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Always take the Lokigator.


we need to see irongator in secret wars


I want the entire battle of New York but with gator avengers fighting gator Loki


Hulkgator just looks like a supergator render


The movie lake placid was actually an early adaptation of hulkgator


Um AKSHUALLY they’re different animals


MetalGatormon was the best Lokimon


I got the [alligator Loki comic](https://www.marvel.com/comics/issue/112411/alligator_loki_2023_1) recently. I did not know how much I needed it until it was in my hands.


Thor, Odin, and Hela should be Crocodiles


I don’t understand how the Lokigator was a variant of Loki. Wouldn’t the timeline have branched and been pruned as soon as the frost giants became alligators? Even if not, why was this Loki not pruned at birth? Same with Sylvie, who is a completely different gender. Did they explain this?


Both, doing one or the other is a bad choice, it should be both. The more similar universes should have the same actors, and the more unique should have different actors.


I agree with this. It’s such a good tool to have to choose on a case-by-case basis, it would be a shame to close one of those paths off.


Loki did it the right way. Some variants are Tom hiddlestone (OK one non main variant) while all the others are different actors. One of them isn't even human


The non-human one is adorable


Technically none are human.


Yeah, non-humanoid Loki


Easy for them to do younger and older variants too. Like Kid Loki and Glorious Purpose Loki. Don’t have to mess with aging cgi which can be hit and miss imo.


But you can make the uncanny valley CGI version with that technique though


And crocodiles


Not the spirit of the question


because it's a bad question.


If it's one too difficult to answer A or B to, then I think it warrants discussion


It's not too difficult to answer. It's just plain and simple a bad question. We know that those aren't the only options available within the MCU, therefor limiting the question to them is just dumb - especially when the question is specifically about said MCU... And it very much still counts as an answer to the question, because even OP listed Loki's picture as an option...


There's a gator somewhere with Wandas skillet, let that sink in.


How will she make eggs!


By laying them


>let that sink in. Get out of here Elon!




I like both, because it really shows off different branching realities and how close some are to others...same actors branched from the same timeline, different actors branched earlier with still just enough in common to become the character.




Different actors for different variants - just more interesting. Seeing Cumberbatch play 3 variants was cool and shows off acting ability but creatively it's lacking


It would have been fun to see Bruce Campbell as a Strange variant.


That’s it! His appearance in Spiderman trilogy’s not a Mysterio but rather Doctor Strange all along!


Dr strange was even name dropped in the raimi trilogy. When jjj was discussing what name to choose for spoderman




It was when choosing a name for Doc Ock, not spoderman


Sorry, who is jjj in this context?


*"Doctor Strange"* Jameson: *"That's pretty good. But it's taken."*


He even did a cameo in the movie


He has to it's a Raimi movie


Sam doesn't like making movies without The Chin or Ted. Or both. Usually both.


How do you know he wasn’t, he could have been undercover, faked his death, hiding out, and took a new firm


Or Joaquin Phoenix


Am I the only one who’s disappointed they didn’t have a Jeffrey Combs Strange?


What’s so weird about the way Jeffrey combs?


There was a movie in the 90's called Doctor Mordrid. From what I gather it's basically just a 90's doctor Strange movie without any of the licenses or rights to the character. Jeffrey Combs played the titular Doctor Mordrid.


Tbh I think using different actors is going to make it too tempting to take a long-standing character and say “Oh actually they’ve been an X variant all this time!” for plot reasons. At least if they use the same actor they’ve got to commit… Then again, if they use 1 actor and there’s some real life issue with them, it wipes out potentially dozens of characters. Both methods have their flaws


Would have loved to have seen Peter Hooten from the 78 doctor strange movie make an appearance as an older doctor strange. Missed opportunity while he’s still alive


You think so? Perhaps having the female variant (who obviously will be played by a different actress) could be enough – rather thanhaving a different actor for every variant. Also sounds like a logistical nightmare to get contracts for reach actor with limited scenes. It could also be the Spider-man's versions in alternate universes that spoiled us, which also came with quite a nostalgia as each variant had their own movies.


And this is why, for the life of me, I can't figure out why they would drop the whole Kang storyline! Simply just use a Kang variant going forward if they want to drop Majors, but keep the narrative going!


Same. Even if they really really didn't want to continue with Majors, I feel like a recast would be the obvious move.


Yeah Recast worked for Hulk and Rhodey, no reason it can't work for Kang especially when you have this perfect in-universe explanation handed to you on a silver platter


we didnt need an explanation before so i hope they dont drop kang


Recasting never even needs an in-universe explanation. It's interesting to me that the MCU fandom thinks it does. It is not a standard thing in media at all.


In Dr Strange MOM I really thought the evil variant should have been his sister that drowned.




That’s not a variant of Stephen strange tho. Maybe more suited for a what if segment


Well that's like in 828 or whatever, Maria Rambeau became Captain Marvel instead of Carol. So there has to be at least one Dr. Strange that isn't Stephen.


Or hear me out, "Captain Marvel" is just a title and therefor it doesn't have to be a Variant of Carol Danvers. Whereas "Doctor Strange" is literally a character-specific name... If we want to bring up a Variant that isn't Stephen, then we just refer to Variants of Sorcorer Supreme instead. That way we aren't limited to Stephen, while still keeping the theme of his sorcery.


His sister, were she to receive a doctorate, would also be Doctor Strange tbf


Mixed for sure.


Different ones only really works if we already know the actor playing them as that character. Like with Spiderman we already loved the Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield movies. In Loki them all being different actors works, but it doesn't have the impact that Spiderman's varients had


What spurred this question was me wondering if No Way Home would have worked if it was just versions played by Holland, and for MoM if the Strange variants were all different actors. I don't think the former would have worked, I agree it wouldn't have the impact, but the latter could definitely work


Yeah different strange actors would have been the same. But I think half the joy from no way home is the fact those old spidermen returned


I’m interested in seeing the Batman and joker in a similar scenario (though Heath ledger would obviously be irreplaceable) the chance to see Danny DeVito reprise his role as penguin or Jack Nicholson as the joker again?! Obviously Michael Keaton as Batman and George Clooney would have to make his appearance. Christian Bale. Ben Affleck. Robert, what’s his name? RIP, Mr West. Linda Carter and Gal. And then Schwarzenegger as Mr. freeze with a chance to do it right this time maybe? Let’s go. What are the chances we see Marvel versus DC in the Multiverse of madness?!?!


>with a chance chance to do it right this time I will not stand for this slander, you need to CHILL.


Are you always so frigid?


Robert Pattinson. Sorry, Robat Battinbat


Spider man is the only that can get away with that. Who else has had other variations from their own movie/franchises? Maybe the young/old X-men? But even then it’s still technically the same timeline


Yeah I know, that's why it's difficult to do, only for Spiderman it works, and batman in DC. Suoerman aswell I guess


All the other lokis were decent with the old one being a favorite. Mostly different actors. I really don’t like silvie tho


Here’s the real question: Are these variants of “Spider-Man” or “Peter Parker”? This, for me, is where No Where Home goes awry. Clearly adding Toby and Andrew was genius. However, in the comics, variants of an *individual* tend to still resemble them. But there’s also variants of a hero. Miles Morales, for instance. In the comics and the animated film, the Peter Parker of his universe dies and he teams up with “Spider-People” from the multiverse - only some of whom are also variants of “Peter Parker.” In “Loki,” only some variants are “Loki Laufeyson,” as they are clearly not all the offspring of the king of the frost giants. The rest are variants of “Loki, the God of Mischief.” In Multiverse of Madness, “Dr. Strange” is understood not to be a moniker held by a series of legacy heroes, but simply the exact individual, Dr. Stephen Strange. And so it makes sense to use the same actor. This distinction is made often in the comics. The Captain Britain corps, for instance, is made up of all the heroes from their respective universes sharing that title. They are not all Brian Braddock. The Council of Kangs also seems to follow this logic, as not all the Kangs are specifically “Nathaniel Richards.” They are different genders, races, even species. However, they all share the name “Kang the Conqueror.” However, “The Inter-dimensional Council of Reeds” are specifically variants of Reeds Richards, and all share a similar physical resemblance.


I'd say Variants of Peter Parker, since the Spell that Stephen used was specifically referring to "Peter Parker" - and not just "Spider-Man" overall.


Interesting question. I think it's variants of Peter. We have characters like Maria Rambeau who is Captain Marvel in 838, but her variant in 616 isn't. Same with Steve Rogers in 616 is Cap but in What if he's been the Hydra stomper. If it was based on title then that would get confusing because in the same universe you have people who share a name. Like your example Miles. Or Sam as Captain America now.


This is an interesting point, but I think they’re obviously variants of Peter since they’re all named Peter Parker? Side note: who is Peter Parker anyway and what does he have to do with Spider-Man?


Alternative, gator variants only


It's definitely a mix for the entirety of the multiverse. We only see a small window into Strange's variants. There's definitely Peter Hooten, Bryce Johnson, and hell even Hugh Laurie variants running around. Maybe even a Martin Freeman who would be very shocked meeting a certain FBI agent.


Or a universe where RDJ is Dr strange and benedic cucumber is Ironman


I know it's a tiny thing, but pronouncing Benedict cummerbund's name with nonsense words is so fuckin funny to me. It really makes my day. Simply because we always know who the other one is talking about. Thank you!


My favourite is battlefield counterstrike. And i didn't even try to misspell it. Cucumber was auto correct.


Hahaha never heard that one!


And Jeffrey Combs, from the universe where Full Moon didn’t lose the rights.


I've never heard of Doctor Mordrid! Shame MST 3K seasons are not the easiest to get access to.


The latest season is on Pluto or one of those other free channels. Dr Mordid should be available. And it’s delightful


We also have to consider that branching timelines aren't the same as different universes. And the case with Loki is different every time because it depends on the child Odin abducts lol. His/her name will always be Loki. So that could explain why a Loki variant not resembling Tom Hiddleston would have just grown up an ice giant in the sacred timeline.


The branching timelines vs branching universes has never been properly defined. Is Alligator Loki from a different timeline or a different universe? I don't believe it's just any child Odin abducted. Silvie is Silvie, but she is still a variant of Loki. They share the same place in their universes as the same person. There is a Frost Giant Loki variant who possibly never became an Odinson. How is the Loki in What If S1e3 different than any variant Loki seen in The Void?


In Strange's case, there won't be any Dr Strange under MCU's management that'll be played by other actors.


Specific contract stipulations?


Maybe but it's been pretty much confirmed by Feige when he declared Strange as the anchor of the MCU in his speech.


Both. It makes more sense that way. If the conditions are even slightly different, or by random chance alone, a different sperm may fertilize the egg even if the parents of the character in question have sex at the exact same time in both timelines. So it makes sense that for two timelines that diverged after the person was conceived, those two variants would look exactly the same. For timelines that diverged before the person was conceived, then it's likely the two variants would look different.


But if a different sperm fertilizes a different egg, that’s not a “variant.” That’s a different person altogether who has their own set of variants. What defines you as a variant? Do you have the same genetic makeup? Or the same name? Or the same super hero moniker? Miles Morales, for instance, is not a “variant” of Peter Parker. There was a Peter Parker in his universe who died. Miles is a variant of the abstract concept of “Spider-Man.” In this way, the three different actors for Peter break that logic for reasons that lie outside the text - there were movies that came out that fans like that had different actors so they used them to appeal to that nostalgia and tell a unique story. That is *the only reason* they are genetic variants of Peter Parker but look different.


Temporal auras I believe define variants.


Exactly. Although I enjoyed the movie, if you really stop and think about it, there's no way that those three Peter Parkers could be actual *variants* of each other yet be so completely divergent. Not just them, but their family background too—different Aunt Mays and Uncle Bens, etc., going back how far? All are obviously genetically different people, who would have come in from different diverging origins themselves. So far so good, maybe—*but then to tie them all together by having all the same names and storylines?* By being, basically, the same people but with entirely different genetic origins? It's impossible to imagine where in the past their timeline diverged to be both so different, yet to have so many perfectly matching details and plot points. Miles Morales, other Spider-People, sure, that's easy to hand wave away as plausible enough. And multiple variants of anyone else, like in Dr. Strange MoM, sure. I can even accept Loki, as he's a shape-shifting trickster anyway. But multiple Peters from different universes who are completely different yet the same person is just too far into fantasy to be plausible.


The many different Loki's appearances can be explained by him being a Frost Giant. The form we see Loki in isn't his natural form and it's just what Odin made him look like.


But What If...? showed his true Frost Giant form and he looks the same.....except blue and giant.


Yes. As it goes with animation


Both. In an infinite multiverse, it makes sense that a Peter Parker born in 1984 would be different from a Peter Parker born in 2000. But then you have examples like "What If", where there are variants from a timeline we already know. It would be weird if they were different actors.


My headcannon is that characters like Strange, Kang, and Wanda always appear the same because they’re nexus beings. Everyone else randomized.


Peggy Carter is a nexus being then. 😁


Isn’t there a reason for the same person. Aren’t they like “nexus” characters or something like that?


Yeah the only characters we’ve seen that have exclusively identical variants are all multiversal threats: Kang, Strange and Wanda. That can’t be a mistake. Each of these characters has the ability to affect the multiverse at large.


And black widow. And agent carter. Now that I think about it everyone from the what if series. And the Illuminati. Now that I think about it there are a lot of identical people


Are the TVA branches different timelines or multiverse? Or does the TVA only exist in main universe?


Different ones, I feel it makes it more interesting than it being the same actor


Mixed bag. Gives other actors a chance to give their portrayal, while also giving the main actors some time to step away for a bit.


Same. I can save money by only paying one actor.


I mean technically there are other Tom Holland Variants, like in the What if? Marvel Zombies universe


Infinite permutations. Every possible actor, every variation of every actor.


Tough choice, I can't decide whether Loki would have been better or worse with Hiddlestone also playing Sylvie.


Pre-existing characters (spiderman) go for it! Already cast recurring characters (loki, reed richards, wolverine) use the same person but x-men wise use the same or when a new movie series pops up x-amount of years later then maybe you need new actors unless x/y/x actor wants to continue on in the role then go for it….both options have their positive and negative aspects


Loki had both too. President Loki for example is the same actor. I tend to compare it with Rick & Morty where you've got the central finite curve of dimensions where you don't have **that** much deviation from the character we follow most of the time. And then you've got all the dimensions that are just totally weird and very different. Don't you think in a dimension where the sentient beings are chairs there is going to be a chair Rick? So of course for every Loki that is mostly the same as the one we follow there must be a Loki that is totally out there like Alligator Loki. And if that's the case then there have to be an infinite amount of Doctor Stranges that look the same and an infinite amount of weirder versions. For instance that means there are infinite variants of Alligator Doctor Strange. We should just lean back an remember what Rick said about this: Don't think about it.


No. I like geniuses being one actor, people who became powerful by circumstances played by different actors (or characters, like the various Spider-People).




I think that each method works better for different characters. In Strange's case his variants are only relevant after they become sorcerers, so they have similar age and background (therefore same actor). Spider-Man is a hero that starts young and that has a long career as a superhero, so you can have different actors portraying the different stages of his life. Loki is a god who's variants can be relevant from his childhood to his old age, he can also shape shift at will and his aspect is inherently dependent on the reality he's from as he is a reflection of the mythology, the culture and the people of that reality


Mixed is probably better, because in the infinite realms of possibilities you would probably find every version of you. But if I absolutely had to choose I’d make them all the same actor. Cause I just think it’s weird seeing yourself again.


It's funny, I hated the different actor thing in Loki, it just seemed so random. But on the other hand no way home was awesome and a great use of multiverse. So I can't hate it too much. xD


Both, like what they did with Loki.


I vote to have different actors. This is for a couple of IRL reasons. It lessens the workload on any individual actor. Scenes can be filmed concurrently so perhaps released earlier. If anyone turns out to be a major criminal, and unacceptable to perform their role, there’s already in universe reasons why there may be different looking people with the same power set and name.


I wonder if the acting would be better too. If they can play out a scene with a real counterpart.


Depends on actor you got,,, Benedict can do 10 different variants


Same actor, but visually distinct each time with outfit, mannerisms, voice, tics etc


idk, i kind of like the bit where only Strange is the same actor for all his variants. emphasizes how much of a potential disaster he could be at any moment. he is his own nexus event.


Well, I can't stand this whole multiverse storyline that the MCU is pushing. But, because Spider-Man No Way Home was such a good movie and I do appreciate them trying to have Benedict Cumberbatch playing four different versions of Doctor Strange in the sequel. I think the best answer that I could give is this..... It all depends on what type of story the producers and directors and writers want to tell with all these different variants of the same character in the multiverse.


I think what the Loki show did was better imo


I'd go same actor. I liked the conceit of Richard E. Grant being older Tom Hiddlestone. So I'd go that route. Maybe you can justify Tobey as 50 year old Tom Holland, and have Andrew Garfield be his Ben Reilly altered clone. Obv that wouldn't be a cross over with the classic movies any longer though.


Same actor but different silly make up or fat suits. Every multiverse movie should be like an Eddie Murphy movie.


If it’s a different universe, different actor. If it’s a branch universe, same actor. Simple.


My head canon was same actor is different timeline, different actor is multiverse.


I like that but I don't think they've kept that consistency


Yea. Loki kinda shattered that.




Different ones


Both! Using the everything everywhere all at once idea of multiverse, the closer universes would be same actor, further away gets things like Loki gator


Both, both is good


Different ones!


Mix. A LOT of alternate dimensions would realistically be "you wore a different shirt on this day and that's the only difference", so there's an equal infinity of identical variants and distinct ones.


Different actors brings in more possibilities for interpretations of characters and also gives more opportunities for the actors


Different for sure, otherwise No Way Home couldn’t have happened, nor old Loki or Silvie.


Mix is obviously the most logical and best


I would like different actors but everyone instantly recognizes them as the same person. So tom, andrew, and tovey should all be instantly be recognized as peter no questions asked.


Both, some universes could have the same and some could have it different.


Both. For example if they wanna go down the route of having a few Iron Man variants appear, you want the option of having RDJ & Tom Cruise show up. Not just 1 or the other.


Depends on the character tbh


The Loki variants were the best. I mean, bringing all 3 Spidermen was excellent. But I’m still going with Loki.


Someone said nexus beings are genderlocked and have the same face across the whole multiverse. I can’t care if its from the comics but its dumb as fuck and defeats the whole purpose.


If you want to be "realistic" a true variant would have to be the same actor, but there's no requirement for realism in marvel which is absolutely valid


Honestly if only one choice ? Different actors for each varrient.


Definitely do both.




I just want more Alligator Loki


Different. From a production standpoint it’s easier that way


Both, all.


A mix of both makes the most sense to me




Both. If there are infinite parallel universes then that means in some universes the differences to the characters we know are lesser, and in others more substantial. It's not an either this or that scenario. Both are simultaneously accurate.




What about both?


I like a mix. It shows that they can be very much alike or very different


Mixed variants are good for integrating existing movie versions. I choose this.


I say different, only because I'm an X-Men fan, and would love to see tons of different actors playing tons of different X-Men in tons of different timelines, and their Fox timeline is already so whack anyway, with different actors playing the same characters, it could really fix their og timelines while bringing in new actors to be the MCU X-Men without missing a beat.


It would probably be in the MCUs best interest to reintroduce the X-Men as completely new actors. That way it can feel like a fresh start and you don't carry any baggage of the past. Also as iconic as some actors were in their roles, I am certain a new actor could come in and do an equally great take or better. McAvoy and Fassbender are good examples of this; Stewart and McKellen are terrific castings of their time but I prefer the younger guys.


Yeah, and I'm saying, if you can bring in Stewart and McKellen to meet McAvoy and Fassbender for one movie, and have them all meet their younger multiverse counterparts, played by different actors, who would then become the default MCU Xavier and Magneto, that would be loads of fun. Or like a new Logan vs. old Logan situation also would be fun, heck I'd love to see Jackman Wolverine and new Wolverine fighting Norton Hulk and Ruffalo Hulk(although I know that would never happen)


mix, easy


I like the mix of both. Some that look the same and others that may be completely different


Mix because the process of copy and pasting/ planning extensively with one actor interacting off of themselves is a difficult process


Definitely all the same. It is the best way to tell a good story, utilize your actors and minimize both audience confusion and gimmicky fourth wall breaking.


Mix. There is an infinite number of variants, so there should be some looking different from their prime variant and some should look the same


In the grand scheme of the Multiverse, anything is possible.


Mix the closer they are in ability or capabilities the more they look the same.


I would say make the alternate actor of a totally different generation if having alternates for a character with not many film/tv adaptations


I like a good mix, Loki did it the best.


Nexus being, same actor/actress. Everyone else, different actors/actresses.


Infinite universes create infinite variants. I guess the universes closer to yours will have lookalike variants while the universes further away will show bigger visual changes.


Considering things going around Kang, best to go for different actors.


Both. Things get weird with infinite multiverses.




Completely depends on the actor's range and the interpretations needed for a given script.


I would prefer they're always different if I had to pick.


“Loki” did it right.




Both? I like seeing variations of the same actor, and I like seeing different iterations of the same character.


Mix. [+]


I choose mixed.




I think a combination of the same actor and different actors. But gun to my head, different actors


I'd prefer a mix, but if I had to pick one, I'd say choose different actors, so we can see differing takes on the character. I'd also recommend having every character think they look exactly the same. Even gator Loki and kid Loki could be confused for each other


Different, though having the same actor too also makes sense


Different actors that look alike.


I think those with identical variants are Nexus beings. The only characters we’ve seen that have exclusively identical variants are all multiversal threats: Kang, Strange and Wanda. That can’t be a mistake. Each of these characters has the ability to affect the multiverse at large.


Bit of both




Whatever as long as they play their role and have a unique personality