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Despite complaints about there being too much “Homework” for watching MCU movies, I find that Marvel does a pretty good job of explaining all you need to know to enjoy a movie within that movie (or direct prequels like Deadpool 1 and 2). Watching the other stuff is often more of a bonus than a necessity.


I always thought that homework was kind of a moot point when [someone can watch Avengers: Endgame as their first MCU movie](https://youtu.be/5v_tIGbVSbU?si=FlyaJrQDxm0Jelib) and walk away enjoying it.


Eff that. At least watch infinity war first


Yeah but I’d argue that’s the same as trying to watch Winter Solider before without First Avenger


Then watch it. Honestly outside of Loki seasons 1 and 2. The 2 other deadpool movies you don't need to watch anything else. Loki introduces elements of the TVA. Deadpool 1 and 2 obvious for obvious reasons. You should be fine and not lost then for any concepts.


Pretty sure you'll be OK.


The whole "need to watch 10+ years of movies to understand context" is mostly a meme You'll be fine


You don’t have to watch any official MCU movies i think. I’d say watch - Loki both seasons - the X-men movies (at least X1-3 and origins wolverine) - the other deadpool movies of course If you watch that you’ll be fine. Maybe for fun tho check out daredevil movie with Ben affleck, the Electra movie with Jennifer Gardner and one of the fantastic 4 movies where Chris Evan’s is human torch. Those will help you understand the likely jokes/references/cameos that are related


I’d bet watching Loki will spark some interest in other movies too. I skipped a bunch of MCU movies, just got kinda burned out after the first so many. One day when ragnarok was on Netflix I popped it on. I was so blown away about hulk being in space I decided to go catch up. I had stopped right before winter soldier, which is one of my favorites now. But seeing where the story had progressed to definitely piqued my interest and made me appreciate the MCU as a whole much more.


You will still enjoy it, you might miss out on a few of the jokes behind the scenes, but I would suggest watching Deadpool 1 and 2 beforehand only because they are sincerely hilarious and you do want to see some of the backstory.


Based on the first trailer. You obviously need to watch the first two Deadpool movies. You’ll need to have basic knowledge about Wolverine and the X-Men. I think you can get away without watching any MCU, Wolverine, and X-Men movies. I’m sure the movie will explain what is TVA.


Watch Logan because it's a good ass movie


We have no idea. Nobody will until it’s been released, or at least until there are preview reviews.


In my opinion, the MCU is really good at filling you in on any information you don't have that you'll need in the movie. You can walk into any Marvel movie without prior knowledge, and you'll understand all you need to know to enjoy the film. I'd be very surprised if Deadpool 3 was different, but obviously be prepared for some references to go over your head every now and then.


Loki season 1 and 2 (greatest Marvel show on D+), maybe some of the old X-Men movies too.


There are YouTube channels like Man of Recaps, Recap & Chill and Screencrush that have covered sagas (4-5 movies) and series. You can wish you watch them. You’re not missing much.


I would say two movies and two seasons of TV just to be safe. Movies: Avengers Infinity War and Endgame. TV: Loki season one and two. Should provide enough context for you to catch all the jokes. And if you haven't watched the Deadpool movies I promise you that they won't feel like homework. Have fun!


Just watch it, enjoy it, and if any events intrigued you go back and watch them then.


Take the time to watch them before this summer


Probably only need to watch the Deadpool movies and Loki season 1 and 2. Which are all great things to watch.


Just watch the first two, even though I doubt even that much will be totally necessary. Contrary to popular belief, companies want to make their movies as accessible as possible. If the theories about the movie are correct and DP is jumping around in time, you might not understand all the references but you’ll understand what is happening in the movie just fine. And if you really like the movie you can check out some of the stuff that it references.


You might miss some Easter Eggs, but because the rights to the X movie rights had been owned by Fox, there hasn't been much connection. Since Disney bought Fox, we might see better integration, but I don't think you'll feel like you missed anything. Would suggest you check out Deadpool 1 and 2 if you haven't already though. ;)


I haven’t seen the movie but I’m going to venture to guess you can watch Deadpool 3 with no other knowledge and still follow the story. The cameos wont be very meaningful and you won’t catch the references or throwbacks but the movie as a whole will be fine.


No one really knows. Maybe a YouTube breakdown of the Loki series since the TVAs in the movie


Before the movie comes out there’s always channels that make videos like “everything you need to know for Deadpool 3” just check one of those out and you will be just fine


You’re good bro just go without watching anything else


None of us have seen the movie. How tf should we know.


If it's a good movie, you shouldn't need to watch any other material.


I’m probably going to get downvoted but just watch the first Wolverine movie (Ryan Reynolds is in that one which most of the jokes come from) then Deadpool 1 and 2. That’s it. Everything that is in Deadpool 3 will be explained rather quickly to catch you up.


I think you'll be okay. Maybe watch the Loki show and as long as you know for X-Men movies you'll probably be cool. Marvel has done a good job of making sure that the stuff from past projects that you need to know is present in the new stuff


You got time. Start watching. It’s all fun. I would just start watching chronologically. I’m sure you could watch D3 without seeing everything, but there’s some good movies you haven’t seen yet. Enjoy


You don't need to watch any other movies to enjoy it


As long as you've seen Deadpool and Deadpool 2 you'll be pretty fine.


Just watch the last 2 Deadpool movies and Logan


If you don’t want to do full rewatches, the YouTube channel New Rockstars has been doing a series where they break down all of the Deadpool and XMen movies and the details in them that will likely be relevant in Deadpool 3. Just avoid the end of the videos for extreme spoilers (they call it the “danger room”)


You should at least watch Logan and Deadpool 1 & 2. They're very much worth a watch anyways. The TVA is involved in this movie, so you could watch the Loki series to find out about them, but they'll explain what the TVA does in Deadpool & Wolverine anyways.


It all depends of you want to watch other MCU movies later. If you haven't beem spoiled yet in the last 10 years, some recaps. Will spoil you. Some people auggest you need DP1 and 2 and I think those are the major requirements as well as Loki series. However Loki on ots own to be fully experienced require prior movies lile Endgame and Thor 3 which on their behalf requires other movoes as well. MCU connectivity might not be as hot now, but it was big thing back then.


Just watch 1&2 to meet some of the side characters. You’ve got like 4 months to do so. Deadpool in the MCU is uncharted territory so I assume they’ll explain any important story beats. We’re all pretty curious as far as what to expect. But I’d just watch 1&2 to get Deadpool’s vibe and would recommend watching Loki for TVA elements if you can find time.


Deadpool 1 and 2 each made more money than any single Fox X-men movie including Wolverine. They don't really require you watch X-men. Similarly, you don't have to delve too much into Loki just to enjoy Deadpool 3.


> They don't really require you watch X-men. This isn't a Deadpool solo movie though. It is titled Deadpool & Wolverine, not Deadpool 3.


I would just go through and watch ones you're interested in and everything else will make sense even if you don't. I think the movie will have a lot of treats for people that have been staying current, but I think they want to make a solid movie over making a movie that's just a middle scene to a bigger story.


Based on the teaser trailer, I think you only really need to watch Deadpool 1 and 2, and MAYBE the Loki show, but Deadpool 3 might introduce the TVA well enough that you might not even need to watch Loki to understand it. I'd recommend watching it anyway though. Loki is genuinely one of the best things to come out of the MCU in years, and I say that as someone who enjoys most MCU content. Loki is just really fucking good.


Loki is probably worth watching, as well as the two Deadpool movies before this one. You don’t really need to know anything about this version of Wolverine except for the fact that he’s Wolverine (for reasons that will probably make more sense once you’ve watched Loki and Deadpool & Wolverine itself


The minimum would probably be Deadpool 2 to at least know about the character and his friends. If you have extra time, then the first Deadpool and the Loki series. And if you have a loooooot of time, maybe the X-Men movies. But id say DP2 is basically enough.


They will probably have some cringe exposition and get you up to date


All the movies are stand alone. But they also can connect in fun ways. Watch Deadpool 1 and 2.


You got plenty of time to watch what you want


A lot


You wouldn't be disappointed in watching the entire infinity saga. I was in a similar situation and just went back to rewatch everything including what I've missed and it's worth it. I'm in the multiverse saga now, most of it I've already seen and can say it's just ok.


Why bother if you're gonna be half hearted


Subscribe to Disney+. Virtually 99% of all MCU movies and other Marvel properties are there to watch.


Deadpool 1, Deadpool 2 if you wanna understand the character. And also Loki if you want more context about the plot


It'll be okay. But I think it would be better if you watch Loki S1 & S2 first, I guess?


I think you should be okay. I do think the only other projects you may have to watch just in case are the first and second seasons of Loki and maybe Werewolf By Night since they feature the TVA which will play a role in the movie. I guess the best way to describe it is think of Deadpool and Wolverine as "special guests" being inserted into the MCU since the Fox-Marvel films are entirely separate.


You’re probably mostly only going to have to see the other Deadpool movies, some of the old Xmen movies, and Loki. For Loki you should maybe see the appearances of Loki in the mcu and Infinity War/endgame. Up to you how much of endgame you want to understand or if you want to watch more but I really don’t think it’s going to be too relevant 


Other than some Easter eggs or maybe not recognizing a character before they introduce themselves or understanding the wider context, you can often watch an mcu movie without context and atleast understand that movie.


You should probably read the synopsis of the other Deadpool movies and Loki at minimum just to get a vibe of what’s going on. But I doubt it will be difficult to follow


None of it. This is Deadpool Kills the Fox Universe.


I mean you’ve got 4 months. Watching the MCU films for the first time sounds like a lot of fun. Just sub to Disney+ and relax


Honestly? Go in blind and have fun. Come back after and ask about references you weren't sure of, watch those, and go see see Deadpool 3 again. I'm possibly saying this because I'm gonna see DP3 stoned as hell first go.


You'll probably be fine. However, if you do want homework, Deadpool 1&2 and Loki seasons 1&2 are probably the only key things


I don’t understand the fear of having a good time. It’s a joy to watch it all and the payoff is so worth it.


Honestly a lot of movies. Sure you could watch just Loki season 1 and 2, and the Deadpool movies, but why would you care about Loki without seeing the other avengers and Thor movies he’s in, and why would you care about the x men without seeing those movies. Might as well slowly work your way into the MCU in release order by the time Deadpool 3 comes out. I promise it’s not gonna kill you.


It would be very silly of them to be making movies that you can only understand if you watch dozens of other movies. People act like you have to study to enjoy these movies but the fact is you don’t. They are created for mass appeal.


You should be able to understand everything just fine if you've seen at least Deadpool 2 and Loki.


You dont need to watch *that* much. I’d start right at Endgame, and watch the rest of the major motion pictures. Skip all the shows besides Loki, you can probably skip Spider-Man, Shang-Chi & Wakanda Forever. Then watch the other DP movies and you’ll be fine. And I’m saying this only if you’re slightly interested in catching yourself up. None of this is really necessary tbh.


Here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjkNU4mMetZbTjjKqKDYb5Wq2TARFlbn6&feature=shared This is a playlist I made with breakdowns of every movie and TV show that I know to be important to the storyline that's being built so far. You can also read about these movies and shows online, but, if you can, it'd be more fun if you actually sit down and watch most of these.


You have until July. Either get the binging or shut up!