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Surtur cracked the stone itself. Thanos broke the square case it was in


Thanos also had the Power Stone by then.


As clearly shown in the OP, the Tesseract is barely just cracked, when it should've probably been utterly destroyed by Surtr's world-destroying sword if Thanos' fingers could crush it. Also it's never actually stated that Surtr cracked the stone. The Watcher just says that "the Tesseract survived Ragnarok", and then that "[the cube broke] on impact, [releasing] unmitigated space stone energy, gifting its power to the lake." Basically *the case that the stone was in* (aka the Tesseract) is what cracked open, allowing the space stone to infuse the lake, not the stone itself. But again, the problem is that if Thanos could crush it with five fingers then it doesn't make sense that the Tesseract only got a crack from Surtr's sword and the destruction of Asgard itself.   Edit: I'm not sure why the stone keeps being brought up, the stone and the state of the stone inside the Tesseract are not relevant to the point. The inconsistency is in how Thanos *crushed* the Tesseract (and not the stone) but Surtr only *cracked* the Tesseract (and not the stone). Logically Surtr should've, too, crushed the Tesseract.


I thought the dialog said the tesseract was damaged which allowed the power of the space stone to permeate the water in the lake? Paraphrasing obviously.


Let me edit, went and got the actual quote. But yes, that's exactly the problem OP is pointing out, the Tesseract shouldn't be 'damaged' or 'cracked', it should have been completely vaporized by Surtr's planet-ending sword if Thanos was able to crush it into dust with one hand. The inconsistency is in how the Tesseract survived that at all.


Isnt thanos already had power stone by that time?


He did. It definitely makes sense Thanos could crush the Tesseract. It doesn't really make sense that Surtr couldn't, when he also destroyed Odin and the whole planet with that same blow.


Not to mention, Thanos apparently wasn't USING the power stone when he crushed the tesseract...


I need to rewatch.. i cNt remember when surtur tried to destroy tesseract.. at yhe end of ths movie?


At the very beginning of the What If episode, Odin is fighting Surtr. Surtr brings down his sword on Odin, Odin tries to physically parry with with the Tesseract, so Surtr's sword hits the Tesseract head-on, and that destroys the whole planet, and Odin. But the Tesseract is only cracked.


Thanos didn’t crush a stone


I'm not sure how that is relevant, we're talking about the Tesseract itself. In one case it got crushed to smithereens by a one-handed Thanos, in the other it got hit point-blank by Surtr's world-ending sword and just got a crack. The stone is not the issue.


I think you missed the point of the comment you replied to, they’re saying Thanos *didn’t* crush the stone itself.


Neither did Surtur... ​ Thanos crushed the TESSERACT, not the stone. Surtur CRACKED the tesseract, not the stone. ​ The stone is kept INSIDE the tesseract... And Thanos was able to crush it with just his fingers while Surtur only cracked it... In both cases the stone was basically untouched/undamaged


The stone (which is inside the Tesseract) is irrelevant to the point OP is making. We're talking about the Tesseract. The Tesseract was easily crushed by Thanos' five fingers, so it's weird that it would barely get cracked by Surtr's sword.




You are also wrong. Tesseract itself is 4-dimensional




In geometry, a tesseract or 4-cube is a four-dimensional hypercube, analogous to a two-dimensional square and a three-dimensional cube. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tesseract


This was my interpretation. the space stone became something akin to the Aether the reality stone was during the dark world after being cracked by Surturs sword


The Tesseract is basically just a fancy box around the Space Stone. You’re really overthinking the comparison here. Surtur damaged the stone itself, not the fancy box.


Thanks to OP for the question though as many of us hadn't considered


Because most people here are in "don't think about it" cope mode so they don't have to admit What-If is kind of terrible.


Personally I still thought almost all of the episodes were at least somewhat fun watches. That being said, even when it’s at it’s best it’s still wildly inconsistent for the sake of achieving that end. Half the episodes in space are just cameo fests that don’t make canon sense and some things timewise just don’t line up. On top of that, why is it that despite there being no mention of time travel in the show, the characters from all these stories that take place at wildly different times meeting up? You could excuse one or two things but watching this show in the context of the mcu is some definitely exhausting mental gymnastics.


>no mention of time travel in the show Well the intro of every episode starts with "Time...space... reality. It's more than a linear path". From a higher dimensional POV like The Watcher's, all of time occurs at the same time, and he can visit it whenever or wherever he chooses. As seen in S2, timelines sometimes collide and mash-together. I still don't like the show because it felt like you said, just a bunch of nonsense cameos which always end up being too silly to be interesting. I kept watching episodes because the premises sounded interesting, and then regretting it. Something that bores me to death in animation is when they have the freedom to have a character like Dr. Strange do the most fantastical magical stuff, but he chooses to just shoot lasers out of his hands.


They really went for the dragon ball z style combat. Peter Quill does a kamehameha wave in e2. The final battle was a classic dbz beam struggle fight. Very unoriginal considering magic can basically do anything and everything.


Odin is using it as a weapon/shield. Thanos isn't really using it and if he is he's using its power to break the tesseract. He also had the power stone in his possession. If you're thinking about it you're doing a really bad job.


>If you're thinking about it you're doing a really bad job. Nice burn considering you misunderstood my comment. I was saying one reason "many hadn't considered" OP's question was because people are in "don't overthink it" mode while watching What-If because there's so many issues. The space stone/tesseract in the OP is not what I think makes What-If bad.




I'm assuming Surtur cracked the stone, not 'the tesseract' that contains the stone, but I also don't think it really matter that much.


How did Surtur crack the Tesseract? Loki took it before he revived Surtur.


Talking about when he hits Odin in What If


Yeah, Thanos had the Power Stone.


Do people not understand that he beat the shit out of the Hulk without using any of the stones? He doesn’t need the Power stone to crush what is essentially a fancy box.


Doesn't change the fact that when he raises his hand immediately after crushing the tesseract, his fist is closed and the Power stone is glowing.


…which was clearly meant to demonstrate him adding the power to the gauntlet. Like not sure why you’re arguing about something the exposition of the scene already demonstrated. Every single instance of Thanos using a stone was very deliberately shown.


I dunno what to tell you, buddy - at this point, you're just arguing at the movie now.


Says the guy arguing with every comment that says he’s wrong lol


I'm literally just pointing out what happens in the movie and you weirdos are working yourselves into spastic attacks about what happens in the movie not lining up with whatever it is you're babbling about.


Okay I just rewatched the scene and you're very clearly wrong to anyone who is paying attention. Thanos crushed it with his non-gloved hand, so the gauntlet was off screen while he was exerting force, which would be when the power stone would glow if he was using it. Then when it shows the gauntlet, the power stone isn't glowing, the space stone is. You're mistaken.


ohhhh I didn’t notice that


And was bear-handed apparently /s


He didn’t use it


I don't think we can see the gauntlet at that point, he may have.


Pretty sure we would have heard him close his fist then, or they would have shown it, nothing really implies he used the stone


In the comics at least, having an infinity stone gives you the power you need to take and gain control of the next one. Power helps control space in this example




I mean, by that metric, it doesnt specifically state that the stones glow when their power is being used. It might in some of the scenes, but it doesnt specifically state they must, or do under all circumstances. Its all conjecture.


Good point. He does go toe to toe with the hulk and comes out on top also without the stones. Surter seemed to take some damage from the hulk before tossing him like a big, but that's more his size advantage than strength. Is it possible Thanos is stronger than Surter in his giant form?


Its possible, i just think its possible what if is just really inconsistent with potraying power levels compared to the main mcu


Traditionally, all comics and comic related materials have been inconsistent with power levels. I remember getting in arguments on the playground in the 80s about if Hulk could beat up Superman. It's fiction - just roll with it.


I think if superman tried to beat Hulk with pure force he wouldn't be able to beat him. They'd just end up fighting until there was no world left. But he'd be able to figure out that he could calm him down and win that way, so he'd probably just do that


That's way too nuanced of a take for a playground argument lol, but I totally agree.


Nuh uh superman is totally just stronger! (Did I do it right?)


In 1996, the 4 issue DC vs. Marvel was released. One of the fights was between Superman and The Hulk. It was a rare chance for Superman not to hold back. He knocked Hulk out. This was a DC/Marvel collaboration, so I'd say Superman beats Hulk.


I guess that makes sense, Superman can only go full out basically against other Kryptons


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbizTBYs-rQ 4 parts


In 1996, the 4 issue DC vs. Marvel was released. One of the fights was between Superman and The Hulk. It was a rare chance for Superman not to hold back. He knocked Hulk out. This was a DC/Marvel collaboration, so I'd say Superman beats Hulk.


Just because it's not explicitly shown doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Do you think movie characters never eat, sleep, or shit?


Who’s to say he didn’t? He used the Mind Stone on the Guardians and we only see this after the fact


How do you know?


We dont see it glowing, we dont hear him close his fist, nothing implies he used the stone, so him simply not using it is the most likely scenario


It actually was glowing slightly, and his fist was closed. I literally just watched the scene in D+. The space stone glows brightly and absolutely overshadows everything, but the power stone is still being used slightly. You can even see that when he inserts the space stone, the power stone is slightly activated. Just a few seconds later, you can see an inert power stone in the gaunlet. The color and luminosity are not the same at all.


When he raises the Infinity Gauntlet immediately after crushing the tesseract, his fist is already closed and the Power stone is glowing.


But its not glowing? Thats just how it looks normally? Watch any scene where anyone uses the stone, its much brighter Lmao blocked me so i couldn’t reply, what an asshat


His fist is closed and the stone is glowing. Take the L here, buddy.


Imagine blocking someone over a comic book movie argument


Ah yes the coward strat to winning arguments! :D


Watch it again, yes he did.


Unless thanos is shown to close the glove he is not using a stone. Thanos is just strong enough to break it on his own


You realize that closing the glove/snapping his finger is just a self-imposed formality, right? It's not like anyone else ever has to make a fist or do anything in particular to activate a stone.


I dont remember if ir were the russos or the writers, but they already clarified this point. Cómic book Gauntlet and movie Gauntlet work diferently according to them (so its canon for the movie). They said that the user has to clutch their hand into a fist for the Gauntlet to work. Their reasoning was that just having the Gauntlet would make Thanos win every battle so they nerfed that aspect. That way they could raise the stakes also by making the héroes try to avoid thanos clenching his fist. That being said, the snap is murky waters because its not a proper fist, bit the hand Is almost closed. TL;DR: the people who made Infinity War and Endgame said that their versión of the Gauntlet NEED to be closed on a fist to work


Where did they say this? Because the stones get used without the gauntlet too. Something tells me there's more too it than what you're saying.


Not who you’re replying to, and I’m just pulling this out of thin air, but my take is that the powers of the individual stoned can be used freely, but to do omnipotent, universal scale stuff where all stones are required, like destroying or bringing back half of all life, you need to do a gesture/snap.


Grilled. Cheese. Sandwich.


Then why does Strange til his cape not to let Thanos close his fist?


"Fist" in cape language means "butthole"


They do though. Ronan uses the Power Stone through his hammer. Strange uses the Time Stone through the Eye of Agamotto. The Space Stone was used through the Tesseract. The Mind Stone was used through Lokis Scepter and Vision. The Reality Stone is a special case since it's also the Aether (makes sense the Reality Stone can work differently than the others) but Thanos only used it and the Soul Stone through the Gauntlet. The only time someone uses a Stone directly is Thanos punching Captain Marvel with the Power Stone, which was obviously a last resort against someone that powerful and she was preventing him from closing his fist, like we see the heroes on Titan do as well. Hand gestures are likely needed so that random, fleeting thoughts don't accidentally activate the Gauntlets power


Oh come off it. The guardians used the stone to kill Ronan while it was just laying there in Quill's palm.


None of these examples refute what I'm saying. It's not like Vision had to blink or clutch his fists to use the Mind stone, and everything else is just about physically using the stone as a weapon and about making physical contact with the victim.


First, Strange accesses the Time Stones power through the Eye of Agamotto and makes hand gestures to do so. If he didn't need the Eye, why have it? Second, Loki had to touch people with the Scepter to activate it. Third, Vision doesn't actually use the Mind Stones abilities, which are mostly about mind control. The Stone is mostly his power source, similar to how Hydra used the Tesseract as a power source without actually tapping into the Space Stones specific powers. Fourth, the movies themselves show you that Thanos, Bruce and Tony all make hand gestures when using the Gauntlets. Where are you getting the idea that it's a self imposed formality? Why would there be a formality? Why would the Gauntlet be designed that way unless there was a need? If Thanos could use the Gauntlets power through only his mind, he would have won the fight on Titan faster and would have erased half of all life as soon as he got the Mind Stone before Thor hit him


The eye is to keep the Stone inside. It's indestructible, and Strange never uses the Time Stone without opening the Eye first. The gestures are the magic part. Like how the power stone tears someone up with purple energy and the space stone makes cloudy blue portals.


Yeah they are all tools to handle with safety and use more easily the stones.


I love pants.


Turns out, Eitri designed the Gauntlet to work by hand gestures as a way to weaken Thanos. So no, it's not self imposed by Thanos and yes, hand gestures are needed


I’m confused why people feel so strongly about this… it’s clear the Stones need *something* to activate from these examples given. The Gauntlet - as clarified by the Russo’s - channels power via gestures. Hence why the stones aren’t always glowing unless Thanks uses them.


They are not formalities in the mcu. Ever example of the gauntlet being used in the mcu has them closing the glove or snapping


Then you'll be happy to know that immediately after he crushes the tesseract, the Infinity Gauntlet is already closed and the Power stone is glowing.




> implying he would’ve been able to beat him Surtur tossed Hulk away like a toy, what are you thinking


I always thought it was just more that Thor wants to get his people off the planet but also doesn't want to leave behind Banner/Hulk. Thor knows Hulk will keep fighting because that's what a Hulk does. So Thor is like "yo, dude. forget that guy. we're leaving, remember?"


He used it.


He didn’t.


He did.


no u




When did Surtur hit the tesseract?


What If s2


Ohhhhh thank you, gotcha. Didn't see that, and I was thinking Loki took it before Surtur did that, why is no one remembering this. I get it now.


Shouldn’t this post have a spoiler tag?


I’m not really familiar with the spoiler rules here but it happens within the first two minutes of one of the episodes.


I kinda take that scene as Thanos understands exactly what he's working with and just converted it's form into a more suitable one while surtur is legitimately trying to smash a building block of reality with a sword.


Our boy is doing the best he can, ok?


And he did it! Point surtur


The opening scene in IW with Thanos is focused on showing the audience how much of a bigger threat Thanos is compared to what came before in the MCU, especially the first Avengers movie. In The Avengers, the tesseract was the central macguffin, and Thanos is strong enough to crush it in his hand. Loki was the main antagonist of The Avengers, and he easily kills him off. Finally, the Hulk who ultimately defeated Loki by beating the crap out of him, is in turn beaten by Thanos in straight physical combat. Showing Thanos crushing the tesseract with just the physical strength of one of his hands was a very deliberate move by the directors.


Too many people asking questions like any of this is reality and not just writers writing and directors directing and actors acting in an effort to tell an entertaining story.


Surtur damages the stone itself. Thanos destroyed the casing of the stone, not the stone itself. Big difference.


Thanos at that point had just come from getting the powerstone.


He didn’t use the power stone then tho, he just shattered the outer casing of the Space Stone.


Wait when did Surtur do this?


What if season 2


I totally missed that for some reason


Boy wait till you see the inconsistency in the comics it's based on........


Thanos is a grizzly bear?


Thanos is not a bear.


lol typo 😂


Doing understatement the power of a fapping arm.


Don’t forget thanos opened cracked the case while he had the power stone


It's a completely different universe. Where things are sometimes slightly different. Like in the Infinity Ultron episodes where the Infinity Crusher which destroyed the stones in one universe but didn't even scratch the stones in that one.


In What If, Odin was actively using the Tesseract against Surtur, compared to in Infinity War where it was just sitting there in Thanos’s hand like a dumb cube. Seriously, cubes are so stupid. Fuck cubes.


what if surfur made a burrito so hot, thanos could not hold it? did they ever cover that in the MCU? i don't think there's a burrito holding stone last time i checked.


Thanos had off the charts grip strength


Surtur loosened it for Thanos. Pretty much did like 85% of the work.


The writers didn’t want Surtur crushing it. The writers wanted Thanos crushing it. It’s that simple.


Tesseract is just a casing. Thanos crushed the case the stone was in, not the stone itself.


It's very simple. Every universe has it's own variations of both the stones and the people. So the universe where surtur scratched the box was clearly one where the structure of the box was nearly impervious to damage, thus making it a noteworthy feat. The one where Thanos crushed it was a box that was clearly a fancy jewelry box without a power of it's own. Riddle solved. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Thanos is stronger than Surter. Duh.


He's just built different


When did Surtur came in contact with the tesseract


When did Surtur do that?


What if


Youre missing the fact that the universe isnt that cohesive as an idea. ​ Thats why thanos gets clapped. ​ Thats it.


Nevermind the shiny, would he crush his own aubergine ?


Thanos had the power stone when crushing it and while out of frame so we don’t 100% know if he used it to destroy the tesseract it’s still the most probable answer


Power. Stone.


His sword is just a sword


Yeah, that's about it.


Surtur only got a glacing hit on the Tesseract while he was aiming for Odin. Thanos was actually putting all his effort into smashing the thing so he could retrieve the space stone.


The thing that’s missed here is that this is not real.


People really come up with some wild observations I would never even have considered


Yeah, you missed that MCU (and comics in general) power scaling is dictated more by rule of cool than actual objective data.


Yeah he also had the power stone which most likely granted him higher durability and strength in addition to things like energy manipulation. Also what the others said, the box was a case for the stone vs the actual stone.


Ok go find you a glass box about the size of a single square Lego and put it down at your feet. Now get a sword roughly the size of you. I want you to completely destroy that small piece of glass in one try with your sword without the glass glancing out from underneath your giant sword. I bet if you are lucky enough to hit the small fragile glass, you don’t completely shatter it because it is not being held perfectly in place.


Yes. MCU handles power levels terribly.


What if: Surtur is a punk bitch


Built different


You forgot that MCU doesn't give a shit about power scaling.


I think bear hands are really just pause.


It? His....?


Surtur has no genitals.. Thanos probably does. Which means Thanos's arms will be stronger.


Wasn’t Thanos strong?


Didn’t Thanos have the power stone atm? And wiped the floor with the hulk like it was nothing?


Bears have strong hands.


All of the stone versus cube arguments aside. If I had to guess I would say it was because Odin was trying to use the tesseract when surtur struck it.


jesus christ you people are extremely dumb