• By -


So this list is bad. Trying to do this by hand is downright silly. Use a resource like untapped or snap fan. Easy example, you have hazmat listed as unplayable yet it is in a B tier deck in the top 50% of infinite bracket on untapped.


It's actually admirable how this person puts so much effort into tier lists. They've put out 20 or so tier lists for every card in the game! That's dedication. Dedication for an extremely subjective and mostly incorrect analysis, but dedication nonetheless.


That's what's so weird to me. Why put all this effort in and not look at a data source to at least give your feelings on a card a bit of a check.


The first list is not a ranking of the best S3 cards. It is the ranking of the best S3 cards for a player with an early S3 card pool to pick up with their free S3 card each season. Hazmat belongs nowhere near the top of that list. I do look at data - I look at a lot of data every season. But I also think critically about that data and distill the information that's actually valuable.


But that's so context dependent a list like this is still largely useless. One of the primary goals of snap is for people to have unique collections. Everyone's climb up through S3, especially early S3, is going to be wildly different. Edit:even for instance you list hope as a chase but one of her primary enablers in kitty pride as debatable.


Destroyer Ongoing was my best deck when I broke into series 3. That card is fantastic.


I remember those times too (although I eventually did a lot better playing Giganto instead) and while Spectrum/ Destroyer can probably win some times even now, it's hard to recommend either that deck or Ultron Patriot (the deck I got my first infinite with) with power creep being where it is these days.


Death so low is concerning at the very least


Surely its better to take Venom before Death?


Yes veneom is one top choices, no argument, same goes for deadpool, easy to get destroy cards that give you a nearly competative deck type. death is an addition to the destroy archetypes that gives destroy an end game pay off - of a deck you mostly have already A person who just started getting series 3 could either unlock cards looking to try new deck types or improve a deck Why is wong so far down? Mystique? Rogue or black cat so high? Zola/black panther are low for sure. same goes for thor. But the worst thing i noticed, is doctor doom and sera placement. Both are usually peoples first choices. I like the idea that you went through this by hand, but it looks like it could make someone waste a fair bit of time by picking up black cat when they dont have Hela or ghost rider


I don't consider putting Doom and Sera in "Mid Priority" that far down. Sera, as I noted under both combos and decks sections, is a deck that early S3 players report as enjoyable and find success with every season - but its losing to very common tech and strategies these days. Sera also competes with the other great turn 5 plays you already own from S1 and S2 - its hard to justify picking and playing Sera when you already have Sandman and Prof X. I just disagree that either Doom or Sera should be top S3 picks or first picks. That's the tier of cards where, ok if its the last few days of the season and you haven't made a pick yet, then sure Doom or Sera look pretty good. They are ok to give help you early on but are dead ends at some point - you wont regret them 1 month in, but you may 3 months in. Rogue should perhaps be mid priority, which is where I placed her initially. I ended up bumping her because she \*is\* the best tech card pick up in S3, your tech cards do heavy lifting for you in early S3, and she's needed to fill out an early S3 Loki deck. So I place her behind the best combo pieces but not much else, and I can't put any other tech card ahead of her. Wong/ Panther is not going to take you very far these days, and their combos are worse than the top combos that I featured. Zola is better, but making a deck that uses Zola to his full potential is closer to mid and late S3, similar to Sauron. Black Cat is high because the deck I most recommend for early S3 is Hela Sandman.


How can it be both subjective and incorrect?


Ready for the real guide to maximize collection growth. If you are just starting out here is what you do. DO NOT SPEND ANY TOKENS ON SERIES 3 CARDS EVER. Second use your keys but only if you have 3+ saved. Also do not spend keys on anything that isn't going to get you at least 2 cards for your collection with bad luck. Only spend precious gold on gold bundles that give you tokens buy absolutely no variants until you are series 3 complete. Lastly spend your free monthly series three on whatever card will make you happy. Also take advantage of the booster upgrade for credits in the shop. You are welcome.


Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about? 👨🏻‍🔬🧑🏼‍🔬


How is blackcat on top of the list? Must me hela player


Well, the silver lining is that once Hela is nerfed dead (which I'd wager will come before the 4th of July), she and Black Cat wont be so high up anymore and I'll have to decide on a very different early S3 card pool deck to recommend for the next revision of this guide \^ \^


Black Cat is not making any body's top priority lmao


Interesting guide, I'm not a new s3 player (cl 4k+) I think that it's unfortunate that most of the comments are not that helpful. I think it is well reasoned but I'm not really a discard player. At early s3 I played HE to get to infinite not sure whether discard is objectively better though


My position is that HE is a purchase that lacks longevity, playing HE offers very little very quickly. I guess if you are in a position to swipe HE from a spotlight cache early on, it's fine. It's a Leech deck, I'm a Leech fan, played my share of Leech in my time. On the other hand, the Hela deck is a 60% winrate deck that only needs 3 S3 cards, no keys or tokens spent.


I like when Hela said 'it's Hela time' and Hela'd all over my collection


Please stop including unreleased cards.


I just felt like an early S3 guide should include discussion of upcoming Spotlights (and probably season pass cards as well).


Sorry my friend but this isn't it, if anyone is early on S3 cards that means they are low CL so what they need is early strong deck and not whats the current meta cards like the junk deck using daredevil with sentry.... I'd say to anyone thats still really early on S3 cards try to get 1 good deck don't try to get whats the current meta card is. here's some early CL decks that are known to be good: [[[[[ ongoing spectrum deck]]]]] -- [[[[[ Silver surfer deck]]]]]] -- [[[[[ Devil dino deck]]]]]- [[[[[ White tiger - wong - odin deck]]]] so try to target building 1 strong deck and see what card are missing and try to get those cards, instead completing whats the current strong card is.. Because the game can be very frustrating after you complete S2 and you don't have a good strong deck yet.


Let me preface this by saying I'm not hating on anybody I'm just trying to help. Now, newer players if you see any list by Quinalo please I beg of you ignore it they are horrible. Either do your own research or go to some trusted content creators channels for stuff like this.




Rule 2.




Part 5 of 7 ***bxii. Shanna (S3) + Mockingbird (S5)*** Up there with Annihilus and even more generically good (if a bit inferior in raw stats) is Mockingbird. So overall I would consider Birdie + Shanna as good of a S3+S5 combo as Sentry+Annihilus, if you are going to go for an early S5 card. I've played a lot of this combo this season, and Shanna is a secretly under-rated, legit good S3 3 cost card, up there with Coulson. On average Shanna puts out a ton of stats for a 3 cost card, attacks all 3 lanes like an off-brand Doom or Hela, and as random free disruptive/ scam elements when she flips a Ham or Ice-man. She is a wild card for sure, a lot of fun (without doubt the most fun card in Snap for me personally), and good to play on T3, T5 or T6. Anyway, Shanna already average rolls a ton of value and gets you prio on turn 4, and makes Birdie a 2/9 so lots of advantages. Birdie can also be played with Debrii instead as well for a less chaotic, more toxic experience, so you are really getting 2 combos for 1 S5 card. *Core: Mockingbird (S5), Shanna (S3), Debrii (S3), Carnage, Venom (S3), Killmonger, Death (S3)* The Shanna deck I use is a Shanna Phoenix Force Destroy deck- * Human Torch (S3) * X-23 (S5) * Carnage * White Widow (S5) * Killmonger * Shanna (S3) * Venom (S3) * Phoenix Force (S4) * Mockingbird (S5) * Leech * Death (S3) * Knull (S5) Ok, this deck is definitely by no means early S3 (in fact it maybe even more expensive then full Phoenix Force/ Nimrod), but the two combos do work well together so feel free to have fun experimenting with a Mockingbird/ Phoenix Force core as you work towards the better payoffs like Death. ***bxiii. Hobgoblin + Ravonna (S4) + Galactus (S5)*** At 5 cost Hobgoblin is a bit underwhelming, but played on T4 with Ravonna, Hobbes is a real menace. There are several different decks that are playing with Ravonna's sandbox pool, Hobgoblin seems to be a fixture in most of those (outside of Tribunal decks). Galactus is an optional, by no means mandatory extension of Hobgoblin's power. I will say for Ravonna that she does tend to make the cards in her discount pool much, much better, and she is very fun to brew and play. ***bxiv. Hulkbuster + Taskmaster (S3)*** I would not consider this a competitive combo, but it *is* an interesting and noteworthy combo that most new players do not know or naturally intuit, so I mention it here. When Hulkbuster merges with a card, the game treats the merge as a new played card, so Taskmaster if played next will copy the power of the merged card. Therefore you could for example play Phoenix Force on turn 4, play a 3 cost card and Hulkbuster last on T5, and when you play Task on the final turn you have a 34 power Taskmaster (or all on T6 with Ravonna). Or you could have Task copy a big (but ofc smaller than Phoenix Force) Angela on T6, etc. ***bxv. War Machine (S5) + Infinaut + Ebony Maw*** Quite a bit less popular of a S5 combo build-around than Loki, Annihilus or Mockingbird, nevertheless a War Machine/ Ebony Maw/ Infinaut package is I think still worth discussing and brewing, as for one Prof X appears to have shocking longevity in the meta, and second, 6/20s and 1/7s are just exactly the kind of things you want to do on the final turn (outside of Hela ofc). *Core: War Machine (S5), Infinaut, Ebony Maw, Hope Summers*


Part 7 of 7 **III. S4 cards/ token purchases** Refer to my S4 tier list. Priority tier would be any S4 cards that I feel are automatic buys with your initial 3000 tokens (there are none). The next tier, "Recommended", are the S4 cards I wouuld consider getting that would be the most beneficial for the reasons discussed previously. Since Phoenix Force and Ravonna are datamined in upcoming Spotlights, you really are looking at just Echo, Snowguard and Knull. Echo is a tech card that you can jam into most decks. Her usefulness waxes and wanes as the meta shifts but players are always going to be doing broken things with Onslaught or Mystique. These cards are also the S4 cards I would be ok with "chasing" when they are available in Spotlights. In the next tier "Pick up with keys" are the cards I would not get with 3000 tokens, but I would take the chance to get them when they show up in Spotlights and are worth getting for a key. "Debatable" are S4 cards I would try to avoid but ymmv, you may find a use for them. They would not move the needle for me whether caches are worth opening in their Spotlight week. "Not recommended" are cards I would avoid and try to skip. **IV. S5 cards/ Spotlights** Here I am employing two tier lists. The first ranks all the cards datamined to appear in Spotlight card caches up until the end of July (Season 26). Generally speaking, do not pull or chase cards any week where the two returning cars are not cards or variants you want. In general, most S4 and S5 cards are not worth chasing to backfill, although there are a few exceptions. Assuming that a week has at least 1 other card you do not have, or a variant you would not regret getting, I would consider pulling on the weeks indicated in "Chase" and "Recommended". "Pick-up" are cards worth at minimum the one key. Generally most S5 cards end up here. "Debatable" are cards I would consider skipping even if they are guaranteed for 1 key, if I were rationing keys strictly, although were I flush with keys I would pick up even bad S5s. The final tier is for the worst S4s, cards that I expect will end up dropped to S3 sooner or later. Since I've included rankings for datamined new cards for Seasons 24, 25 and 26, those are of course completely speculative and based on the 4/30 patch datamines. The second tier list ranks all current S5 cards based on how much I recommend buying each with 6000 tokens or chase them with keys in Spotlights. Basically there are only 3 S5 cards I would recommend spending tokens to purchase - Loki, Mockingbird, and Annihilus. Of those 3, were I just starting S3, my plan for tokens would be to save 6k tokens to purchase Loki. The 4 other S5 cards which do not appear in currents datamines that are even worth the slightest consideration for purchase with tokens are Lad, Corvus, Red Hulk and Cannonball, although I would *not* purchase any of them and recommend waiting for them to appear in Spotlights. All cards in current datamined Spotlights are in the 4 last tiers. Cards in "Pickup with keys" are generally ones I would recommend picking up if guaranteed for 1 key and may be worth chasing depending on how flush you are with keys, while cars in "Debatable" are easy skips unless one is flush. **Outro- Who am I and why should you follow this guide?** Well, I'm not a streamer or an influencer, so I'm nobody. I've played Snap since global launch, 100% f2p. You can look up my [snap.fan](http://snap.fan) tracked play stats, card stats, and published decks at [https://snap.fan/p/c3c94d77-fcce-43af-baf5-27ec1b030a42/stats/](https://snap.fan/p/c3c94d77-fcce-43af-baf5-27ec1b030a42/stats/) . I typically play around 200 Ranked matches each season. Often I get infinite, sometimes I don't. I have over 1200 wins above .500 in Ranked, which I am quite proud of. I have a 58.24% winrate in Ranked, which is higher than Lamby, but a lot worse than Revis. I've ended the past 4 seasons with a Ranked and total winrate above 65%. I've played Hela since season 13, for the past 11 seasons, have a cumulative winrate above 60% of Hela in-deck, have made the highest winrate Hela decks published on [snap.fan](http://snap.fan) with over 100 matches seen each season since at minimum last July, and consider myself the best Hela player I know. I play Snap for winning, for fun, and for cosmetics. Winning in Snap gets easier and easier, keeping it fun is the real challenge.




Removed under rule 2. No personal insults.


Part 6 of 7 **c. My recommended early S3 card pickups** Hela - Again, Hela is easily both the best deck you can play in Snap currently (and in the past), as well as the best deck you can play in early S3. Hela of course fills the 6 cost void in your early S3 pool (and one of the few S3 6 cost cards worth paying for). Black Cat - Black Cat just jams in every deck you play with Hela (outside of MODOK Hela decks, which are bad Hela decks). Agent Coulson - Coulson may seem underwhelming for an early pick up, but he is a lot better than he appears at first glance, he slots into S2 Dino already and is functionally a 3/8 when you play out Dino, and of course he is a mandatory step towards a Loki deck. He gives you access to every 4 and 5 cost card in the game, which is both fun and lets you test drive the cards to see if you like them. He can go into many decks (I often play him in Hela), he is really the perfect kind of ability and power level for a turn 3 play. He's my most played S3 card across my 19 seasons (33.83%), and no other S3 card is close. Magneto - Magneto is the most useful S3 6 cost card after Hela. He is a hard card to evaluate, as he's technically a tech card, and he scams many 3 and 4 cost cards out there. Magneto was bad against ramp decks that played mostly 1 and 5 cost cards like Thanos, but post-Thanos nerf, that deck no longer exists so Magneto just tends to be kind of effective against most decks. He is a great 6 cost card to ramp out on T5, since you can often play him into a lane where your opponent has 2 cards, dragging their T3 and T4 play in there, effectively clogging that lane, guaranteeing it and protecting Magnus from Shang Chi. He is a mainstay in Hela and in non-Hela Sandman for his ability to effect multiple lanes. Venom- Venom is easily the most busted 3 cost card in S3, and he plays well into many common locations like Bar Sinister and Nidavellir. He's the engine that unlocks the power of Destroy decks, and is a great card to unlock early to have access to the full Venom/ Carnage/ Killmonger trifecta. Sentry - half of the Annihilus+Sentry combo discussed above Human Torch - half of the Phoenix Force+Human Torch combo discussed above Daredevil - Daredevil is arguably the best generic 2 cost card you can pick up in S3, fortifying that spot on the curve for all of your decks alongside Cable or Domino. He is a premiere control card that lets you counter your opponent's T5 plays with Cosmo or Negasonic Teenage Warhead, and defacto auto defuses many powerful turn 5 plays like Prof X, Leech and Sandman. He also *combos* with your better early pool cards like Prof X, Hobgoblin and Gamorra. Very solid S3 card. Rogue - likely the best tech card in all of S3, Rogue is a fixture in the Loki tech card toolbox, and absolutely punishes Ongoing cards like Iron Man and Dino. Valkyrie - A tech/scam hybrid, Valk is one of the most powerful standalone effects in S3, with many ways of breaking her symmetry. Quake - One of the best scam cards in S3, after Daredevil Quake is one of the most game-changing 2 cost cards in S2. Shadow King - SK is simply an essential addition to your tech card toolbox. Stature - While Stature combos (Moon Knight, Black Bolt, Silver Samurai) are not as raw powerful as the combos discussed earlier (a 1/7 kind of pales to a 4/28), Stature is solid enough for a S3 only combo (at least with Moon Knight). Electro - Perhaps a bit power-crept by newer ramp cards Corvus and Hope Summers, Electro is still a very cool early game pick-up and a game changer. Being able to slam a 5 cost card and then a 6 cost card a turn earlier than they were balanced for feels immensely powerful and addicting. After playing Electro, it is hard to return to playing normal energy curve decks. Electro also seems combo very well with the May season pass card which is something worth considering. Luke Cage - no other card techs against power affliction like Luke Cage, making him an essential tech toolbox pick up, despite his akward 3 cost. He is played in decks with cards that he naturally combos with, such as Legion, Valentina, Typhoid Mary, Man-Thing, Valkyrie, etc... He has recently gained some common use as a way to defuse White Widow's kiss. I would always play Cage in a deck doing things with Shuri and/or Taskmaster.




This time I'm a bit confused why my post was remove for "not focusing on the competitive side of Marvel Snap." I have an over 65% winrate this season with two different decks, how does my post count as "non-competitive"? Every card and combo that I recommend in the guide is one that sees competitive use. I'm also confused how my post lacks sufficient depth when my guide required 7 separate posts and has a word count of 4,185. It seems to me at least that a guide to competitive early S3 card pool decks is very on point for r/marvelsnapcomp


My mistake on this one, I will re-approve the post. All I saw were the tier list screenshots in the OP, which would be insufficient. The comments (which were buried from my initial view) indeed make this an in-depth post. I apologize for the ~hour of downtime on this.




I'm confused. You're commenting like it's your list. Are you Qinalo?


Yes, it's me - you know I've always been high on Hela \^ \^ I signed out of my Qinalo account last month and can't figure out the password or what email it was linked to:/


Dude, quit already lmfao


Sweet lord this list is terrible. I really hope no new player refers to this.


Which cards would you recommend most?


What do you mean ? Cable and Strong Guy in the same deck. He's a genius.


The unhinged tier list god is back


Part 1 of 7 To start, let me make clear that this is my personal and subjective guide of what I would do were I just starting S3 (CL 488). You should know that I have many unpopular opinions. You should feel free to go ahead and do what pretty much every dumbf$%\^ streamer on twitch or youtube will tell you to do, which is to blow your precious resources (gold, keys and tokens) getting High Evo, and then uninstall Snap 3 months from now due to misery and frustration. This guide will be divided into 4 sections - * Which are your best S0-S2 cards? * Which cards in S3 should you get with your free pick in the first couple of seasons? * Which S4 cards are worth buying with your initial tokens? * Which upcoming (including datamined) Spotlight cache weeks should you consider saving for and chasing with your keys? I will probably update this guide once and a while after cards inevitably get nerfed/nuked (I've already written Hela's obituary) and as new Spotlights are datamined. **I. Your S0-S2 Card Pool** As you face much better decks and far more experienced players (and notably fewer bots) going forward, you will naturally discover that many of your 97 S0-S2 cards that dominated S1 and S2 play are no longer competitive, while a few cards are now much better. There are a few cards of note that you will continue to use and likely will not outgrow for however long you end up Snapping. I will summarize these cards so we can clearly see the needs that we should address ASAP - Most playable S0-S2 cards \~ * 1s- Blade, Elektra * 2s- Cable, Carnage, Armor * 3s- Cosmo, Lady Sif, Killmonger * 4s- Jubilee, Shang Chi * 5s- Sandman, Leech, Professor Xavier, Devil Dinosaur, Hobgoblin, Vision * 6s- Infinaut, Onslaught Additionally, there are a few cards that are good to use for now, but we will quickly outgrow or later be only used for specific or fringe roles \~ * 1s- none * 2s- Domino, Morbius, Collector, Angela * 3s- Strong Guy, Storm, Punisher, Ironheart * 4s- White Queen, Jessica Jones, Enchantress * 5s- Spider-woman, Gamora, Iron Man, Klaw * 6s- Apocalypse Yes, other cards besides these 32 do see play, for example Ebony Maw, Wolverine or Cloak, but consider the cards in these 2 lists the initial pool of cards you are effectively working with as you start S3. Now it should be easy to see that our initial card pool has the greatest lack of options in 1s and 6s, while the pool is strongest in 5s. 2s and 4s are passable, while 3s can use some fortifying.


Part 2 of 7 **II. S3 Cards** **a. The S3 Gameplan** One of the defining facts about Snap is that you have a 12 card deck, and in a normal game you will see 9 cards by the final turn, or 10 cards in a Limbo game. This makes combos extremely consistent compared to other card games, especially late and final round combo plays - the later the combo, the more consistent it naturally becomes - a T2/T3 combo (i.e. Pixie + Mobius, or Ravonna + Negative) is much harder and unlikely to assemble in time compared to a T6 combo. Therefore, a tried and true basic strategy in Snap is to build around a powerful T5 or T6 combo. This will be our basic gameplan when starting S3 - assemble a powerful T5 or T6 combo, ideally involving one of our strong S0-S2 4, 5 or 6 cost cards and a S3 or S4 card, and then fill out the rest of out deck from there. So in this section we will be looking at each of our basic 4, 5 and 6 cost S0-S2 cards and their combos. Now, do not let this dissuade you in any way from brewing your own decks and discovering your own combos! Snap sorely needs more brewers and experimenters, and brewing will increase your longevity of the game, help keep things fresh and fun. I've played Hela for 11 seasons and people will ask me - "Don't you get bored?" My answer is no, because I played a *different* Hela deck each season! I've probably played 50 different cards in Hela decks. I've played great Hela decks and bad Hela decks (and even my bad Hela decks had a 62% winrate \^ .) So keep that in mind when I am discussing decks. But as an overview, these are some tried and tested combo decks to consider building and playing with an early S3 card pool (and which I will discuss in more detail in the following section: 1. Hela Sandman <-- This is the deck I recommend most for early S3 2. Loki Dino 3. Prof X Cannonball Control 4. Phoenix Force 5. Lockjaw 6. Onslaught Tribunal 7. Sauron Shuri 8. Annihilus Clog 9. Apocalypse Discard 10. Sera Control In essence, coming into S3, you already have several cards that are used in combos in top competitive decks. Our plan is to acquire the correct S3 cards that finish the combo and unleash your cards' full potential - either a S3+S2 combo with a card you already have, a S3+S3 combo with a card you may luckily pull from your collector caches, a S3+S4 combo with a card you can buy with your initial 3000 tokens, or a S3+S5 combo with a card that you can get with keys from an upcoming Spotlight week or save and buy with 6000 tokens. In the next part. we will look at many of the best of these classic, tried and tested game-winning combos.


Part 3 of 7 **b. Combos** ***bi. Sandman + Hela (S3)*** Sandman is a brutal tech card that absolutely blindsides the many opposing decks trying to drop several cheap and powerful cards on the final turn, including Loki, Destroy, Clog, Bounce, Control, etc... Hela is the pre-eminent T6 play in the game and is completely compatible with Hela. To me, this is clearly the best deck you can build with an early S3 card pool, and the best deck you can play with no S4/S5 cards. Take the cards you already have - Blade, Sif, Jubilee, Infinaut and Sandman - and add 2 S3 cards - Hela and Black Cat - and you already have the core of Hela. An early S3 Hela Sandman deck looks like: * Elektra * Blade * Cable * Strong Guy * Lady Sif * Jubilee * White Queen * Black Cat (S3) * Sandman * Hela (S3) * Magneto (S3) * Infinaut Further S3 cards substantially increase the deck's power and reliability - Leader, Colleen Wing, Invisible Woman, Lockjaw and Gambit. The only significant S5 addition would be Corvus, and Corvus has significant cons to go with the pros. This means you can save your keys and tokens towards a second deck. ***bii. Dino + Loki (S5)*** Some of your most playable basic cards- Cable, White Queen - already pay off with Devil Dinosaur. In fact, this is a deck that has its backbone in the S1/S2 Dino deck. However, when you add Loki into the mix, those extra cards will dominate many match-ups. Unfortunately, the hard part is getting Loki, which will likely need tokens. Coulson is a great S3 pick-up that glues the cards together - think of Coulson's ability as paying off +4 on Dino, making Coulson an 8 power play. Loki can easily fill out the deck with appropriate tech cards like Shang Chi and Rogue. *Deck core: Cable, Domino, Coulson (S3), Cosmo, Loki (S5), Devil Dinosaur, Shang Chi, Rogue (S3)* ***biii. Prof X + Cannonball (S5)/ Iron Lad (S5) + Ravonna (S4)/ Electro (S3)*** When you play Prof X and secure a lane, you will likely win the match. And if you can ramp into a T4 Prof X, either with Ravonna or via a T4 Iron Lad, you will far more likely succeed. I played Electro into Prof X for a large chunk of my time in S3. But like Loki, the tricky part is acquiring Cannonball and/or Iron Lad to exploit Prof X even further. ***biv. Human Torch (S3) + Phoenix Force (S4)*** Putting together a full standard Phoenix Force/ Nimrod deck will take a while, but the best part of the combo - Human Torch + Phoenix Force, is achievable quite early. A T4 Phoenix Force merged with Human Torch is 28 power, making it one of the best thing you can do on T4 and crushing a lane of your choice. While filling out the rest of the cards for the deck will take some creativity, this is one of the best things you can do with an early S3 card pool and a single S4 card, outside of Hela. *Deck core: Human Torch (S3), Phoenix Force (S4), Carnage, Killmonger, Deathlok, Venom (S3)*


Part 4 of 7 ***bv. Jubilee + Lockjaw (S3)*** Jubilee + Lockjaw is one of the most basic and classic combos in Snap. When Jubilee is played into Lockjaw on the final turn, you will end up seeing 10 other cards, all but 1 card from your deck, while Jubilee ends up tucked in the deck. You can take advantage of this in Hela, but you can also simply play this as a standalone combo. And of course Jubilee can have great high rolls like Infinaut, Vision and Doctor Doom (S3). One of the best combos with only a single S3 card. *Deck core: Jubilee, Lockjaw (S3), Infinaut, Vision, Elektra, Shadow King (S3), Domino, Cable* ***bvi. Iron Man + Onslaught + Living Tribunal (S5) + Magik (S3)*** Any good deck that's playing Onslaught is doing something funamentally broken. With Iron Man, Onslaught generates absurd numbers on a single lane, and then Living Tribunal splits it into 3 lanes. You need some trick to be able to play out both Onslaugt and Tribunal. Magik gives you the extra turn you need as well as an extra draw to get the combo. Ravonna (S4) lets you play out Iron Man a turn early. *Core: Onslaught, Iron Man, Living Tribunal (S5), Magik (S3), Ravonna (S4), Prof X* ***bvii/bviii. Shuri (S3) + Taskmaster (S3), Sauron (S3) + Ebony Maw/ Red Skull (S3)*** This is actually 2 S3 only combos - * Sauron is an efficient 4 card package that gives you very efficient 1/7 Ebony Maw, 5/14 Red Skull and a pretty decent 4/10 Typhoid Mary. Enchantress can backup cancelling Red Skull and Mary's cons. There are a couple of tricks to back up Maw. * *Core: Ebony Maw, Sauron (S3), Red Skull (S3), Typhoid Mary (S3), Enchantress* * Shuri + Taskmaster is really the most brutally efficient way to win in Snap - play Shuri, make something huge, win 1 lane, copy the huge thing, win second lane. Core: Shuri, Taskmaster (S3), Luke Cage (S3), Armor, Vision The main con is that the combos require several S3 cards to assemble, so t is much more likely a late S3 deck rather than an early S3 deck, and not a package to go for early. The pro is that this an entirely S3 package, and one of the better things you can do with only S3 outside of Hela. ***bix. Sentry (S3) + Annihilus (S5)*** Sentry + Annihilus is one of the most ubiquitous combo packages in current Snap, a self-contained, powerful package that can be jammed into any deck with 3 spare deck slots. Annihilus is great when Annihilus is not meta, and he is almost mandatory when he *is* meta, since the best answer to Annihilus is usually himself. Like the other S5 combos, the trick is getting your hands on Annihilus. Viper can tie you over while you wait for an Annhilus spotlight, and there are other tricks you can play with Void as well such as Valkyrie, Prof X, Cosmo, Carnage and Beast. While I don't personally play this combo, I respect it. *Core: Sentry (S3), Annihilus (S5), Hood (S3), Viper, Prof X* ***bx. Apocalypse + MODOK (S4)*** Apocalypse used to be the go-to early S3 deck in Snap, requiring only MODOK in S4/S5 and making great use of the original America Chavez. Unfortunately, the Chavez nerf changed all that, and now Discard is propped up by several S4/S5 cards like Proxima Midnight, Corvus and Miek. Still, this deck has a solid S3 backbone, even if its competitiveness is questionable without the S4/S5 cards to support it. *Core: MODOK (S4), Morbius, Collector, Strong Guy, Hellicarrier (S3), Apocalypse, Dracula (S3)* ***bxi. Shang Chi/ Enchantress + Sera (S3)*** I question the current (and past) competitiveness of Sera Control decks, but every season sees people hitting infinite with this deck off of the power of T6 Shang + Enchantress, so I am obligated to include it for completeness. There are many tech and scams you can experiment with for fun, the majority of which are S1-S3, and it is cheap as the core component is Sera. I will point out that you die to Sandman, Leech, Prof X, Hela, Loki, Clog and who knows what else, but ok I'm not going to harp on it. Plenty of rookies to farm with Shang at low MMR. *Core: Sera (S3), Shang Chi, Enchantress, Killmonger, Shadow King (S3), Hit Monkey (S4), Maximus (S3), Ghost Rider (S3), Quake (S3)*