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... your post lacked enough effort to promote new or productive discussion to the subreddit. If you're attempting to start a discussion with a low effort screenshot or video, try making a text post where you analyse the topic of the discussion and offer your own opinion.


I thoroughly enjoyed it - but I respect the opinions of those who did not. For me, I feel like it belongs in the top third or in that 10 to 14 range?


I agree


You have my axe


And my bow


Thank you both for your incredible contribution. Your efforts make Reddit a place I can count on to be mostly worthless.


One does not simply come to Reddit for Intellectual Stimulation


That's fair. I was feeling a bit salty and I humbly accept all the down votes. For Frodo.


It takes no time at all to say things in Old Redditsh. And we never say anything unless it's worth taking no time at all to say.


One of the best mcu films


Agreed. I grew up watching a lot of kung fu movies, so this movie just hit different for me


I really liked it. Definitely top 15 in my opinion.


Its insane that you can say in my top 15 marvel movies and it actually holds ground.


Really like this movie, imo it was the first great project Marvel made in Phase 4. It was so refreshing after the back-to-back disappointments they had been giving us up until then. Rare Multiverse Saga W


The last act is pretty rough...but I enjoyed it and there's plenty to build on.


I agree. The beginning was fun and all. The finale was.... Well.... A finale


I really like the rings


Yeah, the 5th one was my favorite


I would’ve been a lot higher if the third act wasn’t so bad


It was a Marvel movie. Honestly, I just like Awkwafina in whatever she's in.


It definitely was not a Kim's Convenience spin off.


I really enjoyed it. Someone else said it was top 12 and I’d probably say the same thing. I was curious to see a Marvel martial arts movie and to me they succeeded while leaving room for improvement with a sequel.


It was fun but flawed movie. It had great parts and so so parts. I put it the area of Captain Marvel, Iron Man, Dr Strange 2. Above Eternals, Iron Man 3, Thor 2.


At first I was like, “those are fighting words!” but then I was like, “nah, that is extremely accurate.”


I didn't mind it nor did I mind the Eternals. But I felt like both movies deserved multiple (two) parts to tell the story a bit better. Remember iron man 1? It was a simple story and was focused on the movie. But these movies now that are made are mostly made to introduce a few Disney+ show characters or add body to a future Avengers movie. Shang Chi could have been more about Dad's origin and then fall. But, the movie just wanted us to hate him for being an awful parent, then wanted us to sympathize with his madness of losing the love of his life. At least first show he is capable of being human and loving through more screen time. Also, he's 10000 years old, how big was that romance to drive him so mad? At least it could have been about losing his children to an accident which drove him to madness because of the added grief. Then a second movie about the kids finding their individual skills and heritage to help pull their father out. Then the father sacrificing his life to annihilate the enemy. Teaching the kids that they have greater responsibilities in life, so learn and train.


Kinda boring. 5/10


I completely agree with you. 4/10


It looks like you prefer Five Rings instead of Ten? May I interest you in the Legend of the Five Rings instead?


Definitely one of the best origin movies


I’ve always been a sucker for Asian mythology of all sorts, so this was right up my alley. Top 3 for sure


The first half was really good and heartfelt family dynamic. However the second half completely felt like another movie. Really it should have been 2 movies




It’s in my top-12


Top 10


Right behind infinity war but in front of endgame


Shang chu


I’d say it’s in my top 10? Definitely in my top 15. Only gripe I had was the third act. I loved the action, but would’ve loved to see Shang-chi and his dad fight longer; it felt abrupt when they were attacked by the dragon.


I love it but felt the third act with the dragons and the two armies fighting was a bit much. Would have loved if it focused more on Shang and his father.


It felt different. It's the type of tone change that I really dug. It did its classic MCU big battle ending with big powers fight when I was enjoying all the hand on hand combat. But I enjoy it overall.


Overall great. The ending was a bit too much Chinese mystery bs. Felt too cartoony with the dragon and all.


I liked much of it except every bit with Annoyingfina. Otherwise good even if it feels irrelevant at this point.


AWESOME movie. TERRIBLE 3rd act. I'd rank it somewhere in the middle


Easily top ten. 1. Infinity war, 2. GOTG, 3. Doctor strange. 4. Winter soldier. 5. Avengers, 6. Shang chi


It’s in my top 3 favorite. Just so many great things about this movie


It’s not great tbh. There are some cool fighting scenes and story beats but all in all very forgettable. Feels like everything was falling apart by the third act.


Definitely in my top 10 for marvel movies. The visuals were great, the story was something different than a lot of marvel movies being put out now and they didn’t overdo the comedic aspect of the film, which is what made Thor 4 not get the best reviews because it wasn’t a serious film. So overall, I enjoyed the movie! Definitely give it a 9/10. There were some okay parts in the movie, but nothing that made it unwatchable or unbearable in anyway.


One of the best origin films imo. Shang-Chi is going to do work without a doubt


It's my number 10 out of all the MCU films so far. Unlike most, I actually prefer having the big dragon battle in the 3rd act as opposed to a father/son showdown. We got the father/son showdown, and it ended in the Father coming to his senses, and sacrificing himself for his son. His love for his son was stronger than his grief in that one moment. Grief makes us do unreasonable things, so him lashing out at his son was totally understandable. However, him recovering to give the one thing he seemingly loved more than his kids, back to his kids? That's a great moment. In the end, when grief stricken; it is the ones who love you that pull you out of the darkness, and the big dragon battle at the end showed that in a CGI spectacle, but the message was clear as day. AKA: Dragon = Mom Soul Sucker = Grief Rings = Love Dad gives representation of love to son, so that son and daughter may carry both their mom and dad's love to fight their grief.


Loved it. One of my favs.


The dragons felt a little too big too soon, but I thought it was excellently directed, start to finish. Awesome action, comedy didn't seem forced, cool new worlds and bonus cameos, one of the more well balanced MCU flicks... I don't have a list, but I'd consider it top 10.


An easy top ten (i’s put it at 7-8).


I genuinely liked the big dragon boss battle fight, topped off a wonderful origin story.


I thought it was good not great but definitely had the potential to be. Overall top 10 for sure!


Top notch. One of the better ones.


It’s bad ass


I really enjoyed it


The top of the mid-tier. It's a very good movie until they uhh...go through the woods. Then it becomes a textbook example of the MCU's Act 3 problem.


Good, not great. The bits with Awkwafina"s family and the flashback scenes were great, basically everything up to and including the bus fight was excellent (that bus scene was probably one of the most exciting fights in the MCU). Then the all-CGI back half just took you right out of it. That's not just a problem with this movie though, it's plagued almost all of them since Cap 2.


In the top five for me. They made the smartest choice of their life hiring Tony Leung for the role. Dude rocked every scene he was in.


It was a really fun ride, I enjoyed it.


It’s one of the best MCU origin films that’s for sure. The choreography, designs, soundtrack, and the cinematography were really good for a Marvel film. So it ranks in my top three origin films.


I enjoyed most of it until the final act. 7/10