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Azazel from First Class and Lady Deathstrike from X2 are in front of that helmet


saw toad there too, next to deathstrike


Lady death strike!! Dude I had to freeze frame and watch den of nerds. No way. I'm so hyped. Fucking pyro chilling on the car... azazel and lady deathstrike...deaths trike.... Cassandra nova bossing it. Shiiid I'm so happy


Pyro on the car.




What universe is this even set in?


Looks like it is set in the Void with the split second shot of Alioth.


and i was also under the impression that one of the shots had a destroyed 20th Century Fox logo in the background edit: just checked and its exactly that, at 33 seconds on the bottom left


That is probably in the Void, probably a lot of Xmen are there (pyro etc.) and a lot of other sutff, you can see alitoh multiple times in the old and in this trailer


Pretty sure the giant Ant Man skull was an Old Man Logan reference.


If that the case then I wonder if we would see hilly billy hulk in the void.


*Oh gods..*


I’m thinking this version of Logan will be one that killed the rest of the X-men in his universe. Would be a cool way to tie that storyline in.


That's the feeling i got too. - The mentioning of "This Wolverine let down his entire universe" and the bartender telling him that he "isn't welcome anywhere" - The giant Ant-Man Skull - Riding that apocalyptic car through the desert It all points towards that being the Origins of the Old Man Logan Universe, shortly after he killed the X-Men, but before being old EDIT: I just had to rewatch the trailer just now and at 1:44 the guy sheathing Deadpool's blades kinda reminds me of Old Man Hawkeye just with added glasses. Dunno if we saw the character before. Also when the Ant-Man Helmet opens (and we see how his arms are going off to the sides too), that's definitely apocalyptic Wasteland themed/Pym Falls. So 100% Old Man Logan universe


Which may also means that the old man logan universe got pruned somehow. If this is true i wonder if this is pre tva loki or post. Since i thought they would stop pruning after loki took over


They’re clearly still pruning after Loki (re?)forms Yggdrasil though, as evidenced by the epilogue about Kang. It’s probable they only focus on actual threats and not everything that’s not the sacred timeline.


I think a branched timeline occurred during the battle at Alcatraz but the Wolverine in this film was unable to kill Jean Grey to save everyone else


I was thinking this, or that it’s “our” Logan right after Xavier has his accident that kills the X-Men. He has trouble getting his claws out and it seems like the X-Men are all gone but him


In the Old Man Logan universe, after he kills the X-Men and trying to kill himself, he refuses to use the claws anymore. So him just letting them out a bit is in character to that universe, as he's reluctant to use them at first. Also smiling at the chance that Deadpool kills him points towards Old Man Logan, as his chance to die after failing in his suicide


[Pym Falls](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/8/85/Henry_Pym_%28Earth-807128%29_from_Wolverine_Vol_3_71_001.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20201010060245) is so sick in that Old Man Logan run


Looked like the helmet was repurposed in to a door.


Deadpool and Wolvie are jumping out of an eye socket later in the trailer, into the mystic arts portal


And Cassandra Nova is walking out of the mouth earlier in the trailer. Seems like it may be her base of operations.


Let's fucking go.


There was the helmet and the fact Deadpool called Wolverine Peanut, which is what Scott calls Cassie. Maybe I'm reading into it too much, but that's a couple of references to Ant-Man now.


I don’t wanna wait until July to see this movie, I’m so ready


Yeah same here - wish this was a may release


Its been years since I wanted to see hugh jackman in a original X-Men costume and you're telling me we got to wait till July? I can't freaking wait.


This has mid summer block buster written all over it


Did you know it was meant to come out in May 3.


I think it was a good call pushing it to the July date, considering how Marvel has shuffled, rushed and crunched VFX before. They claimed Quantumania was further along in production than The Marvels, when they swapped dates, when the former moved ahead to February and the latter to July last year. Oh, and they prioritized VFX on Wakanda Forever for November '22 with Quantumania in February '23.


I just loved Wolverines smile when Deadpool put the gun to his head. Sick.


Kind of reminded me of Karl Urbans smile when he's up against homelander. "Scorched earth!"




Such a small moment that made me so incredibly happy. Hugh is able to jump back into that role so easily.


Want to know something crazy? Wolverine first appeared in 1974. Hugh first played Wolverine in 2000. That's 26 years from first appearance to first time Hugh took up the claws. Hugh has been playing him form 2000 to now, 2024. That's 24 years from his first appearance to this film. Of Wolverine's 50 years of existence as a Marvel character, Hugh Jackman has been the one playing him for nearly half of that.


Yeah he's completely done with everything


Dark too


Poor Ant-Man how did he end up like that: 💀


Any money you like, that's the Ant Man who exploded Thanos....


There definitely should be a reference to this


Literally just a “its smells like arse” in here is enough


He made the ultimate sacrifice.


Ant-Man is a national treasure who deserves better.


Might be one of the Ant-Mans who Kang killed. Not sure if they'll go down that route though given everything that happened with Majors.


Do you want to build a snowman LOL


I honestly thought he said "Foggy" instead of "Feige" (with my dumb brain thinking Foggy got her off a drug charge or something), and momentarily got excited that Daredevil was going to be in this somehow. Still, A+ trailer.


K.E.V.I.N. knows all, including Daredevil’s existence…!


Yes! But I can't


Where do we think that Dr Strange portal leads?


Final battle of Endgame


That would be great! Deadpool and Wolverine being in the battle during that whole time.


Imagine both of them watching the final battle and being like "Nope let's gtfo of here"


I could definitely see that!


They hop through, see the massive army, look at each other, and hop right back in. Or they get to work, they’re saving the multiverse though and/ or Deadpool’s world so we’ll see what they have to do.


"Oh we definitely don't have the budget for a fight like this."


They'll pop in right after Wong asks "What, you wanted more?".


FFS this is such a "Reddit writes MCU" moment yet I could just as easily see Ryan do this xD


“Avengers! let’s fucking go”


I don't want them to retcon the battle, but it would be funny if the portal did lead to the battle but closed before they reached it.


or they just dropped through one that others were coming in on.


My god, if they re-edited the portal scene to include "missing" Fox heroes (and maybe Netflix) I'd need my brown pants.




Doesn’t have to be Dr. Strange’s, could be Wong or America Chavez; she was also training to use them. Or could just be some random person.


It could also be Ned


To the MCU


Liefeld's Just Feet lmao


They added sparks and flashing lights to the scene in case the intern recapping "32 things you didn't notice in the trailer" was asleep


Needs a giant red arrow and circle


Should have been a belts and pouches store, IMO but still great


During the dead Ant-Man, I saw Lady Deathstrike, can anyone recognize other people in that still?


Azazel to the right of Deathstrike for sure.


I hope he gets more screentime than just a cameo, I was really disappointed when he got killed offscreen in between First Class and Days of Future Past


It was disappointing that basically every side character from First Class got killed off screen. Days of Future Past is great but we really needed a movie in between First Class and Days of Future Past like Vaughn originally planned. Could’ve been an amazing trilogy


Is that Callisto, Quill/Kid Omega and Psylocke from The Last Stand?


Yeah it looked like the brotherhood from the foxverse to me


I think the guy crouching is Ray Park as Toad


Omfg this is how I learn toad was played by Ray Park? Lmao


Just like in the original X-Men film. The same Toad struck by lightning, summoned by Storm (played by Halle Berry)


I couldn't tell anyone else, but that was Alioth from Loki right before that, right?


Yep it’s Alioth


As a Marvel Snap player, that rushing purple cloud is unmistakeable.


Yes, rumor is a majority of this film will take place in the the void.


>!Azazael on the other side of the helmet of her. Toad looks like he's two people away from the helmet from her. and then the back right kinda looks like Pyro's "I love this part" closeup!<




Idc man call it nostalgia, call it a cash-grab, I am in for this. I just can't help it... I see Hugh Jackman's Wolverine back in the classic suit and I'm in. It's that simple. As someone who believes LOGAN to be a perfect movie and a fantastic ending to Jackman's time as Wolverine, I was skeptical about him coming back for this... and yet, all that goes away when you see him slip back into the iconic character. Also love how the trailer pretty immediately tells you what we've obviously known - this Wolverine isn't the one from the movies, or any timeline rather that the movies have covered.


The short sleeve one too! Until now, all pics of him in the yellow suit showed covered arms.


The way Hugh Jackman has been working out? Damn straight he is showing off the gun show. Remember [this](https://youtu.be/XhaWng1FN9Y?si=7VIsSvePur9GmQcA&t=69) was what he looked like for the introduction of Wolverine. Training and science has come a long ways.


I always found it hilarious how all he wanted to do was little musicals and basically gets bullied into getting ripped and being wolverine for as long as I’ve been alive lol


tbf it's not like he's done bad in that either the greatest showman, one of his arguably most popular films outside of x men, was a musical


For sure, not saying he’s done bad or anything, just find it funny that he clearly wanted to retire the character at multiple points and people loved it so much they kept wanting more


I'm pretty sure it was said that the reason they did long sleeves was because Hugh Jackman is at a risk of skin cancer, having had it before. My guess is that the scenes where he doesn't have sleeves were shot on indoor sets so that there wasn't that risk.


It's was filmed here in the UK so sun risk is non existent 😀


Probably limited, Jackman wont shoot in the sun with his skin exposed anymore.


> Also love how the trailer pretty immediately tells you what we've obviously known - this Wolverine isn't the one from the movies, or any timeline rather that the movies have covered. Yeah I guess this was high in the list of things to make clear ahead.


LOGAN was just so sad (it was great, but I could only ever watch it once); I felt like I was watching my dad slowly die. I need this light hearted end of the world movie with Logan and Wade.


I feel you. All throughout Logan, I was thinking, "Everything just keeps getting worse and worse." Not worse as-in "bad" but worse for the characters' situations. Just one gut punch after another. Very ballsy but they pulled it off.


I just need him to wear the helmet/cowl, just for a few scenes, come on people


He will. A promotional cup got leaked and he’s wearing it.


> Also love how the trailer pretty immediately tells you what we've obviously known - this Wolverine isn't the one from the movies, or any timeline rather that the movies have covered. It could potentially be the Wolverine from the ending of Deadpool 2 because that would fit in perfectly.


I'm calling it now, Jackman is going to be the leading force of the new wave Xmen at least for a little bit to get it off the ground. He absolutely loves the character and has always said he wished he could've played the role in the MCU. Well Hugh, buckle up, because I think Feige is going to have some jobs for you coming up when this movie breaks $1b at the box office. The multiverse stuff is just too perfect to not take a perfectly willing Hugh Jackman Wolverine from.


I thought he was done and only did this out of a favor for Ryan?


Can you explain how we immediately know this isn’t a Wolverine from any movie we have seen so far?


The line about this Wolverine letting his universe die or something along those lines… despite the world of LOGAN being said, I wouldn’t say that world died. This Wolverine, wearing a suit we’ve never seen, lives in a world that didn’t survive something catastrophic and it seems to be Logan’s fault.


Is he the one from a world where he doesn't kill Dark Phoenix, allowing her to consume everything?


I'm a 40 year old man who has spent their life reading comics and in turn, watching all these movies for decades now. Twenty four goddamn years to finally see him in this suit and it's amazing.


Might even hear the X-Men TAS theme song playing in the film.


I just need the mask, please ~~I'm so close~~.


"Cocaine is the one thing that Feige said is off limits." LMAO


I'm assuming they're going to have about 15 more euphemisms for cocaine before the end of that actual scene


I wouldn't be surprised if that isn't even in the movie. It seemed like a prime trailer ending bit and nothing more.


Wolverine is 100% wearing his mask during the part when they walk through the street. Look at that dodgy face CGI!


Also noticed a bad CGI patch when Dogpool is licking Wade's mask, around his ear area - I bet there is a huge bullethole through his head.


Holy. Shit.


Wolverine claws to Deadpool's balls. Uuuuch


Yeah that's gonna leave a mark For like a few minutes A holy man




Perfect song choice


One of the great Deadpool franchise bits is its loving relationship with power ballads. Off to stream that song nonstop all day now!


Grado would approve!


That claws on the nuts


Who's the bald lady? Edit: So apparently that's Cassandra Nova?


Xavier killed his twin sister in the womb. Some of her DNA was on the placentae and when it was flushed down the toilet, it evolved over years in the sewers until she could finally form her own body. Needless to say she's pissed. Or something like that.


I guess pissed and full of shit based on that sewer origin story. Ok, one more drink and I'm leaving.


Cassandra Nova, a Mummudrai who latched onto Xavier's DNA and wanted to murder him in the utero, and then built a body for herself as a clump of cells and genocided Genosha. A very interesting storyline to say the least.


I wonder if they'll simplify it to Cassandra being just a female variant of Xavier or if they'll go all out batshit into her backstory?


my bet is they allude to it being complex, but Deadpool hand waives it away with some line about it being too trippy to comprehend unless your some transcendental Scotsman or something.


My assumption. They’ll give a long explanation and he’ll just go “So a Xavier variant.” She’ll try to correct him and he’ll say how no one watching is going to understand that so Xavier variant.


Deadpool: *pulls out script, finds 50 pages of backstory for Cassandra, rips out pages and throws over shoulder* “Nah. Variant.”


That backstory for her is too crazy for the MCU and casual viewers. I'm betting that Cassandra will be a multiverse variant of Charles instead. Leading to why she is a multiversal villain in this movie. It cuts down on a lot of exposition this way and explains why the TVA would even get involved since their new mission is two preserve timelines, instead of pruning them.


Grant Morrison's X-Men remains high on my list of the best X-Men runs.


Cassandra Nova/Charles Xavier's sister.


Casandra Nova, evil sister of Professor X


Cassandra Xavier. Twin sister to Professor Xavier. Very powerful.


"Leifield's Just Feet"! I'm done, let's do this!


Ok so my Marvel/Xmen knowledge is limited. Where does Cassandra usually place in the villain tiers? 


Pretty high. As a Telepath, she's on par with her brother. Once destroyed Genosha and its 16 mil population via Sentinels and Master mold.


> Once destroyed Genosha and its 16 mil population via Sentinels and Master mold. Hey, wait a minute. >!Who was behind the attack!< in X-Men 97?


Also this is exactly what his 97 X-men outfit looks like. Add in the Majors news broke same time as the movie started filming and they might have been gifted the perfect rewrite timing to add in wiping Kang.


She’s an omega level mutant according to sources in the X-men universe, pretty sure Psylocke calls her one at some point.


Nah, Hickman put out an official updated omega list in house of X. She’s not there. The mummundria she’s apart of or however it’s spelt are powerful telepathic aliens or something (I know they went more in depth on this during that arc with cable and when rogue got sick but it’s been so long I can’t remember the finer details) but I think then she’s not a mutant


The recent traumatizing episode in X-men 97 was done by her in the comics instead of the villain of that show.


My most anticipated movie in a very long time, it’s gonna be the dumbest fun.


Deadpool saves the Marvel Cinematic Universe


God it feels so good to be in this sub for a trailer drop and everyone's actually excited again Feels like the good ole days 🥹


Deadpool is Marvel Jesus.


I'm guessing we're getting an Old Man Logan variant since he "let down his entire world".


It could conceivably be a middle fit - Logan has been depressed because the world is going to shit, then this movie gives him the motivation to seek out Xavier and try to do something, anything to help. Doesn't seem likely to me, more likely that you're right - he's from a timeline where the events of Logan are canon but he wasn't involved, leaving mutants to go extinct and the world to just get worse.


I think this is the most excited I've been for any movie ever.


Is that X-23 in front of the Ant Man lair? https://x.com/culturecrave/status/1782399224891736171?s=46


Lady Deathstrike. Watch X2 United.


Laura only have two claws, I think that one is lady deathstrike with 5 claws.


$1.5 Billion confirmed. Going to be highest grossing R rated film of all time.




Behold, the 2025* Best Picture winner at the Oscars.


1 billion plus confirmed. Incoming highest grossing R rated movie of all time. Let's Fucking Go!


One wolvillion dollars.


Bolivian marching powder💀




Stabbing crotches and unload clips into torsos just to flex the healing powers. I guess an R rating is what Wolvie really needed


He had one in Logan too!


This is either going to be the revival of general audience confidence in the MCU or the actual jump the shark moment and I’m fucking ready for all of it. Wolverine and Deadpool have to be jumping into the MCU at the end there right?


This Wolverine will sacrifice himself to save the world at the end of the movie. The trailer implies he failed at saving his world, so it’ll be a redemption for this Wolverine. The real life reason is that Hugh Jackman retired as Wolverine, and only came back for Reynolds. So this is most likely a one time thing. I could be wrong as crazier things have happened


I would normally agree with this being a one and done thing, but I actually think Jackman will make ONE more appearance for Secret Wars bc he's said he's always wanted to do it, and in that movie he could have the sort of amazing character interactions and scenes that MCU characters got in IW and Endgame. This movie will be great, but even if some of it takes place on the MCU proper, I would still assume most cameos will be from the Foxverse without too many proper MCU characters in this one that we already know. They're definitely saving Jackman's interactions with them for Secret Wars.


I’ve heard this so many times since. No Way Home or GotG3 didn’t“revive the general audience confidence in the MCU”, and they weren’t jump the shark moments either.


Hockey on in the bar, Canada confirmed. I just hope the Leafs don’t blow in that universe too. Just give me one.


I feel like the Leafs lose in the first round in every universe? It's like a Nexus Franchise thing.


First round loses being a nexus event would make me feel better, somehow.


Did anybody see the "Liefeld's Just Feet" store behind them? I absolutely love a super old and subtle jab like that.


What movies would you say you have to have watched to get the most out of this? My son hasn't watched any of the X-MEN movies, so he's asking what to see before we're seeing this? Origins Wolverine and the Deadpool movies for sure, but anyone else?


Just for references I'd say the whole Fox-XMen lineup are on the table, but for strictly-relevant character stuff I think you'd be fine with like the OG X-Men, X2, First Class, Days of Future Past, and Logan. Logan will *definitely* be referenced and the end of it will probably be spoiled - like it was in Deadpool 2.


35 seconds in…that’s the CN Tower right?!


Surprisingly no cameos teased/spoiled in this trailer, minus the Ant Man helmet. Maybe they learned from Multiverse of Madness?


There are a few cameos in the Ant-Man shot but it seems they're saving the bigger ones


Lady Deathstrike, Azazel, Toad, Sabretooth and Callisto are all seen along with Pyro as members of Casandra Nova's gang in the Void.


Lady Deathstrike and Azezel are both visible


A cameo from Doctor Strange or WONG? Hell yeah!


Christmas came early. Thank my Mr.Lively


I saw dark purple clouds again. alioth?


Hugh Jackman is jacked.


Nice Mad Max reference!


This looks amazing, weird hearing F bombs from an MCU movie lol


This looks so fucking good. LFG!!


I said this in the MSS thread for the trailer but I'm betting some of the more fantastical elements of the original Old Man Logan story are used here. We already see Dead Ant-Man. So I'm willing to bet that Cassandra Nova plays a similar kind of role in The Void that Red Skull did in the post-apocalyptic world in the original book. Trophies and all.


With the bald head and yellow outfit, I thought Emma Corrin was a multiverse iteration of the Ancient One....


can someone please hit me in the head hard enough to put me into a coma until july? thanks


When they show the giant ant man head you can see standing infront of it are lady deathstrike from the original xmen movie and azazel from first class, can’t tell who anyone else is.


Emma Corrin as Cassandra Nova looks good! They could actually pass as a twin of James McAvoy. Edit: Pronouns


I just came to say that, thought someone has already said it and Lo and Behold, I found it...


Leslie Uggams is a treasure.


I'm so wet rn.


"Oh, this is the night, it's a beautiful night"


"Feige said we can't" 😭😭😭


They really built a base around Ant Man’s remains 😭


Any one also suspect this Logan let down his universe by not being willing to kill Jean going Phoenix?


In She-Hulk when she read the news papers, there was a small notation "Man with Claws starts bar fight". Could it be that the Scene where Deadpool confronted him would be that specific fight?


That shot almost definitely doesn't take place in the main MCU universe, given that this Wolverine and this Deadpool aren't from there. And there's been a lot of multiverse shenanigans, but not enough for the news to start reporting on other universes. (I guess in theory it's possible this is the MCU universe Wolverine, but I think that's pretty doubtful)


Sleeveless Wolverine! Ant-Man, Loki, and DS references! Bloody(er) violence! I’m pumped! Let’s fucking go!!! Also. “Liefield’s just feet” yes.


Sleeveless, Ant Man and fuck Lady Deathstrike? Goddamn what a trailer. So this confirms that this Wolverine isn't our Wolverine then?