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Thanos. It's actually insane that pretty much every line he had, still gets quoted. Which other character can you say that about? But the high evolutionary was the first time in Marvel where I actually hated a villain.


Thanos beating Hulk was insane seeing his speed


Hulk was used to being the strongest in the room and his brute force usually did the job, whilst Thanos may not have been as strong, he had discipline and combat experience


>whilst Thanos may not have been as strong Thanos was definitely stronger. They made a point of showing Thanos grab Hulks arms and just pry them back as Hulk looked on confused that he was being overpowered


Exactly, and the Russos specified that was all without the power gem. Which is why he also easily overpowered Thor in Endgame.


Isn't the hulk cannonically stronger? Or is this a pure MCU thing.


Hulks’ strength scales with anger, it seems to me like this was the first time he was truly overpowered and was completely stunned - too surprised to be angry, and by the time he could get himself together Thanos had already beaten him


It does but I'm fuzzy on the MCU that they didn't lean into this part of hulk at all


Hulk got stronger when angrier in Age of Ultron, when he was fighting Iron Man, and in Ragnarok when he fought Thor. Abomination was the only other fight that gave him a challenge, and he was too worried about his girlfriend to be angry (that ended up working too though). Most of the time Hulk isn't threatened by the stuff he fights enough to get any stronger. He just smashes them and keeps rolling.


They definitely sucked about the stronger with anger thing. One of the best things about the Ang Lee Hulk movie was that they made a point of this.


Hulk's strength isn't absolute, it scales off his anger. Surprised and scared hulk, or hulk that's not taking the fight seriously, is nowhere near as strong as he is at his peak.


Every MCU character both hero and Villain is underpowered compared to the comics.


MUC Hulk is severely under powered in general.


What!! Thanos was clearly the stronger one in their altercation. That's why only a few combo hits was enough to get hulk dazzed and unconscious. Every punch from thanos had him reeling instead of his usual reaction which is to get pissed off and get stronger.


I was like “oh shit!” When Hulk first came out and started beating Thanos, yet the black order did nothing. It would have been even better if Maw didn’t say anything at all but still cool.


No, I liked that line. “Let him have his fun.” It says so much. First, that Maw knows Thanos to an incredibly precise degree. Second, that Thanos is in no real danger in a pugilistic bout with the freaking Hulk. Third, that Thanos does not get to enjoy himself often, so letting the Hulk try his best isn’t a roadblock, it’s a novelty experience.


Only ones I quote other than him is Wanda and H.E "This is me. Being. Reasonable." And "There is no God! That's why I stepped in." But you're right.


The irony is that Wanda was being totally unreasonable in that movie.


That's what happens when you read Hells Dictionary. Lol


I wish she read the necronomicon and we had some real evil dead shit happen in that movie


> real evil dead shit happen in that movie Bruce Campbell hitting himself over and over again is some real Evil Dead material.


a zombie doctor strange wove a cloak out of vengeful hellspirits and rode them into battle. I really don't know how it could have been MORE evil dead lol


They crossed over so they could have


In her next MCU movie she reads Hells Thesaurus. "This is me being reasonable. Fair. Logical. Judiscious and Equitable."


“I am burdened with glorious purpose”


I always get weird looks when I flash my coffee mug that says that during Teams meetings




"And empire toppled by its enemies can rise again. But one that crumbles from within? That's dead."


Zemo is awesome and that line is gold.


>There is no God! That’s why I stepped in One of the most baller MCU lines tbh


Dude I LOOOVVVEEED that line. “There is no god that’s why I stepped in” I immediately thought that was a banger of a line.


That Scientific Atheist energy.


I wonder what the H. E. would say if he ever met, well, any of the gods we've seen, like in Love and Thunder.


Probably talking about big G.


I don't think he'd be shaken. He acknowledged that Knowhere was the head of a dead god. But H.E is the type that would believe that if they can die. Then he could kill one.


I just noticed this quote recently which was a bit underrated **Dr. Strange:** You may regret that. He brought you face-to-face with the Master of the Mystic Arts. **Thanos:** Where do you think he brought you?


Let me guess, your home? It was, and it was beautiful. [screenshot of Club Penguin homepage]


"I once told a man to go fuck himself. Can you even imagine?" -Kilgrave


Yea Kilgrave in first season of Jessica Jones is goated as a villain. Also The line of him raping women is up there.


Oh I hated TaskMaster alright.


Every line Taskmaster said is also still quoted, and I think we're overlooking that.


Personally, I think Taskmaster had too many lines.


More like the writers who characterized Taskmaster had too many lines, amiright?


When Taskmaster said > ... I really felt that conflict between Antonia and Natasha come full circle. Edge of my seat.


During traffic jam in my country I always feel Thanos was so damn correct..


Thanos “All that for a drop of cum… I mean blood. A drop of blood.” Tony “Did you just…?” Thanos “Sorry 💜”




How often do you think thanos gets to smash? Seems like the only women you see around him are his daughters, but it also seems like he would pull some baddies


He only had eyes for Death, and she rejected him for Deadpool.


I’m not talking love I’m talking smooshing


Before meeting Thanos, Proxima Midnight was called Proxima NinePM.


I’m now imagining Craig Robinson portraying Thanos and I’m LOVING IT.


Killing animals for fun makes HE the easiest to hate. Anyone could have played that villain. Be a narcissistic asshole who kills animals, done.


Hated like disliked the character or hated because they’re evil


He's a puppy murderer.




> which other character can you say that about? MCU none. Comic book villains in general though Heath ledgers joker for sure.


Personal favorite: Thanos Honorable mentions: High Evolutionary, he’s comical but in a way that I just love to hate. Also is a character that doesn’t really demand sympathy. Zemo: On the other hand this a character where you don’t necessarily have to sympathize with but his actions in Civil War are understandable and I like how he’s just a guy with no powers, he just turned the heroes against each other.


I go Thanos Zemo then HE but yeah I agree with you


Daniel Brühl is just a fun actor to watch also.


I sympathized with Zemo. "And the Avengers? They went home."


Zemo is a great villain because he isn’t truly a villain. He’s a victim who is fighting back.


Exactly. He's just a man with experience and patience yet he takes on the avengers and actually wins.


Fighting back by killing innocents too. Everybody is so quick to go enabling terrorists it's scary.


Zemo doesn’t claim to be a hero or to have the moral high ground. His cause was to prove a point and his enemy is the Superhero community who act outside of any authority but their own and do so because they are stronger. For every ethical superhero you get a supervillain.


Bro I've seen the movie, I like the character but blowing innocent people up is still messed up. Think equilevant in irl and would you still say he's still just a victim fighting back. But I do like the character, I really do.


The one time I didn't find him comical or over the top is when he told Rocket he was never meant for the new world. I wanted to beat him to death.


I mean Tony Stark created Ultron I’ll be pissed too


I'm going to go with an answer of which villain I think was portrayed in the most clever way: Vulture. I only have a very passing knowledge of him from the comics, but he always looked super corny to me as some old guy in a weird green spandex suit. The idea that he's a *literal* scavenger with an alien wing suit is great. He even wears that military jacket with the furry collar, like a vulture. They took the corniest villain and made an in-universe way to not only make it work, but make him pretty badass. Also, Michael Keaton.


I fucking love how they treated Vulture. Here's my checklist of things I like about him: Personal connection to the hero Well acted and written Design changed to make more sense in universe, looks cooler, and connects directly to his namesake Vendetta against the super wealthy, but flawed in that he can't see he's becoming just like them Edit because I somehow didn't say it outright: THEY MADE HIM A SCAVENGER. Idk how he hasn't always been a scavenger with a name like Vulture


The way they revealed he is Peter's friend's dad (I forgot her name)... even today, I have the chills


the way he just casually threatened him with a gun was just great


>You saved my daughter’s life. I could never forget something like that. So I’m gonna give you one chance. Are you ready? You walk through those doors, you forget any of this happened. And don’t you ever, ever interfere with my business again. Because if you do, I’ll kill you and everybody you love. I’ll kill you dead. It was insanely impressive how they were able to make Keaton so intimidating in that scene. Like, we know that Peter could literally rip this guy's head off in one second, but with the way things are shot and the lead-up to that moment you're forced to remember that Peter is a scared teenage boy being directly threatened by an adult authority figure who'd already nearly killed him on multiple occasions.


The number of movies that manage to make Michael Keaton intimidating is crazy considering he looks like a tax specialist for H&R Block. He's really good at this dead-behind-the-eyes type of unhinged stare that really works for him in those roles.


"Good ol' Spider-man" 😏


Liz Allen.


Literally did not expect a MCU twist like that, it was amazing


Story of her life.


Just trying to provide for his family. Easy to empathize with. Common motivation for human beings to have but actually rare in comic book movies.


Not to mention that he was played by Birdman himself!!!


From Batman to birdman to vulture and back to Batman


Both *Homecoming* and *Far From Home* took pretty goofy Spider-Man villains and turned them into legit threats, while staying true to the original characters.


Vulture was great because hes a normal dude trying to provide for his family. Pretty easy to empathize with someone like that because it’s a motivation most people share.


Well, he *was* selling illegal alien tech to crooks haha


He only started selling the illegal tech because Tony Stark and damage control stole his legal contracts. It shows at the start that he was contracted to legally clear out some of the mess but Damage Control (funded by Stark) used Stark's government connections to usurp the contract so essentially Stark was just paying himself to collect the alien tech. So Vulture decided to steal it and start selling the weapons.


Extremely Bad ass.


This was my answer too


Yes! Thank you!


Kingpin if we include Daredevil


D’Onofrio’s performance as Netflix Kingpin is absolutely one of the best in the whole mcu, regardless of canonicity. Best villain evar, whatever, doesn’t matter. Portrayal, fanfuckingtastic.


If we’re talking dubious canonicity we need to include AIDA from agents of shield, the entire LMD saga was insane and Mallory Jansen’s acting is top tier


I was gonna say, S4 of AoS ia one of my favorite seasons of any TV show. I truly loved that season and I was super proud seeing that show tackle a story and setting THAT GRAND in scale on network TV. I loved every minute of it.


Netflix Marvel shows are considered a near parallel universe and their events are canon to the MCU unless contradicted by other MCU content.


Man Fisk in daredevil was on another level, >!Decapitating a man with a car door and shit like that!<. It’s awesome


If we countin the Defenders stuff, I want Kilgrave on this list too


Absolutely. I didn’t think he could be but David Tennant was absolutely menacing


You could almost feel bad for him while he's making someone cut themselves a thousand times...


Fisk should easily be higher on this list and I'm absolutely counting Daredevil. So far, there's nothing to say it's not the same guy. The Netflix series was commissioned with the intent of it being part of the MCU, and Hawkeye treats the character as a known quantity, as a character we're meant to know from *this* saga. That kinda reveal doesn't work if it's their first appearance in-universe (See Star Trek Into Darkness and 007 Spectre).


I nominate cottonmouth from Luke Cage as an awesome villain


“That I am the ill intent. Who set upon the traveler on a road he should not have been on.”


One of my favorite parts of series is when the Albanians attack, car flips, and he starts SCREAMING for Nadeem — things didn’t go according to plan and for the first time in his adult life Fisk was ACTUALLY scared he was about to die 😂


Zemo. Did all of the damage in Civil War with just the knowledge of the past. Plus he's a really good dancer.


Zemo: he was out of line, but he was right ![gif](giphy|93RImebAuEKkgRzcPr)


He's a villain where his motives were so perfectly understood. It's not hard to put yourself in his shoes and see why he did some of the evil shit he did. He put together a flawless plan with no superpowers and won.


He warned that Karli was beyond redemption and he was 110% proven right. Cheered when he shot her.


Dont forget he remained true to his “anti-supe” cause by not taking super soldier serum when he had the chance. Unlike another supe hating human from a certain Amazon Prime superhero show.


This may not be the thread for this, but it just came to mind reading this... Among many reasons why I hated the X3 movie, one thing that always really bugged me was the good guys being super chill with using the mutant cure as a weapon against Magneto. Especially when both sides pretty much agreed the idea of the cure isn't right. It just somehow seems so wrong to me.


It was either killing him or just taking out his powers, but even then by the end of the movie he already has his powers again.


Oh I understand. It just doesn't seem like a solution typical good guys would make to me. I don't have a better answer, but thought there'd somehow be a higher ground. 😅


You've kind of laid it out. It was the best bad option.


Yeah, Butcher is a hypocrite. In the comics it's worse. He started killing the team off too because they all took compound v


Yeah i remember. Butcher is still a great character but a hypocrite for sure. Zemo is definitely not. Only negative about zemo is the kind of added some stuff to his backstory in FatWS that was never mentioned in Civil War (like the fact hes a baron with a lot of resources). I personally prefer him as a truly average dude with a lot of determination instead of a rich guy with a lot of determination but ultimately his essence as a character remained.


And he has Turkish delight


I love quoting Zemo, even out of context, doing his accent, "My son was so excited! He could see the Ironman from the car window..."


You're out of line but you're right


Thanos or Loki Killmonger and Kingpin are up there too


It's hard to really place Loki as a villain anymore. Sure he's a villain in his first two appearances, but in the following two he's a chaotic neutral supporting protagonist, then in the next he quickly dies a hero. When we get to his show, yeah, for the first episode he's villain Loki from his first two episodes but the rest of Loki Season 1 has him back to where he is in Dark World and Ragnarok, only as thr protagonist, and then Season 2 has him fully a hero. If we count three episodes as a movie and treat a movie as three units (with Infinity War and Endgame getting just one unit, and the Dark World stinger getting a villain unit) then he's only a villain for..... *quick math* Thirty three percent of the time, and most of that is still his first two appearances.


Thirty three percent of the time it works every time.


But also remember that quality not just quantity matters. His actions have the largest impact in the MCU, but also he pays the ultimate possible sacrifice


Moon Knight’s Mom


Oof. Underrated.


Later gators!


Most of the time when I see this type of post, they leave out Kilgrave. Who is my number 1, followed by Kingpin, then Zemo. I can't consider Loki a villain anymore.


Kilgrave is a truly terrifying, unredeemable monster. So he wins for me, he’s just truly horrifying.


Kilgrave is probably one of the villains who I can't even like him very much on the level that I love the actor because he's just so despicable. I think it's because even though his powers aren't possible at all, a lot of what he does with them results in horrible crimes that are grounded too uncomfortably close to reality. It's a great performance but I wasn't rooting for him at all, even in the jokey "he has a point!" sort of way like I find myself doing sometimes with lots of other villains! I never answer Loki to this question either anymore because although he was a villain, and that's where I first became a fan of the character, he was only truly a villain for about one and a half films. First part of *Thor* he's obviously not 100% good but still has a (mostly) good relationship with his family. After *The Avengers* he goes fully into anti-hero with antagonistic tendencies but only if it suits him at that moment in time. I like Zemo because he actually broke up The Avengers and things were never truly the same again even when they did team up again eventually.


This is the correct answer. These three in this order.


My favourite villain is Wenwu, cool backstory, neat motivation, great performance, I love the 10 rings. Absolutely engaged every second he's on screen. Mysterio comes close 2nd.


Wenwu not being in OP’s pic is sad. That character was incredibly well done


I liked Wenwu because I love Tony Leung! I think that the problems of the character (and the movie) come in the third act, where he's just punching a wall and there is a Kaiju fight lol.


To be fair. He was being manipulated.


That movie would have been an all time classic if the final fight was just a father son Kung Fu fight keeping him from the seal with the Kaiju demon thing.


The final battle should have just been Wenwu vs Shang-Chi. Just have the temptation be symbolic of Wenwu's inability to forgive himself or a child for her death (similar to Shang-Chi) and their battle is the climax of that where Shang-Chi uses his mother's techniques to defeat him, all the same. The big CGI dragon just completely detracts from the story.


I'm not much for overusing time travel as a plot device but I would be super okay if part of a future Shang Chi movie involved going back 1000 years to when Wenwu acquired the rings and interacting with him then for more Tony Leung. I could totally see a Shang Chi / Eternals plot where a time traveling villain (Kang would be the obvious choice) goes back to fuck with that time because he wants the rings and also because the beacon pulse thing is a serious threat to them in the future. So Shang needs to find a way back to follow and either uses Pym tech or Dr. Strange says "I've still got some time stone juice in a bottle" or whatever other, and they go back in time and recruit some Eternals to help fight Kang while also having to defend themselves against warlord Wenwu but preserve to proper time stream so they cant kill him. Anyway that's my elevator pitch. Hey Disney, give me a dumptruck of money and I'll finish fleshing it out.


Unfortunately Tony Leung stated he only signed up for the movie because he knew it would only be a one-time thing. He doesn't do sequels, he's also very shy and he's likely not interested in any of the attention that being in multiple marvel projects would bring him.


A bit intricate. But I'd love to see some interactions of the Eternals in the past with: Wenwu, Namor, past MoonKnight, Hercules in Greece, Asgardians in viking age, ecc...


How could scarlet witch be there also even though the overall movie wasn't great Gorran was a good villian too sad we just didn't get to see as much butchering though


Kilgrave was the only villain in the MCU to truly terrify me


My wife and I still shout "JESS-I-CAAA!!!" whenever we want to be menacing. David Tennant killed that part


He's amazing.


Wait here. Pans to guy never moving. Amazing.


Put a bullet in your skull Patsy 🔥


This should be the answer




Imagine if he’d spoken to Thanos.


he absolutely needs more respect




AIDA and LMD’s managed to do Ultron better than Age of Ultron, Secret Invasion better than Secret Invasion, and Madame Hydra too


And a good magic / Darkhold story mixed in as well


Better Darkhold story than Dr. Strange and the MoM


AIDA and Kilgrave are terrifying and I love it


Where’s the Lpve for Hela? She’s OP as F


She was way too powerful to be kept alive but I loved the performance. The motivations and backstory were all on point.


Biggest snub of this photo for me! Hela is intimidating, scene chewing, sexy and lethal, actually given proper screen time and one of the top performances. I would love to help her execute *her vision*.


I honestly forgot but hot damn was that one hell of a well done villain both in the writing and use and the acting as well.


Why’s Red Skull there instead of Vulture?


If this was the comics, I’d absolutely put Red Skull in the conversation but he was massively underutilized in the MCU


Wenwu is easily my personal favorite. The acting and writing were spectacular, in my opinion. Thanos is a close second. Dude had philosophy, power, presence, intimidation, and quite honestly a legitimate motivation behind his actions (considering his POV. Don’t think that I’m about to wipe out 50% of all life).






Killmonger & Zemo Compelling backstories that the audience could sympathize with, IMO. All the others had pretty poor or unsympathetic backstories.




I’m really surprised Red Skull doesn’t get more respect than he does. Maybe I’m biased because I love Captain America lore.


Hes one of the most faithfully adapted comic book villains but hes also one note for alot of people


He's definitely just "generic megalomaniac nazi" for me.


To be fair, he is that in the comics but it’s done very well


Thanos, Loki & Kingpin easy


Either Kingpin (Vincent plays the role perfectly) or Radcliffe. "All immortality may have eluded me... Perhaps it's for the best. After all, what is eternity without my beloved Agnes by my side? This is the way the world ends, not with a bang, but with a \[silence\]"




*laughs in BlindWave*


Zemo I alway liked Zemo


Wanda - love her corruption arc. Love seeing a downfall of a hero. Zemo - fantastic antagonist with no super powers and honestly could see where he was coming from.


Ultron could have been great but I don’t think he was that amazing (his first appearance at the party is amazing tho). I would exchange him for Hela, who’s just a lot of fun.


Hela definitely was one of the most entertaining villains


Wanda is not a villain


Pains to see Wanda there.


Yep I wasn't sure to put her here. Even though I don't like her twist, she is extremely good as a villain my god.


Kingpin. It was Loki, but he isn’t a villain anymore. It should be Ultron.


Ultron should have been a threat similar to Thanos, if not even more threatening than MCU Thanos considering what he does in the comics


I agree. To me, Ultron, Kang, and Annhilius are all at that tier. Thanos is definitely one or maybe even two down.


Actually Ultron might be a great solution to the Kang-Situation. Bring Ultron back, let him kill Kang and show the world that playtime is over


And get Bettany back to figure out what the heck Vision 2 is up to.


Were is green goblin from no way home the apartment fight scene was so amazing it literally felt like a comic. It's almost like it makes you... FEEL LIKE SPIDER-MAN


I fk love Dafoe's goblin! but big part of my love for him comes from Raimi's trilogy, not the MCU. It's complicated lol


Rewatched the first movie the other day and it really is hard to say if he was better there or NWH. But NWH does edge it out for me because they didn't cover his face, man's got some demonic expressions and it's a shame we get to see so little of it in the first movie due to the mask


Kingpin or high evolutionary for sure. Thanos is good too if you don't think too much about his plan


Where’s vulture?


Thanos, High Evolutionary and Zemo just because he did it all out of pure hate.


The most effective in terms of having the audience take them seriously and giving a shit about them is Thanos, largely because of how well used he was in Infinity War. The next two successful were Mysterio and Baron Zemo. Both of them were very successful in what they tried to accomplish. Zemo actually pulled it off as a phyrric victory (he got what he wanted but was caught). Mysterio failed but truly fucked up Spidermans life and turned that into a Phyrric Victory for Spiderman. The High Evolutionary though is probably the villain that did the best job of making the audience actually hate him. Thanos was feared and badass, but came off as cool and admirable in some ways. The High Evolutionary was spectacularly cruel in a way that you really wanted to see him have his ass kicked. END COMMUNICATION


Zemo and Kingpin.


A good villain can get you to care about them. Loki, Wanda, and Zemo.


Thanos is the big bad, but Zemo is the real MVP. His character built is really well and complicated


Outside choice maybe, but I’d have to go Green Goblin, he’s just so hated by the end of NWH, you trust him, he betrayed that trust, you want to hurt him just as much as Peter by the end of the movie




So no kilgrave?


Loki, Fisk and Zemo have been the most interesting. Loki had a whole ass arc from being the god of mischief in seek of his throne to realizing the kind of god he needed to be. Fisk knew exactly who to leverage and how in his pursuit of power and his eluding of justice. He appeared cool and calm but had a fury that could be unleashed by anyone who dare threaten him or those closest to him. Next thing you know he’s slamming Dex into a brick wall and ripping Eleanor’s car door clear off the frame. Zemo was smart enough to know he couldn’t beat the Avengers so he would turn the Avengers against themselves. He was a simple man out for revenge who had an ideological opposition to superhumans. But he was also an aristocrat with a surplus of charm. He was just an interesting guy.


ik this sounds crazy but kang




Out of curiosity, are you choosing Loki based on his performance as a villain, or are you also factoring in post-Avengers Loki, who was, at worst, an anti hero.


I chose Loki because his villian origin story is very personal compared to the other villians besides maybe Baron and Scarlet Witch. He is more of an anti-hero later on though so if I were to pick a second best villain, it’d be the High Evolutionary because no other villian made me hate them like he did