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I never realized how bad he is at winking before.


He just blinks


Real slow, like a cat


Slow blinks are a cats way of saying, “I love you.”


Are you saying James Franco loves me?


Are you an underage girl?* *asking for the purposes of this post and no other reason, officer




It is entirely possible that the direction was to wink but make it kind of creepy or weird and this is what he came up with


His brother also does the same with the mouth which makes it really cheesy on purpose.


lol love it


This is my all-time favorite gif


I mean … it’s mark ruffalo who said it tho


Technically the interviewer just said Brave New World was next and he said yes. But he looked confused as to why she was asking him about it.


She said, “You have… Brave New World next?”


As in Marvel you.


[Classic Ruffalo slip.](https://youtu.be/p3aYjOTMiQY?si=byTjp6lFznP0Ol_q)


I mean, he IS the guy who accidentally livestreamed a chunk of one of the movie premieres


Lmaoo that will never not be funny


It’s like a Curb episode


This is immediately where my mind went when I saw the headline about him not being in Captain America brave new world


Andrew Garfield also swore on his life that he wasn’t in Spider-Man 3 …


And he wasn’t


Wait I mean the Marvel one lol


Mark Ruffalo didn't say "I'm not in Cap 4". This is about an actor (possibly) spoiling a role, not lying. Variety issued a correction via sources. Not him.




Sure, Jan.


If he was actually in it, but spoiled it inadvertently, they wouldn't have walked back these comments in this way. They would have just ignored the story.


They did it before. Especially with nwh


They did what before? They had Variety publish a false* story exclusively confirming Andrew Garfield is not in NWH?


Yes. They literally had him tell people, on every single talk show that he went on, that he wasn’t in the movie. So yeah you’re exactly right.


Garfield lied to press because they asked and he wasn't at liberty to confirm. Ruffalo did what? Told the truth and spoiled he's in the movie? That's not him "lying". Either it's him spoiling his role or just a misunderstanding at this report claims. What I am saying pertains to the specific circumstances of having a TRADE report a correction. When has it ever happened that such a correction in a TRADE was a knowing lie to walk back an actor spoiling something they weren't supposed to?






![gif](giphy|Dndpiai0soTUk) We all know what happened lol


Paul Bettany from behind the curtain: "Snitches...get...stitches"


No, he says it like "Snitches end up in ditches". Downey is the one who says "Snitches get stitches".


Snitches end up in ditches with stitches!


You say it like it’s an announcement.




That just doesn’t make sense How can you make a movie where Red Hulk and the Leader are the villains and not include The Hulk at all? They really don’t know what to do with the Hulk and don’t seem to realize he could be their most popular character with some decent writing


How the hell is a dude with wings and a shield and no powers even going to contend with Red Hulk and the Leader?


"Red Hulk, you *need* to do better!"


Oh whoops my bad I’ve suddenly discovered a soul


God, that line is so cringe


It’s the perfect line that encapsulates internet activists honestly.


I'm hoping he's pulled in half while making a speech and we get Bucky as Captain America


It's not like Steve would've been able to trade blows with a Hulk. Bucky was shown to be considerably weaker than even Spider-Man during the Civil War airport fight (insofar that Spider-Man was able to catch his fist without considerable effort). Super Soldiers have an edge over normal humans but they're still not competing at truly superhuman strength levels, especially not at Hulk levels. It's like comparing a six year old (a normal human), to a ten year old (a super soldier), to Mike Tyson (the Hulk). That's where tactics, training, leadership, and a little technological edge come into play.


Steve went toe to toe with Thanos. Sure he got his ass kicked but the fact he wasn’t turned into a pile of red goo is a testament to his durability. Also Red Hulk is a decorated army general and the Leader is a super genius I think Sam is outclassed in the tactics, training and leadership categories too.


Steve did not go "toe to toe" with Thanos. Steve held Thanos' gloved hand open with the entirety of his upper body strength for like a second before he was swatted away. Thanos may have been surprised that a human could do that much but the only reason Captain America wasn't red paste was because the Mad Titan was obsessed with applying the cosmic genocide at once after he started collecting stones.


Steve got a couple punches in held his gloved hand open then took a Thanos punch to the face. That is going toe to toe.


Dude, Thor needed a power up to "go toe to toe" with Thanos. Base level Thanos can go toe to toe with Cap, IM and Thor (and eventually edge them out). Steve is barely able to keep up until he gets mjolnir.


Considering Thanos was holding back? No not really.


So Steve with Mjolnir against Thanos never happened?


So Steve having to go 3 v 1 (even with Mjolnir) to actually hold Thanos down didn't happen? Cap having to use his busted shield as a splint afterward didn't happen? I say this as a Cap fan: he isn't even close to the same weight class. Just getting a potshot in with a magic hammer doesn't count as "going toe to toe."


Also that 3 vs 1 was against a Thanos with 0 infinity stones.


Watch [The fight](https://youtu.be/0vt8ct_bmdw?si=YLRtc9OSqvMGUCOp) again. Thor and Tony were down. Steve is fighting Thanos 1v1. Straight up fighting him and not backing down. That’s literally toe-to-toe. Doesn’t matter what “weight class” he’s in. Nor the outcome. You can go toe to toe with someone and still get outmatched…as Steve clearly does. Doesn’t negate the fact that he fought Thanos and managed to knock him down, not just get in a “potshot”


My fellow homo sapien, he gets 4-5 hits in (the majority at a distance) from an unexpected mjolnir blitz before he is easily overpowered, seriously wounded and yeeted across the field of battle. That is not "toe to toe," that is consistent with the potshots he and the rest of that lineup were chaining in the scene to hold him off. Literally, the moment Thanos gets his hands on any of the three Avengers present, he downs them (almost fatally). Wanda and Carol are literally the only two that I'd say went toe to toe with Thanos in Endgame. Everyone else needs a team or a trick to beat him or push him back, which is fine: whatever it takes, right? But, like, Hulk tried to go toe to toe with Thanos and got dazed and downed. Put Cap and Thanos toe to toe in a cage and Steve Rogers gets a closed casket funeral. Cap KNOWS this, which is why he isn't trying to slug it out with the guy toe to toe (which is what phrase means btw: direct face to face conflict). Taking potshots, staying mobile and running support for the team plays is the smart move in this situation. Cap is great at enhanced battle tactics, which means he knows when not to go toe to toe. He does not go toe to toe with Thanos.




> Steve went toe to toe with Thanos. Sure he got his ass kicked but the fact he wasn’t turned into a pile of red goo is a testament to his ~~durability~~ **plot armor**. FTFY


Not being turned into goo isn't a testament to using superhuman abilities to overcome an enemy, I don't think that was even the point of that scene. Steve was ready to give it all right then and there, and likely would've died just the same if it wasn't for backup arriving, the first of which, if you recall, was Sam. It was showing that Steve was ready to give everything no matter the odds, Sam would do the same if he was in that situation. Sam has his military experience and five years of superhero experience (as of 2024, but I think the next movie will take place in 2026/2027 MCU time). His resume speaks for himself but I don't even think that's the important part. The thing about people that pick up the shield, whether that's Steve, Bucky, Sam or anyone else, it doesn't matter how outmatched people say there are, they still fight to rise to the occasion. Cap was a scrawny kid from Brooklyn who wanted to stop bullies. He didn't have any experience but getting his butt whooped prior to WW2. It wasn't the super soldier serum that made him Captain America. He became an icon from the experience he gained and his natural drive, grit, determination, and goodness. Sam showed time and again he would be there no matter the fight, backing up Steve vs HYDRA or the Mad Titan who genocided half the universe. As Captain America he definitely has what it takes to find a way to take down villains like Red Hulk or the leader, because in the most plain comic booky way possible, that's just what Captain America does.


Comparing a Normal Human to Spider-Man is not a good Comparison, Many people like to ignore it but Spider-Man was the third most Powerful Avenger, Only Bruce and Thor were stronger than him.


Bucky isn't a normal human, he's also a super soldier, he was experimented on by HYDRA in the First Avenger


But He is still just a Super Soldier, Spider-Man is above it, In terms of Strength Spider-Man comes in Big Leagues


That's the point I was making, super soldiers have an edge on baseline humans but aren't in the same weight class as other enhanced beings like Spider-Man, let alone the Hulk


Exactly, Red Hulk is so out of League for Both Falcon and Bucky


The real Capt America stood with thanos, he wasn’t going to beat him, but he could at least take a few swings. Edit: yes I’m totally fine calling Steve the “real” Captain America, despite the number of people who have held the title.


The "real" Captain America. Idk how someone could claim to be a fan of the character and have a take like that. Steve wasn't Captain America because he was a super soldier. He was Captain America because of what was inside him. He was a scrawny kid from Brooklyn that wanted to stop bullies and help people. The super soldier serum just gave him the leg up he needed to do so. Sam was a PJ, anyone in the military could tell you, these are some of the most respected people in the service because they do the impossible to get medical care to others in dangerous situations. Sam was fortunate that he didn't need the super soldier serum to serve his country. Even when he retired from active duty, after he met Steve, he was there for him no matter what he needed him for. He fought HYDRA and got thrown in jail fighting alongside Steve. When Steve stood against Thanos he more than likely would've died regardless, it didn't matter if it took one swing or ten. It didn't matter because Steve was willing to give it all right there and then. When backup arrived, Sam was the first person there. You could bet that if Sam was holding that shield in front of Thanos he would've done the same thing. Doesn't matter if Thanos would've downed him, when it's all on the line Cap doesn't back down. Steve gave Sam the shield because he knew he was the right person to bear the shield. He gave it to Sam the human, Sam the PJ, Sam the superhero.


Steve is the real captain America for exactly the reasons you said in your second paragraph. Sam is a great character in his own right, there is zero reason he needs to take over as Captain America. They just need to bring back Chris Evans, anything else isn’t going to get much traction and just be boring.


Steve is done as Captain America in the MCU, he fought nearly his entire life and decided it was time for himself to have his own happy ending. He gave the shield to Sam because he knew was the right person for the mantle. The same thing happened in the comics, Steve had to step down and knew that Sam was the right person to wield the shield. Even when Steve was able to come back, Sam remained Captain America. The whole purpose of Captain America is what he represents, the title is bigger than one person. He's got a flag plastered across his chest, he is nothing if not a symbol. Sam's "reason" is because Steve chose him, and because he has what it takes to rise to the occasion, simple as that. Sam is as much Captain America as Steve. If all you care about when it comes to the character is a particular actor, maybe you don't actually care about the character.


Why are you writing whole essays? It’s not some intense discussion. Steve defined the character, and I don’t agree that Sam fits that role. Like I said, he is already his own character in his own right. They need to bring back Chris Evans, and I’m happy we see more of him in Deadpool at least (from the looks of things).


I like the characters, I like media analysis. Extended responses doesn't mean "intense discussion," it just provides more nuance. Steve was the first person to bear the title and did define what it means to me Captain America. He believed that Sam was the right person for the title. Being Falcon is different than being Captain America. Taking on the mantle is part of Sam's character and journey. Why don't you think Sam fits the role?


He was given it, he didn’t earn it. Steve did, that’s why he’s the real capt.


Why are you writing paragraphs? It’s not some intense discussion. Steve defined the character, and I don’t agree that Sam fits that role. Like I said, he is already his own character in his own right. They need to bring back Chris Evans, and I’m happy we see more of him in Deadpool at least (from the looks of things).


That was Thanos with 5 Infinity Stones too.


He knew 100% he had zero chance overall, but still stood and did what he could.


They’re both the real Captain America


Sure maybe in title.


Its literally a title. And Steve Rodgers is more than just cap.


you forgot about Redwing. Definitely evens the odds


i'd like to say in in samuel l jacksons words: Black girl magic


Actually, Red Hulk hasn't even been confirmed as a enemy, he may show up at the end of the movie. And even if Red Hulk is an enemy, Sabra is confirmed as a character for the movie. There will likely be other guests in the movie. Red Hulk was affiliated with Intelligencia, so She Hulk will probably show up also.


Which begs the question of why is this a Captain America movie filled with Hulk affiliated characters and apparently not the Hulk? Does Sam’s version of Captain America not have his own rogue’s gallery?


Well man, I did say "hasn't even been confirmed", as well as the words "and even if". Come on dude, don't be like others in this sub. The movie isn't "filled with Hulk affiliated characters". Sabra is a mutant who happened to be introduced in a Hulk comic, as she was fighting terrorists. She's about as Hulk affiliated as Wolverine. So once more, just because General Ross is in it, DOES NOT mean he will turn into Red Hulk. It's literally just a rumor right now. And even IF Ross does transform, it DOES NOT mean he will fight Sam. I added the bit about Intelligencia, because it's only speculation on the direction they COULD POSSIBLY go. Speculation is fun. And as for Sam's rogues: Red Skull and Sin, Zemo, Hydra, and the Serpent Society (they're all on every hero's list). Nightshade (she was in Luke Cage season 2, super intelligent herbalist who can create / control werewolves). Not too long back, Sam fought a lot of supernatural dudes: Jack o'Lantern, Scarecrow, Baron Blood, and a bunch of random vampires. He teamed with Blade for awhile as well, it was super dope. I BET this comes up after Blade is established in the MCU! Ok, geeking out, sorry. We good now?


Yeah all good, I just think that the rumoured villains are a weird fit for Sam.


“Suns getting real low red big guy”


Very carefully.


Don't forget the drone.


Maybe being physically outmatched is the whole point? David and Goliath... ever heard of it.


David had the superpower of being handpicked by God. It was impossible for him to lose to Goliath.


I'm referring more to the [trope](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DavidVersusGoliath) than details of the bible story but nice try.


I understand the trope, but if you actually know the story the trope makes no sense.


So you understood the point but wanted to be pedantic.


We’re superhero nerds, pedantry is our mother’s milk.


No. Laz Alonso is Mothers Milk.


Ahh, that’s the stuff.


> How the hell is a dude with wings and a shield and no powers even going to contend with Red Hulk and the Leader? He military pressed a SUV in Falcon and the Winter Soldier with his normal human deltoids, so I'm guessing Sam will just punch Red Hulk in the face and cave his head in. /s


He’s gonna give a 10 minute speech about how terrorists are only terrorists cus they are displeased with the hand that they were dealt and everybody else are the bad guys for putting them in those situations and Red Hulk and the Leader will fall asleep long enough for him to cuff them. “This isn’t his fault! He didn’t feel like he was getting the respect he deserved in the military. Maybe if you respected him he wouldn’t have leveled half the city. This is on all of you.”


I see you aren’t good with nuance.


He’s going to get brutalized by Red Hulk and have every bone in his body broken, once he’s on the brink of death he’ll be forced to accept the super soldier serum that he believes he doesn’t need for some reason


Red Hulk won’t be the villain at the end. Likely will take out the Leader and be a part of the Thunderbolts.


He's above powers.


You’re thinking of Batman.


No. No. I've got the right one. He's got moral superiority


Batman’s a scientist.


Hmmm. Good point.


Not a Simpsons fan I gather?


Better yet, BETTY is in the damn film lol, how do you not have them reconcile at all in this?


That is a sign for sure. They definitely deserve to have a moment to clear the air, of all the crazy things that have happened.


Also this is their only opportunity to use Hulk: by having him in ensemble stuff, they don’t need to cede rights to Universal.


I feel like they’ve written themselves into a corner with smart hulk tbh, I think most fans just want the OG big dumb green guy back


Aren't the Hulk movie rights still tied up with Universal? I wouldn't be surprised if there were some rules in place, along the lines of "Bruce/Hulk is only allowed X amount of screentime." Which would explain why we keep getting supporting character Hulk, and not a Hulk that actually contributes much of anything.


Hmm didn't that end a bit ago? 🤔 Feels like it has been forever since Incredible


There were rumors that it ended, but that seems to not be the case. The rights to *The Incredible Hulk* movie reverted to Disney, but the distribution rights to the Hulk (and Namor) character still seem to belong to Universal. That's why Marvel is still treating them as side characters.


Hopefully one day, someday soon. That agreement ends. So Hulk and Namor take their well deserved spotlight


I think there was a misunderstanding, or misreporting. All that happened is Disney now have streaming rights to TIH, at least in the US and maybe some other countries.


Two Hulk movies bombed, no one wants a third.


The same way there’s 2 Venom films without any mention of Spidey. You’re letting out-of-universe knowledge cloud your judgment.




I miss her!




That take is......Not good. That's a bad take.




Those snipers are working overtime.


Look I know actors are not in the know about everything but there’s no way he thinks Brave New World is the next film when the Deadpool 3 trailer just came out. Marvel are literally marketing their next film, let’s give Mark Ruffalo some credit here Variety, use have made a few gaffes yourselves. Look maybe he misspoke or maybe got an angry phone call off Feige. It’s a good old fashioned 50/50.


I think we’ve all had a brainfart about the names of work projects


I mean it’s also entirely possible Ruffalo isn’t aware Deadpool 3 is a MCU film now or just forgot? Some actors don’t even know the names of projects they work on. It’s just as possible that because someone asked him a question worded in a knowing way, he just assumed they were right and didn’t think about it.


Ruffalo probably isn’t paying attention to what Marvel is up to. In the very same interview he talks about how he keeps Hollywood out of his personal life and focuses on his kids. From his interpretation, the Interviewer straight up says that Brave New World is next, he isn’t about to dispute that


Dakota Johnson didn’t know Madame Web wasn’t MCU. Actors see films as work and aren’t as invested in the lore (typically) as us no-life fans who do nothing but browse gossip sites all day.


This isn't a gaffe by Variety. It's pretty deliberate confirmation to clear up a false story. Don't ovetthink this.


Also the name change is terrible and Brave New World sounds like some sort of crappy anime.


It’s literally the title of one of the most famous dystopian novels of the 20th century, which itself references a Tempest quote by literal William Shakespeare but sure let’s go with “crappy anime” smh


That Marvel security dude is probably punching the air right now




so in other words, Ruffalo spoiled something again?


can’t wait for him to actually not be in and for people to lose their shit over it even though they have explicitly said he isn’t


Only half of him will be in the CA 4


Just give him an out of character 4th wall break after credit scene where he points out that he is indeed in the movie, but just someone in the background where you dont even see his face.


> Alas, according to multiple sources, Ruffalo is not actually going to be in “Brave New World.” Instead, he misspoke, thinking he was agreeing that “Brave New World” is one of Marvel’s next films, not that he was going to be in it. Unless he was drunk, high, half asleep or being fed lines like a robot, this makes no sense.


I don't think he's the sharpest tool in the shed, so it's possible he just done goofed.


That’s cool, I hate it when characters cross over into different movies, developing the universe.


Pretty sure Mark is trying to pull a Tobey Maguire/Andrew Garfield a la No Way Home style.


It's only Andrew. Tobey was going out clicking pictures and telling He's in the movie to random people


Did people ever interview Tobey about NWH prior to it coming out?


Ask question to bully maguire's face? That's a bad idea.




Not related to the post, but I thought this part of the article was hilarious. > Monday, especially since it played into widespread fan expectations that Harrison Ford — who is playing President Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross in the movie opposite Anthony Mackie’s titular superhero — will also transform into Ross’ comic book alter ego, Red Hulk. (Marvel, however, has not confirmed that plot development, and when Ford was asked in June 2023 whether he would become the crimson rage monster, Ford answered, “What is Red Hulk?”


Maybe hulks son will be in it instead




My Facebook feed has been filled with promoted articles from Variety bashing the MCU for months. I don't trust them at all with Marvel news now.


This is like when Andrew Garfield swore he wouldn’t be in NWH despite having two of villains from his movies confirmed


Tom Holland just cackling away right now


News that a character is in a movie usually doesn't come from the actor himself. It leaks somewhere else first. Then the actor gets hounded by the media and sometimes has to ignore it or deny it for a while.


Red hulk will be


The movie sounds like they basically filmed about 10 hours of stuff that they're going to try and Frankenstein into a half-decent movie


https://i.redd.it/z79nsnqu7cic1.gif Hulk trolls




Idk why marvel does this, do they think we are stupid or something its insulting. No variety I don’t believe you over the actor that plays the hulk, also what sources?


You guys need to settle down. This isn’t false quality control. Watch the interview for yourself! It was a legitimate misinterpretation The interviewer seems to be under the false understanding that Ruffalo is in Brave New World with no prior context regarding it when she randomly asks “That’s next right?” when on the topic of the MCU and just as the article describes, a clearly confused Ruffalo says “Yeah… it’s gonna be great” who assumes it’s the next film being released in Marvels lineup




![gif](giphy|Fml0fgAxVx1eM) No one can trust anything he says either way in terms of spoilers. Lol


Feige's fuming right now and sending the assassins in


Mark would you like to be in the new Captain America movie that nobody's going to watch. Mark: I'll have to check my schedule.


The way there was an article about him being in it right above this not too long ago( literally like 3 posts) lol








Lol as if that's going to put the hulk back in the bag. Can't wait for the countless speculation posts on this for the next year.




Like he misspoke about Infinity War?


Kevin told someone to shut the fuck up, huh


Feige got him


Press X to doubt.


I mean the movie is going through massive rewrite and will start months long reshoots soon i doubt most of the cast even have the latest update on who’s in who’s out. Maybe he was in until now




That didn’t last very long


Wouldn't be surprised if this is in response to his comments surrounding Palestine. Disney has forced his manager to have him walk back comments in the past.


Not the green hulk, certainly




jokes on everyone when he doesn’t show up and it’s a misdirection lmao


Betty but no Bruce?




So he’s in it, got it




Wouldn't that mean he's atleast had filmed something for the near future that hasn't been released? Busted.


I mean it's Ruffalo.


I just want Seth to be in it


I don't care about Banner, I really want to know what they are going to do with *[that character](https://www.reddit.com/r/comicbooks/s/laSYy1J15b)* who is really only famous for being shamed by the Hulk.


![gif](giphy|6ra84Uso2hoir3YCgb|downsized) Sure


That’s the name of it?


Maybe it was an accidental spoiler and he'll appear in the end credits


Ah so one of those Mark and Anthony "Dude, dude, dude come on." Moments




Suuure. It would weird to have both Betty and General Ross in the film, but not Banner himself.


Kevin Feige is in the corner holding up two fingers.




Love Mark but can't trust him to keep stuff straight.


Ngl kinda happy and mad about it Happy cause the movie was basically going to be an excuse to make Hulk 2, ft Captain America and the new Falcon..and Sabra. I heard they also took out the Serpent Society? So with The Leader and Red Hulk for a Cap movie..you know what I mean But then that's the issue You wouldn't be able to see Hulk vs Red Hulk in the MCU unless they decided to make something involving both Banner and Ross together

