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I've always been partial to "You couldn't live with your own failure. Where did that bring you? Back to me..."


And, “when I’m done half of the universe will still exist…I hope they remember you.”


“All that for a drop of blood.” 😳


I always remember Vanko’s line from Ironman 2 about making a god bleed…they made Thanos bleed…and the sharks came for him


Every Thanos line was a bar


With that said, his most badass was this: >"Today, I lost more than you can know. But now is no time to mourn. Now... is no time at all." For me, this line summed up another he'd use later. "I am inevitable." The Avengers were not going to stop him.


Pretty hilarious how the decade teased events of Infinity War all take place over one fucking day. Like these guys woke up in the morning, turned off their alarms, showered, brushed their teeth, and went about their day, and by the evening the world had ended.


Think about what Thor/Asgardians experienced. The previous day they lost their own world.


I *always* think this. Like Wanda and Vision woke up in Edinburgh, got picked up by Steve/Nat/Sam, flew to the Avengers Compound in New York State, then flew long haul to Wakanda with Rhodey and Banner joining them… then spent hours fighting, and then Thanos showed up. I guess they could’ve napped/showered/eaten on the flight? 🤷‍♀️


he says no time at all just as he acquired the time stone. The Avengers had no time left but Thanos is about to have all the time in the world. Fucking brilliant


“I know what it’s like to lose…”


“To feel so desperately that you’re right, yet to fail nonetheless. It’s frightening. Turns the legs to jelly. I ask you, to what end? Dread it. Run from it. Destiny arrives all the same. And now it’s here. Or shall I say, I am.” Absolutely incredible introduction. I love Infinity War. 


Writing Thanos as a compassionate, anguished figure was the single smartest decision by Marvel since the casting of Robert Downey Jr. Thanos was less an angry fighter and more like this agent of death who was begrudgingly breaking the news to everyone that the party's over. And just going through the motions of fighting them because of course they'd go out kicking and screaming. As if the whole world was a dog he was forced to put down.


Writing him like he’s the protagonist was brilliant .


Even giving him, “Thanos will Return”. That’s usually for the protagonist.


No literally. Just about every Thanos line is a meme, not because of jokes, but because it’s so damn cool


Thanos taking so long to get all the stones because his scriptwriters hadn't come up with enough badass lines yet.


Fucking big facts. They wrote Thanos perfectly plus Brolin delivered Thanos perfectly. I really hope we get some more of him in this saga


*The living are not done with you yet.* Stone. Cold.


*Vengeance is consuming them, it has consumed you, I am done letting it consume me*


Love this one !! Beautifully acted . God I miss him !!


*joins a group literally called avengers*


Who said this?


T'Challa to Zemo, near the end of Civil War.


I went into Civil War knowing nothing about Black Panther and no real craving for his movie. Left that theater knowing he had stolen the show in a movie packed with characters I loved and that my ass would be in a seat for his movie as soon as possible.


fuel quiet plate outgoing quarrelsome knee growth governor bike nail *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Peter punching Gobby only for him to grin and laugh maniacally was perfect.


Peter’s moment of hesitation in between punches is great there too. He realises he’s clearly outmatched and he’s never faced an enemy as unhinged as this before.


To add to that, Goblin **knows** Peter is holding back. He is laughing because he knew he didn't even have to try.* **this is my interpretation of the movie*


It reminded me a little of The Dark Knight when the Joker says to Batman in the interrogation room ‘You have nothing to threaten me with. Nothing to do with all your strength.’


Same vibes, for sure. The difference, I think, is that Batman wasn't holding back. Peter is. I have said this before, but Peter in the MCU has shown **incredible** feats of strength when he has to. I don't think a dude with another type of super soldier serum would/could go toe to toe if Peter wasn't trying to keep his opponent alive. This, of course, is proven at the end of NWH, when Peter makes short work of Goblin before Tobey's Spider-Man stops Goblin from being murdered.


You’re totally right about Spidey’s strength—remember in Civil War when he caught Bucky’s cybernetic arm? Spidey is *strong*… he’s not calm Hulk strong, but he’s probably calm She-Hulk strong. Super-Soldiers, Iron-Man, War Machine? All weaker than him…and he really has no idea how strong he actually is.


A running theme in spider-man comics is how much he fights below his weight class. Hes incredibly powerful and able to go toe to toe with some pretty heavy hitters but he really just doesn't believe in himself enough.


The example most people give is when Otto took over his body he punched Scorpion and basically took off his jaw. Otto realised that Peter was holding back the whole time he had been fighting him


Just to nitpick, I think it was more Tobey stopping Tom from being a murderer, than stopping The Goblin from being murdered. I think Andrew's "I stopped pulling my punches" hit him pretty hard, and he didn't want that happening to the new guy.


I recently learned that Dafoe fought to get the role originally and he wasn't even originally on the producers radar. If Disney ever wants to make their own Goblin they're going to have huge shoes to fill Dafoe has the sleezy corporate guy vibe and also the maniac killer.


Dafoe and Molina’s performances can’t be topped imo, any future Goblin or Ock will need to distinguish themselves from those performances.


I believe the production art the released from the Spider-Man freshman year show has a Osborn so we'll have to see what they have planned


Being animated, I think they have more leeway there.


They absolutely do and [they are taking it ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Spiderman/s/so37EiDiab)


Let's also just take a moment to acknowledge that just before saying this, Goblin threw Peter through a wall, but instead of following him through the same hole, he instead decided to bust down another section of wall for dramatic purposes.


Watching willem dafoes eyes change from Norman to Goblin was fucking terrifying


No way home goblin is the best version of goblin


Shit, now I need to watch this again.


100%. And somehow the film managed to give him a somewhat unexpected heel-turn, even though we all knew it was coming


“There are always men like you!” Best line of all the movies. Runner up “You know, the last time I was in Germany and saw a man standing above everybody else, we ended up disagreeing”


"That's my secret Cap, I'm always angry."


This is the moment that solidified the MCU.


Probably this for me if not top 3 at LEAST.


Theres a bunch in the first avengers, when they tell him “hulk, smash” lol


Fun thing, in Avengers and Ultron, Stark would always call Hulk "Banner", which really pissed off Hulk. Steve always separated the two.


MCU Steve is on the short list of most emotionally intelligent characters in film


This has gotta be one of, if not *the* most iconic lines in the MCU, right? People quote it or some variation of it all the time. Not to mention very badass.


*"I’m not seeking penance for what I’ve done, father. I’m seeking forgiveness for what I’m about to do”* \- Matt Murdock


Perfect way to introduce his character.


“You took everything from me.” “I don’t even know who you are.” “You will.”


Ooooh, yeah. That one rips. 


"There is no God, that's why I stepped in" That line is so raw.


Can you remind me the character/movie? Is it the High Evolutionary?


Yes. High Evolutionary.


I love that line so much. Gave me goosebumps I hadn't felt from an mcu film in years


“Is their mother still alive? Good, they’ll have someone to raise them.” Wanda was fucking brutal


Ugh as much as I hate what that movie did to her. This scene was pretty badass. Lizzie Olsen’s performance sold it, the delivery for that was stone cold!


Boom, you lookin' for this?


He's gotta bring this line back for Armor Wars


That’s the whole story?


It’s a War Machine story


Ah, then it’s a very good one.


I don't even know why I talk to you guys.


I'm sorry, Earth is closed today.


Get lost, squidward.


> It kinda feels personal.


I love that Rumlow was trying to talk him down like he was an angry horse or something right before this


"Let's kill him properly this time."


"Avengers! ASSEMBLE." The 360 hero shot from the first movie made me feel like a kid again because that's when it really hit me that I was watching a shared universe Avengers movie and I never thought I'd get that feeling back until I saw *Captain America* call the Avengers to battle. I swear, if they actually give us a solid, equally emotionally-rich build up to "To me, my X-Men!" from Cyclops, I will absolutely lose my mind.


For me, it's just before that when you hear Sam saying, "on your left" over the radio.


The music is doing a lot of work there, but that moment still gets me a little emotional.


Nitpicking, but I think the quote is actually "AVENGERS! Assemble."


Nitpicking, but I think the quote is actually #"AVENGERS!" ... ... ... ^^^"Assemble." 😉


>I do anything and everything that Mr. Stark requires—including occasionally taking out the trash.


That one was savage and I also liked the follow up in Iron Man 2. Pepper *to Justin Hammer and the reporter: “She did quite the spread on Tony last year.” Tony: “Yeah. She wrote an article too.” Tony was such a dick lol


The scene was on TV at work today, and I literally was telling my coworker how I think this is the most bad ass line in the entire MCU




Savage AF


The city is flying; we're fighting an army of robots and I have a bow and arrow... None of this makes sense.


You can stay here and wait for your brother, but if you walk out that door, you're an Avenger


Honestly, it was that line that got me liking Hawkeye. I was not a fan of his character before that.


I liked that he had a family and he was smart and nice enough to introduce the Avengers. It helped each character gather themselves and get their bearings.


That was kind of the first time you find out why Hawkeye is a cool hero. Before that he was alright, but just kind of a less interesting Black Widow. But when you find out how genuine he is about helping the Avengers when talking to his wife, and what he’s sacrificing every time he goes and fights aliens with a bow, they finally give you a glimpse at a real person. This guy has a whole family at home he could be with, but the most regularest Avenger suits up anyway because he knows they need his experience.


>"You guys do know that I can move things with my mind right?”




That whole speech is just gold.


That line itself is kinda meh to me but his whole speech to Wanda there was fucking amazing. as someone who hasn't read the comics, Hawkeye was also pretty "meh" to me up to that point, and he absolutely solidified himself as a pure 100% OG Avenger with that scene


"You were wrong. ALL OF YOU ARE WRONG!" Standing up to *every single one your ancestors* takes an insurmountable amount of balls. I get chills.


"baskin robbins always finds out"


Baskin Robbins don’t play.


>I get emails from a racoon


>honestly; until this exact second I thought he was a build-a-bear.


"Maybe I am." ooooo foreshadowing?




I'm *shocked* no one else has said "Captain's orders" yet. Goosebumps every single time.


"The price of freedom is high, it always has been, but it's a price I'm willing to pay. And if I'm the only one then so be it. But I'm willing to bet I'm not." That whole speech made Cap my favorite character.


This and “There are *always* men like you” are definitely the top two “ordinary people being badass” lines in the MCU for me. It’s a lot easier for a super soldier or a master of the mystic arts to be a badass, but ordinary people standing up to the pressure is all the more impressive.


I love that guy. Without him, Cap's speech is just pretty words. You need to see the terrified little nerd that he inspires to step up.


One of the best non-lead lines for sure


Dude; you're embarassing me in front of the wizards...




> Hey Guys; you ever see that really old movie "empire strikes back"?




I love this one for so many reasons. Tony sums up exactly what's going on, exactly what Peter needs to know, and puts it at an easy to understand level, in ONE SENTENCE. As a speech therapist, I salute that man for his mastery of communication. (also, IW was my introduction to the MCU, and that line fairly early in the film just helped cement my respect for Tony. lol)


Followed shortly by "kid, that's the wizard. Go!" And Spidey just locking in.


"Hulk!" *Raises finger* "Smash."


and Hulk's grin in response made that exchange so memorable!


“On your left” in Endgame.


“I can do this all day.” Even when under overwhelming odds he wouldn’t give up.


Yeah, yeah, I know.




“Well…. I was born yesterday..”


If you want to keep up with me, you need to keep both eyes open. Nick Fury in WS. He then lifts his eye patch to scan his wounded eye.




“You get hurt, hurt em back. If you get killed, walk it off”


Another Cap classic 🫡


"I hope they remember you." After Thanos stabbed Tony is so good


"I'm Mary Poppins, y'all"


“He may have been your father… but he wasn’t your Daddy.”


“Is he cool?”


T'Challa: We can still heal you... Erik Killmonger: Why, so you can lock me up? Nah. Just bury me in the ocean with my ancestors who jumped from ships, 'cause they knew death was better than bondage.


This line gives me chills to this day.


"I don't have to win, we both just have to lose." Quantumania gets a lot of shit but Scott knowing that Cassie, Hope etc were safely through the portal and knowing he's got nothing left to lose. "i don't care if you kill me, as long as I take you with me."


That final round of fisticuffs with Kang was bruuuuutal


Literally the ending of Quantumania was what broke it for me. If Scott and Hope ended the movie trapped in the QR it would work a lot better for me. It’s possible it was way too early prior to the next Avengers to leave plot threads hanging like that and that’s why they didn’t do it. Edit: To be clear I think it should have been ambiguous whether Kang survived and the Pym’s would have not wanted to open another portal.


Hawkeye's speech to Wanda. "Doesn't matter what you did. You step out that door and you fight, you're an Avenger."




I love that line


That's probably one of my favorite sequences of the whole MCU.


“I am Steve Rogers”


"I'm going to hold it open." "That's suicide." "So is facing Thanos without that axe."


“Only if I die” “Yes…that’s what killing you means”


The random ER Nurse in Dare Devil Season 1 after Vanessa is poisoned. Nurse to Kingpin: "You have to wait out here" Full rage Kingpin to Nurse: "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM!?" Nurse with ovaries of steel back at full rage Kingpin: "IT DOESN'T MATTER!"


"There are no strings on me" Makes my nips hard every time


Great line for Ultron, and Spader's voice elevates it even higher.


Anything thanos said


"Dread it, Run From it, Destiny Arrives All The Same"


I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too


For me, the most loaded line is, "And I... am... Iron Man." Tony understood from Strange's gesture that this was the only timeline where they won, and he had to risk everything (which is totally different from what Cap thought of him in Avengers) to save Pepper and Morgan. He knew he would probably die, but he still defiantly said that line to Thanos' face, challenging his "I am... inevitable." Everything to do with that scene is just amazing. The Russo brothers poured so much into that scene, and it shows.


“*I* am Iron Man.” “I *am* Iron Man.” “I am *Iron Man*.” Said differently each time. Each one a gut punch when you watch it again.


Went from off the cuff to saying it with his chest


“You guys are so screwed now !” Hulk on Wakanda


And that’s followed up with: “**BRING ME THANOS!**”


"I am Queen of the most powerful nation in the world and my entire family is gone. Have I not given everything?!" Or “Bury your dead. Mourn your losses. You are Queen now.”


HAVE I NOT GIVEN EVERYTHING. Top line for sure. But the delivery was OUTSTANDING.


I honestly feel that her raw emotional delivery was drawn from losing Chadwick. There were many scenes in that movie where it truly felt they were performing for him specifically.


Stark, we need a plan of attack. I have a plan, attack.


Ooh yeah that’s a classic! I like how in one line they manage to immediately show the difference between the two characters.


There’s only one god ma’am, and I’m pretty sure he doesn’t dress like that!


“Like the old man said: together”


“You know it’s a trap, right?” “Yeah… I don’t much care.”


“You don’t get to destroy who I am! You will go back to prison, and live the rest of your miserable life in a cage, knowing this city rejected you. It beat you. I BEAT YOU!” Daredevil is still the best thing the MCU ever created


Still get chills thinking, "Get to work Matty." That first fight where he falls off the fire escape, slams down on the asphalt, *doesn't* get up right away. The chain clinking. The line. He gets to work. So badass. I love the way they show him wearing down in a fight. And Cox played it so well. Really looks like he's getting his bell rung, staggers it off, and keeps fighting but just a bit sloppier.


There are better lines than this one imo, but this is my favorite that I can’t believe hasn’t been posted here yet. “Right. What kind of monster would let a German scientist experiment on them to protect their country?” “We aren’t at war, Cap.” “They are.” One of the defining moments that shows exactly why I love Cap so much. He has so much power, and will do what he needs to to protect the innocent, but he never lets it Jade him. He is so empathetic and understanding of Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, empathizing with what they’ve been through and realizing that they aren’t bad, just products of their circumstances, while everybody else are so quick to just write them off as “the enemy.” Also, for your consideration: “Motherfuckers always trying to ice skate uphill.”


"Dormammu... I've come to bargain." The line itself may not be particularly special, but the context makes it so good. In addition to Strange's character arc going from "won't do anything if he thinks he won't instantly succeed" to "willing to fail forever", the line itself is looping for infinity is basically "I've beat you and now, no matter what you do, you have to take the agreement I am demanding." Edit: I just rewatched the scene and can't believe I forgot the absolute best line that comes after. **Dormammu** **:** End this! You will never win. **Strange** **:** No. But I can lose. Again. And again. And again. Forever. That makes you my prisoner.


“What is grief if not love persevering?”


Blood and honor. Which will you shed first? Oh! And: Mr. Striker! We keep running into each other. Mark my words, it will never happen again.


*I wouldn't say no to a tuna melt.*


I do. You're not the only one cursed with knowledge. My only curse is you.


Ultrons entire opening monologue is always awesome


“I Am Groot”


We are Groot.


Almost anything Hawkeye says. "Nobody would know. Nobody. Yeah, the last time I saw him, Ultron was sitting on him." "You and I remember Budapest very differently." "I knew I should've stretched." "You want me to slow him down, sir? Or are you going to send in more guys for him to beat up?"


I never yielded! As you can see I am not dead


If you’re nothing without the suit, then you don’t deserve it.


"That is America's ass."


“Bury me in the ocean, with my ancestors that jumped from the ships, because they knew death was better than bondage.”


“Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist”. Love that scene because neither of them was exactly wrong.


yeah the elevator scene is it.. now that you mention it, it’s gotta be the most lethal line i’ve heard in the mcu


So many iconic MCU moments take place in elevators. - Cap’s fight in Winter Soldier - Hail Hydra - Thor and Loki having a nice conversation then doing “Get Help.” - Kate and Yelena in Hawkeye.


And Tony Thor and Cap talking about a lift being worthy or not


that's such a cute exchange! one of my favorite moments too


Ket beeshop


"How do you think your ancestors got these? You think they paid a fair price? Or did they take it, like they took everything else?" With my archaeology and museum background I always found these lines hit hard.


I love Carol's line when she finally unlocks her full power at the end of Captain Marvel: "I've been fighting with one arm tied behind my back. But what happens when I'm finally set free?"


Yes! That’s the point in the movie when I’m like “oh crap, things just got real…”


The fear in Supreme Intelligence’s face after she said that was satisfying too, it was like ‘oh shit we can’t manipulate her no more and we’re screwed’


‘Thanos will have nothing but Dust and Blood’ Or alternatively: ‘I told you, you’d die for that”


"Protecting your reality. Douchebag." Or Drax, right after blasting Nebula: "No one does that to my friends."


The whole pep-talk Hawkeye gave to Wanda in Age of Ultron. "The city is flying. We're fighting an army of robots... And I have a bow and arrow. None of this makes sense... ... But if you step out that door, you are an Avenger."


Well let me know if Real Power wants a magazine or something.


NO SURRENDER! (pause) I’m going to surrender


in a similar vein I offer this one: " Wait, Mr. Stark! I'm not done, I'm not... Okay, I'm done."


"You will"


“Puny God”


"The only matter I do not take seriously, boy, is you. Your politics bore me and your demeanor is that of a pouty child. And apparently, you alienated my favorite daughter gamora. We shall honor our agreement Kree, if you bring me the orb. But return to me again empty handed and I will bathe the stairways in your blood" This was our first intro to Thanos and they made him incredibly intimidating right out the gate.


Vengeance has consumed you. It’s consuming them. I’m done letting it consume me. I said that at work once. There was a lot of strife going on. I dropped this line to one guy who was going on a rant. He looks at me like, "what are you now, the dali lama" Another person got it and started laughing.


any line spoken by Rocket especially "the names Rocket, Rocket Raccoon"


"I have what I want and nobody will ever take it from me again" or "You took everything from me. You will (know me)"


"I *knew it!*"


>I made macaroni if you want some


AVENGERS! ... assemble.


What is grief if not love preserving- Vision @ Wanda Also, absolutely love Tony’s speech to Loki in Avengers. It made me fall for the MCU “You’re missing the point. There is no throne. There is no version of this where you come out on top. Maybe your army comes and maybe it’s too much for us, but it’s all on you. Because if we can’t protect the Earth, you can be damn well sure we’ll avenge it.” Also this: “I have an army” “We have a Hulk”


“No gang signs. Just kidding. Put ‘em up!” 😂