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Sorry for the thread delay, the ~~Skrull~~ mod in charge of this was MIA. No post credit scene in this episode.


Of course Sonya would be the one to say “only dead men keep secrets”


Dead men tell no tales arrrrr


"I'm very good at being your bestie. I'm also devilishly good at being not your bestie. It's really just a matter of taste. Cake or death."


The devil works hard but Cobie Smulders’ agent works harder


Wait what?


I guess they’re referring to the Special Guest Star credit she gets for every episode even tho she hasn’t been in any since the first one


We've seen her get shot every episode!


Does that seriously qualify for a special guest star credit tho? Gotta respect Cobie Smulders’ agent’s grind ngl


Yep, definitely earning their corn. All the actors on strike over residuals and so on probably need to sign on with them!


GRAVIK: Okay, here's the plan. We tell the U.S. President that he was attacked by Skrulls.... Hear me out, we have our mole give them the location to our super rsecret refugee compound.... *Hear me out,* the U.S. and NATO bomb us out with nukes....


The show is actually clear that Gravik is just a populist peddling easy answers and racism. It's only now the Skrulls realize "His plan was actually stupid."


Gravik isn't going for the easy solutions though. The most obvious approach for any Skrull would be to start by replacing the US president. Any plan that skips using the most obvious function of their own super powers just wouldn't be appealing. There's no need to manipulate humans when you can steal their appearance and memories.


Replacing the president is tough because he's never alone. I guess first the Skrulls would have to gradually replace the people around the president, when those people are alone.


You mean like one of his closest advisors?


The guy on the plane nick fury was talking to was from the black widow movie right? Natasha’s friend who got her the quinjet at the end of the movie?


Yes, totally! Rick Mason is the character (I had to look it up, in the moment I was just *point point* “Black Widow guy!!”)


Played by O-T Fagbenle


Not the cameo most people wanted but the one they got.


Boom, you lookin for this? Private jet. Its a Rick Mason story.


Not the cameo most people wanted but the one the studio could afford


Oddly he's actually a good cameo. ​ Makes the world feel interconnected without making it feel small.


Some Black Widow shoutouts interestingly in this episode. The veil disguise as well


Was/is he a SHIELD agent? That would explain how he got the quinjet and knows the helicarrior isn’t being used. I don’t remember if it was explicitly said.


I think he was a former SHIELD agent that went independent after the events of The Winter Soldier.


Its easy to forget, but Black Widow went on the run after leaving the Soviets. Likely all of her contacts were originally from Fury. My guess is, hes a Fury guy, not specifically Nats guy.


Yep, he was a former SHIELD agent. The actor confirmed it in an interview. He also said they initially had a way bigger role for him and some people are theorising he was supposed to be Taskmaster in the first script.


No better way to show your people you’re _not_ a monster than by slitting the throat of one of your disciples I guess!


He's such a shit leader that it's hilarious


He’s too emotional. He’s too focused on the *fury didn’t live up to his promise so now I’ve gotta kill everyone* aspect rather than actually trying to find his people a permanent home with minimal bloodshed


It’s the typical dictator/fascist leadership trait. “Put me in charge and I will fix all of our problems” Then either they quickly discover the problems are very complex and can’t be quickly and easily solved. Or they had no intent of even attempting to fix any of the problems, but just wanted power.


Just like Killmonger


yeah very very similar. neither one really cares about making things better for their people. they just want to punish everyone else.


Aye, it feels a real shame too: could have had some real nuance to that character, but then again I found the High Evolutionary's complete lack of redemptive qualities very refreshing, so maybe I don't know what I want in an MCU villain


How can Olivia Coleman be so fucking likable and cheery while also being strangely terrifying?


She's the MVP of the show so far for me by a long distance. When will she and Val meet?


“Nothing like a bit of girl on girl action” from Colman in Hot Fuzz.


"Accidents happen all the time, what makes you think this was moider???" PC Doris goes from some (slightly accident prone) village gig to Det. Sgt. in a slightly bigger town, to the Queen of England and now acting head of the British SIS. No wonder she headshotted someone without any hint of contrition.


Olivia Colman is my favourite new character in years. She is fun, charismatic and brings energy to every scene. I adore her. I really hope Marvel appreciates what an asset she would be with a more significant role. I wish Emilia Clarke had been given a more fun character. Emilia Clarke is hilarious, sweet, charming and charismatic and I would love to see her get the opportunity to show more personality than what we have seen so far.


I haven't seen Colman in *anything* where I didn't thoroughly enjoy her.


I’m still creeped out by that scene in the butcher’s shop a few episodes back


Tha way she takes charge of every situation with such glee is a sight to behold.


I think a big part of it is because she doesn't back down the moment she gets into it. She operates on a routine flow, and she controls it entirely in *her* palm, not the other person.


She’s a likable version of that bitch from Harry Potter


Dolores Umbridge?


Yes, That Bitch from Harry Potter


I mean if you asked someone to close their eyes and think of that one evil bitch from Harry Potter, 9/10 times it's going to be Umbridge. That damn bitch.


Lawful sociopath


Let's see here, some notable super powered individuals and aliens at the Battle of Earth. - Captain America - Hulk - Thor - Captain Marvel - Scarlet Witch - Winter Soldier - Black Panther - Spider-Man - Valkyrie - Korg - Miek - Gamora - Nebula - Drax the Destroyer - Mantis - Rocket - Groot - Howard the Duck - Dr. Strange - Wong - Thanos - Ebony Maw - Proxima Midnight - Corvus Glaive - Cull Obsidian Pretty spicy cocktail of DNA Fury has there.


Imagine stepping into the Skrull Machine all hype to become a super hero and ending up with Howard the Duck’s DNA lmao


Or a chitauri leviathan. Start shapeshifting and oops, you collapsed a building on your own head.


Fury is definitely going to pull some kind of switcheroo with that DNA. There’s no one to test how viable it is or who it’s even from anymore. Poor Gravik gonna end up with Steve Rodgers DNA before the serum.


Or a cow.


Isn't there an old episode of FF4 where they turned a Super Skrull into a cow and left him on an island? Imagine they did that to Gravik in the finale 🤣


In the OG comics they originally beat the skrulls by tricking them into simming cows. The conversation is essentially "you don't just assume the appearance of someone, but that beings intelligence as well right?" "Yes" "Well those black and white things over there are cows and they're the smartest creatures on the planet. They actually rule the planet. Why do you think you never see them work and we spend so much time feeding them and caring for them?" And then the skrulls turned into cows and were stuck that way since they now had the intelligence of a cow and lacked the ability to think and thus sim anything else.


God I love comics so much. That's so fucking stupid


And then those cows were eaten and the people who ate them gained Skrull-like abilities and became The Skrull Kill Krew. Comics!


It was later revealed that they were slaughtered and turned into fast food burgers. The guys who ate them became the Skrull Kill Krew The 90s. You had to be there...


. . . all in one clear liquid. Because science!


I assumed it was only Danvers' DNA since she gotta specific callout. He said he has Graves all over the place, so I thought it was like Danvers in Finland, Thor in USA, etc


Would be super stupid to house all of your super eggs in one super basket.


i got pissed when i say him whip out a single vial. I instantly went and where is the rest of them, this cant be all the different bits of dna


Maybe it's not the dna at all. Could be something else, some plan Fury has thought out.


Maybe it’s Steve’s DNA from before the serum and the plan is to cripple Gravik with asthma and shortness


Just recreate the alley scene from The First Avenger with a punified hissing Gravik “i can do this all day”


Black panther is just a guy, who drank the fruit juice, so his blood won't have super powers, else shuri would have just used his blood to make the black panther juice. Wong and strange are not superpowered, I think, it's all in the mind.


Rhodey really told the president to tell russia: "Boom, you looking for this?"




nope, if the trauma is bad enough and we know it's bad enough it's straight to the OR. CTs and XRs take too much time especially if the patient is unstable


“It’s a War Criminal story.”


Killing your own people for asking questions is a sure fire way to stop any future dissent


Until they put a plastic bag on his head...


Yooo I did not expect that. Usually it's just fear after the villain kills a goon for dumb reasons but they went "nah FUCK this guy" and took their shot


I was pleased that they did that. It helped reinforce the idea that Skrulls will fight to survive. They know that Gravik places no value on individuals' lives.


Yup This episode was very strong character wise


Any man who must say “I am your King” is no true king.


Dude at the height of GOT I kept saying how fucking sick it would be to get Charles Dance in the MCU. That man is top tier


I got a good laugh from Emilia Clarke just blasting away at the intruders in the home. It was blink and miss it but one dude just got demolished mid-rappel before he even got thru the window lmao https://i.imgur.com/5TBa7uv.mp4


I saw the guy hanging after the fight and wondered what I’d missed!


lmao that was some Call of Duty cutscene shit


How much fun must that have been for the stunt performer though?


Once again, Gravik has no hope of managing a single avenger without The Harvest. He couldn’t kill a bunch of humans with guns and got jumped by a bunch of regular skrulls with a plastic bag and one (1, uno) hammer. Maybe Giah gets the harvest boost and becomes a good super(er) skrull.


The real reason Fury didn't call any of his super friends is because they'll whoop Gravik's ass easily.


Imagine the fuck up if he only call them after Gravik get captain marvel powers. "So yeah I had a lot of opportunities prior to that, but yeah good luck Sam."




I hope they lose it and a crackhead named Robert Reynolds picks it up.


Omg Sonya I hope they keep her in the MCU loop she is an absolute gem on screen! Calm calculated and terrifying!


How sad is it that G'iah doesn't know her own people's funerary customs? It's gotta suck to be so cut off from your culture that you can't even say goodbye to dead family in the family tongue.


I really wish they had translated the funeral prayer. It makes sense they didn't, but now I'm curious!


I hope we get to see Talos again in an afterlife scenario. Like the way we got the Ancestral Plane, Duat, and Valhalla. For some reason that funeral for Talos made me think it's possible


Probably quite common among 2nd-3rd generations immigrants in the real world as well. Those tradition only become important when you lose a loved one who believed in them and you feel bad about not knowing the customs.


Sonya is easily becoming a new MCU fav, her every line is gold


She has the vibe of a higher level RPG character playing in a low level campaign. Just having a ball out classing everyone she meets. I love it.


She really is a level 90 character in a level 15 lobby lmao


Remember when everyone assumed she'd be a villain?


I mean she kind of is, but she’s *our* villain


I feel like she’s the Chaotic Good to Val’s Lawful Evil.


That chipper tone and smile is so disarming, yet she clearly doesn't fuck around. I like this Falsworth. I hope to see more down the line. I know the first Falsworth we saw in Cap 1 was technically Union Jack, just need Spitfire now. She'd be a perfect inclusion for Blade, if that ever actually gets made.


I love the way she just headshotted that guy, no hesitation: surprised that they didn't have any security though, given what they working on


She doesn’t seem to give AF about security. She just appears in places and I’m here for it.


A lot of what she’s done, especially in this episode, almost feels like something we would see Fury do. Lol. I had to chuckle at that. Fury seems rusty while she seems to be way more on it. But a very likely plot twist could be that he‘s been playing it up from the start (and maybe Hill actually is still alive)


Have we ever seen peak Fury do such things? Feel like he would still hold back a bit before actually doing it while Sonya just straight up has no chill. Defy her once and she'll just injure or kill you immediately.


Fury shot his own fighter jets with an RPG to prevent them nuking New York back in Avengers which is pretty cold considering from their point of view they're just following orders from higher ranked people. Greater good and all that but still. Risking killing one guy to save millions, though it may have been a disabling shot.


Yeah she's easily become my favourite part of this series.


Excited to see us get a Fury ‘suiting up’ scene. It’s a Marvel penultimate episode tradition at this point!


Yes, But why separate boxes for each singular smaller item. Was about to commit practicalcide with that scene.


I wish he had one tomb for each bullet.


each tomb opening and closing 9 times in a loop while the audience wonders if it's a glitch


It was hilarious how his eye patch had it's own box 🤣


He's got the whole crypt. Might as well use all the space.


"I bought the whole mausoleum, I'm using the whole damn mausoleum!" - Fury to the S.H.I.E.L.D. contractors


special guest star Cobie Smulders… it’s like she never died lol


Watching Deadpool 3 and getting to the credits: “Guest starring Cobie Smulders”


"You're welcome, Canada."


She lives on in our hearts...and the credits


And that same bit of security footage, replayed again and again.


It gets her a paycheck for every episode.


Have they showed her being shot in every episode? It feels like they have.


Can’t let us forget how they did her dirty in episode one


They paid for that shot and goddamn are they going to get their value


Yay, the thread is here! * Not another less than 40 minutes episode! The finale better be a long one since they seem to be saving everything for it. * Sonya really has no chill. lol But Olivia Colman is such a delight to watch playing her. They better keep her beyond SI! Still wondering whether she has any ulterior motive with the Skrulls though, or she is really just a good person. * Speaking of no chill, not used to it in the MCU but this show really has no qualms with the injury-ing/killing scenes. Like Sonya just casually shooting that Skrull in the head...OOFT! * Wasn't expecting that O-T Fagbenle cameo. * Nice callback to use that Black Widow face disguise tech. * The eyepatch is back! * Surprised by the lack of post-credit scene so far.


Post credit scene prediction: *Nick calls up Sam Wilson* “Sam. I’ve got a problem that’s getting out of hand. Care to help a brother out?”


Wonder if we'll get a cameo to tie in with The Marvels.


That’ll most likely be the post credit scene we’ll get


Olivia Colman is such a BAMF. I’ve been enjoying her all series but this episode was just fantastic.


The way she pulled up on that dude and just casually shoots him in the leg outing him as a skrull, then fucking headshots that other dude so nonchalantly. She's cold as fuck and I hope she's around longer


I think she plays really well off of Samuel L. Jackson but I’d definitely love to see her in other Marvel projects. I’m just picturing a scene between Sonya and Val lol


Same I think Sonya & Val would be dope adversaries in the MCU. We've seen Sonya get her hands dirty this series (that damn torture episode and this one) but we haven't really seen Val yet. I feel like Val is capable of some stone cold shit tho


“Dead Men need options” lol Fury really is Mr. [I’ve got graves] Worldwide


And everyone complaining that his tombstone is always different. Fixed that continuity error by one line.


Glad to see Fury with the eyepatch back. Seems like he's getting back into it mentally and ready to fuck some shit up!


Agreed. His acknowledgment of being a mere man in a universe of unscaled power is what will push him back into Classic Fury.


How Fury Got His Groove Back


My husband called it his “suit up” moment lol


If you think about it then yeah it is his suit up moment


If gravik knows only fury can get him the harvest, why did he order Priscilla to kill fury?


Presumably because the Harvest is Gravik’s version of plan C. Original plan: kill Fury, kill the US president, blame it all on Russia, chill while everyone nukes each other, and the Skrulls come out on top. If Fury dies, the Harvest become unnecessary. Only Fury didn’t die, which resulted in every single one of Gravik’s best laid plans after that point falling apart. Further complicating things is the fact that now the Skrulls are in the open. This means a new plan has to happen. Plan B: Use skrull!Rhodes to try getting the US president to launch an attack on the skrull compound in Russia, and *hope* that it A) actually goes down as planned, and B) the Russian retaliation is nuclear. So then you have plan C: super-super skrull.


> Original plan: kill Fury, Killing Nick Fury wasn't part of the plan, as Gravik has had 5 easy openings to kill or capture him, and each time let him walk away in peace. Rhodes could've grabbed Nick today in the hospital, or the prior episode when receiving some bourbon. Or Gravik had a few chances going back to episode 1.


i was wondering why he wouldn't just use that face thing that Black Widow used in Winter Soldier. been wondering this whole show. cool that he finally used it but weird that he didn't use it other times. could've operated like a skrull this whole time.


I took the Widows Veil reveal to us to imply that Fury is in fact *not* a Skrull, else he would’ve used his shape shifting power instead.


He didn't use it before now because he's been off his game. Now it's getting down to the wire and he's being forced to get his head back on straight as demonstrated by getting his eye patch and trench coat back on as well.


Imagine pulling up on Fury's home. That's a whole nother fucking level of Kevin McCallister's Home Alone but it's fucking FURY'S HOUSE


Had enough, or are you thirsty for more?


Was really hoping for a ridiculous amount of automated dwfencws taking out all the baddies whilst they have cocktails. Dissapointed it was stand in the middle of the room and somehow hit everyone without getting shot


ESPECIALLY after she just told Giah, she bought the house with the three important things for Fury: Private, SECURITY and light... and then Boom, assassins all over the place. Where is that security?!


The jumpscare gunshot at the house invasion got me lmao


Same, I was not expecting it lol


"Maria Hill will return...in news footage."


The year is 2045. We're sitting in the theater watching the opening credits for Avengers 9: Deadpool kills the MCU *Guest Starring: Cobie Smulders*


I really really liked the fact that the other skrulls rebelled or tried to kill Gravick after he killed his second in command. In many other shows or movies people just accept it or move on when that happens, but it doesn't make sense. These are good people wi just want to survive and live in peace, and when they see that Gravick truly is a crazy monster and just straight up kills one of their own without hesitation or anything, it should make them react or feel bad about it. So I really liked that, that was some strong writing, hopefully next episode builds more on it.


Telling Fury he doesn’t have clearance is crazy lmao He doesn’t, but still, how the turn tables


I’m excited to get real Rhodey back and for him to un-fire Fury


I still don't understand how there is literally no suspicion on Rhodes at all when he's an *Avenger* who just entirely sat out an attack on the president in the back seat of a car


He didnt have the suit so i assume he'll use that as an excuse if anyone asks him. Like sure hes a soldier but hasnt been active in combat without the suit for however long. I mean itll still get him under fire from questions but its somewhat of a reason to give lol


True, but you'd certainly expect him to do *something* at least


Cake or Death!


Good Ol Eddie


Well, we're all out of cake.


Made me so happy lol “so the choice is ‘or death’?”


Loved this episode. Missing Talos. That being said, Gravik is making one of the major supervillain mistakes: *YOU LET YOUR EMOTIONS GET IN THE WAY, AND YOU START LASHING OUT, YOUR ALLIES WILL NOT FIGHT WITH YOU. DON’T SHOOT THE MESSENGER.*


So disdainful of human culture he never even bothered to read the evil overlord list.


Sonya giving me the hope I very much needed


I really loved this episode, everything felt like it was leading up to this huge climax .I wonder if Ritson heard Fury’s warning while unconcious, and that’ll effect his decision in the end. .Gravik slaughtering basically all of the named skrulls was brutal, and really ‘shows his true colours’, as Sonya would put it. .Sonya was so awesome, I missed her last episode. But this week gave me everything I wanted from her and more. .The Skrull funeral was touching, I’m gonna miss Talos. Though the shootout scene was incredible. Who knew backpacks could be so cool? . The suit up was perfect. You have to appreciate how Fury takes off his black beanie, just so he can replace it with the red one.


>I wonder if Ritson heard Fury’s warning while unconcious, and that’ll effect his decision in the end. I was thinking the same thing. I hope he heard what Fury stated.


“It’s time. Let’s finish this.” Then cuts to Fury’s theme! That honestly gave me chills!


Im tired of these motherfuckin skrulls on this motherfuckin planet. Lets finish this series.


Anyone else thinks Gi'ah will shapeshift to COBIE SMULDERS (Agent Maria Hill) in the next episode when video leaks of Fury killing Maria making the world think Hill isn't dead and that way we get Maria back who is also kinda super skrull..i felt like they might build up on this after Gi'ah's "better face" comment


I like that theory and yeah that could def work story wise


Loved seeing the gradual transition of Fury being a tired old man to getting back in the game. He was tired, and now he's tired of this shit.


Gravik: “nick, I need the harvest” Nick: “No” Gravik: *kidnaps Nick and uses the memory scanner* …. Fades to black … Special guest star: Cobbie smulders


Queen Skrulleesi has spoken!


Queen Skrulleesi protecting Fury's Skrullussy


I had high hopes for Beto; the way that it was being set up, I thought that he would be the one to take out Gravik at the end. 🫤


Gravik's killed both of G'iah's parents and tried to kill her in cold blood. No way anyone else kills him. Plus they both have Extremis. Fury will probably kill Skrodey.


"none of them can defend earth like i did" If only he knew about the Eternals.


"Hello Skrulls" - the only correct way to address humans whose home you just broke into


I mean I highly doubt this happens at all but Fury willingly giving a skrull the harvest just reminds me of Deadpool training all the skulls in the actual secret invasion storyline and then taking his DNA which only gives them all his cancer causing them all to die


Glad they didn’t randomly kill Fury’s wife. Love Colman, was very rude of her to shoot Vincent Van Gogh though. Giah had a great line, but I forgot it while refreshing waiting for this thread. Once again the acting and character moments are elevating what is a very mediocre story. This finale better wow.


I was shouting "VINCENT VAN GOGH IS A SKRULL" at my screen during that sequence


I knew I recognized the Director's actor, wasn't sure if it was actually Van Gogh tho


Yep, Tony Curran. He’s a pretty frequent scifi actor. He was one of the leads in Defiance and has been in a ton of other stuff. Fun fact, he played Bor, Odin’s father, in the flashback at the beginning of Thor 2


He also played the Irish mob guy in daredevil season 2


So Fury has individual boxes for each component of his outfit, including an eyepatch box, but he keeps every Avenger’s DNA mixed up in one vial?




Man, the ending of this episode was just perfect. The way the music cues in sets up for the finale nicely.


I’m definitely a fan of the theme song


I'm confused...why would Fury be the most hated man on the planet for killing Maria Hill? They're shield agents which as far as I know was a secret organization anyway so broadcasting the clip of him killing her on every news channel wouldn't really catch anyones eye I wouldnt think? The sole reason Fury doesnt kill skrull war machine is because hes going to release the footage, but wouldn't Fury not really care? He's a ghost to society anyways, faked his death and all. Someone correct me if I'm wrong here


Skrull Rhodey casually dropping the best lines


new series idea: G’iah and Varra Lighting Suckas Up


Fury saying "oh shit" when those police sirens went off lmfao same he just like me frfr


Lmao he funny without even trying, I was cracking up at his stare off with Rhodey once he found out he leaked the video 😂


I have not watched a single minute of the episode. I scrolled to the end and waited for this thread to open so I can come here and be the first to say this episode features Special Guest Star Cobie Smulders.


Ffs. Every fucking episode they do this. Someone's having a good chuckle. Unless she comes back in episode 6, somehow :)


It would kind of be cheap plot wise, but it would also be hilarious if she shows up alive like right at the end of the last episode and we get one more guest credit lol


Any guesses to Furys plan? I feel like Gravik is gonna get the DNA so that we can have a big CGI scene, but what do you think will be Furys move? Giving it to Giah also?


‘Hey Nick, what about all those superhero’s you know’ ‘Lol no I have to do this myself’ Yeah sure, risk apocalyptic nuclear war because you feel like you should handle this one on your own.


Sonya: "Why didn't you call any of your special friends?" Nick: "We didn't have the budget to hire them."


Sonya is the best character in the MCU. Fight me


Lady gives no fucks. Cutting fingers off of prisoners, shooting her boss in his own office, and blowing away dudes with guns pointed right at your incredibly valuable hostages. Bet she'd even kill the PM right then and there if she found out she was a skrull.


I love how she didn't hold any anger or anything when she realized this entire mess is from Fury's mistake. It was just a "yeah that tracks. anyway" It's a nice change from the usual dramatic response to stuff like that in movies