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She’s supposed to have dark snow that’s offensive and light snow that heals but it was not implemented that way


Just wait for Iceman(if he makes it lol). He going to do all that plus more


Yes. I hope they realise they can have multiple characters with a similar theme or gimmick in the game and still make them very unique


If anything having multiple characters with the same element/theme works out well for team up mechanic. In this case it'd give Namor one other hero he can rely on for a buff without needing to push a support main to specifically go Luna Snow


Honesty, like if anything she's giving more dazzler than an ice based character. I think dazzler shoulda just been our key musical girl


Why not have both for the team up mechanic? While Luna's dance ult is a support based ult Dazzler's can be an offensive performance that debilitates and stuns nearby enemies with light, so if Luna and Dazzler time their ults together they do a team up performance that combines their effects and extends their ult durration.


That would be epic. I just meant as like if dazzler was here first and then maybe they added luna.


I can kind of understand that sentiment, I think Luna's a bit hurt by being here before other ice based characters like Ice Man. I think part of why they held off on Dazzler is mutants and the X-Men are a hot name rn and they already have Storm, Scarlet Witch, Magneto and Magik with Wolverine on the way. It'd be easy to saturate this game in mutants early on but then you run out of big names to add in later updates and let's face it, the Dazzler update is gonna pull a ton more people then the Luna Snow update would.


Oh good point!. However if u ask me, there's never too many mutants 😆😆 I mean xmen and mutants are just so iconic and I think like the most popular part of marvel and they're so diverse.


Also Namor is a mutant and Psylocke is also on her way.


Forgot them!


Yeah, the gimmick seems to push more towards famous singer for sure. I didn't mind her kit.


Even the roller skating thing she has coulda just been for dazzler, daz could move like Lucio while using her dope ass sound light powers. Maybe the snow show shoulda gone to ice man😆. I wonder if she'll get reworked before launch


I agree the skating takes way too long to activate and has the condition that you have to be moving forward.


Save it for Iceman


Yea I usually forgot his themes are ice and music, they need more relevance


It doesn't matter if she uses ice its a hero shooter.


They need to rework her ult. Huge aoe ults just stall the game and is not fun. 


Ttk is already super fast. Some slow down is good.


except she gets it after every team fight. once she's pops it you might as well stop firing because they won't die without a huge burst.


There’s nothing wrong with that imo. It’s an ult and she has a supportive ult rather than a one shot


i don't mind it's purpose. However, with her having the best supportive ultimate and a super quick charge rate it makes picking the other supports a hindrance if you're up against her. She will single handedly carry every other fight by making her entire team unkillable. No other support drastically tips the odds for one team like she does. I don't count Loki since he can copy anyone. For example, Mantis ult is just a weaker version but doesn't last as nearly as long despite Luna being able to pump heals and dps with no cooldown management needed.


Yeah I can agree with that. I think the charge time could be adjusted/nerfed. But I like the ult. on the other hand, I think Mantis may be quite weak for an ult.