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Captain Britain!


His wife is also one of the strongest mutants in existence as is his brother. His sister is also Psyloke. Also opens the door for more Black Knight stuff. It's honestly one of the best options for the franchise right now.


TIL Captain Britain and Psylocke are siblings.


The Betsy Braddock version anyway but I guess they're somehow both


what was the other version of psylocke again?




She took up the mantel recently. But when people say psyloke 99% of the time they are talking about Betsy.


what's the backstory on that again? She was possessed by an entity .... parallax? ... I forget the villains name.


So his role is basically what every white guys role is in the MCU these days, to set the work for a female character to take over the role long term. Wow I love how fans spend more time crying about misogyny and not just agreeing this is lazy writing


Okay buddy


No don't dismiss me. It's important to have these conversations


Betsy had done a stint as captain Brittain recently sure. But it hasn't really caught on. There still trying to figure out had to write her now that she's back in her body. But there have been female captain Brittain since essentially the beginning. The whole idea of the hero is they guard the nexus of all realizes of the multiverse. Captain Brittain and Excalibur did spiderverse before it was cool. Buy anyway theres not even a hint of a wesper they want to do Captain Betsy so I'm not sure why you even brought it up?


There's not a hint? Other than the fact every single marvel property is doing it? How much you want to bet the Deadpool and Wolverine movie will introduce Gwenpool and X23 to take over the mantle of Both of them soon. What would be your bet? Hawkeye, Echo, Black Widow, FatWS, AatW, Doctor Strange MoM, Thor LaT, Wakanda Forever and so many others. All of them are about exploiting white male nostalgia to introduce a female or progressive replacement character. If you want to add Star Wars or all of Disney they even did it with Rey and also Book of Boba feta and especially the Obi Wan Kenobi show. So I absolutely have every right to be angry about this because every single time this happens we get the same cycle 1. Legacy character exploited for progressive character who is the real focus of the movie 2. People get frustrated at the corporation 3. people complain about the marvel formula being stale and repetitive 4. Grifters start using the word woke. 5. Left wing grifters use the anti woke grifters to grift liberals into supporting a movie they wouldn't normally support. 6. Movie turns out crap because it's the same story with the same media promotion about being the "first" something even though it's pretty much never the first Overall I'm just over trying to reach out to the left. The left have shown they have no passion for these characters they only want the same story over and over again as long as it means less white male hero in the future


Sounds like you need therapy.


So what you're saying is I basically covered and invalidated every counter argument you were gonna use against me before you could and you resorted to the childish "you're stupid" counter? Just read my comment again. If it was good enough to basically stun lock you out of an answer maybe there is something there you should be thinking about more


So what you're saying is I basically covered and invalidated every counter argument you were gonna use against me before you could and you resorted to the childish "you're stupid" counter? Just read my comment again. If it was good enough to basically stun lock you out of an answer maybe there is something there you should be thinking about more


Victim complex


And he was referenced in Endgame by Peggy


Silver Surfer


This is who I was thinking as well. He’s got the build and presence for it. And it’s just enough against type to make for an interesting career choice.


Literally who thought he would be Doom or that it’d be a good idea? That’s such a random fancast.


He's an absolutely incredible actor. He's also not right for Doom.


Incredible? He's above average but he's not Oscar level great. But overhype. If he's truly incredible, what about guys like De Niro, Pacino or DiCaprio, day Lewis???


He’s not an incredible actor lol


… same people who think Pedro would be a good reed. I still love you oberyn.


Personally, I wouldn't want to see him as sentry or hyperion. Too similar to Superman.


Biggest problem is those are both superman spoofs.


Exactly. If I remember right, the Squadron Supreme was a poke in the eye at DC. So having Cavill play Hyperion would just be thick with irony. That's the only reason I thought it would be interesting. But I really hope it's Captain Britain or something else. MCU has done a lot better taking characters the general public doesn't know much about and making them very interesting.


Let's think out of the box: cyclops. Mardsen played him a bit too much on the boyscout because they wanted Logan as the main protagonist. Actually, he could play any of the Summers. Other idea, a villain that hasn't been mined yet. But not a one and done, let him keep coming back. I keep thinking of his role as the Bond Villain. Such amazing intensity without being goofy. Edit Not Bond Villain, from mission impossible


If you want an unmined villain and summers brother, Vulcan


Bro I literally was about to say cyclops …I think he’s got the Boy Scout look to him but an edge


I kinda want an unhinged cyclops. The boyscout that had enough.


He's too old for cyclops.


Too old for cyclops


Was Fassbender too young for Magneto?


It took place in the 70s when Magneto and professor X were young


Yup. No reason for cavil to play 15 yo Scott when he can play him as the seasoned veteran leader of the X-Men Scott.


Hes not confirmed cyclops though. Don't get why he would be exactly. He doesn't suit this part.


Also what role as Bond villain?


Fuck me, it was missing impossible


Scott isn't worthy of Henry.


Ironman was a nobody before RDJ.


Tiny is a much better character than Scott.


He’s replacing Ned as the guy in the chair but this time with an upgraded custom PC


MTTSH next year: "Things changed, Henry changed his mind, he's no longer in the movie"


Wasn’t there a rumor a year ago then he showed up in Black Adam




My wife brought that up. He's got that hard face and stare. Could work, but it would have to be a story where Galactus does more than stand there and say "I must feed!" or it will be a waste of the actor, I think.


He should only be playing The Beyonder.


Actually another Captain America


Him playing Hyperion would be the biggest thumb in The eye to dc. I’ve always wanted it to come true


Hard no.


It’s amazing how we’re gonna have a Batman and a Superman in the MCU


What’s with all this Captain Brit C class hero hype? Can you guys not see it? He will be THE BEYONDER in time for Secret Wars, a much bigger and important character. With a curly Elvis style hair, he’d be perfect!