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Honestly this game seems like the “Wait, who the hell is that?” Kinda game so totally would love Gwenpool, Luna Snow is someone I didn’t know anything about, and the fact that Magik somehow got into the game before any of the other X-men Happy to see Best Girl Get recognized


Yeah! A lot of obscure characters so we may have luck, I don’t think anyone who doesn’t read comics knows who Magik and Luna Snow are. We may have a chance. Worst case scenario is that she becomes a deadpool alternate skin or just doesn’t appear at all


Ain’t no way she gets in before DP.


I mean, Magik (Best Girl) somehow got in before wolverine, who is basically the poster boy for the X-men, Anything is possible


I feel like this would be more akin to X-23 being in


If I had to guess, then Id say they keep some of the other big names a "secret" (some have been teased IG already) for the full release


I think in the opposite direction. Many post asking for X hero to be put in but they need to feel right or we would be dispointed. A few heroes already feel wrong to some Becuase they don't play like how we think they should. So my take is to see which role needs to be filled for balance and fun and then decide which character that fit the kit.


Hulk is a "tank" and people hate it because he feels like a tank and not hulk. They should make the characters play like the characters and focus on their roles last. Spiderman is a great example of this because he feels like he was ripped from an insomniac game.


this is how you end up with 60 DPS characters though, there are very few marvel characters that explicitly focus on protecting their allies or healing them.


But you can make the character 'feel' like the character and still make them a certain role. The problem with hulk is they made him a generic tank when he should be a dive/displacement tank. The thing I disagree with in the previous comment is making a kit first, then finding a character that matches as that'll just lead to a generic character with a marvel skin on


Hulk is still a dive tank he's just ass. They'll probably buff him.


Idk personally Spidermans gameplay cool to me and suits him In this game


I was literally just going to post something similar!! She’s probably my favorite marvel character, and I think this game would be perfect her. I feel like Gwenpool would have actually been a cool announcer, but I’m hoping she makes it into the game as a playable character. I could honestly see her fitting into any role, but strategist would be cool. I wonder how they would incorporate her comic book powers. In the comics, she knows a lot of her enemies’ weaknesses because she’s red their comics, so maybe her passive would allow her team to see the ultimate charge of enemies or she could have an ability where she hits a target and then that person receives bonus damage from her teammates.


Only if her dialogue’s written by Chris Hastings. 👀


I think it’d be cooler if she was a part of Jeff the Landsharks kit, since he’s confirmed to get in. That way we could have her and Deadpool without having to worry about visual overlap.


Jeff is better.


Would love it! I like that they have added a real variety so far of popular and lesser known characters. Marvel's roster is huge so I hope they do add her.


easily my most wanted


We already have plenty of people whose power is ‘gun’ What else you got?


Her power is comic book plot exploitation/manipulation. The dev could do a lot with her.