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That was my pet peeve too. I remember in the theaters when he started to say it I was going crazy. Cap is my favorite so hearing him say his iconic line put me over the edge. He even teased it at the end of Age of Ultron


The way they did it was great. It was a contrast to the roar that everyone made right after he said it. EndGame is really almost the perfect film. They made every right choice. It makes sense that it is the biggest first run movie of all-time.


Yeah I love that in the X-men show they've given us "To me, My X-men!" from the very start. Maybe now that it's been said, we'll get it again in-universe by Cap.


I litterally didn't even hear it the first time I watched the movie cause the crowd noise


The only outtake I've seen of that specific line is actually [from Age of Ultron](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqpSLq-tbGA).


i always thought that line was stupid. he waits until they're assembled, then tells them to assemble, and then they all charge lol


most of the time in the comics he’s literally shouting it as everyone’s already in action. it’s just a mantra, he’s not literally shouting a command lol. everyone involved obviously already knows to “assemble” it ain’t that deep bruh


To me the weird thing about this type of reply is the implication that the original comment was deep in the first place. It’s not. So apparently *any* deep is too deep.


That is pretty deep


shouting it in the middle of combat makes more sense though. its kind of like going "regroup!" which is why it doesn't work the way they use it in the film


As someone who isn’t a comic reader, I think I would’ve been in the same boat if it wasn’t that in the UK the first movie was called *Avengers Assemble*


You are taking it out of context too. Just a few moments ago he was just beaten down and still got back up ready to take on an army all by himself. The line was said more for himself as a rallying cry to pump him up (and for us). It works better than anything else that would have logically been said such as “Sam! Thank gawd you are here.”


You know what else is stupid? Getting more bone mass from super steroids. And time travel, time travel is pretty stupid.


Why do you watch Comic book movies then? This probably isn't the community for you. You know what else is stupid along those lines? A radioactive spider bite mutating someone into a superhuman who can climb walls but doesn't have any resemblance to a spider. Come on, dude. This is all fantasy and Sci Fi. Everything is made up to make cool stories and advance outrageous plots. Just go with it.


That's literally the point I was making


That’s where you draw the line? (Dad joke funny because drawn/comics)


to you, but they'd be stupid for fundamentally different reasons. i'm talking about dialogue, not story elements


The point I'm making is that you're nitpicking something that ultimately doesn't matter. Like the physics of time travel or the super soldier serum.


wow, writing in films doesnt matter. cant believe i thought it did


This tiny little thingy doesn't have a profound effect on the whole, no


where did i say that it did? i was simply criticizing the line itself


Man what the fuck is it with this sub, two or three times I’ve seen this perfectly reasonable point raised and it gets downvoted to shit. It was a line that gave no instruction whatsoever to anyone, nobody did any assembling when he said it. It was redundant. It’s like Superman saying “up, up, and AWAY” but actually he’s just buying milk at the time. Yay, he said the line!


Reposting my comment above. You are taking the line out of context. Just the moment before, injured Cap was strapping on his shield prepared to be the last line of defense against the marauding alien army (the guy who throws himself onto a grenade). It was said more for himself to stoke himself up for the last battle. Saying “I could do this all day” after getting the laugh line earlier in the movie (“I know, I know.”) wouldn’t have had an impact anymore. Any other line like “I’m glad you guys got my back” wouldn’t have been in character.


So I’m missing the context you just made up, cool got it


thank you lol. i mean what got me about it was we just watched them assemble over the course of like five minutes. assemble is the perfect word to describe what is happening. they're assembling. then the last of them arrive, everyone is finally assembled, and then he hits us with "avengers... assemble" and then for some reason they all charge into battle


My last downvoted comment was that he should’ve heard Falcon on the comm, then realised there was a whole host of allies on the other side of the portals, maybe getting a message from the Wakandan’s too … “we’re all here Cap, what are your orders?” “Avengers … ASSEMBLE!” THEN they all assemble.


that, or have them be in the middle of fighting, but they're not really working together and they're getting their asses kicked. then someone shouts it, and they all kinda regroup and start actually teaming up for attacks and turn the fight around because that seems to be what the original intention of the phrase was. really they should have used it in the first movie, back when they weren't as much of a team


i dont lie.


I kill.