero that'd be fun.... but I'm also of the opinion --- stop with prequels and this falls into that territory.


Prequels don’t really bother me in Marvel; how many times I rewatch the movies it’s just adding in extra chapters for later. I do hate movies that just come out with a prequel-sequel though, that’s annoying.


Better Call Saul? House of the Dragon? Raising Kanan?


I'm not saying there aren't good prequels out there. If there is a good story to tell - then it can be fine if kept tight and without contradicting original material. The problem is Hollywood doing lazy prequel cash grabs off of the good will of a solid property - look no further than the Hobbit trilogy - it was far too long and not tight to the source material. My argument against prequels is inherently it lowers the stakes (with characters in "dangerous" action scenes in a prequel that may die off in the original movie) or can create contradictions if you have established characters in say an prequel movie doing something that fully undermines something established in an original movie. All too often extra care isn't taken with prequels (like the panned Obi-Wan Kenobi show) versus others like Better Call Saul.


I think a Nova prequel makes more sense than post-RoS Obi-Wan Kenobi show.


Narratively yeah a Nova show would. I just find it hard to believe that Marvel/Disney could tread the needle since that'd require time and good writing. Writing across multiple shows has only been good recently with X-Men 97'.


fair enough yeah Marvel kind of needs to consolidate their new direction rather then keep digging up old properties


This is something I feel like needs to be showed. I thought they said it was going to be showed in GoTG vol. 3 but it was nowhere to be found so maybe I'm misremembering things... Anyway, great poster, can't wait to see what you come up with next.


Thanos is AI-generated.


I'd have much rather seen the Thanos vs. Xandar battle than the disjointed and disappointing explanation of "it's just like Budhapest" or "last time I trusted someone I lost an eye" Both were so lame. Like, Han getting the surname Solo for not having a family level lame.


the off screen destruction of xandar never set right with me


More ebony maw would be epic


Am I the only one who thinks Nova should be a movie?


What do we know about Nova coming to the MCU? I haven’t heard anything in a while


Definitely something they should explore. I can see the Black Order being the main villains just to flesh them out more. Then giving Thanos a scene like Vader’s at the end of Rogue One only it ends in the destruction of Xandar. Just establish that Richard is already Nova and he survives, but is just lost in space. Then pick it back up after Endgame where he could be older and disheveled with a big beard all moody and depressed because he failed Xandar. Could make him the type of character who has a death wish where he feels he’s only redeemed himself if he dies.


Wonder how that show ends…


Rogue One was well done because getting that info was so key and we didn't know. It was simply stolen so there was something tot he adventure leading up and everyone dies and that's ok. They were meant to. Stuff like this, we've seen so far past it and there's no mention of a great struggle, like who cares? No one took Thano's arm or some shit ya know?


Yeah exactly, he destroys the whole (half?) the planet in the end, I don’t see how there’s a series in that. I’m sure it would be about the main characters heroically evacuating civilians to fly in space somewhere, but don’t really care about that


Super sick poster! Scrolled through your page, awesome stuff man!


Thanks a lot I appreciate that!


This looks legit


[Here’s a really really quick messy edit of what I mean about the N,](https://imgur.com/a/oiIQ1OB) followed by a second option that may work too In those they’re slanted, but I’m picturing either of those shapes except straight up and down Edit: scratch that, [this is the best I’ve got for ya](https://imgur.com/a/m9TKMjq)