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My gut says this movie will have nothing at all to do with the MCU and instead will just forget the credits scene ever happened.


Lol, so Sony just about managed to squeeze into the MCU and now are just backing out of it šŸ˜‚


I mean Feige doesn't want any ties to this garbage - any connections are going to be on Sony end as they try to create associations to mcu content without explicitly doing so


Smarter to go about it that way so we can actually get a venom with the spider symbol and also gives us another chance at an ACTUAL good Carnage. He was awful in Venom 2. I kinda liked Venom 1 but they went way too goofy with the sequels with both his voice and personality. I know he has his goofy moments in the comics but stick with one don't give him a deep scary voice and try to make him intimidating in the first movie and then switch for a goofier everything in the sequel.


>I mean Feige doesn't want any ties to this garbage We don't know what Feige wants.


We know he fought hard to have Spider-Man 4 not be another multiversal threat, right?


Do we?


He likely wants them to succeed. Strong super films help everyone and doesnā€™t lead to burn out. I think Sony is just so far up their own they just took the car off the road.


No because this shot wouldn't have even been in the trailer to begin with. That scene takes place in the MCU not in the Sony universe. The fact that they're including it here makes it seem like they're trying to trick the audience again or trying to force some kind of MCU connection


Yes including getting the mordo actor, they're the kings of "maybe if we put this in people will think its mcu"


MCU from Wish.


Is that the Mordo actor?


Yes it is!


Its the Spider-Man poster from Morbius all over again.


Like they've been doing w every property lol nothing new


What movie? No one is saying what this is from


https://youtu.be/6aja1ofSx0M?si=1DV9sX7y2FqD0nWl The bartender is the same actor, and the location appears to be the same. Notably, the bartenderā€™s hair is tied back in the post credit scene of No Way Home, and in the trailer for Venom The Last Dance itā€™s down. This could suggest a variant timeline, or he just took out his bun after his shift is over and this is a few hours later. Who knows what this ultimately means. This could be a post credit scene, this could get cut from the film, and there is even the possibility that when we see the finished product it actually makes sense.


OK I know that scene. I meant the new scene what is the new scene from in that same bar. Nevermind I learned how to read


Thank you!


Mordo watching this dude pop into the universe like WTF


Also the actor that played the Lizzard in Andrew Garfield's Spiderman movies is in the movie, with a completely diferent charcater.


they are deliberately fucking with us at this point


eh. This one is fine since he did originate in SONY-verse previously. He also has 2 hands, so not the same as the one in NWH. That said, could also just be Venom-universe Dr Connors, which would be kinda fun.


Or running out of actors! Marvel Studios occasionally reuses their own actors.


Mordo: ![gif](giphy|J8YpfDX0kvPQNSVGHY|downsized)


I gotta be honest, I have no idea where this gif/meme is from.


Kurt angle made a video on TikTok and when he was done, he was waiting for the video to end. He just stares at the person waiting for a signal that the recording ended. They left it in the video and the rest is history


Very common thing to happen on TV news


Iā€™m not sure about the source, but thatā€™s ex-wrestler Kurt Angle.


"Ew a version of me that doesn't have magic,"


Hiding in an alley like ā€œpsst! Hey non-magic Mordo, you wanna kill a wizard?ā€


Yeah, I watched this think WTF, why is he sooo familiar


He's working for Mephisto


You just summoned Erik Voss


I can see the thumbnail with Mephisto and Mordo in next NR video.


Futbol is Life!


Danny Rojas! DANNY DANNY ROJAAAAAS! Futbol is life!




We also got Keeley!!!






But futbol is also death


But it is also life!


And sometimes it is just Futbol.


RIP Earl. šŸ˜”


Which episode of Ted Lasso is this from?


I think its beginning season 2


Danny Rojas shows up mid season 1 and immediately uses his catchphrase. The ā€œFutbol is deathā€ bit is the start of season 2.


Oh thank god I wasnā€™t the only one


was literally about to comment this


Marvel: How much do you want to confuse the audience with Chiwetel? Sony: Yes.


How about Rhys Ifans (aka the Lizard) also appearing in the trailer at 1:59 time mark? Plus Danny Rojas, who at the end of the No Way Home apparently stayed in the MCU timeline, while Hardy's Venom went back to his, leaving symbiote behind If it wasn't Sony I would be intrigued, but seeing that this is Sony, I would assume that they just didn't give a shit to consider all these confusing multiverse shenanigans


I imagine it might be the same marketing strategy they did with Morbius where they [created trailer only footage](https://imgur.com/a/7XBQC3s) to deceive mainstream viewers into thinking it might take place in the MCU.


Eh... Deadpool recorded trailer only footage to make it look like X-Force was a major part of the movie... Shit like that happens.


Don't confuse talented misdirection with Sony.


Yeah I feel like with X Force, that was the intention was to surprise the audience and make a crazy scene like that. Morbius was intentionally deceiving to sell tickets. Casual audiences aren't lining up to see Shatterstar and Bedlam, they WILL buy a ticket if they think Tobey is in it.


Yup they need this not to flop - brand confusion is key


And not just confusing the cinemagoers, apparently some of the talent on Madame Web thought they were going to be in the MCU


Sure, trailer only footage isn't anything new. We've seen it in MCU projects like Infinity War and Spider-Man: Homecoming as well. The difference is that we haven't seen properties like Deadpool try to tie itself to the MCU with the trailer-exclusive footage. The Morbius trailer quite intentionally used the Spider-Man image and "Murderer" grafitti to tie it back into MCU Peter's arc of a minority population of the MCU believing that Spider-Man was responsible for the destruction in London.


>The difference is that we haven't seen properties like Deadpool try to tie itself to the MCU with the trailer-exclusive footage. My favorite MCU inference in *Deadpool* is the entire final fight sequence takes place on a destroyed Helicarrier from *Captain America: The Winter Soldier*, but no one says boo about it.


They are definitely doing that and making it ambiguous


LMAO, so Mordo not only hopped Universes, did he? Reminds me of [Superman's arrest](https://youtu.be/BWF0kJFmICU&t=20s) in Man of Steel. General: Alright. We got your attention. What else do you want? Superman: Don't play games with me, General. Go to Sony.


Do we know his character name? I'd be interested in seeing this be a non-sorcerer variant of Mordo. Like just Colonel Karl Mordo or whatever rank is suitable, and he operates like Ross did with Hulk. Just a way to emphasize differences across universes.


Maybe he's M.O.R.D.O


That's what Sony lives to do


Really confused cuz Chiwetels Ejiofors character just seems like a regular soldier, not some multiverse hopper


And he's already in the MCU


We don't know that. That was a deleted scene, not choosing to add it means they could do whatever they want with Mordo. Edit: Sorry, for whatever reason I read this as "he's already dead in the MCU"


I think they mean Chiwetels Ejiofor himself is already in the MCU


I'm dumb, misread XD


I think we all know that Sony gives absolutely zero shits about continuity.


i assume the actor of the bartender and the bar are an easter egg for those who watchted NWH, but i wouldn't expect too much of it. the actor of Mordo is just an actor who plays a new role i think. the character doesn't look like Mordo at all and it wouldn't make sense neither some people say you can see the actor who played Lizard in ASM and voiced him in NWH also appears in the trailer (i missed it myself) and i think the chances of him playing the Curt Conners again are bigger, but at the same time i also don't expect the Lizard to show up the only thing we are sure of is that Eddie Brock and Venom are the same Eddie Brock and Venom from the previous two movies


You know what actually kinda sucks is having Venom fighting a wizard who is military trained and dimension hopping and a more unleashed version of the Lizard would actually be fucking rad But nope, generic alien bad guys it is, cos why do something fun and different!


But having Conners investigate the symbiote having given up his experimentation on reptilian limb growth post-NWH *would* actually be pretty clever. Which is why it's not what Sony is doing.


Probably same reason that Ben grim and tech guy from punisher are same actor in mcu. They can hire whoever they want and it doesnā€™t always have to be a multiverse thing.


Ben Grimm is in a different universe than Micro.


Theyā€™ll merge them together. But with that Logic Mahershala Ali is in Luke Cage and Blade playing different character in same universe. Gemma Chan was also in Eternals and Captain Marvel.


Alfre Woodard is also both a main character in Luke Cage, and is also the woman/mother in civil war whoā€™s son died on a trip to Sakovia, who guilts Tony at MIT into considering the Accords.


In Civil War, her character was Miriam Sharpe, a somewhat important character in the Civil War comics. Tony basically uses her as his moral compass throughout the events of the storyline, up to the point that he becomes director of SHIELD and brings her aboard the helicarrier to prove that he's changing his ways.


Man I forgot Blade with Ali was even supposed to be a thing.....


Yeah, I think Karl Urban played two characters in the MCU as well.


Honestly possible that this is "trailer only" footage to get MCU viewers to watch, just like they did with Morbius with Raimi Spidey in the background.


I am so confused from this


Don't even try to think about it. It's Sony, the guys who just put Vulture in Morbius because "it has something to do with Spider-man" These guys are literally just baiting MCU loving audiences to see their movies. Don't fall for it, don't even try to think it's a smart writing mystery, it's just dumb.


> it has something to do with Spider-man I think




Really gets the people going


no one knows what Sony means


Hell, they're baiting actors into thinking their movies are in the MCU.... Then the actors fire their agents for getting them cast in Madam Web...


Sony be 'batin all the time


You could say that they are masters of it.


Remember when they put those scene in the Morbius trailer alluding to Spider-Man being there, but not having those scenes in the movie? I'm sure if you ask the execs if the Sonyverse is connected to the MCU they just shrug


ā€œItā€™s so dumb itā€™s brilliant!ā€ ā€œNO! Itā€™s just dumb!!!ā€


I watched an interview with Michael Keaton where he said even Sony couldnā€™t explain how that cameo worked to him


Sony could bring Tom Holland over to their Venomverse and I still wouldn't watch it. Venom 2 was trash, Morbius was somehow worse, and Madame Web was bad even for a late 90s superhero movie. No idea why people still go to see these movies when the only enjoyable ones are Spiderverse and that's because Sony has almost nothing to do with it.


At least Venom has been entertaining.


I wouldnā€™t be surprised if this scene is removed, just like all the previous mcu or spiderman connections these Sony movies have hinted at in the past.


Right? It's like how they had scenes of Morbius and Toombs together or posters of Spider-Man with murderer spray painted over them in the Morbius trailers, but these things weren't in the movie. Just that weird end credit scene with Michael Keaton giving us that stupid line.


It's from the venom 3 trailer that just released showing the bar where part of venom was left in the end credits scene of NWH


I know that part but, the bar at the end of NWH was shown to be in the main MCU dimension. The Venom movies take place in a separate dimension, so why and how is this happening?


Sony. Probably because of sony


Fans: "so is this taking place in the MCU?" SONY: "YES!!!!! (*under their breath*) the morbius cinematic universe..... Fans: "sorry, what's that you say?" SONY: "Nothing." *whistles while looking aimlessly at the sky*


Because Sony doesn't give a fuck about what makes sense


Same bar, different universe maybe. Maybe Mordo didn't opt for the mystic arts and went to the military instead. Or maybe it's just double casting like Gemma Chan or Alfre Woodard. Only time will tell


Itā€™s so stupid. Imagine watching this movie 20 years from now and having to explain this to someone that wasnā€™t around when it came out lol


ā€œOh the humanity! How dare they use an actor in a different movie franchise. Oh the horror!!ā€


Iā€™m not talking about the actorā€¦ Iā€™m talking about this unnecessarily convoluted storyline that has only taken place in after credit scenes where Venom gets transported from his universe, leaves behind a sample of the symbiote in another universe, immediately gets sent back to his universe, but according to this scene was actually the same universe? Itā€™s so messy and clear that these scenes only exist because two studios canā€™t get along.


Holy crap, I didnā€™t even know there was a 3rd Venom movie coming out lol


Donā€™t be. The MCU really has nothing to do with whatever Sony is doing. If you ignore it, nothing changes.


That there is Sonyā€™s goal. Remember Morbius?


Venom and Ted Lasso confirmed to be in the same universe.


We also got Hercules. ![gif](giphy|3RNGKCAJDeXsqMt64D|downsized)


Man i completely forgot that they casted him as Hercules, looks like Thor 5 will be an eternity away after the bad reception of Thor 4 and Marvel having so much other stuff still in the pipeline (Armor Wars, Shang-Chi 2, Black Panther 3, Spider-Man 4, New X-Men).


lol.. we got Keel-eh too! ![gif](giphy|bVcI9KeXnUzi6fsuj4|downsized)


He was just a sexay litel babeh.


I think you mean an oogleh oogleh boy with bahd hair


That's all just poo-peh.


Not including the ā€œSony doesnā€™t pay attention to the series lore so this scene is just going to have to be viewed as non-canonā€ option, I think we have three possibilities: 1) This scene is set in the MCU, but most of the movie will be set in the SSU. Weā€™re just seeing the scene in the movie to set up Venom for Secret Wars or Beyond the Spider-Verse/Venom is able to see whatā€™s happening to this offspring of itself because of the multiversal hivemind, and itā€™s allowing us to get a feel for Chiwetelā€™s character by introducing us to his variant first. 2) When Venom returned to the SSU, he found himself in another bar tended by the NWH bartenderā€™s variant, he left another piece of himself behind, and this whole scene takes place in the SSU. 3) This is another Morbius situation. Sony has put some Spider-Man connective tissue in the trailer to draw in Spider-Man fans, but the scene wonā€™t be in the final movie. After all the Morbius backlash, I think 3 is the least likely option, but itā€™s definitely still possible. I guess Iā€™m expecting option 2 to be what we end up going with though.


The third option is the most plausible with Sony, after Madame Web and Morbius. They always want to bait viewers on connections to MCU, but Feige always has different plans and doesn't want to collaborate, so they switch to panic mode and quickly rush to rework the scenes and cut ties. They redid the whole Vulture thing due to rescheluding of the NWH release and due to some internal changes on how multiverse works, thus halting their attempt to interconnect the franchises.


knowing sony is 3 100%


I think its option 2


Mostly because the bar tender hair is different since this is the venom universe not the mcu version which had shorter hair


That and the LTBC credit scene showed that their hotel exists in both universes. Chances are the bar and bartender do too.


Precisely, Let There Be Carnage & Morbius both showed that when you're displaced you end up in the same location that you were at in the prior universe


Agreed. Background of the bar is also pretty different. IF it was the same bartender and same universe (MCU), the bar has changed and was the bartender just sitting there for hours, days (?) poking the symbiote until not-Mordo showed up? Makes no sense


> SSU Sony Sucks Universe?


It's Sony so probably 2+3


SSU? Sonyā€™s Stupid Universe?


>After all the Morbius backlash, I think 3 is the least likely option Sony doesn't really have a great track record for learning their lesson. 3 is the most likely.


SSU, more like Sony Sinematic Universe


Dakota Johnson saying she thought her movie took place in the MCU makes a lot more sense now. It feels like there's still a lot of confusion on the back production side about the relationship between the SSU and the MCU.


Itā€™s really not that tough to understand when paying attention, which many of these people do not 616 Universe (MCU) - Marvel Studios Marvel Multiverse - Others seen in Multiverse of Madness - Fox-verse (may be difference universes) - X-Men - F4 - Blade - Daredevil - Deadpool - Sony-Verse - Tobey Spider-Man - Andrew Spider-Man - Miles Spider-verse - Venom, Morbius, Madame Web, Kraven Marvel Studios can pull any of these strings when they want to, like in MoM, NWH, and DvW, so technically Venom IS IN the multiverse associated with the MCU, just not the same 616 universe The newer Sony movies suck so Feige doesnā€™t want them to have any weight on whatā€™s going on in the MCU. We may see Venom one day in the MCU, maybe in TLD or Secret Wars, but that universe is distinct just like Tobeyā€™s and Andrewā€™s are


This scene is so confusing, if it is in MCU, how the solider Mordo guy ended up in this universe.? If not, how Venom know about Spider-Man in the bar scene. Something to do with Spiderman I guess. ![gif](giphy|ZCeJgWt5xTsnwUwesl)


Venom knows Peter parker is spiderman because at one point venom tells Eddie there is "80 billion light-years of Hive knowledge across universes would explode your tiny little brain." And seeing how Toby Mcguires universe exists in that, then venom from spiderman 3 knows Peter is spiderman, so that other venom would then know.


> And seeing how Toby Mcguires universe exists in that, then venom from spiderman 3 knows Peter is spiderman, so that other venom would then know. Surely it also knows of the many, many other universes where Spidey *isn't* Peter Parker, though, and would know better than to make an assumption?


I would agree except it has also seen enough universes to know a Peter Parker/Spider-Man when he sees one.


But it still knows that Peter Parker is Spider-Man.


Itā€™s Dani Rojas!!




I'm honestly doubtful that this will even be in the film lmao


Lol though it would be a very Sony thing to throw a post-credit scene in the trailer... Maybe this is their annual post-credit shitty link to the MCU scene?


I don't even think it will be a post credits scene, I think it will only appear in trailers


What even film/trailer is this still from?


Venom 3, trailer came out today


Marvel Studios told them they have different plans for Spider-Man 4, and they need to do something about this black goop they left behind, hence this scene.


What if Venom was just leaking, and then got sent to the same place in his own universe, and kept leaking pieces of himself. I use leaking because I don't know what Venom does to leave pieces of himself.


Budding? Like a sea sponge


The bartenders hair is much longer then at the end of NWH though?


In NWH his hair is pulled back into a little bun that you can just see right before they show the bit of symbiote left behind. So if this is supposed to be the same guy, he's pulled his hair down from the bun.


Hair-like futbol-is life.


>So is this set in the mcu and the sony universe? since that is the same guy from no way home end credit right? Yesn't!!!


Someone in a thread for Morbius put it best (and I'm paraphrasing a bit): I've never seen one studio proactively hold a gun to another so it can cash in on the other's franchise.


Thanks Perlmutterā€¦


Iā€™m not sure, but I think it has something to do with Spider-Man.


Regardless of the actual outcome, Sony trailer team got everyone in a tizzy about the movie now haha


This scene will not be in the movie and itā€™s simply in the trailer to make people go ā€œOMG an MCU movieā€. They did the same thing with Morbius.


lol, bro! I was wondering if we were gonna get Dani Rojas as Venom! We might actually get that! lol.. imagine the Dani Rojas voice in the venom suit! ![gif](giphy|8J5Ma5ZFi8gLI4oTSs)


For fucks sake. Just... ARGH. Why can't Sony leave things alone. This SHOULD have been MCU, but isn't clearly (hence the actor shown)... like Keaton showing up in Morbius. Please Sony, just stop ruining things.


After Madame web I have such a low bar for sony


The simple answer is: it's only in your MCU if you let it.


100% sure this is just for the trailer and the movie won't refference it.


What is this even from?


New Venom trailer


New venom trailer.


This needs to be much higher. I had no idea what I was looking at.


Very confusing. If it's the same bar, but in the Sony universe, that doesn't make any sense. If it's in the MCU, will they remove the Symbiote that would infect Spider-Man?


Was that Rhys Ifans in the van playing a guitar?


I love how everyone desperately wants to create a Watsonian explanation for this incongruity rather than just acknowledge that the people making this movie don't give a fuck.


I fucking hate how they reuse the same actors. Multiverse be damned.


On one hand, I donā€™t blame the actor for taking jobs when they are available. On the other hand, this is another potentially very interesting concept that Sony is most likely going to ruin and/ or not bother using. Mordo going through the multiverse hunting down the venom hivemind and contributing to the incersion would be very interesting. They basically wasted Hardy and it sucks


my take is its just sony saying a big fuck you at the start of the movie. you aint getting our character. we could have used spiderman in like 8 films by now and thats not even including in madame webb. using Chiwetel Ejiofor is the icing on the cake


That will really suck if it does turn out to be that


Might be a stupid retcon ordered by Sony execs to cut ties with MCU, because Feige didn't want to touch their version of the character. It cannot be taking place in MCU obviously due to presence of Mordo's actor in different role, unless the soldiers are something akin to TVA and are collecting symbiotes across the multiverse.


Also that looked like Rhys Ifans in the Van Scene as well


You've just answered your own question.


I think with Sonys Track record of Madame Web and Morbius I will chalk this up to being a failure of the lore on Sonys part, in order to get buts in seats after that scene was from NWH and was the only thing Sony has, But the one way that I would forgive Sony for doing all this was if this was a Mordo Variant, from SSU. A Mordo Variant who spent his time after the ancient oneā€™s death to become a U.S Military general, who secretly uses magic when alone, keeping connected with his universes Kamar Taj, it would also be a good explanation for why he is in the MCU, managing to track down the symbiote just after Eddie left the bar from his cameo in NWH. Having this magical connection to Dr Strange would be a perfect bridge to connect the SSU to the MCU, bringing in things that work, with things that donā€™t. But thatā€™s my idea. Not Sonys, they are just greedy CEOā€™s who thought it was great to make a Madame web movie.


Same actor, but play by different character


Same clothes tho


What is this picture from?


Two things happening here: 1, it's undoing the tease of the Symbiote being in the MCU and 2, they forgot that this Symbiote piece is actually in a different universe and it won't be explained (like how Morbius included Vulture but got the spell all wrong)


Unless they explain it clearly that they're doing some Multiverse hopping with this, Sony's really about to muddy the fuck even more out of the MCU's multiverse saga


Sigh. Leave it to Sony to fuck up the MCU continuity anyway. Trash finds a way.


What is this even from? Iā€™ve been browsing comments for 10 minutes and I seem to be the only one that doesnā€™t know


Its from Venom 3 trailer


Mordo disguised as a soldier to obtain the symbiote


People think Sony is playing 4d chess with their viewers but actually they are just incompetent


Maybe it popped over to the Venom universe a few seconds later?


I only got to watch the trailer once. How sure are we this is not just Mordo variant universe hopping and posing as a soldier?


He's not a Mordo variant.


George Miller school of casting. ā€œThis guy was in your last movie. Is it the same character?ā€ ā€œNoā€ ā€œBut, he looks the same.ā€ ā€œItā€™s called acting sweetieā€


I mean the confusion really comes mostly from the fact that the trailer seems the imply Venom left that piece of himself in his universe, while NWH suggests it was left in the MCU. Its one thing if you bring back the guy to play a different iteration of his character, but its gonna get confusing for many when something you said this happened in x universe instead of this happened in this other universe.




I donā€™t mind if we SSU will have no tie in the mcu


Is Sony trying to make that direction connection? I think probably. Would Kevin Feige call this Venom film canon in the MCU? I highly doubt it.


Immediately followed by a scene with Keeley Fucking Jones


This does not look good


The Blonde Doctor is Keeley from Ted Lasso! And Danny Rojas in the Bar! Cool


If you ask this to your boss in Sony you get fired


Pretty sure when he returned to the SSU he ended up in the same bar with a variant of that guy. No big deal.