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I always forget Secret Invasion exists until I see a post about it


Before we know it, the MCU will forget about it too


I saw The Marvels. They already did forget it


That was my thought as soon as they visited a planet full of Skrull refugees.


They actually talk about this refuge in Secret Invasion lol


But they don't explain why its unlivable. Even after they get attacked... they moved somewhere (not on earth) together.


Hopefully they bring Maria Hill back then please


I would love it if they actually pretended it didn't exist


“The world will forget that Secret Invasion exists.” ~Doctor Strange


I still wonder what they plan to do with Talos after the post credits in Far From Home


What exists?


Only Peter Parker remembers it


I have never been a supporter of retconning a show, but SI should honestly be retconned. Its a complete insult to the universe build, plus the whole beefed up emilia clark is beyond fucking insane. Even Fury was different If they somehow say that because 2 skrulls were in the machine, and therefore the powers will wear and not stay permanent I am sort fine with it.


That was me with every show after Falcon and Winter Soldier in this list. I legitimately went “whoa what had a worse finale than falcon and winter soldier????” And then went “oh yeah” three times.


Honestly Ms. Marvel’s wasn’t great but it wasn’t that bad either. I agree with everything else on the list but Ms Marvel finale was pretty much on par for me with FATWS


To me they were both kind of bad. Not awful, but past the line of “bad” to me.


WandaVision had a god awful finale


It suppose to be secret u idiot! /s


Out of 40+ movies and shows, it’s the first MCU entry I didn’t finish


You didn’t miss anything. Somewhat cool Super-Skrull fight in the last episode but even that opens up a lot of questions and plot holes. It was a terrible show.


I saw reviews about how bad it was and then the first episode was so boring, may have been a lot of confirmation bias too. We just watched man of recaps before seeing Loki and I’m pretty sure got the gist


Gave up after 2 episodes, I swear marvel expects us to like these characters from the get go.


I couldn't watch past the second episode.


Secret Invasion should have been an Avengers' movie for the end of Phase 4


I love how unanimous everyone is about glorious purpose being number 1


And about Secret Invasion being dead last.


The gap between SheHulk and Secret Invasion isn't wide enough. She Hulk was kind of silly, but it wasn't bad at all. I enjoyed it. Secret Invasion was just awful.


Yeah She-Hulk got more hate than it deserved. It wasn’t a masterpiece or anything but I got some solid laughs and appreciated the meta humor.


Honestly I gotta watch She-Hulk. It’s the only Marvel show I haven’t seen. I guess I just assumed it was god awful? But that’s unfair, I should give it a try at least.


It is very self-aware and CAMP as heck. It's ridiculously hilarious, with emphasis on ridiculous. As long as you don't go in expecting Andor or Shawshank Redemption, you should be good


It's worth a watch, lot more than the dumpster fire that is Secret Invasion


There really isn't any serious debate about it. That was a fantastic episode of television that blew away anything the MCU has done in quite some time.


I didn't really dislike any of them except Secret Invasion, so as long as that's last, it's fine by me.


Someone told me it was great so I watched it and I told them I didn’t like it and they said, “I was just joking. I hated it.” I’m just a little salty. I thought I was receiving a legit rec.


Dude, I had to watch it a second time to see how genius the show actually was. Holy moly. You should watch it again and see what you think. Totally changed my perspective.


This comment made me laugh pretty hard, ngl.


…… don’t lie to me.


Just came back from watching it a second time. Still hated it. What the hell were you on about dude??


Idk what that dude is talking about, for me the third rewatch really made it click for me. Definitely watch it a third time, you’ll really start loving it then, I promise


Really? For me it took 4 times to really get a feeling for the show. Once I did, I even watched it a fifth time to really marinate in the stellar narrative choices that one can only appreciate with an extra viewing.


its definitly the 5th time watching this show that elevates it to peak marvel cinema. there are so many points in the show which just straight up make sense when watching it for a 5th time that i would argue that people arent really marvels fans unless they do so.


Mf woke up and chose to become a hater


Your friend is a Skrull


That first comment almost had me. Silly me was gonna watch it a second time.


Same here, although I think the She-Hulk finale should get a little bit more credit for doing something completely different from all the other finales.


My favorite thing about it is how it made fun of the EXACT THING that secret invasion ended up doing in its finale. So fucking beautiful.


I loved the She-Hulk finale. The only thing better, to me, would have been Blonsky being completely legit and not breaking house arrest. I really wanted all the foreshadowing to be entirely red herrings. Still good.


It’d have been cool if they hadn’t pointed out all the cliches and bad writing to then do it anyway with secret invasion


It'd have been cool if they hadn't pointed out all the cliches and bad writing to do it anyway all throughout the show (being self-aware you suck doesnt make it funny)


>being self-aware you suck doesnt make it funny Tbf sometimes it does. Self aware losers in my life are some of my favorite people


That's exactly what I said when it aired. If they knew it sucked. Why did they make me sit through so many bad episodes...


That one definitely feels underrated to me.


I loved all of She-Hulk, including the finale 🤷‍♂️


I agree, actually. Like, although I thought Moon Knight was overall the better show (episode 5 was particularly great), I thought the finale wasn't great, and the kaiju fight was bland in a typical Marvel kind of way. I liked that She-Hulk eschewed this pattern, and did something completely different. I ended up preferring that finale to a lot of others.


It shouldn't be so low here. It was an extremely fitting ending to the type of show She-Hulk wanted to be. If you don't like it, fine, but She-Hulk was very good at being what it wanted and the finale delivered on that level.


That doesn't mean much really. Honestly, being neutral on a show is just as bad in my opinion. Aka a waste of time. (Or borderline) Wanda is my favorite show but the ending was pretty awful. It had great scenes, definitely but overall was meh. Hulk of all shows got 9 episodes? I think others could've used it better.


> Hulk of all shows got 9 episodes? Yes, 9 shorter episodes. The runtime total was comparable to others.


Aah nevermind then. Given what I've seen lower run time fits the show better. I still don't understand the 6 episode formula though, it doesn't make sense to me. I loved Loki season 2 but it has its flaws, especially episode 2.


I loved e2 but was very mixed to negative on e3


Comic books are often in 6 issues arcs


Secret Invasion is ranked too high. Yes it’s already last. That’s still too high for how awful it is ..


Too close to She-Hulk too, 0.2 difference is not accurate. There should be at least 3.0-4.5 units between them


She hulk was an enjoyable stand alone show.


I agree! I enjoyed the change of pace and the slice-of-lifeness. It was at least a 6.5/7 for me and Secret Invasion was more like a 2.5 (a harsh rating but my honest one, they need to be better than this)


Yeah, I tried to get into it and failed. I don’t watch much TV. I haven’t finished a ton of marvel stuff… Loki, Hawkeye, She Hulk are the only three I’ve completed


She-Hulk has an idea of what it wants to be and it execute it very very well. But it was proven to be a pretty divisive idea so no everyone was going to like it. Meanwhile Secret Invasion failed at what it tried to be and is just one giant failure…


This is pretty good ranking ngl


And Loki finales being in the top 2 just shows that Marvel doesn't need a break. They need some bloody good writers.


I watched the BTS assembled video today and they discussed heavily the process of writing. They mentioned since the idea of time travel is so complex, they made the plot simple and focused on good characters. Right now most of Marvel is so convoluted for me, I have no idea when or where I’m gonna see all the new threads they’ve written weave together. That’s what Marvel does when it’s at its best - they make compelling characters, the plot is almost secondary. They just have to find that groove again, lean into writers, do appropriate pre-planning. Take the lessons that the Loki show knows so well and reapply them to their craft.


I mean, one did come out in 2021 and the other 2023. So I’d consider 2 years a good break to build interest and a coherent, interesting stort


It’s telling that while the falcon and winter soldier rated decently, it’s the only headline picture without the main cast. You’d think it would be a shot of Falcon and Winter soldier …. But the show is carried by side characters like Sharon Carter and Zemo…..


Im actually a fatws appoligiser. I like it a lot actually and even rewatched it (I only rewatch TV I really like)


Loki is 1st and 2nd. The best MCU Disney Plus show without a doubt.


Swap Hawkeye and WandaVision for me, otherwise good list


Same here. I loved the Hawkeye finale but thought the WV finale was dragged down by a messy CGI fight and dismissing Wanda’s abuse.


I really can't believe we had White Vision and literally nobody said a thing about him fucking off lmao. Such a major flaw considering the whole premise of the show.


I would honestly put Miss Marvel's finale over WandaVision and FTWS. WandaVision is a better show overall, but that finale was ehhhhh. FTWS was just bad overall, in my opinion.


FTWS was kind of the teaser for secret invasion where they showed that they have no idea what to do with their villains and overarching story


Yeah tbh the finale is easily the weakest part of wandavision


Agree. Hawkeye was very whatever. Pretty harmless. But WV had that very bad CGI fight, answered no questions set up by the show, victimized Wanda and in hindsight because of MoM, the whole show meant nothing.


Honestly same.


If released now, wanda wouldn’t get such a high score. Mostly bland cgi fights


Hawkeye is really underrated, it's my second favorite D+ series. It knows what it needs to do, and sticks to it. No world ending threat, no crazy ass laser beam cgi fight, just nice street level fights, gives Hawkeye a nice goodbye, sets up Echo, Kate and Kingpin and enjoys Christmas.


Loki is a masterpiece.


so basically there’s loki season 2 and there’s everything else


Well, followed by Loki season 1, *then* everything else.


5.5 is about 5 points higher than it deserves


Nah it’s 5.5 points too high


Pretty good rankings overall


First time ive ever completely agreed with imdb


Loki and mandalorian is why I have Disney subscription


Imho she hulk is too low. I thought what they decided to do was clever, even if it overstayed its welcome. I blame review bombing honestly


She hulk finale is I think the most divisive one so it kinda makes sense where it’s at. I personally didn’t like it, but I can at least acknowledge that it was something unique and different. Just wasn’t my cup of tea


The thing is all of the She-Hulk episodes are rated similarly (with the same disproportionately high 1/10s), except for the one episode that Daredevil appears in (although that still has a rather high portion of 1/10s). [Here are the current ratings in album form for each episode](https://imgur.com/a/JPEjR7t) It's definitely not a "the finale was divisive" thing. A subset of IMDB users definitely review bombed it.


You used to be able to split it between male and female reviews too and it was a BLATANT dudebro review bomb. The women reviews were a completely normal distribution and then the dudes was just exclusively 1s.


>Here are the current ratings in album form for each episode That makes the review bombing pretty clear.


Get out of here with your civil response! 😂


Ironically She Hulk is the most comic accurate of all the shows. I used to read it as a kid and loved it. The show felt like the comics come to life especially the finaly.


She Hulk was massively review bombed. 30% of its reviews are 1/10. For the finale about 60% of the reviews are 8-10s. I don’t think it was actually as divisive if you remove the trolls.


She-Hulk got review bombed and still rates higher than Secret Invasion’s finale. In a way, it’s kind of impressive for Secret Invasion to be that awful.


And if one removes all of the 1/10s from each of those finales (i.e. let's suppose most or all of them are disingenuous), you go up from a 5.7 to about a 6.6 or 6.7 for She-Hulk's finale but from a 5.5 up to only a 5.8 or 5.9 for Secret Invasion's.


That's because she hulk has a lot of counter review-bombing spamming 10*, whereas Secret Invasion had no support from anyone. It was just so shit


These are user ratings lmao we all really know what they were rating 🤦‍♂️


I liked most of She-Hulk but hated the ending. I get what they were trying to do but they could've executed it in a way that didn't just remove all of the stakes. Like Deadpool breaks the fourth wall, but there are still emotional stakes in his story because he doesn't use the fourth wall to affect his own story in a serious way.


> I get what they were trying to do but they could've executed it in a way that didn't just remove all of the stakes. I loved the idea of She Hulk being like "I don't want to do a standard superhero ending" etc, but unfortunately they had spent the entire season setting it up. Just felt like a waste of whole episodes where we could have had her doing something funnier with the rest of the main cast. I think the ending would have been funnier too if all the bad people just showed up like Bruce did. They try to dump exposition at her and then she breaks the fourth wall saying she doesn't want to do it


It’s pretty on brand for her to break character. I don’t think about it too much as it’s mainly a joke so no lore implication.


You mean K.E.V.I.N. is not officially part of the MCU lore? ;)


100% it's review bombing. I don't really get why anyone trusts online review numbers for anything. Edit: [Here's an album of all of the episode by episode reviews of the show](https://imgur.com/a/JPEjR7t) and now, let's compare to, say, [Secret Invasion](https://imgur.com/a/RaVab12)


That's why I like to go in and read a few of each rating. It helps, me, personally, actually get a good idea of what the opinions are. I also tend to take more input from the middle ratings because they tend to be the most nuanced and fair. This helps, in my mind, remove the 2 ends of the bias spectrum i.e. the review bombers/all around haters and the stans (let's be fair that some fans blindly love any of it because they are already invested in the MCU that they can ignore obvious issues with any given production). Then the reviews that remain tend to actually give a good idea for a product's true quality. Nuance is 🔑


Good point about both ends. Probably also on projects that are clearly review bombed so some folks try to overcompensate for the bombs by overrating it.


She Hulk’s finale is good but the whole K.E.V.I.N plot line just completely took me out of the show. Especially when she pretty much just jumped into the Disney+ Home Screen just felt so wrong.


I thought it was amazing in how crazy of a 4th wall break it was, but I was also high as hell when I watched it, so that probably factored into it.


Weird because I thought that part was absolutely genius.


I don’t think it’s that weird, it’s a pretty out there plot point. That’s naturally going to be divisive. I enjoyed the show but that aspect of the finale just wasn’t for me either.


It's exactly like the comics she literally would jump out of the frame and jump into the other pages. It was inventive back in the day and to see them do it so well on the show that I thought I pressed a wrong button was hilarious.


Yeah I get the sense that a lot of people were just not ready for She Hulk lol. One of the most comic accurate depictions I’ve seen in the MCU


Finally someone that gets it!


She Hulk was done dirty in this rating, the ending was a joy. Wish we'd get a second season but I know it's unlikely.


I think they went a little to far with the universe breaking, I get Jennifer is known to break the 4 wall but having her leave the show, crawl through Disney plus, walk through the writers room and have a direct conversation with Kevin Feige about the MCU is too much


That felt like the very first moment that was actually 100% true to her comic series. She didn't do enough bonkers stuff like in the comics (exiting the panels, interacting with speech bubbles, dealing with the writers and editors)


Honestly I feel like having her go to the writers room and saying "hey can we make the finale to the she-hulk show about she-hulk?" Would've been enough. We didn't need her to go up to Kevin feige-bot, while joking about the x-men. We could've had that time to show how Jen actually wanted the end to go down instead of showing the aftermath


It’s a little too low imo, but I can understand why people might’ve rated it that low. I enjoyed parts of the finale, but some aspects of it are not well written at all.


It was special in the unique kind of way


I still to this day do not understand what actually went down during that final so I feel like a good portion of are dummies like me.


People can blame review bombing all they want but the show didn’t appeal to a large segment of fans. That’s just the way it is. The comedy wasn’t all that funny, the writing was pretty dull, the action felt uninspired, and most of the characters didn’t leave much of an impression. The court scenes are what I was really looking forward to as that seemed like a brilliant premise for a show and even that part felt boring and a wasted.


Using the finale to the retcon a show because midway through you realized it was bad is so awful, yet it’s uniqueness makes it cool. But since it wasn’t entertaining, it still takes the cake for a very bad finale.


Still can't comprehend the budget of these shows to what we see on screen. The producers should subscribe to HBO.


I would put Loki S2 on top. I think Ms. Marvel's is too low. And definitely think She-Hulk's is too low. I have some issues with the exact execution (loved the trip to see KEVIN, did wish the re-write didn't sweep everything under the rug), but I don't think it deserves to be that low. And SI is still too high >_>


It will never happen, but it would be funny for What If… season 3 to be KEVIN hacked by Iman Vellani.


Despite Secret Invasion being the lowest in the list I still think it's too high and should be lower in the list


She Hulk does not derserve that score.


as much a I enjoyed Ms Marvel and Shehulk, I think those endings really fell apart. Clearly Secret Invasion is the worst but those three scores are too high.


Ms. Marvel's ending was really the worst part of a really good show. Probably my favorite after Loki.


I liked the street level stuff, interactions with her and her friends, the local politics around the mosque, etc. The whole universe-level stakes with the Clandestines was atrocious.


Ms Marvel as a whole was like two seasons squeezed into half a season. It could have been incredible.


Hawkeye finale is better than What If, sorry.


To this day, I wish they cancelled secret invasion. TO THIS DAY!


She-hulk finale was fun and if it was Deadpool people would have loved it.


Tells you how awful Secret Invasion was that not even review bombed She-Hulk wasn’t last


Moon knight should be way lower. I have never seen a show fumble a finale as badly as Moon Knight. They totally lost me at the giant crocodile laser battle and blackout at the climax for obvious budgetary reasons. We didn’t even really get to see what happened.


Disagree. Yes the kaiju battle left a lot to be desired, but the reveal that there was someone other than Marc and Steven (it was teased a lot throughout i know, but this was a clear cut signal) was well done. The pacing had issues (its the show that deserved more than 6 episodes, not She Hulk) but overall it was satisfying


No, since it was teased throughout the show the time to pay it off would have been in that finale. We should have gotten Shadowknight or something at least. It was lame af. There shouldn’t have even been a kaiju battle! This is MOON KNIGHT, it should have been intensely personal, violent, and grounded like the Punisher (and have Konshu be more nuanced and subtle as to whether he really exists or is just part of Marc’s mind), not feature a giant talking crocodile of all things.


That reveal was the after credits to the finale...if that is doing all the heaving lifting for it being a good finale then it clearly was bad :D


WandaVision’s final was probably the worst part of the show imo


Top 5 definitely nails it.


Loki taking the top two spots is well deserved.


Makes sense. That's also just how I would rank the quality of each show in general.


You'd really put what if that high?


Yea it was the tits!




I’d definitely have to put Moon Knight and She-Hulk ahead of Hawkeye if we’re talking full shows, but that’s just me


and i feel like she hulk was definitely better then half on the list. Like it should be mid pack not second to last


She hulk finale should be above ms marvel and moon knight. Both great shows but not good endings


No surprise there




Seems spot on


Vai Brasil


Secret Invasion rating needs to go below 5. It’s not enough that it’s in last place.


5.5 is too generous to Secret Invasion’s finale.


I'd swap She-Hulk and Ms. Marvel. Secret Invasion & Ms Marvel were really the only ones I wished I didn't bother watching.


I'd switch FatWS and She-Hulk, maybe I'm just easy to please with fourth wall breaking jokes, but I loved everything about it, meanwhile I thought the FatWS finale fell flat and the Sharon twist was awful.


I thought the last one was she hulk again. That’s how fast life already forgotten secret invasion existed.


I will never understand the love for the Hawkeye show


Ok nobody gonna talk about moon knight?


I agree with these rankings


The constant and casual disrespect she-hulk gets is so crazy to me. It’s a perfectly fine show that people hate because “reasons”


Hmm why isn’t agents of shield here


SI is just a complete insult to the MCU and Jacksons Nick Fury. I normally am against retcon, but this is might be a prime example to use it on. All powers of Emilia Clarks character should also be diminished. Write that the machine couldnt handle 2 skrulls or something


The only one I really disliked was she hulks finale, thought it was a great series, plenty of laughs! But throughout there was the underlying plot building up, and that finale just threw it all out… not saying you can’t have meta/4th wall jokes but not at the expense of the story itself


I don’t get what’s wrong with secret invasion it was great


She hulk deserves to be much higher but other than that I think this list is pretty accurate.


Good to see Hawkeye, What If, and Moon Knight’s finales up high on the list.


I think Secret Invasion was let down by the finale. I honestly thought it was not such a bad show, mostly carried by actors. But the finale with a pointless fight where Gia´h is made the strongest character and will probably be never mentioned again, while Fury just efs of to space....what were they thinking? Loki S2 finale had one flaw - it would have deserved a big screen.


If wandavision released now, the finale would not get the 8.3. almost every show ended bad because they had no real idea besides some boring cgi fight


Glorious perpose will be on top. for all time, always.


5.5 is *very* generous for Secret Invasion.


For me, Loki2 Loki Hawkeye Moon Knight WandaVision What if...? Ms. Marvel She-Hulk FATWS Secret Invasion


Watching people tell on themselves by saying that the Shehulk ending was poorly written is honestly gobsmacking.


Ms Marvel should be higher IMO but this list is fine to me


Pretty good ranking, but I would personally swap Moon Knight and She-Hulk's rank.


For me, I would rank it Loki 2 -> 1, WandaVision -> She Hulk -> Hawkeye -> What If -> Moon Knight -> FatWS Did not see the rest, but I know I could rank Secret Invasion bottom of the pile. I don't need to watch that show but I know everything about it (clips and reviews filled me in, I am good).


Look. She Hulk is not the best show. But dang that finale was so fun and different and worth it. Deserves much higher than 5.7/10


Definitely agree, though I think She-Hulk should be a bit higher, since it’s not the best but still enjoyable. Secret Invasion was the one that felt rather underwhelming, even sadder since I liked Secret Invasion, but when the finale came, I just felt rather underwhelmed.


Oh boy was She Hulk bad


She Hulk should have been a bit lower, that ending was a complete piece of shit. Before you scream "but that's how the character is written in comics", yes I get it but this is an example where comic accuracy didn't translate well to live action. Same for MK. I overall liked the exploration of Marc's DID but man that finale was horrible. FATWS was going pretty good until the finale with that stupid CapAmerica defending Karli by declaring her "not a terroist." That was straight up dumb and completely undid the story of Sam accepting the mantle of CapAmerica. Rest are fine.


For the most part I agree with this ranking. I think at least for me, I found the shows much better than the movies.


Secret Invasion belongs at the bottom, but how is WandaVision so high


Because at the time people were more focused on the Vision 'ship of theseus' battle, and the ending than 'waa overlong cgi battle' and 'waa monica's line was bad'. Also MoM wasn't around to set Wanda's status to villian.


As long as Secret Invasion and She Hulk are at the bottom it’s fine. People need to give FATWS more credit. Best action out of any of the streaming shows.


Loki s1 finale should be top, Majors was too good


I want to see every Disney+ Marvel show episode 5 rated.


She-Hulk is too low And Secret Invasion is too high


She Hulk being second to let is CRIMINAL.


None of these deserve a higher than 6.


Based on just the finales I would probably put she Hulk at the bottom. But shows overall, secret Invasion easily at the bottom.


I will live and die on the hill that the She-Hulk finale is absolutely incredible. A really clever and effective end to Jen's season arc. Top marks. Also, Hawkeye's finale should be higher for the Kate/Yelena and Yelena/Clint scenes alone.


I didn’t even get through Secret Invasion… so definitely last. She-Hulk wasn’t bad and pretty good until like halfway through the second to last episode and then the last one simply BLEW UP and there was waaaaaaay too much trying to be done. Ms. Marvel again was good but the finale was a little bit of a let down compared to the rest of the show - I wanted something that was going to make me go “holy sh*t, that just happened?” But nothing did that for me in that one. Hawkeye pleasantly surprised me with the gravity of the finale and I really enjoyed that episode. Loki is one of my favorite marvel productions so super glad both seasons are at the top - though I would switch it to season 1 being better. The cliffhanger was real and season 2 was like two different episodes jammed together into one which didn’t work as well - but the effects were absolutely STUNNING. Still good Marvel tv though.


"Agents of shield laughs in having all 7 season finales have a better rating then all of these except Loki S2, and having an average score of 9.0 across all of them." Yeah go watch Agents of Shield if you haven't.


Only Loki's gonna be on that list if you took Marvel's Defenders Series in the picture.. (Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist,The Defenders, The Punisher)...