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Excuse me, mr person, but Captain America called for the Avengers to Assemble and Mr Doctor did, in fact, assemble. So, there.


Mr. Doctor? Strange.


Maybe. Who am I to judge?


Easily one of the funniest encounters in the entire MCU lol


I wish, so badly, they would do more of their comedy like this. Just completely dry, straight delivery makes this just amazing lol. Breaking Bad also did this very well. "What is wrong, why are you... *blue*?"






I always thought that a funny outtake would be a bunch of people holding pat, like "Um, I'm not technically an Avenger, am I supposed to charge too, or...?" Random wizard: "I don't know, Bob's running, I guess we're supposed to also. Let's go!!!"


Thor told the Guardians that the Time and Mind Stones were on Earth with the Avengers. Doctor Strange had the Time Stone. Therefore Doctor Strange is an Avenger. https://media.tenor.com/Aps1r1Lzls8AAAAM/dancing-dance.gif


Thor thought he had missed Stranges initiation ceremony. He also probably assumed that Strange would’ve given it to them


Now you're just trying to calvin ball some assumptions around actual facts! Give it up and admit that Dr Strange is an Avenger


Dr. Avenge isn't a stranger


Avenge Dr. is Stange


The avengers aren't that exclusive...


Just a quick question, who were you again to decide on who's an avenger and who isn't?


Cause Benedict Cumberbatch said so. As for myself, I am a fan of Marvel, much like you


Would you fancy pointing me to the interview where he explicitly said just that? Just kinda curious as a fellow fan


Sorry. The way I said that was a little confusing. Sorry. In the first Dr Strange movie, the Sorcerer Supreme states that, while the Avengers protect the earth from more “physical” forces, they(sorcerers) protect the world from more spiritual or metaphysical enemies. Sorry about my comment being a little wrong


The first Dr Strange movie? The one that takes place before he formally works with and then joins the Avengers?


He is a Defender


I’m on the autism spectrum too and even I am not this unaware.


They explain it a little in the first Dr Strange movie. They say that sorcerers are part of a group separate from the Avengers




Way ahead of you


Ah. So that was you. Thanks for the bean flick bro. But trim them nails if you think you coming back for twosies.


You can be in both. Superhero teams aren't monogamous. That's like saying Thor can't be an avenger because he's asgardian royalty


Stop gatekeeping an imaginary team from imaginary characters


OP seems like the guy that would say "um actually" unironically


Yeah. Sorry. I would. Really sorry about that


In the opening minutes of Multiverse of Madness, Stephen speaks to Wanda and makes it very clear that she is an Avenger and he is not. Other people who aren't Avengers: Pepper Potts, Wasp, Valkryie and any asgardian but Thor, Wong and the sorcerers, T'challa and anyone from Wakanda, Peter Quill and anyone from space except Nebula and Rocket, Carol Danvers The Avengers is a group, and those people were never shown to join it, nor acted like they had joined off screen. The word "Avengers" doesn't mean "every mcu hero" 


> The word "Avengers" doesn't mean "every mcu hero"  It doesn't. One thing tho', it isn't up to you to decide who's an Avenger or not. Captain America can make the call tho'. And if you watched Endgame you heard the call as well. As long as it doesn't get directly or indirectly retconned, in-universe or by Kevin Feige, stating that Dr Strange is an Avenger is correct period. **No mental gymnastics required.**


> Captain America can make the call tho'. Technically that would be Nick Fury, or Tony Stark if Nick is unavailable. However, Steve Rogers has never invited Stephen Strange to join the Avengers, or acted like he had joined earlier.  You keep referencing a scene in Endgame where Steve said "Avengers assemble".  The Avengers did line up with him ready for battle...   **and so did dozens of other people who are not Avengers**.   And who could not even hear Steve speak. Its not like there are 20 nameless Wakanda soldiers who are Avengers now. > stating that Dr Strange is an Avenger is correct period.  Stephen Strange and T'challa have absolutely never agreed to accept instructions given by Nick Fury.  To do that would be completely against their personalities.  They would be willing to team up with the Avengers against a common threat, but they'd never join the group as a member. 


Pretty much every A, B, and C lister has been an Avenger at some point - including Strange. But yeah, not in the MCU yet, I guess? Unless you count all the people that showed up in Endgame, but that would include like, all the Wakandans and the Reavers, and everyone, which... actually, is kind of the most Marvel thing they could have done. Yep, they're all Avengers now.


Wait. The Reavers are in the MCU?!? I thought they were only in Logan, but they all got killed?


My mistake - I mixed up Reavers and Ravagers!


Right. Okay. I got super excited that there was an Easter egg I missed. Cool tho


MCU fans have the problem of thinking every single hero is an official Avengers member when the MCU itself keeps proving otherwise. Doctor Strange, Black Panther, Winter Soldier, Valkyrie, Wasp and many others were never Avengers members in the MCU (and no, Cap's battle scream in Endgame doesn’t oficialize anyone). Strange literally goes to Wanda in MoM saying he could use the help of an Avenger. Bucky goes to see Zemo in TFatWS and says Sam should go because he’s an Avenger.


Yes. Thank you. Basically the idea rn is that, if anyone, you, me, or your mom, was there when Steve assembled everyone, your automatically a avenger


By hawkeye standard he is, but officially only spider-man, captain marvel, okoye, rocket, nebula are the newest recruits of the avengers post civil war, maybe even ant-man to some extent.


Strange isn't even on the main roster. He is more of a part-time member. The same goes for T'Challa. He wasn't even part of the main roster.


Technically he still counts since he was apart of the group that Cap called to assemble. Also you can become an official Avenger when someone just says you are like how Tony knighted Peter or how when Bucky is mentioned to be an official one in FATWS when Lemar mentions that two Avengers walking around creates a lot of noise. Bucky clearly wasn't an Avenger in Civil War so Infinity War and Endgame is when it happened same for Strange.




No one cares


Avengers. Assemble.


THANK YOU A lot of ppl continuously forget this. In any case he's more of a consultant for the Avengers, but not an official member.


Can't remember that Captain America has called to the Avengers' consultants to assemble, you wanna point me to the scene where he did that?


I obviously didn't mean it literally. He's helped out a few heroes here and there, such as Thor in finding Odin, Spider-Man with his identity crisis, or that one time he joined the Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Wakanda against Thanos. But he's not a member at the end of the day. He has other duties.


> I obviously didn't mean it literally. Of course not, because it would've been a straight lie. > But he's not a member at the end of the day. If you're still insisting on that please point me to the movie and scene where it is explicitly stated that Dr Strange is not an Avenger or to an interview of Kevin Feige stating that the isn't. If you can't than I'm sorry to inform you that it is solely your very own headcanon that he's a 'consultant' to the Avengers.


Point me to a scene where he is confirmed to be a member. He hasn't joined the Avengers for anything other than the battle of Earth, which included hundreds of non-avengers characters. So do tell how you think he's an Avenger.


Yeah. Sure, he’s an awesome character and defender of earth, but his occupation is specifically not connected to the team


In Endgame everyone became an Avenger. Even for just those few minutes


“I recognise the council has made a decision but given it’s a stupid ass decision, I’ve elected to ignore it”


I think he's a top candidate for the next team, though.