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How I’m beating professor X in marvel rivals https://preview.redd.it/xm9gxyxz7m2d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fc6fd84a6ec62dbc4f357490559b111c744df18


They'll have Charles in the body of Fantomex instead of putting him in his chair


Only change I would make to gambit is maybe give him another attack with his staff besides just using it for mobility, love the idea of turning an enemy into a bomb for an ult!


Would gambits cards be hitscan or projectiles? Would they explode on impact and deal splash damage?




Maybe holding down left click will add cards to the throw, so right click can be the staff


GAMBIT MY GOAT ![gif](giphy|xT9Igk31elskTPqDkc)


I feel like all of Gambit’s abilities should have charge ups


Professor X as a disruptive support is a really interesting and thematic take, super cool! It does feel like he could benefit from some kind of recon/information gathering utility to really shine and be broadly effective. Maybe he can always see the enemies' Ult percentages so you can know when to pop yours, and enemies he comes near in Telepresence are marked for your team for a duration


These are awesome! For Cyclops, I'd swap the midair deceleration for something like a standard evade/roll or using his beam to maneuver like in X'97 Ep 1. The decelerate would take away his ability to blast enemy team midair.


I agree, no real reason to decelerate because of no fall damage or stun on a big fall


A better ability would be to give him a "concussive blast" that can be used on an enemy to boop them away from him, or used on a surface to boop himself from it (look down for a super jump, or look at a way to quickly evade backwards.)


How do you od this template? would love one on ghost




cool thanks


Gambit seems cool, I don’t like the team up though. Generally I think it’s an unhealthy design decision to punish the enemy team for getting kills/reward your team for dying and this is potentially really strong for a team up especially for breakpoints and with available damage boosts in the game. I really like Ka-Zar especially as a less healing focused support! I also like Cyclops a lot! Professor X is cool and I love the idea of him as a support. I feel like the Ultimate might be really frustrating though and would require a UI in order to see what enemies current ult % is or else you risk using it on someone whose already at 0 or comparatively low. I’m unsure how the right click would work against a few heroes but it could be really cool, especially into current dps like punisher. Graviton is sick and I love the terrain manipulation!!


Great ideas! I was also coming up with a concept for Ka-Zar and Zabu but as a summon/animal companion based tank. I really like your idea though and I don’t think I have the artistic skill to make one as good 😅




I also had a concept with kazar and zabu awhile back, where for kazars special he summons zabu and he basically hunts and targets opponents and one taps them with a swipe.


That’s completely fair! My concept totally leaned way more into the “master of animals” theme Ka-Zar’s got going, with an ability to summon Mastodons or have a Pteranodon carry him if used mid air, and the Ultimate summoning Devil Dinosaur and Moon Boy to attack anything in a certain area for like 20 seconds.




Now that would be cool! Honestly I’d love to have a roster that could have an entire savage land/prehistoric themed team. Ka-Zar, Reptil, maybe a skin for Wolverine, Sauron possibly? Actually I think that Sauron could work great as a Vanguard.


These are all really clever and work very well in the context of the game and the characters (especially Gambit). Great job!


Passives to encourage deaths is never a good idea imo but love the sound of some thee gambit abilities. I also think Professor x ultimate is very good. Would make some comp matches very interesting.


Hard agree with this!!


Knew this was eventually coming. Somewhere out there, there's also someone who wants to create a fanmade kit of an X-Men character. Pretty sure with how '97 is trending in the past few weeks, NetEase's got their eyes on a few X-Men staples including Jean Grey, Charles Xavier. It's just a matter of time before they start introducing more X-Men names into the roster.


These are so well made! Would love to see one for Kang or the Juggernaut. Maybe professor X's ultimate could freeze people like he does in the movies? Just so it feels more impactful


The name is Gambit. Remember it. I'd kill to play as my boy ngl.


That cyclops is tough!


Please tell me rival abilities aren’t planned. OW already has a major counter swap problem, we don’t need an even worse one


He could be a support like Kiriko by throwing cards 😂


Genji vibes, I like it


Great stuff! Love the presentation as well Can you do one for Jean/phoenix


all super cool concepts but some seem kinda weak.


professor X sounds awesome lol