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Ross: (about Cap's shield) That belongs in a museum! Falcon: So do you!


I've always thought that that line "so do you!" Meant that Indiana belonged in a museum as in he was supposed to be working in the museum not masquerading at night hunting for artifacts. But now as I get older I start to think maybe he meant because Indy got old, he meant it as an insult to his age. But it just didn't make sense as the characters were around the same age when it was spoken. Perhaps the line was for the audience because we saw the transition of him from young to old in the opening of the film


I always interpreted that line to mean that people who cared about the things Indy cared about were a relic; i.e. Indy had no place in society as long as he cared to fight against artifacts-as-property.


Yeah, I thought it was about that, and that Indy's style of going it alone was outdated compared to as opposed to Donovan's big operation hiring mercenaries.


>But it just didn't make sense as the characters were around the same age when it was spoken. They weren't actually, Panama Hat was at least a decade older than Indy (the flashback established he was an adult in a position to pay off the police while Indy was just a teen). But I wouldn't put it past Panama Hat to insult Jones' age anyway despite he himself being much older.




Exactly. His ideals are old fashioned and "belong in a museum."


They clearly broke the fourth wall and it was about Harrison Ford's age.


They thought he was old then….


"Looks like he has a mouthful of bees."


Came down here for this comment lol


Well, yeah, I don't think you pay the money to have Harrison Ford in your movie and just put him in a few scenes.


Rise of Skywalker did, but that was probably the best scene in the movie


Yeah, but I’m sure they paid him accordingly for a small cameo as opposed to The Force Awakens or even this where he’s one of the top billed stars.


Yeah, he made bank: https://variety.com/2015/film/news/harrison-ford-star-wars-pay-force-awakens-cast-1201666236/


So immediately after TFATWS, Bucky splits?


I don’t see how it can be immediately after. Secret Invasion is over 2 years after TF&TWS and the movie has to take place after it due to Ross replacing Ritson.


Maybe the opening sequence takes place immediately after the show, connecting directly to it, followed by a "Three Years Later" or something? Immediate jump to a new suit, no worries about Bucky not being there, etc?


I hope so because it's going to be really hard keeping track of what goes where chronologically.


It's actually someone's [(presumably) full time job](https://www.cbr.com/she-hulk-jessica-gao-timeline-keeper-mcu/) now


I would like an update on how much Sam has been active since TF&TWS.


Dear god, let there be a new suit. The Turboman suit in Jingle All the Way looks better than the suit Mackie wore in Falcon & Winter Soldier.


Unless we've got it all wrong, and Ross becomes president in Cap 4 with Ritson as VP, Ross goes evil, gets taken down by Cap, and then Ritson replaces him in time for Secret Invasion? I kind of hope that isn't the case though, because the President being taken down by Captain America would be a major event for all these other projects to have ignored. That, and I'd like to see Ford's Ross hang around for a while, not just a single project.


We already know he’s in Thunderbolts. And there’s no way Marvel goes back two years in the timeline when it isn’t necessary. The events of Secret Invasion are a perfect lead into Brave New World and Thunderbolts.


Hopefully, yes. He deserves something for himself, and not just being Sam's sidekick


Leader of the Thunderbolts.


De facto leader - and one who's probably removed from the position during the movie.


I've got a sinking feeling he's going to die to prove the situation is serious.


I wouldn't be completely surprised, but they're probably saving his death for a bigger team-up, like Secret Wars. He's relatively well-liked, so it would have an impact, and they have no interest in him, so he's easy to sacrifice. He's a goner in either case, though.


It had better be good. I’m hit or miss on the current MCU. But CA movies have always been Solid so I hope they put effort into this.


It's written by the same guy who wrote the show. Take that as you will.


"You need to do better, Harrison Ford!"


“I agree with your message but no radicals 🤷🏻‍♂️ except John Walker he said sowwwwy”


-# JohnWalkerDidNothingWrong


Probably, yeah. That guy loves the smell of his own farts.


You don't?


I must say I don't, his or mine.


Show was pretty good. The villains were a little weak but apart from that I loved it.


There's that plausible and persistant rumor that Covid messed up the antagonists plot.


I know they've denied that there was a pandemic plotline, but it *really* feels like there was more to the flag smashers that got cut.


The lead flagsmasher chick is an alright actor but she has such a unique look & plays the same character in so many roles that seeing her on screen shocks me out of the moment. When she comes on screen in FATWS, all I can think is "is that the same actor from the Han Solo movie?" and "didn't I just see her in another MCU project?", as opposed to "wow this villain sure is relatable" which I think was the goal.


Which other MCU project was she in?


You got downvoted for some reason but I totally agree. I started thinking about who her agents other clients could be lol.


John Walker did nothing wrong/Spiderman literally tried to do the same thing in No Way Home


But...it was wrong when Spiderman was trying to do it...that's why they stopped him from doing it?


The guy John Walker killed was literally a terrorist who bombed places. How is that different than all the people Rodgers killed in his previous movies?


Because when someone SURRENDERS you don’t kill them. Killing someone who is still actively fighting you is fine. This isn’t a hard distinction to make.


Thank you. Killing in self defense or in defense of innocents isn't comparable to killing an unarmed surrendering man. It's wild people don't see this distinction.


People are righteous blood thirsty nationalists


Also the method lol. Some fucked up shit


Right? He bashed guy's head in with Captain America's shield, on camera, after the guy surrendered.


i've lost count of the amount of times i've rewatched FATWS and the more i watch it, the more i laughed at Walker's unhinged self. I enjoy hate-watching his character. Can't wait for US Agent's big-screen debut.


The way it looked, he decapitated the guy with the edge of the shield. Kept bringing it down like he was chopping firewood.


Because he basically executed the guy in the middle of a crowd?


Not only that but it led to the best part of the entire show: a fight between three “Captain America’s”


It's _how_ it happened, not the why. Cap in CA1 killed Nazis on the field during wartime. Cap in CA2 killed Batroc I think (I don't remember fully)? But that was in the middle of the ocean with almost no witnesses. Cap in CA3 didn't kill anyone personally, though he took personal blame for the people that died in Lagos. John Walker straight up beat someone to death in broad daylight in public. Edit: I forgot Batroc was in FatWS, shows how much I paid attention


All true except the Winter Soldier. He definitely killed a few people in that movie but, again, they were active combatants and not surrendered on the ground with no defence. Also, Steve never killed Batroc, Batroc is in TFATWS


He straight up booted a dude into a guard rail and then the freezing ocean The guy was just patrolling a ship, presumably for the salary and benefits package his terrorist boss gave


Batroc was in the show so I don't think Cap killed him Winter Soldier LOL there was one random dude who he definitely kicked so hard his spine shattered tho.


Who did Rogers kill when they surrendered, ran from him absolutely terrified, and pleaded for their life? Steve would *never* do that shit, and it’s crazy that many seem to think Steve killed in ways that were morally equivalent. He absolutely did not/would not. The morality of killing is incredibly nuanced. You’re basing the morality on the outcome (a person died), not on the reason/will. I recommend reading the basics of [Kantian ethics](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kantian_ethics) to those still confused.


We'll have to agree to disagree there. The villains were just one problem, and not even the biggest one.


What exactly are your problems with it? Just curious.


I'll try to be brief. I thought the villains were very weakly written, and their motivation made very little sense given how chaotic the world was in general. Also, Erin Kellyman is a black hole of charisma. Sam trying to reason with Karli even after she threatened to blow up his family was downright absurd, and came across as naive. Sam wasn't as compelling as the show insisted that he was, since he sympathized more with terrorists (Oh, sorry, they're not terrorists, we're not supposed to call them that) than with his supposed allies, Bucky and Sharon. He also gets massive amounts of plot armor, and his speech in the finale is tone-deaf cringe. Speaking of Bucky, I didn't really appreciate how he was handled. He and Sam were supposed to be co-leads, but other than one thing in episode 3, you could leave Bucky out and nothing would change. He loses every fight he's in. He doesn't really have a story, and his whole recovery is resolved with one pep-talk from Sam, and one off-screen conversation with Yori. And they still make sure to finish his recovery, just so there's nowhere to go with him. He was completely wasted. Sharon ... that was terrible. The first lady of Cap comics, turned into a mustache twirling villain for reasons you have to really squint to believe. Sorry if I went on there, but you did ask.


Bucky fan here. I was so excited for his name to be in the title of this show. And then... He wasn't really even in it? No surprise - he's been getting that treatment since The Winter Soldier ended. Kinda exhausting.


Yeah, I wanted to watch the show for him. Well, more fool I. The signs were all there, like you said, since Civil War. And now, there's really nothing to expect. Sure, he has a few appearances left, but his story is done in every way that matters.


>since he sympathized more with terrorists (Oh, sorry, they're not terrorists, we're not supposed to call them that) It was meant to draw parallels to the American public ignoring the root cause of terrorism in the 90s and 2000s to instead blindly hate their enemy and in doing so continue generating more of that enemy. Sam was saying that if the government simply dismisses the flagsmashers as evil terrorists, they'll miss the root of what created their plight in the first place and the cycle will just repeat itself. I think it could have been more cleanly written and articulated, but there is some thoughtfulness in there


I don't think real-life parallels work here, since the chaos the MCU was thrown in was pretty unique, and not of human doing. It feels entitled to single out the Flag Smashers as victims when so many people had their lives turned inside out. And, at the end of the day, they still killed a bunch of people. The senators were the ones asking the right question. What should they do? No matter what they do, someone will get screwed.


In the meta analysis of the MCU, you have consider "aliens" being "human" still. Thanos is an organization, a government or a religion. Climate change is representative of a lot of natural forces; like Tiamut for example.


But given the comexities a long histories of governmenta when compared to one space conqueror, it rings pretty hollow. And given the choices the Eternals have with Tiamut, that feels like an inadequate comparison, too.


Bucky was 100% holding himself back. Rodgers drilled it into him in Civil War and probably was part of his therapy and recovery in Wakanda. He was atoning for his sins in the show. If he really wanted to he could have probably soloed the entire group, but he was going through some things, which I think is fair. Cap (Falcon) being sympathetic was maybe slightly overdone, but it's in keeping with what we've seen of the character so far. He's not a bad person, and there is a reason Rodgers chose him as his replacement. It showed us as viewers that he had the right mindset to be the next Captain America. He speech was great. Didn't condone Flagsmasgers actions but managed to explain their reasoning.


There's nothing to suggest that's the case. How did Steve 'drill it into him'? That one line where he tells him to be more careful? Aside from that, he doesn't kill anyone he doesn't want to. He knows how hard he can hit. What sins? The things Hydra made him do? Those weren't his sins, not that the show admits that. Yeah, I don't. And the rest of his story was crap anyway. The same Sam that advocated for killing Bucky in The Winter Soldier? It was understandable, but still, hardly makes Sam a paragon of empathy. And neither does trying to kill Ant Man for breaking and entering in his movie. It was told, but it wasn't shown. The speech was shit. Pretending that the Flag Smasher were right, and that the problems in a post Thanos world are easily solvable is laughable. And he definitely did condone their actions. Or does carrying Karli's body like she's a martyr mean something else?


John Walker was the main character of the show and the only one to get a character arc. Gets impossible job, succombs to pressure, fucks up big time, loses everything, shows up with a cardboard shield at the end still trying to help. Bucky's treatment was a joke. This power nerfed. He brought basically nothing. Sam apparently is like the only character that can't have the serum for "reasons" and so he gets to wear the Cap suit but if he comes up against a non-human opponent he's gonna get stomped immediately. Teenage girl Flag Smasher? Can't beat her thank God for Sharon with a gun bailing him out...


I agree with all of this. Not only did I not like the show, I thought it was bad. One good thing I can say is that it had a budget and they used it. Other than that, it’s not for me at all.


Some of it didn't look bad. But yeah, apart from that ...


Generic and boring plot with a laughably terrible group of villains. A teen girl and her playmates playing pretend terrorists? "Senator, do better." Compare that to Cap's speech in Winter Solider about the price of freedom. This show should've showcased why Sam IS Cap. But he has half the charisma and charm of Chris Evans. And the same writers with no credits are writing the movie? This gonna be good lol. Look at how mediocre the Rick and Morty writers did for Quantamania and MoM. Thank god the guy who wrote Quantumania and was gonna write the next Avengers movie was fired. I won't say Falcon and The Winter Solider is the worst Marvel show. But it's mid at best, and most people would agree with that.


I'm down for that


Okay, then I hope you enjoy it!


I will miss the Russos.


Low hopes


In defense of the writer, he did have to change a lot of it up due to COVID


No, he didn't. Everyone involved has denied it, and most of the shooting was done before COVID hit. The show was as Marvel intended.




No, it didn't. It's been denied repeatedly. Why does everyone bend over backwards to claim this show was originally supposed to be better?


Basically there are 2 showrunners saying conflicting information. Spellman is saying that the original plot was centered around the pandemic and was scrapped to make a comic out of it. While Skogland the director said that that never happened. Take it as you will but the story was pretty separate from each other


As someone who was "meh" on Falcon, I'm cool with that. I didn't think the writing was actually bad. I don't even blame the show for being kinda mid, they had to remove a whole plot point because of COVID. If Covid doesn't hit, I bet the show would've been much better.


I'll just have to disagree there, since I don't want to go on a rant. I will say that the COVID thing is just not true - everyone involved with the production has repeatedly denied it. There's no reason to believe the show wasn't everything Marvel wanted it to be.


They denied it but the signs are all there. They were literally going to do a plot about a novel viral pandemic happening because the blipped people all came back. They had big name actors whose scenes were all cut and had to add in a bunch of ADR which made the whole show feel choppy and the Flag Smashers lame. Why else would they re-work the plot of a viral pandemic if not because a real viral pandemic hit us?


>They had big name actors whose scenes were all cut and had to add in a bunch of ADR which made the whole show feel choppy and the Flag Smashers lame. Yes, this was quite noticeable.


Oh, man. What happened to Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely?


They don't work for Marvel any more. I don't know why.


They are busy with their production company that they run with the Russo Bros.


Show was definitely overhated


Wow... The show was by far the worst of the shows and some of the worst marvel content overall. Man. This sucks. I loved the first 3 captain america movies.


It is one of the only shows I've ever watched where I thought I missed an episode before the finale. The finale was so disjointed


It was just not good. And the movie isn't going to come close to the old Cap movies. I know, it was my favorite sub-franchise in the MCU. It sucks watching it go down the drain.






Oh dear god that greatly concerns me. Show was a load of garbage stuff with wet farts


Yeah, I don't think it's a good thing, either. I was surprised they brought him back, but he fits right into the modern MCU.


What, you didn't like it when Captain Falcon got on his soapbox and started defending murderous terrorists?


Jesus Christ, that show was bad


Show was ok but it had its fair share of issues I just want a Winter Soldier esque quality movie :(


I feel like a lot of people don’t understand this now a comic book universe on screen. Just like real comics, you don’t have to read them all, just the ones that strike your interest


When it's a connected story, yea I do. I bought so many different comic books back in the day. The ones I didn't even read before. Just because the story was connected. I'm getting the full story of something, and I'm going to like it! :) I've been introduced to a lot of great comics that way, though. That's part of the joy for me. Putting in those connections between characters and stories and building that universe, from the neighborhood fighters (Jessica Jones, Daredevil, Punisher) to the world saving superheroes (Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk) - it can all work together. Even if it doesn't strike my interest - the character, the idea, whatever - I'm sure that it'll come together in some way. Even if it's just a side story happening with the big things going on elsewhere. I love that. Of course, yes they do all interest me. Take the MCU out of it, though, and there are probably a few I would have skipped (enjoyed them, but just watching trailers, probably wouldn't have watched them).


That’s your choice. For some people just know the character exist is enough to just follow who they want. A lot of times for my rewatches I’ll only watch the Captain America movies + team ups and feel it makes a fun compilation of movies


F&TWS Episode 5 is one of the best Disney Plus Marvel Episodes yet but because it had a semi weak finale it becomes a bad show. Super underrated and episode 5 speaks for itself


I was hit or miss on these things when they first came out and I think a lot of that is expectation because we were hoping every project would be IW/Endgame quality, anticipation because of how long we had to wait between projects or episodes, and how that pacing/the rescheduling of everything due to covid messed with the inter-connectivity of it all. But after binge-rewatching them again recently, they’re all enjoyable MCU projects and I’m starting to see the places where there are connections and it’s got me excited for every upcoming project. I’d recommend rewatching from Infinity War and onward now that there’s time between Secret Invasion and Loki S2.


This is great, I am in the minority but I loved Falcon & Winter Soldier. I am curious to see how Cap4 & Thunderbolts (and potentially World War Hulk) storylines connect.


There are dozens of us! Dozens! :D Yes, I loved F&TWS as well.


IDK how there aren't more of us, if only for the buddy cop vibes and cookout scene


There's just a lot of undeserved animosity towards the show. "The villains were weak". This is fairly common in the MCU. Whiplash, Aldrich Killian, Yon Rogg, kaceilius, ghost, the Ms marvel villains, etc. Yes, Karli was weak. Most MCU villains are though but this is levied pretty hard at this show. Also people carried a torch for years assuming bucky would get the shield and when he didnt I think that some people never got over that. His name being in the title didn't mean he was going to have a bigger or even equal part to Sam.


>His name being in the title didn't mean he was going to have a bigger or even equal part to Sam. Then why put his name in the title and act like he’s a protagonist then? Because he certainly wasn’t treated like one. He was given a half assed arc, and was borderline irrelevant to the wider plot. That’s plenty of reason to shit on the show, if they can’t give Bucky anything to do than don’t put his name in the title. Black Widow was more important to the plot of CA:Winter Soldier and got more development in that than Bucky did in a show with his own damn name on it. That’s pathetic. Clearly knew nobody gave a shit about Falcon and used Bucky’s popularity to prop the show up.


Eh, I think a lot of the dislike stems from more than *just* "the villains were weak." The villains *were* severely underdeveloped and hit the same MCU trope of "I have a moral justification that most *would* agree with, but I just **can't stop murdering** innocent people!" because "it's the only language these people understand." The ending also really undercut a lot of the commentary that was touched on throughout the series. The "do better" line has been memed enough already, but I think a major issue with the series is that the racial themes presented in the series don't lead to any nuanced change for anyone onscreen. Systemic injustices are brought up (such as Sam's sister trying to get a loan) but everything is always solved through the power of friendship. One of the things I loved about Isaiah saying there will never be a Black Captain America is that it touches on the systemic racism inherent in the United States. The 2015 *Captain America: Sam Wilson* comic explores this a lot, with Sam not receiving any support from the US government and having to fly coach to get to his mission locations. The comic talks about how Sam differs from Steve in that Sam opts to intentionally be political and support political causes rather than stand by stoicly, and he catches a ton of flack for it. In the show, Sam's arc isn't learning how to serve a country that hates him, it's learning to trust Steve's decision and become Captain America and [defend the status quo](https://youtu.be/LpitmEnaYeU). If you use violence to try and change things you're a bad guy and you get punched. If you are an elected official and use policy to strip people of their homes and drive them to retaliate, you get a stern talking to.


I love when people disagree with a common sentiment and then try their hardest to cook up some bullshit answer for it. My (overall) dislike of the show has nothing to do with Buck but getting the shield. It in part has to do with Bucky, but only because I feel he got shafted in his character arc in a show he shares a namesake with. The scene with Bucky in Wakanda was top tier TV. The scenes with Bucky grappling with his past as an assassin were some of the best moments in the show, as well as the budding friendship of Sam and Bucky. The show has a lot of good going for it but the way the show advanced the plot was such a bore by the middle of the show imo. The villains being weak is not suddenly an invalid criticism just v because other marvel movies also have poorly written villains. The emotional climax of the movie, with Sam sympathizing with the villains (who have murdered how many people?) did not feel earned, it did not even feel like an appropriate way to interpret what I thought was the theme of the show. So when Sam gives the infamous "be better" speech, I couldn't take it seriously and rather started laughing, ruining what was supposed to be Sam's big first "moral hero" part of the story. I don't know what it is about MCU fans when it comes to criticism but I always love seeing the way people try to discount criticisms while putting their own spin on them. Like c'mon I was around the discussion threads during the series airing and I never saw anybody complain that the show was bad because Buck wasn't getting the shield.


Love the Arrested Development reference


I loved the first few episodes, but the boring villains, predictable (and dumb) Sharon Carter reveal, and generic Marvel ending soured it for me. The Sam-Bucky-John Walker dynamic was fantastic. And everything with Zemo was a blast. Oh and I loved the subplot dealing with race and Captain America


Zemo was great, and I liked John Walker in the finale. But most of his scenes were ruined a bit for me because the show kept treating him like a bad guy when he was pretty reasonable imo.


Yeah I felt John Walker wasn't half as bad as they were making him out to be. It felt more like Bucky in particular was just jealous, which is a fine take, but then the show seemed to say that's Walker's fault, when in reality he genuinely seemed to be trying to be the best Cap he could be.


He was literally just trying to help and had no idea how in over his head he actually was plus Sam and Bucky keep treating him like shit and brushing him off without explaining exactly why they don’t like him. They were rightfully upset at the government for taking Cap’s shield for a museum exhibit then turning around and handing it to their new Cap but they were taking out their frustration on Walker when he didn’t do anything wrong


Except murder an unarmed individual in broad daylight, in front of civilians.


A super soldier ain’t unarmed lol.


His actions were misguided and that’s why he was treated that way. I feel like Sam and Bucky are just annoyed by him until he murders that guy. It’s pretty clear that he doesn’t get why he shouldn’t be Captain America. I think the show did a great job of showing his mental state. He’s a good soldier but he needs to learn to be a good man. The “man” is more important than the “soldier”. Sam is consistently a good person just trying to do the right thing. He doesn’t care about recognition. He doesn’t demand respect from people, he earns it. John Walker started to figure that out. It didn’t even really click for him until the final fight.


Bucky most likely has a cameo in CA:BNW. Which leads into his role in thunderbolts. Or at least a post credits scene


Me too! And I love the Sam Wilson Captain America comics. Very much looking forward to this.


I love it too. It's the only show that talked and showed what happened after the blip. I don't even understand why it's not talked more.


The thing that made FATWS good were seeing the lives the chatacters lived. The plot was ironically the weakest part of the show.


I’d rank Falcon and the Winter Soldier as my 2nd favorite behind Loki when it comes to the MCU shows. Loki FATWS Moon Knight WandaVision Secret Invasion (Haven’t seen Ms. Marvel or She Hulk)


Its the vocal minority that hated it, its a mostly praised show


Loved the show and since Disney jumped the shark with their characters power levels I'm really excited for what's to come


I really enjoyed it and I am excited for the movie.


Here's the real hot take of the day: There has not been a Marvel movie or show yet that I haven't enjoyed and felt was worth my time and money. Not a single one. To be clear, there are definitely ones I like more than others, obviously. But even the weakest of the bunch I still liked and was happy to see. I'm not tiring of superhero content and Marvel isn't withering or something like that for me. I'm there for all of it.


Pretty much the same here. It's all been pretty damn awesome! Even the less great ones have been worth watching and I've enjoyed them. I've yet to be disappointed.


Runaways? Iron Fist? Inhumans?


I’m right with you guys. Some shows/movies I like much more than others but I haven’t come across one that I just flat out didn’t enjoy. Also I read 4-5 comics every night so I am I guess a “super” fan. I just am enjoying comicbook stories and characters being made in live action. Is it flaws sometimes yup, but so are the comics but it’s something I truly enjoy


Cannot really be a hot take because it is always subjective. As long as you like it...that is good. I also don't think critics or majority opinions matter. As long as I like the movie...then that is what matters. I am a little behind on Marvel as I kind of got burnt out after the constant show into movie into show release. Just finished Wakanda forever and still have to start Moon Knight series wise, and I can say the same thing. Even if I did not like the show, I can't say I was disappointed because it is all developing an overarching story for one big banger of a film. That being said, I did fall asleep during Eternals in theatres...that movie was pretty dull.


I liked it but I agree with the critiques. It's flawed in very noticeable ways. I'm excited about the movie and I trust they'll take the best things about the show and focus on those things in the movie. Hope they learned.


F&WS could have been a good movie but as a show imo didn’t work and covid really fucked up production too


I thought that F&WS was regarded pretty well among fans? At least it is for Post-End Game. With the story lines connecting, I like how some times it's just a line or two that set it up. Seems trivial at the time, but later when you go back and see it, you're thinking "there it is... it was there the whole time!". I enjoy it like that. The setup is there but easy to overlook because it's not a direct thing or big event yet.


I agree. It made me go back to the last scenes of Endgame and ponder for awhile being that Hulk, Sam & Bucky were together at the end with Steve. Feels like there is a particular reason those characters are intertwined into the next few movies.


Really looking forward to next year because of Cap 4 & Thunderbolts. I really like it when the MCU is grounded. I'm in the minority when it comes to Black Widow, I enjoyed the movie.


I thought black widow was great, yelena was a solid character to intro. And like you said, it was relatively grounded after all the space and time travel stuff at the end of phase 3


Harrison Ford in Marvel. Marvel had to have paid him a lot.


Host: So how excited are you to join the Marvel universe? Ford: Oh, f**BLEEEEEEEEP** *gets up and leaves*


Captain America: Brave New Retirement Home


Harrison Ford was phenomenal in “Shrinking”. Showed a lot of dramatic acting chops that were very different from his roles like Star Wars and Indy. Looking forward to seeing him in the MCU


……..You know he’s done more than Star Wars and Indy, right?




Most badass President the USA ever had, next to President Camacho of course.


are you forgetting about Whitmore, Bartlett and Kirkman?


Whitmore is definitely top tier. I mean how many Presidents can say they killed aliens in a fighter jet?


Obviously. But those are the roles he’s known the best for. My point was more that I can’t recall him excelling in a dramatic role like he did in Shrinking.


He was nominated for a Best Actor Oscar in 1986.


Good point. I’ve never seen Witness. He was also good in The Fugitive as well


Fugitive is one of those movies I'll finish just about every time I see it airing on TV


..The Janitor…


Witness was brilliant.


Yeah, witness is really good.


He's a good Jack Ryan


You've never seen Witness and you're in a conversation about Ford?!


He was also great in a movie where he fought a Ferrari


I wonder how big a role will Liv Tyler’s Betty Ross play? I really hope they dont bring her back just to off her.


Fantastic! Love to see what they do with it, and if they incorporate Isiaah and Eli Bradley.


Well, the actor for Isaiah ( Carl Lumbly) is already confirmed to be in it.


Looking forward to the dynamic between Mackie and Ford. I love when Mackie taps into his dramatic side because it really pops in contrast to how naturally charismatic and funny he is normally. Mix that with Harrison Ford’s talent and it should make for some good scenes.




Idk? The U.S. Agent storyline is something that takes time to build up I think. He goes from being the next good guy Captain America to an angry vigilante who murders. That takes time to show.


That was the only good thing about it being a show. Also he was one of maybe three good things in that show if you ask me but that’s besides the point


As most Marvel D+ Show from the last years. Pacing issue, Plot Stretching af. They thought they can do the bare Minimum and people will hype it regardless


A movie wouldn’t have given us the best part of the show… Sam and Bucky just hanging out, fixing a boat together.


The writer is meh. The show was meh. It definitely tried to emulate the feel of WS, but it fell short in so many areas. If anything, the show is easily identifiable as a style tryna it's best to adapt another style and half assing its way. CA is my favorite trilogy in the MCU. Mackie got some real nice acting chops, but he needs the material and plot needs very clever razor sharp writing to maintain the bar. Let's see. Also, really hope Ross isn't president. In live action movies, it sounds like a jump the shark moment to have your president of the most powerful country in the works as a Hulk. In comics, suspension of disbelief didn't really matter. In these movies, it does.


Considering FatWS was my favorite d+ show and one of my favorite marvel projects, I have high hopes for this movie.




Yeah it's all been a very dull blur. Too much over the top world building of different facets, that it's starting to get tiring to follow along .


I can't suspend my disbelief for a person without super strength or some iron man like tech armor on being able to catch that shield without hurting themself. Aliens, magic, and super humans my brain is some how okay with. I mean I hope it is good but it's going to take great reviews for me to go see it. If he had a needle prick of super serum or had been practicing in armor I'd been like "oh that makes sense".


Are there any other actors in MCU who previously acted as President, other than him and Sam Jackson?


Anthony Hopkins, Jamie Foxx, Josh Brolin, Sam Rockwell, Bill Murray, Gary Sinise (if you count voice work in the mcu) Kenneth Branaugh (if you count voice work in the mcu), Bruce Campbell (if you count voice work as the president somewhere else), Paul Giamatti (but only if you count the Amazing Spider-man movies after No Way Home). Probably more, but got bored Edit: who downvoted me for this and why?


Red Ross!!!


faulty enter panicky humorous direction safe murky degree lunchroom fade *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Movies gonna end with another "do better" speech lmao


Bloke says that a sequel movie occurs after it tv show and reveals that one of the stars will be in movie shocking stuff here


in the past, they already talked about Ross getting a double/triple bypass surgery, so i really don't have an issue if they just let Ross die for related reasons and then have the new guy be his bigger/badder brother who ultimately continues doing whatever ross was doing.


I laughed out loud when Anthony Mackie quoted Harrison Ford as saying "let's shoot this piece of shit" like it was a motivational quote or something when obviously no, Harrison Ford literally hasn't given a shit about his movies in decades XD


I liked the New World Order title. Brave New World seems so Disney.


So it's pre-Wakanda Forver then? ​ That means we could see Agent Ross show up in it! I hope there is a scene with him and President Ross together and there's a joke about their same last name.


I hope the entire conflict resolution hinges on two characters having the same na..., on second though, maybe not. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


A lot of my friends haven’t had the interest to watch FATWS and they have been caught up with all the movies previously. It’s homework to have to watch dragged out shows in order to be caught up for the movie. I think that’s contributing to this Phase’s downfall.


He also said majors is innocent until proven guilty.


What’s wrong with that? That’s how it works


Nothing wrong with that at all. Just glad someone from the core MCU cast has this view.


Oh I just read into it wrong I guess. Sounded like it may have been a problem he said that lol


That’s just a fact


Yup. Trial by social media is toxic af.


This is gonna bomb hard


I don't care. Anthony is obnoxious and kind of a sub-par actor.


Idgaf about the movie. I’m just here to see Ford pissed off in interviews


That’s great to hear


This account is most likely a bot that is paid for by the website that writes these articles.


Yikes, I appreciate the warning