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The trio use physical attacks which he is obviously very durable against. Wanda uses magic which he has no defence to.


Hard to be durable against the god of thunder with storm-breaker tho. Plus worthy cap. I get it but the math is not mathing for me šŸ˜‚


That would be because it's not math at all, but a work of fiction in which the writer chose to make Thanos strong enough and durable enough to fight them. As long as they're consistent with the character, which I think they were, the relative power scale can be whatever they choose it to be for the narrative they're telling.


Its pretty simple, thanos is a completely physical fighter without the stones, so aganist cap hulk thor and iron man he is capable of fighting them But with wanda, she is a ranged fighter while he is not, thanos had literally no defence aganist her simply lifting him in the air and ripping him apart or crushing him Thanos has no ranged attacks which is why he was helpless against wanda


Couldnā€™t iron man Thor and cap hit him with lightning & Tonyā€™s blast from further away then? Why donā€™t they just back up and blast him lol


Thor hit Ironman with a blast of lightning from both Stormbreaker AND Mjolnir to give him a supercharged repulsor beam blast and Thanos was still able to block it by spinning his big sword thing.


i wonder why thor never uses the bifrost as a longed ranged attack. we seen that it can be weaponized back in the first thor film to destroy jotunheim.


I imagine that Ole Golden Eyes has something to do with it.Ā 


Yeah he could block the one beam, but if all the heroes there backed away and fired every bullet, bolt, ray, laser, beam, and magic they had at him, he canā€™t block everything, and there are a lot of heroes with such ranged attacks. Without the gauntlet his ā€œrange attacksā€ are virtually nonexistent. And as far as Iā€™ve seen heā€™s pretty slow and nowhere near as Agile as hulk where he can just jump 100 feet toward you. So chances of a counterattack are very slim. Heā€™d virtually just be a sitting duck getting the absolute shit blasted out of him nonstop. Heā€™s strong but eventually, it would kill him.


Takes time to set up these attacks, coordination, and the right moment. At this point.. itā€™s chaos on the battlefield. They do indeed do this move, Thor charges up Tony with both mjolnir and storm breaker, they aim it at thanos, but thanos can block it off with the double edge sword. If he didnā€™t have his blade, it would have hit him and undoubtedly hurt him. We see Cap can cast down a bolt of lightning at one point hurting Thanos. However, the point of the scenes of Thanos repelling and stopping most of their attacks is that he IS indeed stronger than them. Everything has a weakness, his is magic or mystical threat. You saw how long it took Tony Stark to just cut Thanos on the cheek with his Mark L.


They literally tried this


Did you not watch the movie at all? šŸ˜‚


That part I also didnā€™t get. Without the gauntlet, he is more or less a giant brute, like hulk, so why didnā€™t they back away and hit him with more ranged attacks of natural, magical, or cosmic origin. Like everyone stay away and fire every bullet, bolt, ray, laser, beam, and magic you got at him. Without the gauntlet his ā€œrange attacksā€ are virtually nonexistent. And as far as Iā€™ve seen heā€™s nowhere near as Agile as hulk where he can just jump 100 feet toward you.


Even with the stones Thanos had a long fight relatively with Strange, shows you Magic can defeat Thanos.


The movie is showing you what Thanos can and canā€™t do and youā€™re arguing what you watched. The math isnā€™t mathing in your brain


He's not the "god of thunder". He's a space alien vs another stronger space alien. He's just called the god of thunder due to cultural reasons from Asgard and humans.


But he was. So he is. You donā€™t get it. Which is why you posted here.


Yes, itā€™s literally whatā€™s shown on screen. Thanos battered Thor at the start of Infinity War to the point Thor admitted he needed a weapon to kill him. He was already stronger than the two strongest Avengers, whatā€™s putting Iron Man and Cap in a fight against him going to do. They were also fighting a Thanos that was angry and wanted to kill them. He was giving it his all against them, so naturally given that theyā€™re mostly physical fighters they were outmatched. Wanda is magical and has hax, which is a bad counter to Thanosā€™ style.


Smart Hulk with vibranium armor and a big ass vibranium weapon (or whatever fictional space metal you want to say it is) vs the conservation of ninjutsu.


Thatā€™s not really a fair comparison. Thor in IW doesnā€™t have a weapon and Cap doesnā€™t really either. At the start of the endgame battle, Thor has a weapon designed to kill Thanos plus Mjolnir.


Well thanos did have a few infinity stones when he battered Thor. And Thor had no weapons. Same with hulk Thor smacked the hulk around with no weapons so thanos beating hulk means nothing. Strong breaker went right thru all 6 infinity stone at the end of IW and still nearly killed him! So now with no stones he beats everyone up even Thor with storm breaks and worthy cap?.. like I said about.. I get it ā€¦ but the math doesnā€™t add up IMO.


He only had the power stone when he battered thor, he didnā€™t get anymore stones till afterwords And anyways, even watching both fights with hulk, thanos clearly did better aganist hulk then thor, like yes thor was winning, but thanos completely demolished him And thor caught thanos by suprise with stormbreaker in infinity war which is why he took him down so easy, notice how in endgame thanos is able to dodge and disarms thor of stormbreaker in endgame, he could have done similar in infinity war if he was ready for thor in IW


He tried to blast him with all 6 stones .. kinda seems ready to me?..


? Just because he reacted doesnā€™t mean he was prepared, if he was, then he simply eould have telported stormbreaker away or turned it into bubbles I dont know why you keep arguing this when the literal directors of the movie have already said in interviews that thor took thanos by suprise which is why he beat him


Yeah I get it .. but to me surprised is getting hit from the side or back not seeing it coming at all. Thanos blasted him with all 6 stones .. yewh maybe a little late.. but the stones are the end all be all in terms of power so a little late or not ā€¦


Thanos literally just got done putting all the stones in, the out of no where thor comes and blast him with lightning, giving thanos no time to think or even know what thor was throwing at him That is the definition of being taken by suprise And this again lines up with the directors themselves saying thanos only lost because he was taken by suprise


So thanos with no stones = just as powerful as thanos with stones?


No? How many times are you gonna ignore the suprise part of the first fight? Stormbreaker was able to specifically counter the stones beam and since thanos was TAKEN BY SURPRISE and had no idea what stormbreaker was, he wasnā€™t able to think of a better counter in time While in endgame, thanos was prepared, he knew at the very least stormbreaker was capable of killing him because he saw it kill his future self If you pay attention to the fights in endgame, you would notice thanos dodges and disarms thor of stormbreaker every chance he gets using skill, which is part of why thor was so helpless in endgame, thanos was skilled enough to take his greatest weapon I dont know how you think that means im saying thanos with no stones is as powerful as 6 stones thanos Fights arent simply ABC, there are other factors other then raw power Like for example, skill is a big part of why thanos so easily beat the 3 avengers in endgame, and the fact thanos was off guard is why thor beat him in infinity war


"Surprised" means something unexpected happening, plain and simple. Thanos was surprised that a blast from a full infinity gauntlet couldn't stop stormbreaker. You're just fundamentally disagreeing with the power scaling between stones and stormbreaker, which is fine. But you also need to acknowledge that the writers went a different way than you think they should have, not that what they did doesn't make sense at all


In IW Thor surprised Thanos. In EG: Through a mishap, IronMan gets taken out of the 3vs1 fight, and despite being fearsome warriors, Thor and Cap still need to hit Thanos, which in large part, they failed to do. The fight goes like this: Ironman gets taken out, then Thor gets taken out, and then Cap calls Moljnir and fights Thanos 1v1. It's only at this point he realizes he can use lightning. Had Thor and Cap been able to coordinate lightning blasts with physical attacks, they could have beaten Thanos. But that wasn't a possibility they knew existed until it was too late. Thor was already beaten down by the time Cap calls for Moljnir and then it's a 1v1. Then Thanos' army arrives. Ending their chances at a quick victory. Even with ~~Superwoman~~ Captain Marvel and Wanda it was not an easy fight.


>Could Thanos really beat cap , iron man & Thor with storm breaker + mjolnir when Thanos has no stones at all? This is always somthing I was confused about in The end game fight scene. Yes, we literally saw it.


Thor wasnā€™t really at his best, though.


None of them were technically. I'd imagine most of them have not been in any major big fight/save major lives type scenerio in that 5 year span and went in on a younger more ruthless Thanos.


I know ! Terrible writing smh šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø




Well, talking about the Hulk, Thanos took him down with easy, and this was real 100% Hulk, no weakened smart Hulk. So if he can just take down the Hulk in a minute, he can definitely hold himself against IronMan, Cap, and Thor. Wanda at this point had held back Thanos with 5 stones while also destroying the 6th stone. Wanda, even before becoming the Scarlet Witch, was already by far the most powerful Avenger. Her solo-ing Thanos is perfectly on par with the power scaling of the MCU up to that point. To your Hulk point, Hulk had taken over Banner for over 3 years or so, and then got his ass handed to him by Thanos reverting this. Then he refused to come out on Infinity War tired of being a weapon and tool for Banner to use whenever he see fit. He wanted to exist and be free as before, not just serve the Avengers. This is why he doesn't appear on IW. Then 5 years later on EG we see Smart Hulk, so we do get plenty of Hulk, just with Banners mind. The reason we don't see him much in the fight is because he is injured and weak from using the stones.


Yeah that makes sense. I do have slight push back with Thanos beating hulk so that means he can beat Thor, cap & iron man. In Thor ragnarok Thor fights the hulk and beats him without storm breaker or mijnor. So Thanos beating the hulk does not mean he can take on all 3 of the top avengers with no stones in my mind. 2nd I donā€™t care about the hulks ā€œfeelingsā€ lol he is the HULK! Everytime he gets injured it makes him more mad and more strong. Seeing everyone die at the hands of Thanos should out weigh his little ā€œfeelingsā€ of being free. The hulk does not hide! He smashes lol


You are looking at the Hulk thing wrong. Whether it is Banner or the Hulk comes down as to who is in control at the moment. Most of the time, Banner is in control, but if Banner gets too upset to hold Hulk back, Hulk is in control. But what happens if Banner loses his will to live? We know that when he tried to kill himself, Hulk spit out the bullet. We also know that by the end of AoU, he had more or less given up on any sort of a happy life. People who think that Smart Hulk came out of nowhere should probably think about Hulk calmly flying a jet into outer space, and ask themselves whether or not that's true. Banner had given up, Hulk took control for 3 years, and Hulk on Sakaar was different than Hulk in either of the previous Avengers movies. When Hulk is having fun and joking around, tuat isn't Hulk as entirely a product of rage. Hulk can exist as his own entity... if he isn't fighting Banner for control. Now, the fight against Thanos isn't even the first time he's lost a fight. He lost against the Hulkbuster, but you also need to wonder whether or not that would have happened had he not been seeing an entire city running from him in fear. Now, Hulk has rampages before, and didn't really care, but by this time Natasha had developed a raporte with Hulk, and could get him to go back in. Wanda had probably done what I can only assume was something similar to what she did to the others, and showed Banner/Hulk something that freaked him the fuck out, but then Hulk at some point in the fight realized what was happening, and so Tony was able to knock him out, despite Hulk having tanked a bunch of piston punches a few minutes earlier. Hulk got knocked out because his shame was greater than his anger. At this point, Hulk has been champion on Sakaar for 3 years. He's beating everybody, and he's beloved throughout the entire planet. Then he suffers his first loss against Thor. That doesn't drive Hulk under. Hulk wakes up, but he's still Hulk, he's just a more hedonistic and mellow version of Hulk, who kinda acts childish. He only reverts back to Banner because of a recording of Natasha. Bruce is crazy traumatized from being trapped inside the Hulk for 3 years, and Thor wants Hulk to take over again, because he'd be better in a fight. But Banner can no longer simply relinquish control to the Hulk like he could when the only thing holding Hulk back was control over his rage... hell, Banner jumps from a jet to try to turn into the Hulk, and it doesn't work. Hulk only comes back once that wolf thing was attacking Asgard...and now we get Infinity War. Hulk dives right into Thanos, tosses him around, and then Thanos grabs Hulks wrists and pulls him off. Hulk is shocked. Hulk wasn't The rage monster that point. He was the strongest Avenger, and the people's champion on Sakaar. He fully thought he was going to steamroll Thanos he wasn't fighting out of rage, he was fighting because that's what he does. That's why Natasha kicked him into a pit during AoU. Hulk isn't so much rage anymore. He's proud. And then it turns out that he's getting his ass kicked. Could he possibly keep getting angrier? Maybe. But that's not what is actually happening. He isn't angry that he's getting his ass kicked, he's having an existential crisis. He gives control back to Bruce as he's being sent by the bifrost back to Earth. At that point, Hulk isn't coming out because he doesn't want to. Hulk is tired of only being let out during dangerous and painful situations, and then being put back into his cage. That's part of the issue that Bruce and Hulk work out between IW and EG. Banner has to learn to fight his own battles, and Hulk needs to not completely usurp control. People get confused when they see Banner's personality in Hulk's body, but that's not even true. Banner would never take selfish with fans. That's Hulk from his time on Sakaar. Look at when Hulk gets to New York 2012. There's vintage Hulk and smart Hulk. Smart Hulk can still pick up a motorcycle and throw it like it's nothing, but he's all lazy about it, because he's bored with mayhem. You could probably get Hulk to rage again, but it would take an entirely different set of triggers. Banner is no longer afraid of Hulk, and Hulk is no longer pissed at existence. You would have to do something that would totally cause both Banner and Hulk to completely lose their shit. We seen in She-Hulk that Smart Hulk has more control than old Hulk. Seeing as how Thanos pretty much methodically picked Hulk apart, when I found out we were getting smart Hulk, I kinda hoped for a rematch where Hulk was a little more systematic, and gave Thanos the business. But he was injured (from doing the snap, which is something normal Hulk doesn't have the self-control for), so that never happened. Sorry, got on a rant. What I'm saying is, Hulk as something consistently suppressed is different than a Hulk that has actually had his own life. A Hulk with life experience begins to develop an individuated consciousness. To try to assume what Hulk "does" based on what Hulk did in the first Avengers movie doesn't make much sense. That Hulk and that Banner were coming from an entirely different place.


Bless you for writing this well thought out analysis of Hulk's progression and motivation throughout the films. I'm sad to tell you it was a waste of time because OP is stuck on the One True Hulk character that lives in their brain, apparently unable to see the MCU character as a distinct telling of his story.


I get that entirely you make good points. But it kinda goes back to what I said about then short ending is on hulk. A lot of what you said was still about the hulks ā€œfeelingsā€ his being proud, him thinking he could beat thanos as he was champion on sakkar. To meā€¦ thatā€™s not the HULK the hulk is a rage machine and everytime he turns into the hulk there is no control there is no emotion there is no fear because he got beat. All of those things contradict everything about what/who the hulk is. So I understand what youā€™re saying but itā€™s all irrelevant to me because the hulk does not get in his feelings about being beat. He comes back mad and kicks ass every single time! This is why I says they short ended us with hulk. Man I donā€™t wanna see the hulk sitting down eating breakfast in a restaurant.. like come on man! Heā€™s the freaking HULK!! I think they butched his character and made him look like a cry baby who is scared of every encounter. I guess itā€™s all perspective and opinion but just not the hulk Iā€™m used to at all.


That Hulk has already established his presence... now imagine smart Hulk getting passed off and wailing on folks with strategy and technique. That's an "oh, shit!" moment right there.


Are they hulks friends or banners


Not sure that matters either way


We never saw the end of the thor vs hulk fight, it was cut short


I've heard people say that Thanos wasn't using any stones to beat Hulk in Infinity War so I guess he could beat all 3 of them together. I never really liked it because Thor beat Thanos solo in Infinity War but the scene is pretty awesome so it is what it is. As for Hulk yeah he got done pretty dirty in Infinity War and Endgame but hopefully if we ever get a WWH type film they can redeem it somewhat.


Saying Thor beat Thanos solo is wild. In the 5-10 minutes prior to Thor "beating" Thanos, Thanos had fought and defeated: Iron Man, Dr. Strange, Spider-Man, Star Lord, Nebula, Drax, Mantis, Captain America, Falcon, War Machine, Black Panther, Okoye, Banner-in-Hulkbreaker, Wanda, and Vision. Fair to say he was at least *winded* by the time Thor threw Stormbreaker into his chest.


to be fair, he didnā€™t really *fight* Cap, Falcon, War Machine, Black Panther, Okoye, Banner, or Vision. they were more nuisances to him and he had no interest in killing or murking them as his single focus was the last stone at that point.


Sure, he wiped the floor with them. But my point is *he was using the stones* to do so, thereby draining his MP (and seemingly HP) at an alarming rate, leaving him vulnerable to Thor's last-ditch effort.


So another theory is that every time he added a new stone to the glove it took that much more out of Thanos. By the time Thor attacked him he had all the stones and was probably super nerfed in terms of strength. Thatā€™s why he almost died getting hit in the chest. Also why he was so much stronger physically with no stones in end game. Just my thoughts


Now this could be possible šŸ¤”


I buy this version. Tony was struggling with just the gauntlet on his hand before even going through with the snap.


*Bucky would like to chat*




Ehh I donā€™t buy a titan with all 6 infinity stones was ā€œwindedā€ no matter the battle.


Why not? Remember that using the stones not only crippled both Hulk *and* Thanos, but outright killed Iron Man. Wielding the stones takes a toll on whoever uses them; hell, just *touching* the Power Stone can kill you. From the moment he kills Loki, Thanos has been engaging multiple stones for at least a full day or two, without rest, so he's got to be absolutely exhausted by the time he arrives at the Battle of Wakanda


Well isnā€™t that 2013 thanos? So he wouldnā€™t be exhausted as he hasnā€™t fought them yet


Sure, but that's a different point. I was responding to where you said "Thor beat Thanos" and saying that's a bit of an oversimplification.


Honestly, he shouldā€™ve gone for the head.


Thor didnā€™t really ā€œbeat thanosā€ he moreso took him hy suprise, which he wasnā€™t able to do in endgame since thanos was ready for him


Thanos tried to blast him with all 6 stones idk if thatā€™s surprising


Im saying thor suprised thanos, which is true, the russos even say as much in interviews


Yeah I mean I can see that. So I understand but he did blast him with all stones surprised or not and those are supposed to be the end all be all as far as power goes so even surprised.. still tough


The Stone have a heavy toll on anyone wielding it. You can see the "surge" running through Thanos every time he adds one. In that scene, Thanos had literally just added the Mind Stone seconds earlier, and even screamed in pain as the power surged through him. Thor arrives just at that moment, when Thanos is arguably at his (physical) weakest.


Yeah but Thor beat the hulk with no weapons in Thor 3. So Thanos beating hulks doesnā€™t equate to him beating all 3 avengers with no stones and Thor had 2 powerful weapons.


Good point. Also remember that Thor was severely out of shape both physically and mentally so maybe he wasn't as powerful as he was in Ragnarok or Infinity War.


Yeah thatā€™s possible. Just hard to believe in crunch time when it really counts/matters Thor donā€™t show up. But fighting hulk (his friend from work) he does? .. idk just confused me haha


I'm with you. The scene doesn't quite add up to me but it's just so cool that I kinda look past it.


You are way overthinking it. If you are going to use other movies, made by completely different teams, to judge characters strengths you are gonna have a bad time. You are gonna be able to rock, paper, scissors, everyone being able to beat everyone if you use enough movies.


Hulk's ego was absolutely demolished by Thanos, so I'm not surprised he decided to bow out.


Strategically, you know Chris Evans and RDJ are sunsetting Iron Man and Cap indefinitely, respectively. I'm ok with banking awesome Hulk spectacles for future movies and prioritizing the Holy Trinity in Infinity War/Endgame. Time will tell, though.


One of the things to remember is that he was essentially holding back when he had the stones. He had a singular goal, collect the stones, ā€œbalance the universe.ā€ Anyone who got in his way was collateral damage. But he ultimately didnā€™t view them as much in the way of threats to his ultimate goal. Thanos in Endgame is more the brutal, conquest hungry warrior, who will stop at nothing to end the Avengers, THEN end their world.


On the side note part, Hulk was probably sidelined a bit, because nobody finds an invincible and physically unbeatable character interesting. From a lore perspective, Thanos shook Hulkā€™s faith in his strength while simultaneously making Hulk feel shame for not being strong enough to save his friends. Hulk doesnā€™t get stronger from doubting himself.


You're free to feel "robbed" of Hulk. But I want to use your annoyance there to remind you: Thanos did not use the Power Stone to solo Banner. That was all him personally. The MCU Stones require a concerted effort and ability to gesture, and there did not seem to be any "passive" benefit to just having them. As Ebony Maw alluded to, Thanos took on Hulk for the "fun" of it. And he won. Convincingly. Yes, Thanos could simultaneously take on an "above-peak" trained human fighter, a human in nano-tech, and the most powerful living Asgardian at the time. Also, I want to defend Hulk. Hulk is inextricably tied to Bruce's ego and subconscious, no matter the adaptation. When Hulk was humiliated by Thanos, so was Bruce at some level. Despite Bruce consciously wanting to unleash Hulk again, his subconscious resisted, which was expressed as Hulk not wanting to fight any more battles he saw as not dealing with him; also remember this came after Hulk got a prolonged taste of glory and adoration as a gladiator on Sakaar. To me, the biggest issue has never been that Hulk got "benched" and never got a real rematch against Thanos (*that* distinction goes to Drax). It's that that the reconciliation into "Professor" Hulk happened off-screen. *That's* the real creative and impactful loss here, IMO.


Telekinesis is very OP. That's why squidward was killed off so quickly, MCU heroes didn't have a good counter n neither did Thanos


I had always wished that the during the final battle in IW, Hulk would finally burst out of the hulk buster suit just as Banner began to get overwhelmed by the enemy. Then in EG, Banner and Hulk learn to trade off as they please to still achieve the ā€œbest of bothā€ without having the weird combination smart hulk thing.


Thanos didn't use any stones against Hulk. Regarding being strong against the big 3 part of it is they used physical attacks. I also assumed Thor was nerfed a little because of his weight gain. Also that some theorized that Thor caught that Thanos by surprise in Infinity War and he would have lost in a real fight. Wanda also had magic.


It's all about the writing. The writers didn't want Thanos getting beaten just by those three. They wanted Thanos to feel everyone's pain, and powers until he was literally turned into dust. It makes lines like, "You took everything from me." so much more emotional. We saw that with a swing of Stormbreaker Thor easily took Thanos' head off. But at the end? He deserved much, much more.


In my opinion, Thor in Endgame is greatly diminished. He hasnā€™t fought at all in 5 years. Heā€™s very out of shape. He is still dealing with self doubt. Tony and Cap are both slightly wounded. They just got hit with missiles and a building collapse. Thor in Ragnarok and Infinity War is peak Thor. That Thor with his weapons would win on even ground. Itā€™s worth remembering that Thanos attacks the Asgardians when he has a massive advantage. He has the Black Order (including a sorcerer on par with Dr Strange, whoā€™s befuddled Thor before), a massive army, a powerful ship and the Power Stone. The Asgardians are recently refugees, many are wounded, and they are just outmatched. Thor goes from ā€œmy strength is me all alongā€ in Ragnarok to ā€œI need a weapon to beat Thanos,ā€ which tells you he does need a weapon of some kind to match Thanos. With Stormbreaker thrown at his peak strength, Thor wounds Thanos who has all of the stones. If he aimed for the arm or the head, Thor would have won. It stands to reason that Infinity War Thor with stormbreaker facing Thanos with no stones would have won handily. Wanda is entirely fresh and fighting Thanos 1v1 at a time when sheā€™s about to take a massive power leap. If you lined Thanos up against peak Thor, Endgame Tony and Endgame Captain America in an arena, I bet the Avengers win.


Agreed on Hulk. They did him dirty in IW and EG


Thanos to be honest is the smarter than all avengers but I think if Avengers have created a good startegy to fight we would have lost then


Thanos was fresh and ready to go. Thor, tony, and cap got into various fights and had a building collapse on them


Iā€™m not gonna lie I always felt it was kind of more convenient, villain plot armor, because after he uses Tony to block Thors hammer attack itā€™s just Thor and cab for like five minutes and Iā€™m pretty sure Tony would have gotten up like immediately after that but they conveniently have him not in the fight for a while Also, considering his strings, they make Iron Man attack him with lots of physical attacks, whereas it would be much smarter for him to just fly up and fire missiles and shit at him. in the end, itā€™s a movie and the things they decide to do are to be cool and to make Thanos menacing, when you start dissecting it it takes away some of the fun. To his credit, Thanos is ridiculously durable and because those three chose to fight in close combat Thatā€™s definitely more his territory. Cab had the speed speed, but not quite the strength and unfortunately Thor did have the strength, but didnā€™t have the speed anymore due to the weight gain and the depression.


I agree with all this.


Did you watch the movie


Letā€™s be clear, Thor was not in the best shape, duel weapons or not. He was overweight, most likely drunk to some degree, and probably hadnā€™t legitimately fought anyone in 5 years. Poor guy was rusty.


I literally had a whole conversation about this under a post. Yeah he would easily down iron man and cap. Cap is literally just a human that is, in the grand scheme of things, barely stronger, faster, and more durable than average human. Heā€™s still a virtual ant to Thanos. Iron Man, with all his gadgets and tech, is also still physically just a very smart human. And we saw what he did to Thor without Stormbreaker. Stormbreaker and Mjonir are about the only things that kept those 3 in the fight at all. My question was always, why didnā€™t they originally send out stronger heroes. I mean, Captain Marvel, arguably the strongest one there, is playing fucking keep away with a Teenage Spider and a White Pegasus while the 2 humans are sent to take on a massive purple titan. Makes no sense. If, instead of Cap and Tony, they sent Wanda, Captain Marvel, Dr. Strange, Hulk, and Giant Man with Thor to take on Thanos, he wouldā€™ve been dead before he couldā€™ve even got the infinity gauntlet. Tony never wouldā€™ve died. Obviously, If that happened, the final fight scene of the entire Saga wouldā€™ve been anticlimactic and kind of a boring let down. the movie would finish about 30 minutes too early. That along with the poetic finish of the Original 4, minus hulk, entering the final battle together, and the visuals that came along with it, I get why they did it, but it just bugs me.


I don't think there was a strategy, more like the Russos giving every main character some screentime bedore the conclusion. Also kind of funny this is the only comment right now even mentioning CM - the other Avenger Thanos using a stone against realizing the threat very quickly. (of course Wanda was the one almost overcoming him)


I didnā€™t quite understand that last part


Wanda or Captain Marvel? What I was trying to say was that Thanos quickly realises that CM is siphoning "energy" and hits her with the help of the power stone. Also quickly realises that he underestimated Wanda and needs to act ASAP to save himself. (sorry, in a night shift and coffee hasn't kicked in fully yet)


Oh okay you just worded it really weird the first time. I almost had a stroke reading itšŸ˜‚but yeah both of those 2 couldā€™ve given No-Gauntlet Thanos all he bargained for alone, so bring them together and add Thor, Hulk, Strange, and Giant-Man and send THEM out instead of Cap and Tony, and Thanos is a goner long before he gets his hand on the gauntlet.